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Brother Jim’s Testimony Statement

I personally believe “The Book Of Mormon is true and The Church is true.” This is exactly what an angel told me on January 30th, 1977, at 2:30 P.M.

I often use the phrase, “IF The Book Of Mormon is true or not true,” to play the devil’s advocate and illustrate what if. This is a way of demonstrating the absurd by being absurd. The absurd is illustrated and proven everyday by silly and imprudent men in expensive suits that are known as General Authorities in the Mormon Church.

I have had six Stake Presidents testify to me I am subject to and receptive to “familiar spirits” and “contrary spirits” that are evil and have caused my thinking to be altered from reality and that I can not think prudently or normal. It is a wonder the Mormon Church hasn’t arranged to have me hauled off to the Funny Farm in a straight jacket.

Officially the Mormon Church has ordered me in an official letter, on Church stationary, by “counsel and conditions imposed [ordered] as outlined below:

  1. “Cease to write and make statements that are in opposition to the church and its leaders.
  2. “Cease to teach that Mormon 8:38 specifically means The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leaders.
  3. “Cease to write and speak about alleged wrongs and perceived inappropriate behavior of other fellow members.
  4. “Study the scriptures and teachings of our past and current apostles and prophets regarding the proper priesthood keys and line of authority for revelation pertaining to the church and its members.
  5. “Prayerfully seek to have and enjoy the true gift of the Holy Ghost and to avoid contrary spirits.”

Brother Jim is NOT kidding. This was really included in a letter, right on Mormon Church letterhead, signed by Stake President Terrance Thedell, and “affirmed” by The First Presidency, giving me counsel that is contrary to the scriptures, especially the peculiar Mormon scriptures like The Book Of Mormon. Let me address some of the follies that the silly and imprudent Stake President Thedell wrote for the whole world to see.

