Note: To go to the Home Page click onto the picture of Moroni.
General Notice Of Information And Conditions: For years I have been trying to convince Mormons about the urgency of The Exploding Boomerang Warning. When in Rome you do as the Romans do, right. It is no different with Mormonism. While writing and talking to Mormons I worded and phrased things according to the traditions of Mormonism which would include The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church is true. I called The Exploding Boomerang Warning, Jesus Christ’s Warning because according to the dialogue of The Book Of Mormon, Jesus Christ caused it to be written. Perhaps, stupid me.
Even though I tried to patronize Mormons they still wouldn’t listen to me and by their own actions they have proven that they DO NOT BELIEVE The Book Of Mormon. Obviously, IF they believed The Book Of Mormon the Mormons would NOT trifle with or “transfigure” The Book Of Mormon, right? Actually I believe The Book Of Mormon is true which leads to the unfortunate reality that the Mormon Church has passed the line where it is so polluted by so many “hypocrites” it can no longer be considered “the holy church of God” by anyone including Mormons IF they would be honest with themselves. Fat chance of that.
So when you read statements by myself, especially in letters to Mormons, don’t be surprised or concerned with the wording about The Book Of Mormon or the Mormon Church is true. All the Mormons’ personal actions speak much louder than words and obviously they think they know much more than Jesus Christ or poor little Brother Jim. The Mormon Church General Authorities have access to much more documentation and Church historical information than I, or anyone else, would have access to and perhaps they know or have proof a rascally phantom ghost writer did actually write The Book Of Mormon in the late 1820s. IF this is true than that would explain why the Mormon General Authorities are acting the way they are about The Exploding Boomerang Warning. The explanation would be they have been hiding the proof that The Book Of Mormon is false and by extension The Exploding Boomerang Warning is null and void. Unfortunately for the Mormons and especially for the Mormon General Authorities, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, and poor little Brother Jim knows it is, then by extension The Exploding Boomerang Warning is valid and in full force against the Mormons and especially the Mormon General Authorities.
Index Of The Other Articles Page:
1. The Boomerang Effect. The Exploding Boomerang Warning could become a Boomerang Effect, IF Mormons would want it to.
2. The Truth May Be Outlawed Soon, Instructions how to make your own copy of this website without any cost.
3. “Mormonism and the Negro” and “The Church And The Negro,” Proof positive Mormons are bigots and will say stupid things in a public forum.
4. Anti-Mormon, A commentary on how Mormons in general try to distort the meanings of words to suit their purposes. In this case anti-Mormon.
5. Warnings From Mormon Church Leaders Past, Some insight how Mormon Church leaders in the past may have understood Jesus Christ’s Warning.
6. Missionary Success, An article about the public information available that proves Mormon General Authorities are mismanaging The Church.
7. Asking For Help From President Monson, Brother Jim has always been honest and straight forward with the Mormon Church and its leaders.
8. Blasphemy Against The Holy Ghost
9. Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning], You are without excuse (Romans 1:20):
10. Letter About Harry Reid, Letter written by Brother Jim asking why The Church covers for rascals like Harry Reid.
11. It is dangerous to be right when the Mormon Church is wrong!, No explanation needed with this obvious truth however, Brother Jim may be in danger.
12. Black and White, Commentary about just how obvious some things really are.
13. Tithing Money, Commentary about how all Mormon Church General Authorities have been stealing Jesus Christ’s tithing money.
14. Emergency Preparedness, Brother Jim’s “suggestions” for the Mormon Church and members.
15. Omertà, The Mormon Church Code Of Silence.
16. Yearbook Pictures Comparison, A Utah high school compared to a Texas high school. Pride verses charity.
17. A Good Tick Remedy, How to get a tick off that has its head buried.
18. The Power Of Suggestion, How The Power Of Suggestion can influence a person down paths of error.
19. The Truth And The Light, How can the Mormon Church find fault with the truth?
20. President Thomas S. Monson Has The Power, President Monson has the power and authority to weed out the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” but he will not.
21. The U.S.S. Battleship Missouri, A comparison between Big MO and Brother Jim.
22. Kate Kelly, John Dehlin and Church Courts, A comparison with others’ Church Courts and Brother Jim’s
23. The Psychology Of Cognitive Dissonance, How this affects a Mormon’s way of thinking about Jesus Christ’s Warning.
24. New Revelations And Information, Brother Jim may have to “eat some crow” about Mormon women ordained to the priesthood.
25. The Kate Kelly Story, Brother Jim’s Profile submitted to
26. The Great Apostasy,By Elder (Phd) James E. Talmage, A comparison to historical evidence of apostasy in the Dark Ages and the Mormon Church today.
27. Facts That Will Change How You Look At The Mormon Church And Mormon Church Leaders, Food for thought.
28. The Kate Kelly Story, is The Tail Wagging The Dog? Commentary about a very weak “official” Mormon Church statement.
29. Casting Doubt Upon The Church, Blame the ones responsible as the “hypocrites” responsible for “polluting the holy church of God.”
30. Special Note About My Mission With, Why there is a website,
31. Write A Letter, IF anyone cares about this whole mess then they will start a letter writing campaign of their own. If they don’t care they won’t and Jesus will know.
32. Hind Sight Is 20/20 And True Prophets See Forward 20/20, Today’s Mormon apostles are buffoons in expensive suits.
33. Warning And Disclaimer, To all Mormons.
34. Letter To Elder Holland, An Apostle Of Jesus Christ In The Mormon Church, Pointing out he has stated Jesus Christ’s Warning is directed towards Mormons.
35. Tithing Money In The Mormon Church, How Mormon Church General Authorities relabel (creative bookkeeping) tithing money for pet private projects.
36. The City Creek Center Mall Costs To Build Just Doesn’t Add Up!!!, A story of using tithing money for big kickbacks.
37. Olive Branch Letter To The First Presidency, Hopefully they can swallow their pride on this one.
38. Follies Of The Mormon Church, Interesting true stories about the follies of Mormonism.
39. Letter To Brigham Young University, Specifically calling out Keith J. Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley A. Johnson for poor scholarship.
40. Kate Kelly’s Appeals Documents, Sister Kate Kelly posted her appeals documents on her website.
41. The Bottom Line
42. Here is my letter
43. Fair Notice To All Mormons
44. General Legal Disclaimer from July, 2014
46. Courtesy Letter To Fair Mormon, The Parent Company of
47. Another Example Of Fair Mormons Being A “Spin Zone”
48. Even Another Example Of Fair Mormons Being A “Spin Zone”
49. “MormonVoices Decries Use of Proof-Texting in Attacks Against the Church
50. Mormon Code Of Ethics
51. Is Brother Jim In Trouble?
52. Profiles In Courage
54. Truth Is Eternal
55. “Forgive And Forget”
56. Special Message To All Mormons
57. Open Letter To All Christian Leaders And Scholars
58. The Ongoing Saga Of The Kate Kelly Story. For some reason the Stake President is sitting on the appeals letter(s).
59. The Mormon Church And Black People Now. Compare Article #3 also.
60. Oklahoma University Competes With The Mormon Church And BYU. The O.U. Stupid And Slanderous Letter
61. Creating A Space For Mormons To Articulate Issues. Why can’t the Mormon Church be more cooperative? Kate Kelly specifically mentioned.
62. Every Mormon Knows The Truth about the “pollutions” and corruptions in the Mormon Church.
63. A Breath Of Fresh Air. Support good over evil when the opportunity arises.
64. “True Grit” Verses True Stupidity. Commentary for the ongoing Kate Kelly Story.
65. A Well Oiled Machine Or Corporation. Commentary on how the Mormon General Authorities are incompetent compared to past Mormon generations.
66. Can The Mormon Church Borrow Pope Francis For A Season? Essay on how little manhood The First Presidency really has in their testimony for Jesus Christ.
67. Priestcrafts And Iniquities In The Mormon Church. The Mormon Church Leadership Manuals represent modern day priestcrafts.
68. Two Honest Letters Of Inquiry That Are Being Ignored By The Mormon First President. Here are two, among dozens of others, honest letters of inquiry Brother Jim has sent in the past to The Mormon Church First Presidency and The First Presidency has only showed rudeness (A Lamanite trait, 1 Nephi 18:9 and 2 Nephi 2:1) in return. May you read these honest letters of inquiry and then you be the judge if The Mormon Church First Presidency should be rude and just ignore these letters.
69. The Goodness And Mercy Of God In Prayer. Brother Jim’s exchange with The Holy Ghost about the goodness and mercies of the principle of prayer.
70. Be Careful!!! A report on who should really be careful in the Mormon Church.
71. First Presidency Messages, This will be an ongoing article demonstrating the “pollutions” and hypocrisy of The First Presidency of the Mormon Church in their monthly messages in the Ensign.
72. People will be going to hell with “That is your interpretation” on their lips.
73. Thin Skinned Church Leader “Hypocrites.” They can dish it out but they can’t take it.
74. Mormon Church General Authority Spiritual Pigmy “Hypocrites” Get Crammed.
75. Was my article a “hot potato?” On Feb. 19, 2015 my article was approved and posted.
76. Elder L. Tom Perry, an Apostle, says, “Moroni’s last words [Mormon 8:34-38] to the members [Mormons] of the Church [Mormon Church] are written as a warning.” This is proof positive The Stupid Letter With No Name, that wrongfully convicted me in Church Court, is a lie written by incompetent Mormon Church employees.
77. The Man Makes His Priesthood. There is a saying in the U.S. Military that, “The uniform doesn’t make the man but the man makes his uniform.”
78. I Had A Dream. How can we know Jesus Christ’s Warning is true?
79. Kate Kelly Denied Her Appeal By The First Presidency. This is the article I intended to post on LDS Freedom Forum first but they are working on their server.
80. The Church pulled an Elder Poelman in 1984. I am giving you two links of an incredible story how Church officials changed Elder Poelman’s October 1984 General Conference talk, why they did it and how they did it.
81. There Are NO Flaws Or “False Doctrine”!!! This article was relocated from the Home Page to the Other Articles Page on May 31, 2015.
82. Take The Confederate Flag Down! Could this be a cleaver plan of Satan to take the Book of Mormon out of circulation? Posted July 4, 2015
83. Stay in a leaky boat? Why? Article about the USS Good Ship Mormon Church. Posted August 10, 2015.
84. The 21st Century Mormon Zoo & Circus. Article about some of the animals & clowns known as Mormons. Posted August 16, 2015.
85. The Kate Kelly Influence. How The First Presidency is caving to the winds of public opinion and political correctness pertaining to long standing policy in The Church. Posted August 21, 2015.
86. Owning The Harm That You Cause. Will Mormon Church leaders ever give up their pride and admit they have purposely and wrongfully hurt others? Other Articles Page as Article #86. Posted August 26, 2015.
87. The Mormon Church Punishes Its Members For Telling The Truth! Posted August 29, 2015.
88. When Revelation Is Blowing In The Wind. Posted September 2, 2015.
89. Finding Fault With The Righteous. Posted September 3, 2015.
90. The Mormon Church Is Stuck In The 16th Century. Posted September 3, 2015
91. Just How Stupid Can That Be? Posted September 5, 2015.
92. Nobody Has An Obligation To Be A Victim Or A Chump! Posted September 6, 2015.
93. Three Planks Of The Democrat Party Platform. Posted September 10, 2015.
94. The Evolution Of Evil. Posted September 11, 2015.
95. A False Religion. The proof is President Monson is a fallen prophet. Posted September 16, 2015.
96. The Mormon Church Flat Earth Society. Posted September 17, 2015.
97. It Just Doesn’t Seem To Register. Posted September 18, 2015.
98. Ignorant/Stupid Mormons. Posted September 20, 2015.
99. Thin Skin. I am not sure exactly what to make of this situation but my instincts seem to indicate the Mormon Church General Authority and lawyer has thin skin. Posted September 27, 2015.