  1. First of all what Stake President Terrance Thedell wrote in this letter was affirmed by the Mormon Church First Presidency, President Thomas S. Monson, President Henry B. Eyring and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in an official letter on Mormon Church stationary and signed by all three. This letter was read to me by President Thedell, on April 1st, 2012 and Brother Jim calls this infamous letter of the past, The April Fool’s Day Letter. Maybe Brother Jim should change that name to The Infamous April Fool’s Day Letter? I think I will.
  2. Doesn’t President Thedell’s letter sound like a Court Gag Order Letter? Yes it does and Brother Jim may start calling it The Gag Order Letter. Isn’t it interesting the Mormon Church First Presidency, known by the Mormon faithful as “Prophets, Seers and Revelators” would be a party to an infamous Gag Order Letter? I have just decided to change the name to The Infamous Mormon Church Court Gag Order Letter AKA, The “Stomp On Jesus, Mock Trial, Church Court, decision letter. OK, IF the First Presidency were truly Prophets of God would they really support such a fraud as the “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court President Thedell called for, doctored up to suit his needs, pride, ambitions and sent to SLC? Details to be posted on the Mock Trial Page of this website.
  3. As pertaining to President Thedell’s item 1, I am only echoing the Words of Jesus Christ in His Warning, The Exploding Boomerang Warning (Jesus Christ’s Warning), that is a faithful and true Warning from Jesus Christ, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true? Is there anything wrong with a Mormon following The Book Of Mormon? Is there anything wrong with a Christian following Jesus? Apparently there is in the Mormon Church!
  4. As pertaining to President Thedell’s item 2, Brother Jim DID NOT start teaching, “that Mormon 8:38 specifically means The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leaders,” Jesus Christ did, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true? Doesn’t President Thedell believe The Book Of Mormon is true or believe Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority in Christianity? Obviously anyone that ignores Jesus Christ is NOT a Christian by definition.
  5. As pertaining to President Thedell’s item 3, the  “alleged wrongs and perceived inappropriate behavior” are NOT “alleged” or “perceived.” Many of the criminal Mormons that Brother Jim has made reference to and/or complaints about have been arrested, charged and convicted and/or have plea bargained in a court of law. One such law breaker plea bargained his pathetic circumstance so he would not have to serve jail time but was on probation for one year. That law breaking Mormon still served as a bishopric member, conducting interviews for temple recommends, while on probation with the full knowledge and approval of Stake President Thedell because I told and complained about this situation to President Thedell at the time Brother Jason Pulispher was convicted and sentenced to probation. The proof was right in the newspapers. Actually I made a formal complaint to The First Presidency, about Stake President Thedell, about probable causes I presented that President Thedell stole his Church F.M. Manager job from other more qualified applicants. One would think Stake President Thedell would disqualify himself to preside over any Church Court involving Brother Jim on the basis of NOT being able to be impartial. NOT SO!!!  After I made these accusations Stake President Thedell personally called a hurried up Church Court on Brother Jim and then secretly introduced The Letter With No Name and made trumped up charges to make the Court documents look good for SLC so SLC wouldn’t ask any questions.  Details and more to be posted on the Mock Trial and SMP People Pages of this website.
  6. As pertaining to President Thedell’s item 4, Brother Jim has been “stud[ing] the scriptures and teachings of our past and current apostles and prophets regarding the proper priesthood keys and line of authority for revelation pertaining to the church and its members” and has discovered a lot of conflict with what Church leaders say and what the scriptures say, especially the peculiar scriptures specific to the Mormon Faith. For example Mormon Church leaders claim no one has a right to revelation except for that narrow scope of specific assignment, assigned by the Mormon Church leadership. That is NOT what The Book Of Mormon says! In Moroni 10:5, it states, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” Does that sound like The Holy Ghost is limited on what He can reveal and to whom? The exact same person, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true, who wrote this counsel about The Holy Ghost was the same who penned  The Exploding Boomerang Warning [Jesus Christ’s Warning] too, The Book Of Mormon Prophet, Moroni. It would seem if President Thedell and President Monson are denying Brother Jim a temple recommend and threatening excommunication against Brother Jim for quoting Moroni, then they would also withhold Moroni’s temple recommend (Remember Moroni is on top of the temple as pictured on this website.) and be threatening excommunication against Moroni too. Actually, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, Moroni and Brother Jim are only echoing and repeating the Words of Jesus Christ (Moroni 10:27). Would President Thedell (and President Rodman too) and President Monson withhold Jesus’s temple recommend and be threatening excommunication against Jesus too? Probably. That is what the “inspired” official Mormon Church leadership manual says you have to do. :(
  7. As pertaining to President Thedell’s item 5, Brother Jim has strived to, “Prayerfully seek to have and enjoy the true gift of the Holy Ghost and to avoid contrary spirits.” That is exactly why this website is up and going and exactly why the Mormon Church in general and specifically the Mormon Church leaders are now embarrassed, ashamed and have egg all over their faces! Brother Jim is the one who is being directed by The Holy Ghost and the Mormon Church leaders’ own actions and pathetic results show they have NOT “enjoy[ed] the true gift of the Holy Ghost” or they would NOT be caught up in so many lies and embarrassing things right now. I don’t think many Mormon Church leaders are capable of embarrassment becasue their consciences have been so seared and IF this is true they are past feelings and way past any gift of The Holy Ghost anyway.

Obviously President Terrance Thedell, and 5 other Stake Presidents, two entire Springfield, Mo. Stake High Councils, The First Presidency, President Thomas S. Monson, President Henry B. Eyring, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf don’t think much of The Book Of Mormon and IF The Book Of Mormon is true, don’t think much of Jesus Christ either. And any weak kneed Mormon who supports these Angels of Satan  disguised as legitimate church leaders, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true, are just as bad as these Church leaders are! IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true, then all the above are Angels of Satan for promoting a fraud that The Book Of Mormon is true and participating in the folly of Mormonism! OK, Mormon Church leaders, is The Book Of Mormon true or is it a fraud? Remember, actions speak louder than words so choose your words carefully and make sure your words match your actions!

IF The Book Of Mormon is true, then Jesus Christ’s Warning is true too. IF Jesus Christ’s Warning is true then Brother Jim is a  martyr for Jesus Christ at the hands of Mormon Church leaders. IF Brother Jim is a martyr for Jesus Christ at the hands of Mormon Church leaders then what does that say about the Mormon Church leaders? The reader/visitor can be the judge on that.

Here are the bare bones reality:

1. IF the Mormon Church is the one and only True Church it has a sacred obligation to protect itself from “pollutions” and “hypocrites” from within.

2. IF the Mormon Church can not protect itself from the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” then it will at some time cease to be The True Church, if it ever was, and not be worthy to receive Jesus Christ at His Second Coming.