100. My Challenge Was Heard !!! Posted October 5, 2015.
101. “Save A Few Only.” Posted October 6, 2015.
102. “Who Swear By the Name Of The Lord.” Posted October 8, 2015.
103. Ponderize-A Three Ring Circus. Posted October 9, 2015
104. Bastardize. The result of ponderize. Posted October 11, 2015.
105. To Ponder; “that is the question.” Posted October 11, 2015
106. Pathological Personalities. posted October 12, 2015.
The Boomerang Effect (Article #1)
I am going to put this article at the top of the Other Articles Page hoping Mormons will read this and take a hint. The Exploding Boomerang Warning could become a Boomerang Effect, IF Mormons would want it to. What I mean by this is because of The Exploding Boomerang Warning Mormons have an opportunity to take a real good, hard and close look at themselves and do what it would take for the Mormon Church to return to its original state of nice people not involved with “hypocrites” and polluting The Church.
The Mormon Church has gone way out there and is staying way out there with radical hypocrisy and “pollutions.” I do not think Mormonism started out being radical hypocrisy and “pollutions” in its beginnings. Just like a boomerang that comes back to its original place of launch, the Mormon Church could come back to The Church that it used to be without the “hypocrites” and “pollutions” that have corrupted Mormonism today.
As anyone can see, even a little child, the Mormons can take The Exploding Boomerang Warning, apply it to themselves, make the appropriate changes and corrections, and boomerang right back to the righteousness Mormons were known for in the 19th Century, in other words The Boomerang Effect.
Until The Boomerang Effect takes hold The Exploding Boomerang Warning will have a strangle hold on Mormonism until it self-destructs.
I really do not know what more I can say that will make any difference to a Mormon. Perhaps someone else can talk to the Mormons for me?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 15, 2014
The Truth May Be Outlawed Soon (Article #2)
I just heard an interesting article on the Jerry Doyle Show tonight. Apparently there is legislation in the European Union to outlaw truth on the Internet if it is embarrassing to someone. The Internet is worldwide so in order to not get in trouble with the European Union the Internet companies may take the easy route and disallow any truth on the Internet that could be embarrassing to anyone like what this website,, does everyday to the Mormon Church and its leaders.
My advice is for you to make yourself a copy of this website. One way, with no cost, is to 1. Left click and highlight the whole page. 2. Right click and copy. 3. Right click on an e-mail to yourself and paste. You now have an electronic copy of this website for your own records.
Do the exact same thing for the Home Page, Mission Statement Page, Testimony Page, Mock Trial Page, Title Of Liberty Page, Other Scriptures Page, SMP People Page, Other Articles Page and Contact Information Page. Now you have a complete electronic copy for yourself you can send in an e-mail to anyone you wish and/or make paper copies if you wish to do that.
The bottom line is you will have a copy in case the European Union does outlaw the truth and is successful in shutting down this website. Having your own backup copy is just a good idea if you are interested in Jesus Christ’s Warning as it pertains to whether The Book Of Mormon is true or false.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 19, 2014
“Mormonism and the Negro”
“The Church And The Negro” (Article #3)
Note: It is obviously quite appropriate, according to the Mormon Church, for Mormons in good standing with the Mormon Church, with temple recommends, to trash the poor and defenseless with all manner of “strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities” (Mormon 8:36). I will now present to you three good brothers in the Mormon Church who apparently despised the “Negros” and were envied (Mormon 8:36) by Mormon Church leaders and often invited to speak in Mormon Church meetings in Mormon Church meeting houses to expound on the “Negro.” Obviously what these three brothers wrote was officially endorsed by the Mormon Church because they were invited to lecture to local congregations by the local Mormon Church leaders with the obvious knowledge and approval of the Mormon Church General Authorities. Oops!
The first authors are Mormon Brother John J. Stewart and Mormon Brother William E. Bennett who lent his name and supporting articles to Brother Stewart’s book, Mormonism and the Negro.
Some of what is contained in this book, and no doubt were expounded on in Mormon Church meetings, are:
- Speaking about all Negros are the direct decedents of Cain, the first murderer, Brother Stewart stated, “Note, also, that part of Cain’s curse was to have as his posterity those spirits [Negros] unable to bear the Priesthood in this life. In view of the importance that humans rightly attach to their children, their posterity, what greater curse could come upon Cain, as pertaining to this life? And what could be more appropriate than for these spirits [Negros] to have such a man as Cain as their progenitor?
- Another recorded historical incident in this book was a Mormon Elder who anointed an “Negro” for a priesthood blessing. After this anointing this Mormon Elder stated, “I anointed him and while I had my hands upon his head, I never had such unpleasant feelings in my life. And I said, ‘I never would again anoint another person who had Negro blood in him unless I was commanded by the Prophet to do so.”
- There are over 75 pages of this kind of stuff about “Negros” in this book.
The Church And The Negro by Mormon Brother John J. Lund:
- “No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood.”
- Speaking about “the intermarriage of the Negro and white races, a concept which has heretofore been most repugnant to most normal-minded people from the ancient patriarchs till now.”
- The Preface has a statement, “Church leaders in high positions were consulted…the author was encouraged to exercise his rights as an individual to publish this book.”
- There are over 100 pages of this kind of stuff in this book.
Brother Jim has sought the guidance of “Church leaders in high positions” but no encouragement to exercise my Constitutional rights was ever granted.
What is the difference? The difference is it is OK to beat up on anyone except a Mormon Church leader no matter how much that Mormon Church leader deserves it. Negros, Single Adults, perceived anti-Mormon people, anyone except a Mormon Church leader is fair game to abuse and speak all manner of untrue ills about.
Just look at Senator Harry Reid. He beats up on the defenseless all the time and steers the Federal Government to attack them if they will not cave in and go away.
Question: What do you think Jesus Christ’s attitude about all of this is?
Answer: The answer can be found in Jesus Christ’s Warning.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
Anti-Mormon (Article #4)
Mormons seem to have an issue with anything they perceive to be anti-Mormon. This website has been called by some Mormons as anti-Mormon.
One definition of anti-Mormon is any statement that could discredit the Mormon Church or the Mormon People. This is a good definition and describes many articles that have tried to discredit The Book Of Mormon, the Mormon Church and the Mormon People. However, using this definition The Book Of Mormon is anti-Mormon because of Jesus Christ’s Warning which specifically describes most Mormons as having “pride,” the Mormon Church as having “pollutions” and Mormon “teachers” (Mormon General Authorities) being responsible for the “pollutions” in the Mormon Church.
Let me present a more accurate definition for the word anti-Mormon. This would be any statement that would discredit the ancient Prophet Mormon.
In Mormon 8:1 we learn the ancient Prophet Mormon commanded his son, Moroni, to “finish the record of [his] father, Mormon,” which included Jesus Christ’s Warning.
So I have now introduced the literal definition of anti-Mormon as being specifically against or discrediting the ancient Prophet Mormon and this would also include any statement that would be against or discredit Jesus Christ’s Warning. This website supports, explains and teaches the true meaning of Jesus Christ’s Warning.
There was a Mormon Church Court held against me for contacting Mormon Church leaders about Jesus Christ’s Warning on January 18, 2012. There was a “decision” letter signed my The Springfield, Mo. Stake President dated January 19, 2012, specifically outlining “the counsel and conditions imposed” upon me if I ever wanted to be considered a Church member in good standing again. “The counsel and conditions imposed” were affirmed by The First Presidency by signed letter and read to me on April 1, 2012.
One of those “counsel and conditions imposed” was “Cease to teach that Mormon 8:38 specifically means The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leaders.” Obviously if “the holy church of God” does mean the Mormon Church and the term “teachers” does mean Mormon General Authorities is this NOT an anti-Mormon statement?
I will elaborate on all of this in other articles on this Other Articles Page. Watch for “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock-Trial, Church Court; The Letter With No Name; Brother Jim’s Formal Appeal Documents; The April Fool’s Day Letter; Unethical Church Court Practice Letter; etc.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
Warnings From Mormon Church Leaders Past (Article #5)
Speaking about the Mormon’s blind faith in their Church leaders Brigham Young stated:
“I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.” ( Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1954], 135.)
Obviously if Brigham Young did not have some kind of insight there would be Mormon Church leaders that would be bona fide “hypocrites” there would be no need for this kind of a warning statement over 100 years ago. If Brigham Young knew of conditions of “pollutions” and “hypocrites,” perhaps then and/or in the future, to justify this type of a warning over 100 years ago just think how conditions most probably have gotten worse now.
Perhaps Brigham Young knew about Jesus Christ’s Warning then the same as I know about it now and he was as concerned as I am now and this is exactly why he gave this statement when he was alive, to warn future generations.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
Missionary Success
There are very few things more important to a Mormon Church leader than the missionary success in the area of their jurisdiction. Ironically tempers flare and often compulsion is used in attempts to “get the numbers up.”
The Mormon Church is somewhat stagnate on their number of convert baptisms per year. That number has been about 275,000 per year for a long time.
Even though the total number of membership has increased the number of convert baptisms still stays about the same.
Perhaps two years ago The First Presidency tried something in an obvious effort to increase the convert baptism numbers. They lowered the age for a full-time missionary to 18 for both men and women. The minimum was 19 for men and 21 for women.
Within about a year this increased the number of full-time missionaries from about 55,000 to about 83,000. There has been about 83,000 full-time missionaries for more than one year now. Unfortunately the convert baptism number is still about the same for the past four years, about 275,000 each year.
Apparently The First Presidency did not understand the Law Of Diminishing Returns. This law states the more people you place in a work area after a certain point you will lose a certain percentage of productivity for each additional person.
Here is an example:
- You have a construction crew working on framing a house.
- The house is a small house, 1000 sq. ft.
- It takes 2 men 50 hours to frame this house for a total of 100 man hours.
- Perhaps a third man could be added without any diminishing returns. So 3 men working 33 1/3 hours to frame the house for a total of 100 man hours.
- Perhaps a fourth man could be added. Now since there are more people working in the same space doing the same work there will be some issues of waiting for something, etc. There is still some benefit having the fourth man. The house gets framed faster but there are more hours used to do the same work. So it will take 4 men working 27 hours to frame the house for a total of 108 hours.
- If you add a fifth man it may take 25 hours to frame the house for a total of 125 man hours.
- For each additional man you put on this framing crew the less productivity per person you will get for each man until the point where you will actually be going backwards in productivity using more people.
So it was with increasing the Mormon full-time missionary force. Mission presidents did not have anywhere to place this new increase in missionaries so the excess were placed in areas where there were missionaries already working. The numbers speak for themselves. Even though there are a lot more full-time missionaries the number of convert baptisms are still basically the same. The first Presidency was able to find that point where more missionaries actually cause productivity to go backwards and they were able to achieve that negative result.
[The Salt Lake Tribune ran a story similar to the above Missionary Service article I wrote. The Tribune article was in the April 26, 2014, paper.]
Another Explanation
Here is another explanation why the convert baptism numbers are stagnant. Because of all the “pride,” “pollutions,” and “hypocrites” that are in the Mormon Church at present the Lord will NOT allow more convert baptisms. Why would the Lord allow any more people to join a church that:
- Persecutes members for telling the truth?
- Doesn’t take care of the members they now have?
- Doesn’t do their home and visiting teaching above 50%?
- Presents The Book Of Mormon as true but they themselves do NOT believe The Book Of Mormon.
When Mormons, especially Mormon General Authorities, ignore, deny and “transfigure” scriptures like Jesus Christ’s Warning they are stating in their own undeniable actions they do NOT believe The Book Of Mormon is true. The only thing worse than to ignore, deny and “transfigure” Jesus Christ’s Warning is to fulfill this Warning with their own putrid-filthy actions of “pollutions” and hypocrisy (Mormon 8:38).
The truth is IF the Mormon Church were the only True Church then the Lord will prepare His people to be prepared and ready to accept this message, the message of The Restored Gospel, when a Mormon member and/or a Mormon full-time missionary presents it to them. They will take the missionary discussions and be baptized.
The truth is IF the Mormon Church were the only True Church and its members are “pollutions” and “hypocrites” anyone prepared by The Holy Ghost to accept gospel truth will also be able to discern the evil spirit of those “pollutions” and “hypocrites” and ignore any message of truth the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” may try to present. It is impossible for evil to present truth in any meaningful way even if the message is true. The evil spirit of the person overshadows any truth if there was any truth to present. That is one of the facts of life and how that works.
The truth is that a spirit of “pollutions” and “hypocrites” is still an evil spirit even if they have not been proven an evil spirit yet. For example any Mormon who has not been tested with the knowledge of Jesus Christ’s Warning is still the same evil spirit that will no doubt ignore, deny and “transfigure” Jesus Christ’s Warning if they have the chance to later.
People who are spiritual and close to the Lord and would make the best convert baptisms are also close enough to the spirit to recognize a “hypocrite” teaching gospel principles they themselves do not have a testimony of and will steer clear and NOT be baptized into the Mormon Church.
Yes the Mormon Church does get some baptisms but so do the Jehovah Witnesses. A lot of effort to recruit will eventually pay off some. What is being experienced by both churches is just a numbers game and the Mormon Church statistics only indicate they are within the perimeters of the numbers game for the amount of effort expended to the amount of success achieved just like the Jehovah Witness Church is successful in the same way.
When you play the numbers game for baptisms the unintended consequences can be the baptisms you do get are mostly people who will go inactive later anyway.
Obviously IF the Mormon Church were the only True church and their missionary success is staying this low then they need to evaluate the Church’s position of worthiness in reference to Jesus Christ’s Warning and act accordingly.
Compared to the Mormon Church’s missionary successes in the centuries past one has to wonder what has happened? On the morning of April 6, 1830, the Mormon Church had only 6 members. By the end of the day the Mormon Church had about 300 convert baptisms and members. What percentage of increase would that be? The answer is 5000% increase in just one day.
In the early 1800s some of the Mormon missionaries were referred to as “flock stealers” because they were able to enter into a church, preach The Book Of Mormon and convert everyone in that church meeting and all were baptized as convert members into the Mormon Church.
What is the difference between then and now? Nineteenth Century Mormons were a more righteous people and displayed a more convincing testimony of The Book Of Mormon. It is real hard to convince another of something you are not convinced of yourself. Openly and publicly denying The Book Of Mormon is no way to convince the world it is true.
My advice (not a directive to The Prophet as some Mormon Church leaders may ass-u-me) would be IF Mormon Church leaders want to have more missionary success they absolutely have to evaluate themselves and the Mormon Church organization using the benchmark of the Holy Scriptures and especially Jesus Christ’s Warning and then make the appropriate changes and adjustments to get back on the right path to righteousness.
I capitalized, underlined and highlighted “if” above because that is a big “if.” I don’t think most Mormons, and especially the Mormon Church General Authorities, will want to give up their “pollutions” long enough to win missionary success. 21st Century Mormons have demonstrated they do not want increased missionary success unless it can come easy and they do not have to give up their vises. Compared to 19th Century Mormons, 21st Century Mormons are spoiled brats and act like cry babies.
Late Entry, June 7, 2014: I did not know why at the time but I felt really impressed to refer to The Jehovah Witness Church as a comparison to the Mormon Church missionary efforts in this article. Today I decided to investigate the JW statistics on baptisms and see how they compared with the Mormon Church. Here is what I found right on the Internet.
1. “In the 10 years from 1996 to 2005 there were 2,968,732 baptisms” by the JW Church. That is an average of 296,873 baptisms per year. A little higher than the Mormon Church although this number for the JWs also include children of record baptisms.
2. In 2013 the JW Church claimed an active membership of about eight million. The Mormon Church claims 14 million members.
3. In 2013 the JW Church spent $200 million on their entire missionary program. Any guesses what the Mormon Church spends on their missionary program each year? A hint is many, many, many times what the JWs spend. The Mormon Church keeps costs like this a secret now but they use to publish these annual expenses every year too just like most other churches still do.
These figures are a little like comparing apples to oranges but they do illustrate a correct principle. When a church puts a lot of effort into proselyting there will be baptisms even if the church is NOT the only True Church. The JWs and the Mormons both claim the distinction of being the only True Church on earth and obviously both can not be that at the same time. So we see two churches putting a lot of effort into convert baptisms and it would seem the JWs are getting a lot more results with fewer members and a whole lot less money spent.
You be the judge. What does this comparison of these two churches indicate or prove? What does the Mormon Church’s doubling up on its missionary efforts and still getting stagnate results indicate or prove?
End of Late Entry————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Brother Jim Kelley
Original Article Posted April 25, 2014
Asking For Help From President Monson
I have asked dozens of time for the interpretation of “the holy church of God” from Mormon General Authorities including The Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. For the most part these “men of God” have been rude to me and just ignored me. Following is the latest attempt by me to try to work through Mormon Church leaders. I have been accused by my Stake Presidents of not wanting to work with Mormon Church leaders and trying to be a renegade on my own. Read this letter and make your own decision and form your own opinion about that.
I attached two documents to help reinforce receiving an answer since I have been ignored so often in the past. I really wanted an answer and I still do. It is still not too late for the answer I asked for in this letter.
Here is that letter:
April 3, 2014
To: The Prophet Of The Lord Jesus Christ, President Thomas S. Monson.
Subject: The intimidated have become the intimidators.
Reference: The interpretation of “the holy church of God.” Mormon 8:38.
Dear President Thomas S. Monson,
I have been meeting with some attorneys seeing if any of them will write a letter to you in my behalf about your interpretation of “the holy church of God.” The reason this interpretation is so important is:
- Jesus Christ’s Warning is important enough The Lord’s Prophet has a responsibility and duty to give their interpretation of this to the world.
- There was a Church Court on me over two years ago centered on the interpretation of “the holy church of God.” I have been disfellowshipped for revealing the correct interpretation as a direct reference to The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints.
- In the Church Court letter of disposition I was given an illegal and unethical order to never teach that “the holy church of God” means the Mormon Church.
The reason an attorney did not write this letter is because they are afraid of the Mormon Church’s “endless financial resources and [they] do not want to become a target” to be abused and harassed because of the Mormon Church. Congratulations, you have succeeded in making the Mormon Church the intimidator instead of being the intimidated as in the past.
I specifically promised my Stake President “I will not add anything else to the website,, as long as I can get satisfactory results working through The Church priesthood chain of command. “…I requested [Stake President Rodman] seek out President Monson’s interpretation of ‘the holy church of God.” President Rodman has refused.
I am now respectfully asking you, as The Prophet Of The Lord, to give me and my Stake President your interpretation of “the holy church of God.” For you not to interpretate Jesus Christ’s Warning may be blasphemy against the Holy Ghost on your part. See attached outlines, Blasphemy Against The Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ’s Warning, You are without excuse.
Most respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley, Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake.
Blasphemy Against The Holy Ghost
Specific Reference To Jesus Christ’s Warning
As Recorded In Mormon 8:33-41
Many Mormons will freely and forcefully testify The Holy Ghost has revealed to them The Book Of Mormon is true. Unfortunately many Mormons will then deny plain and precious scriptures contained in The Book Of Mormon and in reality they are denying The Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ.
One such plain and precious scripture can be called Jesus Christ’s Warning.
- Obviously Jesus Christ showed the Prophets Mormon and Moroni something (Mormon 8:34-35).
- Obviously the Prophet Mormon commanded his son, the Prophet Moroni, to write it down in The Book Of Mormon (Mormon 8:1).
- Obviously verses 1-13 specifically outlines and describes the end of the Nephite Nation as well as the end of The Church Of Jesus Christ in America at that time. Please note how Moroni specifically states, “I make an end of speaking concerning this people” obviously meaning the Lamanites and the Nephites.
- Obviously verses 14-25 specifically outlines and describes The Book Of Mormon will surely come forth. Notice how Moroni does NOT use the proper name of The Book Of Mormon but uses pronouns to refer to The Book Of Mormon. Obviously Moroni knew the proper name because of the Title Page he had.
- Obviously verses 26-32 specifically outlines and describes world conditions and the apostate churches at the time The Book Of Mormon is first published.
- Starting with verse 33, Moroni’s writing style changes dramatically. Moroni starts using first and second person pronouns to indicate he is talking directly to the reader of The Book Of Mormon if the reader is guilty of the offenses described. In verse 35, Moroni plainly states, “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not.” Is that plain enough, even for the lowest of intelligence, that Moroni is speaking to the reader?
- Please note in verse 33, Moroni warns there will be some who will “transfigure the holy word of God” and this warning is right at the beginning of Jesus Christ’s Warning strongly indicating Jesus Christ’s Warning will be “transfigured” by “teachers” meaning Mormon General Authorities.
- The key phrase which proves who Moroni is talking to, or against, is “the holy church of God” (verse 38). There is only one church that can fit that description in the latter-days, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints.
- Obviously Moroni is talking to people in the latter-days. That is when The Book Of Mormon was published and when any population could possibly be reading it.
- Note in verse 41, “the sword of vengeance hangeth over you,” obviously meaning members of “the holy church of God” in the latter-days.
- Note in The Book Of Mormon Index, Sword, “Morm. 8:41 s[word] of vengeance hangs over Nephites.” Only Mormon General Authorities (teachers) could have inserted this obvious and purposeful “transfiguring” between the pages of The Standard Works of The Church.
- Didn’t Moroni specifically state in verse 13, “I make an end of speaking concerning this people” obviously meaning the Nephites and the Lamanites (Item 3). Don’t Mormon General Authorities believe Moroni?
- Remember in verse 33 how Moroni warned there would be those who would “transfigure the holy word of God.” Prophecy fulfilled by Mormon “teachers.” “Teachers” meaning Mormon General Authorities.
- What is contained in the Index are official statements of the Mormon Church. Everything between the covers of the Standard Works should have been approved and indorsed by the Prophets. That is their job.
- Does this Index entry NOT qualify as “transfiguring the holy word of God” in an obvious attempt to transfer guilt from Mormons to the Nephites? This is the same kind of tactic as President Obama blaming Bush for Obama’s mistakes and problems. Has the Mormon Church degenerated to the level of President Obama? Perhaps so, look at Harry Reid who somehow stays a “member in good standing.”
- There is a lot more “transfigure[ing] the holy word of God” by the Mormon Church if you know where to look. will give you an eye full.
- Moroni 10:27&34, specifically states The Prophet Moroni shall stand in front of the majority of the Mormons that are proud on Judgment Day at the judgment bar of God. Do you think Jesus Christ’s Warning might have something to do with that? Compare “Did I [Jesus] not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man [Moroni], like as one crying from the dead” in verse 27 with “Behold, I [Moroni] speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing” in Mormon 8:35. Perfect match and obvious companion statements.
Yes, for anyone to claim The Holy Ghost has given them witness The Book Of Mormon is true and then to deny Jesus Christ’s Warning is clearly in jeopardy of denying The Holy Ghost and also at the same time denying Jesus Christ. Obviously Jesus Christ will ask Mormons about His Warning on Judgment Day. Any good answers? No!
Ironically, the majority of Mormons who are proud are the subject of Mormon Chapter Nine because they have demonstrated they “do not believe in Christ” by their personal actions. Mormon 9:1&2 specifically states, “And now [written right after Jesus Christ’s Warning], I [Moroni, the same who wrote Jesus Christ’s Warning and will stand next to Jesus at the judgment bar of God] speak also concerning those who [Mormons who are the proud members of “the holy church of God” who deny Jesus Christ’s Warning] do not believe in Christ [because they deny Jesus Christ’s Warning by their personal actions].