3. IF the Mormon General Authorities are unwilling and/or incapable of protecting The Church from these “pollutions” and “hypocrites” then the rank and file members have an obligation and a Duty to God to do everything in their power to rid The Church of “pollutions” and “hypocrites” (Ether 8:24). This is exactly what and why Brother Jim has been doing and exactly why he is doing this website right now because nothing else has worked in the past. Proof of the Mormon Church just ignoring legitimate complaints, inquiries and suggestions is right on this website and noted where the proof can be found elsewhere often right in the news like the Kate Kelly Story. Brother Jim has tried to interact with the Mormon Church leadership as Mr. Nice Guy but that just hasn’t worked, Brother Jim has just been ignored or punished for his righteous efforts and his testimony The Book Of Mormon is true. Does anyone in their right mind think a church ignoring legitimate issues is an inspired way of doing business? Would God do business like that? Not just NO but H#&* NO!!!! So if God would NOT do business this way, why would His Church? that is IF the Mormon Church is true. The evidence is the Mormon Church, IF it ever was true, is close to NOT being true or is totally NOT true now!

In the past two decades several of my Stake Presidents have tried to convince me I am the target of evil spirits and this is why I have received evil revelations I have summed up as, and have learned to call, Jesus Christ’s Warning[The Exploding Boomerang Warning]]. Stake President Thedell counseled me that my thinking The Holy Ghost directed me to The Book Of Mormon one day about “the holy church of God” being the Mormon Church, was in reality like Satan directing me to a crystal ball to receive Satan’s evil revelations. So The Book Of Mormon is like unto a “crystal ball?” used by Satan? to reveal Satan’s evil revelations to the world is the official Mormon Church doctrine? as expressed by Stake President Thedell! Perhaps Stake President Thedell has attended some Christian sponsored cult awareness seminars about The Book Of Mormon being a fraud and has become enlightened and converted?

OK, if the revelations about Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning] are from evil spirits then my testimony that “The Book Of Mormon is true and The Church is true” must be from evil spirits too. They have all come from the same source. I suppose there are a lot of Christian churches that would officially agree with Stake President Thedell’s explanation too. Perhaps President Thedell will join a good Protestant church and forget about The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church soon? The Mormon Church would benefit but I feel sorry for the Christian church he might join. :)

The Mormon Church can’t have this both ways. Apparently the Mormon Church leaders like revelations that support them and do NOT like revelations that do not support them even when they have, according to official Mormon Church doctrine, come from Jesus Christ Himself.

Here is how a person can know if a revelation comes from God or not:

1. True Godly revelations will always be supported by existing truths if you know those truths and are able to consider-discern those existing truths.

2. False revelations will always be disproved by existing truths if you know those truths and are able to consider-discern those existing truths.

Obviously a person has to be careful to recognize and be able to discern what is truth and what is error for this to work properly. This is exactly why we have the Holy Scriptures and the companionship of The Holy Ghost for a sure benchmark as to what is truth and error.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that. The process may be difficult and take some time to work things out but the pattern is simple and every Christian should know this pattern.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that to be able to understand the Mormon Church General Authorities unanimously, and the “yes men” Mormon leaders below them, have denied The Book Of Mormon is true by denying a significant part of that “book of scripture.” For a reliable scripture, meaning a scripture all Christians can believe, consider Revelation 22:18-19 which specifically warns of trifling with the scriptures and adding to and taking away from the Words of God. Mormons be warned!!!

Again, I personally believe “The Book Of Mormon is true and The Church is true.” This is exactly what an angel told me on January 30th, 1977, at 2:30 P.M. Apparently The Church was still true in 1977 however how long can a church “polluted” by a leadership that are “hypocrites” continue to stay true? I don’t know and this is obviously a judgment call for Jesus Christ Himself. According to Mormon 8:41, the vengeance of Jesus Christ will “soon cometh.”

What more can I say?

In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Brother Jim

Posted April 26, 2014

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The general nature of “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” is in their secrecy. Obviously it is hard to prove secrets, lies and stealing. Sometimes the fruits of secrets, lies and stealing do surface but to present absolute proof is difficult unless someone from the inside comes forward as a witness or documentation from the inside can be produced.

For these reasons what is on this website, unless presented with absolute proof, has to be considered to be Brother Jim’s “opinion.”

I hope this satisfies the lawyers of the world. :)

Brother Jim

Posted July 20, 2014

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