“…in that great day when ye [second person pronoun meaning Mormons] shall be brought to stand before the Lamb of God?” (Compare Moroni 10:27&34).
Mormon Church leaders have “transfigured” this to mean non-members and inactive Mormons. Shame on Mormon Church leaders who blame others, just like President Obama, for their own transgressions and sins.
The Mormon Church teaches inactive Mormons or non-Mormons are the subject of Chapter Nine and Brother Jim has been ordered to not teach what this outline, you are now reading, teaches (see Church Court Letter, January 19, 2012). Compare “transfiguring” as stated in Mormon 8:33.
Obviously the Mormon Church “teachers” have become just as corrupt, or perhaps more so, than President Barack Hussein Obama, the recipient of the Biggest Lie of the Year Award for 2013.
Mormons need to read this and weep and then repent. If you do not weep now and repent you will be weeping on Judgment Day when you, all the proud Mormons including General Authorities, will be condemned by Jesus Christ’s words as recorded in Jesus Christ’s Warning, as well as by the testimony of Moroni (Mormon 8:33-41; Moroni 10:27&34).
It is hell going against the truth but eternal hell will be the price paid whenever Jesus’s truth is violated.
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley
Jesus Christ’s Warning
You are without excuse (Romans 1:20):
- The Book Of Mormon is the most correct book of its kind and without translational errors. (Article Of Faith Eight)
- The Book Of Mormon was written to latter-day people who are Lamanites, Jews and Gentiles. (Title Page)
- The Prophet Mormon commanded his son, Moroni, to record Jesus Christ’s Warning and include it in The Book Of Mormon as recorded in Mormon 8:33-41. (Mormon 8:1)
- Jesus Christ gave His Warning to Mormon and Moroni by way of a vision (Mormon 8:1, 34-35).
- Moroni was obedient to his father Mormon and Jesus Christ in putting the words of Jesus Christ’s Warning in plain and easily understood writing for us to read (Mormon 8:1, 34-35 and Moroni 10:27).
- Jesus Christ’s Warning is purposefully written in first and second person, present tense pronouns so the reader will know, if they know Proper English Grammar Rules, the subjects of Jesus Christ’s Warning are the majority of Mormons who have “pride,” and are “pollutions” and “hypocrites.” (Mormon 8:36, 38)
- In verse 38, “the holy church of God” can only mean The Church Of Jesus Christ Of latter-day Saints. In 1820, Jesus Christ (the same author as Jesus Christ’s Warning) specifically told Joseph Smith all other churches were “wrong…that all their creeds were an abomination…that those professors were all corrupt.” The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints is the only latter-day church that could qualify as being “holy” and that status may be in jeopardy now. (Joseph Smith-History 1:19)
- The term “churches” in verse 36, means Mormon stakes, wards and branches. Compare D&C 51:10, footnote 10a and Mosiah 25:19-24.
- There are times Mormons are “ashamed to take upon [them] the name of Christ” (Mormon 8:38). The Letter With No Name is a perfect example of this and a full explanation can be found on, Special Note #43 and the Other Articles Page (button at top of pages) about 1/3 of the way down the page, The Letter With No Name articles. [Special Note #43 and other references on the old website have been erased. Better articles will come on the Other Articles Page later.]
- In verse 33, Jesus Christ’s words warn that some Mormons will try to “transfigure the holy word of God, that [they] might bring damnation upon [their] souls.” Many proofs of official Church “transfiguring” can be found on
- Obviously Mormon Church leaders who have “transfigured the holy word of God” should not be blindly followed in all things. The reason is they may lead their followers straight to hell. Consider Mosiah 23:14.
- Jesus Christ’s Warning is so incredibly important to every Mormon, Moroni specifically stated Jesus Christ would ask each of us what we personally did about Jesus Christ’s Warning. This event is recorded in Moroni 10:27, 34 and Ether 8:24 (18-26). Make special note of “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not” in Mormon 8:35, specifically linking that verse to Moroni 10:27.
- I was ordered by then President Thedell to not teach “the holy church of God” is a direct reference to the Mormon Church or its leaders. This was affirmed by The First Presidency by a signed letter and read to me on April Fool’s Day, 2012. Does anyone really think I should obey that unethical and illegal order?
Respectfully submitted
,Brother Jim Kelley
Letter to President Monson with these two attachments posted on this website on April 25, 2014, Brother Jim Kelley
Letter About Harry Reid
I sent a letter to Mormon Church H.Q. This letter is self-explanatory and perhaps everyone with a backbone should write a similar letter too. Here is that letter:
April 15, 2014
Subject: U.S. Senator and Mormon jerk Harry Reid
Reference: The stench of conduct unbecoming of a priesthood holder reaching heaven.
Dear Mormon Church H.Q.,
For years many Mormons and non-Mormons alike have wondered how Harry Reid can stay a member in good standing. This week this question is even more often asked for good reason.
It has become common knowledge Harry Reid has been negotiating for a big land deal in Nevada with the Chinese. Apparently a Nevada rancher got in the way and Brother Harry sicked the U.S. Government on him. This has dominated the news with the jerk Harry Reid stating in a news blurb, “This is not over yet” meaning the Federal Government will be back and finish their business.
Fortunately for the innocent there were concerned citizens who got in gear and went out there and made a stand, some in militia uniforms and armed. The Federal agents who are capable of tasering unarmed victims had no stomach to fight armed men and they left.
My questions are:
- Why hasn’t the Mormon Church excommunicated Harry Reid a long time ago?
- Why isn’t there something being done now with a lot of the unethical activity of Harry Reid being exposed?
- Some may say what Harry Reid is doing is perfectly legal. Does the Mormon Church consider everything perfectly legal to be perfectly ethical too? The Mormon Church use to teach differently. Has something changed?
Obviously there are a lot of people watching Harry Reid right now and indirectly also watching the Mormon Church too. I would think prudence would dictate an immediate Church Court on Harry Reid and the Mormon Church going out to the rancher and restoring him to his original condition before Harry Reid’s influence.
If the Mormon Church has billions of dollars to spend on political campaigns like Proposition Eight and the City Creek Center Mall then a little bit of that money should be used to restore what Harry Reid caused to be destroyed. The reason the Mormon Church is accountable in this situation is they should have known better than to look the other way in the past when Mormon jerks like Harry Reid openly and notoriously did all sorts of unethical things that hurt a lot of other people.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
Update: As of May 8, 2014, not a peep from the Mormon Church about Harry Reid. “Very interesting.”
It is dangerous to be right when the Mormon Church is wrong!
It amazes me how intelligent and smart some people were many moons ago. Our Founding Fathers were like this and it shows in their writings and achievements.
Another is Voltaire, a French author, humanist, rationalist, and satirist (1694-1778).
Voltaire wrote, “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” My experience is, it is dangerous to be right when the Mormon Church is wrong.
Voltaire is also quoted as saying, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
Is there any reasonable thinking person who does NOT think it is absurd for any organization, with a membership of 14 million people, to not need an impartial Central General Complaint Department? I think a reasonable thinker would agree as a direct result of many Mormon Church General Authorities brainwashing the membership into believing the absurdity there is no need for a Central General Complaint Department they have paved the way for the “SMP” members and leaders to commit “atrocities.”
Brother Jim has to be aware he may be stirring up the wrath of the Mormon Danites because Brother Jim is right when the Mormon Church is wrong. Do a Google search on “Danites” to see what I am talking about. Danites come in two kinds, the official kind and the unofficial kind. Either way they can be trouble for anyone “speaking ill” of the Mormon Church and/or the Mormon Church leaders. This can be a dangerous proposition Brother Jim is engaged in and Brother Jim can assure everyone he has NOT taken all of this lightly.
Brother Jim
Originally Posted May 20, 2013.
Reposted May 8, 2014
Black and White
If your eternal salvation depended on knowing black from white and your church leader(s) did not know the difference would you follow them anyway on that principle knowing they were wrong?
There was a time when Mormon Church leaders seemed to think for some people salvation did depend on if they were Black (Negro) or white. Later that got changed.
My point is some things are as plain as black and white. One of those concepts is right from wrong. Right cannot be wrong and wrong cannot be right just the same as black cannot be white and white cannot be black.
There are color charts to help determine the correct names for colors just the same as there are scriptures to help determine the correct interpretation for right and wrong, righteousness and unrighteousness.
If a church leader tried to convince you that black was white you may want to show them the color chart and prove to them black is called black. That is if this concept was important enough to go to that trouble.
Now if a Mormon Church leader wants to “transfigure” the true meaning of Jesus Christ’s Warning I (or you) may want to show them the scriptures to prove whatJesus Christ’s Warning really says and means and yes, this is important enough to do that.
That is exactly why this website is up and going. I have tried to use gentle persuasion (D&C 121:41) for many years but Mormon General Authorities are real good about being rude and just ignoring me.
I have always given an invitation to Mormon Church leaders to participate or give impute and advise about this website. For the most part there has been only deafening silence.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
Tithing Money
The subject of tithing money in the Mormon Church is an interesting subject indeed with a two edged sword as recorded in scriptures as opposed to the forked tongue rhetoric as acted out by the two faced Mormon Church General Authorities in their everyday lives while they are leading the Mormon Church into apostasy. Make no mistake about this; every Mormon General Authority’s hand is dirty on this one, even though they may not personally get any of the illicit funds, because they raised their hand to support unethical mismanagement of sacred tithing money in the Mormon Church in their leadership meetings. If any would have raised their hand against the misuse of tithing money they would not be a General Authority any longer and be labeled as “apostates for not supporting the brethren.”
The dictionary definition is, “A tenth part of one’s annual income contributed voluntarily for charitable purposes or due as a tax for the support of the clergy or church.”
The Mormon Church Bible Dictionary definition is, “The word denotes a tenth part, given for the service of God.” This is a very good definition and is workable for obeying the commandment to give tithes and offerings to God (Mal. 3:8-12).
The Gospel Principles Manual, the manual used in The Church to teach the basic Gospel Principles, states in Chapter 32, Tithes and Offerings:
- “Tithing is used by The Church for many purposes…(1) Build, maintain and operate temples, meeting houses and other [notice how Church is left out] buildings. (2) Provide operating funds for…units of the Church. (3) Help the missionary program. (4) Educate…in church schools, seminaries and institutes. (5) Print and distribute lesson materials. (6) Help in family history and temple work.”
- By faithfully paying our tithing, “The Lord will also help us grow in a knowledge of God, and in a testimony, and in the power to live the gospel.”
- “Those who pay their tithes and offerings…are helping to build the kingdom of God on earth.”
There are many moving Mormon talks and articles that have described tithing money as special, holy and sacred and should be revered as such. There are instances where a ward clerk was released from that calling for not paying their tithing and the logic was their dirty hands that did not pay tithing were handling sacred tithing money and that cannot be tolerated in The Savior’s Church.
Unfortunately the actions of the Mormon General Authorities are far more hypocritical than any actions of a ward clerk who got behind on their tithing. May I outline a few and you can be the judge:
- It has been a policy of the Mormon Church for a very long time to use tithing money to buy and/or start up corporations that are NOT involved in the building of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The profits from these Church owned corporations have been used as a slush fund to pay Mormon clergy even though the Mormon Church brags about having no paid clergy.
- Some of the profits from these Mormon Church owned corporations are funneled back into the Mormon Church general fund, as all of it should be, however large portions have been used for private venture that in many cases has hurt Mormon business people who also pay tithing to the Mormon Church. The City Creek Center Mall is a perfect example of this.
- Obviously if paying tithing helps “us grow in a knowledge of God…and in the power to live the gospel” then abusing and mismanaging tithing money by Mormon Church General Authorities would lead to their lack of a knowledge of God and a lack of the power to live the gospel. This is just one of the facts of life.
- My former Stake President Terrance Thedell stated to me on one occasion where I was pointing some of this out to him, “Money in The Church belongs to the General Authorities to do with whatever they want to with it.” What a good little minion Mormons who say and think this are. Is this not an example of “envying” General Authorities? (Mormon 8:36) Non-Mormons would probably just call this “brown nosing.”
- The bottom line on tithing is when tithing money is invested and there is a return on that investment than that return should be treated exactly the same as any other tithing money. Tithing money begets more tithing money, NOT some slush fund money. If the General Authorities want some slush fund money they should have long ago invested their own money collectively (money other than the Lord’s money they would pay in tithes and offerings) and then they would have had their own, as opposed to the Lord’s, money they could ethically do with whatever they would want to (Just like President Thedell suggested). But they didn’t and they have absolutely no right to use the Lord’s money now for anything other than legitimate expenses to build up the kingdom of God on earth. Absolutely no right, absolutely no authority and they will burn in hell for stealing God’s money (Mal. 3:8).
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 31, 2014
Emergency Preparedness
The Mormon Church use to be on the cutting edge of emergency preparedness. In the 1930s they were instrumental in the idea of members having one year’s supply of food and other necessities as well as a structured Church Welfare Department. In about 1985 they were the first to come up with the idea of the 72 hour kits.Now the Mormon Church and its members as a whole are way behind the curve on being prepared as compared to many other groups.
Many Mormons try to do emergency preparedness the easy way. They spend ungodly amounts of money at stores like the Mormon owned Emergency Essentials on nonessential items like “freeze-dried” and “gourmet” foods that obviously are designed to appeal to the base and contemptible desires for some Mormon’s needs to consume the finer foods and drink during an emergency.
May I suggest there are at least a dozen reasons for NOT buying nonessential foods for an emergency:
- It is a waste of money. A waste of money that could be spent on more worthy causes.
- Buying foods that have an advertised shelf life of many, many years is always risky. The food sits on a shelf for many, many years without ever being checked for its edibility. It is too expensive to open some and see what its condition is periodically. In an actual emergency when this food is needed and it is found to have gone rancid what are you going to do? Call Emergency Essentials and ask for a replacement? Good luck with that during an emergency! Sometimes warranties and guarantees are just worthless and during an emergency, and the items fail, is one of those times.
- The Church has never encouraged its members to buy their food storage in expensive forms and packaging. Unfortunately, with the exception of Brother Jim in the past, the Mormon Church has never discouraged it either.
- Like a lot of things when you pay someone else to do your own work you fail to learn. For example one can pay a professional genealogist to do their genealogy. Unfortunately, when one pays to have their genealogy done they don’t learn to do their own genealogy and do NOT become connected to their own ancestors the way the Lord would want them to. So it is with food storage. When one does their own food storage preparations they learn, they know exactly what they have and they can better depend on and use what they have in the case of an emergency.
- A good general rule for food storage is, “Store what you eat and eat what you store.” If you eat beans then store beans, etc.
- There are some foods that do not store well. Then implement some other food for your long term food storage like canned goods. For example you may only eat 100 cans of green beans a year but you may want to store 500 cans because it is easy to store and you will have 500 cans of green beans to eat when other foods are not available.
- Here is the win fall for storing too many cans of something you will not normally use up all of it in a year or when the expiration date expires. When the expiration dates come near expired you can donate these cans to the Food Pantry (or Bishop’s Storehouse in the Mormon Church) for the poor and then buy some more for your food storage so you will always have fresh for yourself. The poor get some help and you have a more reliable food storage you are constantly rotating. One thing learned by this is charity, the pure love of Christ. Buying nonessential items like “freeze-dried” and “gourmet” foods that obviously are designed to appeal to the base and contemptible desires for some Mormon’s needs to consume the finer foods and drink during an emergency obviously does NOT teach charity.
- If many Mormons continue to waste money on nonessential items like “freeze-dried” and “gourmet” foods for their food storage that obviously are designed to appeal to the base and contemptible desires for some Mormon’s needs to consume the finer foods and drink during an emergency what are they going to tell the Willy-Martin Handcart Company people when they meet them in Paradise? Does anyone think these rugged Mormon pioneers, and other Mormon pioneers like them, who suffered so much in their honest efforts to follow the Lord will have any love and feelings of mercy to those who squandered their substance on gluttonous appetites preparing for a future possible emergency and perhaps at the same time “…suffer the hungry…to pass by you, and notice them not?” No matter how rich you are is there ever not a need for you to help the poor and do you even have enough money to help all the poor that really needs the help? How about this for a charitable project for the rich who have been wasting money on non-essential food storage items. Take the extra money you would have spend on the non-essential stuff, above what you would spend on a good sensible program of storing what you eat and rotation, and use that excess money on helping a needy Mormon family in your ward or stake get their food storage started and stocked. You may need to help them plan a storage place in their home. You may need to help with shelves, etc. You may need to help them with the concept of rotation and using up their storage as they go on their regular meals everyday. You may have to do a lot more than just supply the money. A workable idea here might be to supplement their normal food allowance with a dollar for dollar gift to increase their food storage over a years time. This will encourage the family you help to be personal involved with the planning and budgeting of money every month with the goal at the end of the year to have a year’s supply. This would work even for a family who gets all their food with food stamps. (Mormon 8:39 of Jesus Christ’s Warning)
- Obviously, the Mormon Church has failed miserable in teaching the correct principles of thrifty and prudent food storage. No matter how rich you are it is ungodly to squander good money on nonessential items like “freeze-dried” and “gourmet” foods that obviously are designed to appeal to the base and contemptible desires for some Mormon’s needs to consume the finer foods and drink during an emergency. It would be far better to, “Store what you eat and eat what you store” and spend the extra money on the poor and/or the missionary program or other good charitable cause.
- One thing is certain. Whatever pending disaster awaits us is one day closer for every day we live. When a disaster does come we may not have any electricity so a freezer full of meat will not last long. Milk in the refrigerator will not last long either. In the case of an EMP any generator you have will probably not work along with anything else electrical. You had better have kerosene lamps and be able to cook on an open fire, etc. No heat in your house unless you have a wood stove. No cooling at all in the heat of the summer. You will be camping without any electrical aids what so ever. You may want to practice this for some experience so you will be better prepared and ready just in case. One problem with buying the expensive non-essential pre-prepared long shelf life food storage is you have probably neglected some essentials like toilet paper and soap. You may eat real fine but smell like hell with an itchy butt as a direct result of your negligence.
- Another part of your plan could be to become a steady customer of an Amish farmer right now in case you need their help later. The Amish are already off of the electric grid. Except for some engines they use for some power applications they are pretty self-sufficient and will be one of the last to have a supply of fresh food because they work the ground the old fashioned way. Of course it will help you personally if you worked your own garden and had some chickens, etc. The Mormon Church use to teach this but has neglected this in recent years.
- Actually it would probably be a good idea if the 4th Sunday of each month would be a combined Priesthood and Relief Society meeting to teach gardening and animal husbandry. At least for a few years until the Mormons get the hang of this again. Most are totally clueless now. And then what is wrong with this being a permanent policy. If the Mormon Church ever gets its act together and purges the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” out of The Church they will be getting 5% to 10% convert baptisms every year and these new members will need to learn gardening and animal husbandry too.
- I know the Mormon Church leaders will cringe when they read my suggestion here because their pride will cause them to figure I am trying to tell them what to do when I am only suggesting. An absolute truth is good leaders will always take and consider suggestions, evaluate them and adopt them when appropriate. We will see what Mormon Church SLC leaders will do with this suggestion. I have absolute probable cause they will be reading this article in the very near future.
- The truth of the matter is the Mormon Church has evolved into an uninspired source for emergency preparedness because of their conflict of interests. The Mormon Church is heavily invested in the food chain that is approved by the FDA but is poisoning us every day.My observation is there are excellent non-Mormon sources for what to do for emergency preparedness that beat the Mormon Church hands down. My favorite is Len Pense who gives away his experiences and knowledge with a radio program on KWTO Radio every Wednesday usually about 9:15 AM. You can stream his radio program on the Internet. Also go to
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 1, 2014
Omertà is the name for the Italian-American Mafia Code Of Silence.
According to Wikipedia:
- Within Mafia culture, breaking Omertà is punishable by death.
- Retaliation against informers is common in criminal circles, where said informers are known as “rats” or “snitches”.
- Omertà is an extreme form of loyalty and solidarity… it is deeply demeaning and shameful to betray [another] to the authorities. For this reason, many Mafia-related crimes go unsolved for decades.
- A popular Sicilian proverb Cu è surdu, orbu e taci, campa cent’anni ‘mpaci (“He who is deaf, blind, and silent will live a hundred years in peace”).
The Mormon Church has its own Omertà or Code Of Silence:
- Within the Mormon Church breaking the Code Of Silence gets you excommunicated or a lesser punishment may be to surrender your temple recommend.
- Retaliation against whistle blowers is common in the Mormon Church, where said whistle blowers are known as “apostates” who are guilty of “apostasy” because of the Mormon Church’s official peculiar definition of apostasy and apostates. Anyone speaking ill of a Mormon Church leader or Church policy “shall” be dealt with in a Church court for the offense of apostasy. The dictionary definition is different and is in opposition with the Church’s definition. Actually Jesus Christ and The Book Of Mormon would be guilty of apostasy using the Mormon Church’s peculiar definition. “Very interesting.”
- The Mormon Code Of Silence is an extreme form of loyalty and solidarity towards corrupted Church leaders and to be a whistle blower is supposed to be deeply demeaning and shameful to ever betray The Church and its leaders by exposing the truth in a public venue. For this reason, many Mormon Church crimes, “pollutions” and “hypocrites,” thrive on silence and denial, go unsolved and are not ever addressed in any meaningful way.
- A popular Mormon Hymn is, Do What Is Right and states, “Let the consequence follow.” Unfortunately almost all Mormons sing this hymn but know better than to live it. Keep your mouth shut and you can keep your temple recommend. Unfortunately, Mormon “hypocrites” holding temple recommends only pollute the temples when they do go (Mormon 8:38).
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 6, 2014 (70th Anniversary of D-Day. My Dad was there.)
Yearbook Pictures Comparison
Here is a good comparison of how Mormons view yearbook pictures compared to non-Mormons.
Wasach High School in Utah photo shopped some of the girls’ photos “to show less skin.” Obviously there was a Church Lady (SNL character) on the school staff that had some nose problems and instigated this frivolous and meaningless maneuver. Do a Google search on “wasatch high school yearbook” to see the news articles for yourself.
Now Google search “taxi benke yearbook” and see several delightful news storys on how a service dog of a 7th grader got its picture in the yearbook right next to the girl it serves.
The difference is like night and day, black and white, how Mormons differ in how they view yearbooks compared to non-Mormons. Look up the stories yourself and you be the judge.
Brother Jim
Posted June 10, 2014
A Good Tick Remedy
Brother Jim inadvertently discovered a good way to get a tick, with its head buried, out. Put a few drops of bleach on the tick, wait a few minutes and pull it out. If the tick does not come out easily repeat the process as many times as it takes. We have had to repeat this process on one tick three times and it came right out.
It is probably a good idea after the tick is removed to dab the area with a few drops of bleach to kill any germs the tick left behind.
Since Brother Jim discovered this it has never failed and we use this method in our family and on our animals too.
Brother Jim
Posted June 11, 2014
The Power Of Suggestion
The Power Of Suggestion has incredible powers over human beings. For example the mere suggestion a sick person is getting medicine to get well can have the same healing effect even though that person is actually getting a placebo. The fact is in many cases a suggestion can be as valid as a fact and in some cases a false suggestion can carry more power and influence in a person’s mind than the facts.
When we fail to discern what is fact and fiction we are prey to The Power Of Suggestion for accepting and promoting false ideas as facts. When we accept false ideas as the truth, any reasonable thinking based upon those false ideas will be false as well. Truth leads to truth and falsehoods lead to more falsehoods. We have a responsibility to look into every suggestion presented as the truth and see for ourselves if that suggestion is based upon facts and what are the foundation of those facts.
We must learn not to accept statements, no matter by whom made (even General Authorities for Mormons), unless those statements can be backed up by creditable documentation like the authentic scriptures.
We must analyze presentations upon their own merits to determine if they are self-evident truths or can be verified with other facts that are self-evident truths. Here is a hint, direct revelation from The Holy Ghost is self-evident truth because it comes from God and God can not lie.
As I have mentioned before some truths seem to be in contradiction with each other. For example there are more Catholics that can testify, by the power of the Holy Ghost, the Pope is the Lord’s Prophet than Mormons can testify, by the power of the Holy Ghost, the Mormon President is the Lord’s Prophet. So how can this be?
The Holy Ghost testifies of truth and His main mission is to testify of Jesus Christ. As far as the Pope is doing the Lord’s work the Holy Ghost can testify of that to anyone who is receptive to that message. As far as the President of the Mormon Church is doing the work of the Lord the Holy Ghost can testify of that to anyone who is receptive to that message. So it goes for all Christian churches’ leaders as far as they are doing the work of the Lord.
The problem with most Mormons is they ass-u-me (make an ass out of you and me) when they claim to believe The Book Of Mormon and at the very same time claim the Mormon Church leadership is not corrupted because they are “men of God.” These two principles are at conflict with each other because:
- The Book Of Mormon says the Mormon Church leadership, specifically the General Authorities, will be “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church according to Mormon beliefs, doctrine and history (Mormon 8:38).
- IF the Mormon church leaders are not corrupt, as most Mormons wish and want to think, then this proves The Book Of Mormon false and Jesus Christ’s Warning as a fable.
So we see the Holy Ghost can NOT testify The Book Of Mormon is true and also testify the Mormon Church leaders are NOT corrupted because they are “men of God” because these two principles are at opposition with each other and neither principle is self-evident and neither principle can stand on its own merits.
In the case of the Mormons receiving a spiritual testimony the Mormon Church President is the Lord’s Prophet, the Holy Ghost may be testifying the priesthood keys are vested with the President and he is authorized to exercise those keys. That of course is IF the Mormon Church were the one and only True Church on earth and that in the minds of most people, even some Mormons, is a big IF.
In the Doctrine and Covenants of the Mormon Church Joseph Smith instructed, the priesthood keys “may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.” (D&C 121:37)
Obviously this is very good advice for anyone claiming to have the priesthood of God. In the case of the Mormon Church President, IF the Mormon Church is the True Church and the President is corrupted, with all the other General Authorities, it is still possible for them all to have the priesthood keys conferred upon them but they lose the power of the priesthood at least for a season when they are acting as “hypocrites.”
So we see The Power Of Suggestion and persuasion can be a very powerful element in human nature and can be used by Satan to teach false precepts as the truth even in the Mormon Church. We have a sacred responsibility to God to discern and analyze all presentations that are presented as Gospel Truth and check them out for ourselves. See if they square with the authentic scriptures and our personal revelations from the Holy Ghost.
Brother Jim
Posted June 13, 2014 (Friday the 13th)
The Truth And The Light
Since when does a disciple of Jesus Christ get in trouble with The True Church (what the Mormon Church claims they are) for telling the truth? The truth is what will make you free! John 8:23.
Jesus Christ represents truth and light. The scriptures use the term Light as one of Jesus’s names. John 1:7-9.
So how can a church find fault with a disciple for telling the truth and shedding light on “pollutions” and “hypocrites” within that church?
Good question and the reader/visitor to this website can be the judge of that.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 14, 2014
President Thomas S. Monson Has The Power
President Thomas S. Monson has the power and authority to stop all the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” that are “pollut[ing] the holy church of God” if he wanted to. Obviously President Monson doesn’t want to stop the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” or he would.
There is no doubt President Monson could:
- Authorize and organize a central Mormon Church General Complaint Department to handle “pollutions” and “hypocrites” local Church leaders will not or cannot take care of.
- Authorize and organize special response teams with the authority to visit local stakes and clean house of “pollutions” and “hypocrites” that are “pollut[ing] the holy church of God” in local stakes.
- Authorize and organize the weeding out of special interest Church owned corporations that taint the official judgments and decisions made by The Church contrary to the good order of taking the Gospel message to the whole world as well as to the Saints for their personal perfections in Gospel Principles. These Church owned corporations that have nothing to do with the taking of the Gospel to the world should be sold and that money should be used to help take the Gospel to the world.
The only problem with some of the Church owned corporations are The Church has robbed them of all their financial assets; they are so on the verge of bankruptcy, no one with any sense would buy them. Kind of like Newsweek Magazine (I think Newsweek was the one). The whole Newsweek Corporation was sold for one dollar if the new buyer would take over the debt.
The question begs to be asked and answered; why doesn’t President Monson use his power and authority and rid The Church of the “pollutions” and “hypocrites?”
Answer: In my opinion the answer can be achieved by following the money trail. President Monson, and every other General Authority, has sold their souls for a pot of porridge.
There are a lot of Mormon Church projects that cost a lot more than they should just like the U.S. Federal Government does business. The U.S. War Department is notorious for spending $175 for the same toilet seat that can be purchased at Wal-Mart for $17.50, etc. The Mormon Church is also becoming notorious for the same reason.
The reason the War Department pays $175 for one toilet seat is the purchasing agent for the government War Department expects to receive perhaps $75 cash kickback for each seat on those purchases. So it works in similar fashion in the Mormon Church.
In the Mormon Church the General Authorities may not get direct kickbacks as a result of The Church paying inflated prices but the General Authorities’ friends and business associates make tremendous profits which most probably find its way to the General Authoritys’ personal satisfactions in some fashion.
One example of inflated, over pricing, construction costs of a Mormon Church building project is the City Creek Center Mall. That Mall that covers only 3 city blocks cost 2 billion dollars to build. That is “billion” with a “b.”
The Joplin, MO. and the Moore, OK. F-5 Tornadoes, a few years ago, each cut a path of total destruction over one mile wide and over a dozen miles long right through a densely built, heavily populated, center areas of two major cities covering many hundreds of city blocks, including several shopping malls and one major hospital in each city was totally destroyed. The total costs for the cleanup and rebuilding of these two areas was right at 2 billion dollars each for each city. Two separate examples of total cleanup and rebuilding, supervised and partially paid for by the Federal Government which means it was not done cheap, that covered hundreds of more city blocks than the three city blocks the City Creek Center Mall sits on, and the Mormon Church spent the same amount of money. Something just doesn’t add up here! Something stinks in SLC and President Monson was and still is personally involved in the construction of the Mall and its operation right now.
Now add to this the Mormon Church has declared economic war on its own Mormon member business people outside the area of this Church owned Mall and President Monson has and still is using Mormon Church assets, purchased with tithing money, to compete against its own Mormon business people, who paid the tithing money to start with to purchase those assets for The Church.
Just amazing!!! No wonder President Monson, or any other General Authority, DOESN’T want a Mormon church General Complaint Department. It would be bad for the Mormon Church business model.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 15, 2014
The U.S.S. Battleship Missouri
Big MO as she has been called was a terribly fierce battle ship. During the Gulf War in 1990, what is officially referred to as Operation Desert Storm, Big MO fired a lot of rounds inland and made believers out of the Iraqis when they found out Big MO could fire shells 35 miles inland with amazing accuracy.
Later, after the war, on a news show the Skipper of Big MO laughingly stated, “I don’t think the Iraqis realized what a battleship could do. After shelling for three days you couldn’t find an Iraqi within 35 miles from shore all up and down the coast.”
In the same manner I don’t think the stiff necked Mormon Church General Authorities realize what Brother Jim can do. This website should be a pretty good hint.
Some similarities that could be considered are:
- Big MO represented the State Of Missouri and Brother Jim is from the State of Missouri where we say, “Show me?” Missourians, at least in the past, are real hard to be fooled. Brother Jim is old enough to be a part of the past.
- Several U.S. Battleships suffered a severe blow when the Japanize attacked Pearl Harbor starting the war with the U.S. All but the U.S.S. Arizona were raised, refurbished and refitted to be even better Battleships than before. Brother Jim has suffered a severe blow when the Mormon Church officially declared war during two “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts. Brother Jim has survived, learned many things as a direct result and is even more ready to fight the war the Mormon Church started by being sneaky just like the Japanize were. See how sneaky on the Mock Trial Page of this website.
- Big MO was the stage and platform for the unconditional surrender of the Japanize Empire. Brother Jim will get to pick the time and circumstances this war between Brother Jim and the Mormon Church is over too.
Obviously these are three things that the Mormon Church General Authorities should be thinking about. History has a habit of repeating itself.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 20, 2014
Kate Kelly, John Dehlin and Church Courts
For some reason there is some news coverage about two activists in the Mormon Church. I do not know much about Brother John but there seems to be an abundance of information about Sister Kate including her Church Court Hearing Statement which was made public before her Church Court Hearing. “Very interesting.”
Reading Sister Kate’s Church Court Hearing Statement reveals much about her:
- There is NO statement of a testimony about The Book Of Mormon, Joseph Smith the Prophet or the Mormon Church is true. This seems to be the condition of most Mormons today. They can NOT say with any authority they know anything about the Mormon Church that is true.
- Sister Kate’s letter reads like a personal history journal instead of addressing the real issues of the Church Court Hearing as a Church Court Hearing Letter should. In similar fashion many Mormons give a “travel log” instead of a testimony during Fast and Testimony Meetings. Most inappropriate.
- Sister Kate seems to make an attempt to put a guilt trip on the brethren by her declaration she has been a good girl for years, why can’t you just forget about this one thing?
- Sister Kate also seems to be wantonly disrespectful to the Bishopric by addressing them in her Church Court Hearing Letter by their names only without any titles like “Bishop” or even “Brother.” Sister Kate is a seasoned attorney and should know better. Has Sister Kate ever addressed a Judge in their court by their name only? I don’t think so.
- An “informal probation” is mentioned. Reading between the lines that tells me her Bishop showed some kindness and restraint earlier.
- The “move restriction” on her membership records is a different matter altogether. It is official Mormon Church Policy when a member moves their records go with them to the ward or branch they are moving to A.S.A.P. I don’t think a Bishop or even a Stake President would have the authority to override that policy. That policy override had to come from SLC.
- If SLC did the overriding of the membership policy then obviously, reading between the lines, SLC is more involved with Sister Kate’s Church Court then SLC, or even her Bishop, wants to let on to. It is very possible SLC gave the Bishop his marching orders and with a sensitive situation like this did NOT want another Bishop (i.e. another credible witness) to be involved with the same marching orders from SLC that could haunt and embarrass SLC later.
- Apparently, according to Sister Kate’s own letter, she has NO testimony of the Mormon Church being anything special as compared to any of the Christian churches that are out there. Perhaps a good remedy for her would be to join a Christian church that allows women to be ordained to the priesthood.
- Obviously Sister Kate’s releasing her Church Court Hearing Statement to the public before the hearing is an arrogant act of disrespect and just plain imprudent.
- Sister Kate states she has felt “joyful worship…peace…hope…unashamed” during her times of disobedience. To the contrary Brother Jim has felt loneliness, despair, and troubling feelings about going against the leadership of what he thought he knew as The True Church.
Perhaps Brother Jim is possessed by “familiar spirits” and “contrary spirits” as all six of his Stake Presidents have warned Brother Jim about and Sister Kate does “enjoy the true gift of the Holy Ghost” according to The Infamous Mormon Church Court Gag Order Letter.
- Brother Jim’s only hope and salvation in all of this has been the comfort of The Holy Ghost and the reality all truth points toward Jesus Christ’s Warning being an inditement against the Mormon Church whether The Book Of Mormon is true or false. Brother Jim can NOT walk away or forget about that.
[See the New Revelations And Information article and The Sister Kate Kelly Story posted below for what amounts to a retraction of this article.]
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 22, 2014
The Psychology Of Cognitive Dissonance
There is a musical album named Cognitive Dissonance (The Art of Lying to Yourself). That is very telling.
Wikipedia states, In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the excessive mental stress and discomfort experienced by an individual who:
(1) holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time or
(2) is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. This stress and discomfort may also arise within an individual who holds a belief and performs a contradictory action or reaction.
Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals largely become psychologically distressed. His basic hypotheses are listed below:
“The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance”
“When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance.”
What this is explaining in a psychological way is when Mormons are brainwashed to think they have a “promise from the Mormon Prophets” that the Mormon Church will NOT become corrupted and will remain whole until the Savior returns, that belief system is in conflict with the scriptures which state the exact opposite. In this case the Mormon rejects the scriptures and other evidence in favor of the feel good rumors that have NO scriptural basis and NO foundation in the truth. These false beliefs are nothing but false rumors and folly and most “faithful” Mormons just can’t accept that. There is NO statement from any Latter-day Mormon Prophet declaring the Mormon Church will never experience “hypocrites” at the top leadership level of The Church that will never be able to “pollute the holy church of God.” Any actual statement like this from a Prophet just does NOT exist.
There will be an article on Brainwashing in the Other Articles Page (this page) on this website that will fully explain this false rumor and the genesis of the rumor and how it got started.
The Internet is full of articles about Cognitive Dissonance and it may be advisable for “faithful” Mormons to study out this subject and honestly apply it to their perspective of Jesus Christ’s Warning and The Book Of Mormon.
Brother Jim Kelley
June 24, 2014
New Revelations And Information
As the Kate Kelly Story unfolded before the world incredible revelations and information surfaced IF a person knows how to analyze and discern that information.
- The Bishop probably made a BIG mistake, as far as SLC would think, by texting Sister Kate Sunday night that the Bishopric was NOT able to make a decision Sunday night and it would probably be Monday night or Tuesday night before they could meet again and come to a decision. Obviously the Bishop also included Tuesday night in his text because Monday night is supposed to be reserved for Family Home Evening and no Church meetings are supposed to be scheduled for Monday nights as a strict Church poicy. The Bishop was trying to cover all bases, at least he thought he was and was trying real hard to. But then SLC let him know differently.
- Then Monday afternoon, well before the time frame given on that faithful Sunday night, the Bishopric’s decision was then texted or e-mailed to Sister Kate that the Bishopric’s decision was for excommunication. Is it NOT amazing how a hesitant Bishopric Sunday night, during the exact time scheduled and set aside to receive the “revelations” for Sister Kate’s fate, could all of a sudden arrive at a decision early Monday, a time period NOT even considered Sunday night to convene another Bishop’s Church Court Hearing to be used for the purpose to receive the “revelations” for Sister Kate’s fate?
Here is the translation, revelation and interpretation as to what really happened based on the information that is known:
- Sunday night the Bishopric either received no revelations from God or the Holy Ghost revealed to the Bishopric NOT to punish Sister Kate because she had done nothing wrong. That confused the Bishopric because the Mormon Church leadership handbook stated they “shall” excommunicate her for “apostasy.” This explains the text message sent to Sister Kate Sunday night that there is NO decision yet.
- The Bishop’s text message became national news Sunday night and SLC Church leaders immediately called the Bishop and asked him something like, What in the h&$@ are you doing? The Bishop caved, so he would NOT be himself released and excommunicate, pretended to have another Bishop’s Church Court Hearing before Monday afternoon and then e-mailed the sad news to Sister Kate Monday afternoon.
- SLC claims to not get involved with local disciplinary matters but that is stupid for anyone to think that. Once in a while there is something like Sister Kate’s Story that surfaces that proves SLC is greatly involved and even micro manages local Church affairs. No doubt there will be a letter from SLC to all local Church leaders to never text or e-mail a member again except as strictly outlined in the leadership manuals. The leadership manuals, IF anyone could ever get a copy of one, is a set of “secret combinations” specifically designed to micro manage local Church wards and stakes.
Now Brother Jim may have to “eat some crow” and admit he was a “low information Mormon” about Sister Kate’s situation. As has been stated in the second article just above this one, Brother Jim did not think Sister Kate was right. Now Brother Jim has to admit he may have been wrong about that and these are the reasons why:
- Apparently Church History indicates Sisters in the Relief Society, under the direction of the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, had limited priesthood and priesthood powers.
- Apparently Church history indicates Brigham Young changed that in Utah by making Relief Society an auxiliary organization subject to the priesthood men and took away the limited priesthood those Sisters did have. According to tradition, Brigham Young did not want to have to “deal with a bunch of uppity women,” especially during the times of polygamy when one priesthood man had to face several priesthood women in his many family settings. “Very interesting”
In light of these historical events, Sister Kate and her army of followers do have a legitimate claim to regain the priesthood the Mormon Sisters once did have and used.
There is an interesting story given in some Mormon Church class manuals about a widowed Mormon Pioneer who needed help with her oxen on the trek to Utah. Her oxen had fallen over and were apparently exhausted and/or sick about on the verge of death. This widow asked some of the priesthood brethren that were right there to give her oxen a blessing. These brethren looked the situation over, thought it to be hopeless, refused and walked away. This widow then knelt down and vocally, in front of witnesses, gave her oxen a priesthood blessing and her oxen immediately arose to their feet not to be sick again until they took her wagon and family to Utah.
In the past when I heard that story I never thought that widow had the priesthood and was authorized by Joseph Smith to anoint and bless the sick. I just thought that widow was fed up with the pathetic priesthood men in the Mormon Church who often, even today, walk away from their priesthood responsibilities, and girded up her loins with “faith” and knew Heavenly Father would allow her to bless her oxen because she desperately needed them for that trip. Apparently she DID HAVE THE PRIESTHOOD and the authority to anoint and bless and that is part of this story the Mormon Church is afraid to include with the 20th Century version as printed in Mormon Church class manuals yesterday and today.
On Sister Kate’s website,, this historical account can be found:
Discussion Two
“I felt as though I must lay hands on her.
I never felt so before without being called on to do it. She said, ‘Well, do it.’ I knew I had been ordained to lay hands on the sick and set apart to do that. She had been washed clean and I anointed her, gave her some oil to take, and then laid hands on her. I told her she would get well if she would believe and not doubt it.”
-Patty Sessions, 1884
The date 1884 would indicate Brigham Young was the Church leader and perhaps Sister Patty was ordained earlier and knew once a person is ordained to the priesthood that priesthood can NOT be taken away. There were some Black men who were ordained to the priesthood before they “knew better” and Joseph Smith just asked those Black brethren not to exercise their priesthood. So much for the Holy Ghost being involved in who is ordained or not.
As stated before Brother Jim may have to “eat some crow.” Actually in this case that crow doesn’t seem too bad because Brother Jim is receptive to the truth unlike those who suffer from Cognitive Dissonance.
Brother Jim
Posted June 24, 2014
The Sister Kate Kelly Story
Brother Jim will leave his biased articles intact about Sister Kate Kelly so the reader/visitor can see for themselves the process and progress Brother Jim has experienced about a prejudice subject the Mormon men priesthood have and perhaps where their prudence (if they have any) should take them.
I submitted my Profile to with my picture. Whether uses my Profile of not I will post it here. This may be a little to blunt to be posted on For what it is worth here it is:
I am an activist against the “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church who have “polluted the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38). After three decades of trying to work within The Church I gave up and started and then I was excommunicated for telling the truth on that website. My Mock Trial was on May 21st, 2014, about one month before Sister Kate Kelly’s Mock Trial.
Before Sister Kate Kelly’s Story became national news I had feelings like most of the Mormon “faithful” men in The Church about the futility of any movement like Ordain Women until I discovered The Relief Society was organized differently by Joseph Smith than it is organized now. I also have found probable cause information the Relied Society Sisters were given some priesthood and priesthood authority before The Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred.
Obviously Mormon sisters can hold the priesthood in the eyes of God because the priesthood ordinances of washings and anointings in the Mormon temples are officiated for the sisters by ordained sisters who would have to have the priesthood in order to officiate in any priesthood ordinance.
The Church’s excommunication letters are telling and contain interesting revelations. A member is excommunicated “for conduct contrary to the laws and order of the Church.” What is interesting is it is entirely possible to follow Jesus Christ, His commandments and His scriptures and still be considered by Church leaders to have “conduct contrary to the laws and order of the Church” because often “the laws and order of the Church” are in direct conflict with Jesus Christ and what He stands for. If Jesus Christ, Mormon, Moroni and Joseph Smith himself were alive today and attending the Mormon Church they would all be excommunicated for “apostasy” because the Mormon Church has officially become “apostate” itself and there would be a conflict.
Sister Kate Kelly and Brother Jim Kelley did NOT leave The Church, The Church left us and everyone else who chooses to follow Jesus Christ and His commandments.
Sister Kelly, this may be a sad day for you because of your excommunication but it is even a sadder day for Jesus Christ because His Church has gone apostate and that fact is in the public domain and can be proven.
Sister Kate Kelly, know this; no wrongful excommunication will ever keep you out of the Celestial Kingdom. Jesus Christ will never allow that and He is in control of the eternities, not an apostate Mormon Church President.
Until Sister Kate Kelly’s Story became public I had no reason to consider and investigate Mormon women having the priesthood. Because of Sister Kate Kelly’s Story I have reconsidered my position and if it can be proven women had the priesthood in Nauvoo I believe women should be ordained into the priesthood now.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 24, 2014
The Great Apostasy
By Elder (Phd) James E. Talmage
I had some motivation to reread this great book by a great Mormon. There just doesn’t seem to be any great Mormons anymore. It used to be books of Whose Who were filled with Mormons disproportionate by capita to the rest of the world. I don’t think that is the case anymore. The great Mormons of today seem to be like Senator Harry Reid who is a rascal by any sane person’s standards.
Even Brother Mitt Romney proved himself a coward in the face of President Obama in a debate when the subject of Benghazi and Ambassador Stevens was brought up. Brother Mitt accused The President of abandoning The Ambassador and his staff which lead to the needless murder of four Americans. The President bristled up and backed Brother Mitt down saying, How dare Brother Mitt suggest The President had anything to do with abandoning those Americans. The Ambassador was a personal friend of his.
I am sure many Americans watching that debate, I was one, immediately shouted at the TV, “Mitt, call him out and tell him he is a liar.” The truth is Brother Mitt did not gain one thing by being a coward (Mr. Nice Guy) because Brother Mitt lost the election anyway.
Had Brother Mitt stood up for truth that night, right in front of the whole world, and called The President a liar and with friends like him who needs any enemies, today people would be looking back on that moment with pride and perhaps that moment would have been enough for Brother Mitt to be known as Mr. President instead of just Brother Mitt today. The Holy Ghost sure did NOT inspire Brother Mitt to cower like a little boy that moment. The Holy Ghost knew the truth and most everyone else knew the truth that night also. The truth just hadn’t been exposed as much as it is today about Benghazi but enough truth was out there Brother Mitt should have make a stand.
Actually others are brave enough to call The President a liar. The next year, after the debate, The President was the recipient of The Liar Of The Year Award for 2013. Brother Mitt obviously lost a golden opportunity because he was NOT in tune with The Holy Ghost or ignored His promptings. Most Mormons are in the same boat as Brother Mitt on NOT being in tune with The Holy Ghost.
Back to Elder (Phd) James E. Talmage. Elder Talmage was a close friend to Albert Einstein and you just don’t hang with Albert Einstein without being brilliant yourself.
Elder Talmage wrote a pretty convincing book explaining and describing The Great Apostasy in the Dark Ages. The Catholic Church officially declared to the whole world there was NO universal apostasy and they are still the True Church. All the different Protestant Churches today are proof a whole lot of people thought The Catholic Church was apostate or there would be NO need for the Reformation and Protest movements of the 15th and 16th Centuries that lead to all the Protestant churches of today. And then the Mormon Church’s position is Jesus Christ “restored His Church” in 1830.
Unfortunately, even IF the Mormon Church is that “restored Church” The Book Of Mormon identifies the Mormon Church as full of “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church today, according to peculiar Mormon doctrine. So IF the Mormon Church is the restored church it for sure has fallen into corruptions so serious Jesus Christ had to give His Warning Brother Jim calls Jesus Christ’s Warning proving history has repeated itself again. That is IF the Mormon Church is a “restored Church” and IF The Book Of Mormon is true.
Elder Talmage describes conditions of apostasy during the Dark Ages in his book that are identical to the conditions of the Mormon Church right now. Brother Jim will illustrate and borrow what Elder Talmage states and then compare these statements of apostasy to the apostate state of the Mormon Church today.
Martin Luther, pages 152-153
- Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church and “invit[ed] criticism thereon from all scholars.” Is not a similitude to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses and Brother Jim has invited criticism and comments from anyone?
- “The pope, Leo X, issued a “Bull” or papal decree against [Martin Luther], demanding an unconditional recantation on pain of excommunication from the Church. Luther publicly burned the pope’s document, and thus declared his open revolt. The sentence of excommunication was pronounced.”
- The Mormon Church uses this same tactic to silence many of the weak Mormons (Most all Mormons) who will NOT stand up for truth and right but on occasion do side with those who will stand up for truth and right. Obviously the stronger and those who have a more sure testimony of Jesus Christ will NOT cave and the Mormon Church’s threats are of no effect, just like with Martin Luther. Brother Jim has ramped up and it will get bigger and have more informative and something will make this website go viral. Then the cat will be out of the bag about Jesus Christ’s Warning and this will be the fault of the Mormon Church General Authorities because this could have all been handled discretely in a more private manner. But NO, the Mormon Church leaders have to be bullies and prove they can win on this one just like Pope Leo X thought he could win too.
- In 1521 at the council or “Diet” at Worms, Martin Luther opened with a declaration for individual freedom of conscience. Elder Talmage stated, “There is inspiration in [Martin Luther’s] words.” Then Elder Talmage quoted Martin Luther’s statement, “I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to the council, because it is as clear as the day that they have frequently erred and contradicted each other. Unless, therefore, I am convinced by the testimony of scripture, or by the clearest reasoning-unless I am persuaded by means of the passages I have quoted,-and unless they thus render my conscience bound by the word of God, I cannot and will not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other, may God help me! Amen!” Brother Jim has expressed these exact same expressions in the many meetings, including “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial Church Courts, with the many Mormon Church leaders present. Their reactions always were that Brother Jim must always be obedient to The Church leaders no matter what. Brother Jim’s reactions were, every time, there is a conflict between what The Church leaders are saying and the truth of what all the scriptures are saying, the Temple Endowment says and what The Holy Ghost is saying. This is some of the times these Mormon Church leaders testified that Brother Jim was being influenced by “familiar spirits” and “contrary spirits” and one time President Terrance Thedell suggested The Book Of Mormon was being used by Satan like a “crystal ball” to convince Brother Jim of evil about the Mormon Church when there is NO evil.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 25, 2014
Facts That Will Change How You Look At The Mormon Church And Mormon Church Leaders
IF The Book Of Mormon is true then the website will change how the Mormons look at their Church leaders, or at least it should change that, that is if the Mormons are NOT asleep (Ether 8:24).
IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true than the website will change how the Mormons look at their Church leaders, or at least it should change that, unless they already knew Mormon Church leaders are “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God.”
For most non-Mormons they will probably be even more suspicious of a Church they were already suspicious of and have a better understanding as to why now.
Trust and respect are virtues that are earned. Just because a person stands at the head of a church organization does NOT automatically endow that person as being a trustworthy and respectable person. Those are traits that are earned and the Mormon Church leadership has failed miserably by their own choices and actions to earn that trust and respect. Because the Mormon Church leadership has chosen the paths of sin there will be a decrease in the “numbers” showing the Church’s progress. Mormons believe, according to peculiar Mormon Church doctrine, “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated-And when we obtain any blessings from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated” (D&C 130:20-21).
Obviously if anyone follows any church leader that is NOT inspired and goes against the scriptures will be no better off than that uninspired leader and will stand before God on Judgment Day and be held accountable for that which they should have known to be doctrines of the devil. This principle fully applies to Mormons, uninspired Mormon leaders (the proof is out there) and the neglecting of the scriptures a person claims to be true even IF in reality those “additional” scriptures are NOT true.
This is just some food for thought and I hope and pray true Christians will be able to help the corrupted Mormons realize this. Obviously the corrupted Mormons need some help from someone because they are obviously ignoring the Holy Ghost and the true scriptures.
Brother Jim
Posted June 26, 2014
The Kate Kelly Story is The Tail Wagging The Dog?
I have heard the rumblings of faithful Mormon women over their not being able to hold the priesthood for many years. It seems these women’s frustrations are all bottled up with nowhere to go. What a shame the Mormon General Authorities won’t be more accommodating. In the case of Sister Kate Kelly The First Presidency and The Twelve issued a weak statement, Saturday, June 28, 2014, stating priesthood offices are reserved only for men. NO MENTION OF GOING TO THE LORD WITH THIS QUESTION! Compare this weak statement with President Kimball’s statement about inquiring if Black men should hold the priesthood, “…we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these, our faithful brethren [Black men], spending many hours in the Upper Room of the Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance…” This can be found in the Doctrine And Covenants, Declaration 2.
The Salt Lake Tribune made the observation this statement was “clearly responding to this week’s disciplining of Mormon feminist and Ordain Women founder Kate Kelly.” Obviously the tail is wagging the dog on this one. Congratulations Sister Kate Kelly. You must be doing something right to get the Mormon General Authorities to feel they had to make a public stand even though it was weak, pathetic and in hiding from their ivory Church offices.
The problem for me is what the all-male priesthood leaders of today say is possibly contrary to church history and absolutely is contrary to what happens in the temples today. I feel there could be some evidence, perhaps in personal journals of the period, Joseph Smith ordained Emma Smith, the first Relief Society President, to the priesthood and instructed her to ordain other women with power to heal the sick.
If this is true that helps explain why a pioneer women on her way to Utah was able to bless her oxen who had fallen down with illness and were given up for dead by the men priesthood brothers present. After she anointed and gave her oxen a priesthood blessing those oxen immediately rose up and took her, her wagon and children to Utah at the astonishment of others.
In the temples today, the priesthood ordinances for washing and anointing for women are performed by women who have to be ordained to the priesthood to perform those priesthood ordinances.
The truth is and what counts on this one is to find what the truth really is and if anyone has one of those period journals with evidence Joseph Smith ordained Emma and Emma ordained other women please let Kate Kelly have copies of that.
If it can be proven women had the priesthood under the direction of Joseph Smith, and the temple anointing and washing ordinances for women may be a holdover from that period, I think the Mormon Church General Authorities should authorize the ordaining of women to the priesthood, at least within their Relief Society organization and not keep the Sisters under the thumbs of the local priesthood brethren who often have no clue what is best for the Relief Society. The exact same situation exists in the Single Adult Program. See Title Of Liberty Page on this website.
Comparing what The Church General Authorities’ Statement of June 28th about Mormon Sisters with President Kimball’s statement about Mormon Black men one has to realize President Kimball thought a lot more of Black men than the current Mormon leadership thinks of Mormon Sisters. “Very interesting.”
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 30, 2014
Casting Doubt Upon The Church
I have been accused by some in the Mormon Church of the crime and sin of “casting doubt upon The Church.”
The “hypocrites” that are casting doubt upon the Mormon Church are the General Authorities who are continually “pollut[ing] the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38) as has been exposed by many news reports and also the rank and file Mormons who do not have enough faith in the validity of The Book Of Mormon to believe Jesus Christ’s Warning.
Why don’t the rank and file Mormons believe in The Book Of Mormon? Many proud Mormons will bristle up and say, I do to believe in The Book Of Mormon! Actions speak much louder than words and the actions of denying, and even “transfiguring” (Mormon 8:33) Jesus Christ’s Warning is proof positive that those Mormons do NOT believe in The Book Of Mormon or even fear and believe in Jesus Christ. Brother Jim’s observation is non-Mormons often have a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ, and fear Him more, and strive to obey His commandments more then many Mormons who proudly hold their temple recommends and pollute the Mormon temples with their foul presence of “pollutions” and being “hypocrites.”
Actually, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, Jesus Christ Himself is casting doubt upon the Mormon Church with His Warning, Jesus Christ’s Warning, which has been published for the whole world to read as a part of The Book Of Mormon, a book, according to Mormon scripture and official doctrine, Jesus Christ commanded to be taken to the whole world to be read and understood. Part of that intended reading and understanding, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, obviously is Mormon 8:33-41, or what Brother Jim has learned to call Jesus Christ’s Warning.
Actually, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, and a Mormon thinks Jesus Christ’s Warning is wrongfully casting doubt upon the Mormon Church, then those Mormons will have an opportunity to ask Jesus about His Warning on their personal Judgement Day (Moroni 10:27). On their personal Judgement Day they will probably NOT be asking any questions after Jesus exposes them for their folly with ignoring or “transfiguring” (Mormon 8:33) His Warning He caused to be written in plain and simple English, any high school student should be able to understand, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true. IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true, and obviously any Mormon’s ignoring or “transfiguring“ Jesus Christ’s Warning is a valid witness to the whole world The Book Of Mormon is NOT true, Jesus will be asking Mormons about why they suggested The Book Of Mormon is scripture, no matter how weak and pathetic that Mormon’s personal support and testimony was for The Book Of Mormon as being scripture? IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then those Mormons who seem to claim it is true should have known better and God will hold them accountable. For the record Brother Jim does know The Book Of Mormon is true but then Brother Jim believes Jesus Christ’s Warning is true too and Brother Jim fears Jesus Christ if Brother Jim were to not stand up for Jesus Christ’s Warning.
It is folly for anyone to blame Brother Jim for only telling the truth and exposing what Jesus Christ Himself has caused to be published and He Himself has called “pollutions” and “hypocrites” now active in the Mormon Church; that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true? IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then it is folly to even be a Mormon.
IF The Book Of Mormon and IF the Mormon Church are true then Jesus would want the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” purged out of The Church anyway whether Jesus Christ’s Warning existed for its convenient public reading or not. It would seem to Brother Jim all intelligent Mormons would want a reliable system to purge the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” out of the Mormon Church anyway; that is IF they are not a part of the Mormon “pollutions” and “hypocrites” system themselves. Any such general complaint department system does NOT exist now. IF The Book Of Mormon and IF the Mormon Church are NOT TRUE then it doesn’t matter if there are “pollutions” and “hypocrites” embedded because Satan OWNS The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church anyway. So IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true and Satan owns it as well as the Mormon church then a plausible explanation could be, in some people’s minds, a “dumb shit” who was intoxicated wrote this book and when they got to Mormon 8:33-41, they got confused with the pronoun usage, trying to lay it on thick against the Christian Churches and Christian people, totally misusing the Proper English Grammar Rules and weaved a web of deceit that ended up catching the Mormon Church and all the Mormons in general. Satan uses “dumb shits” to do his work.
So what is wrong with a central Mormon Church General Complaint Department? Brother Jim doesn’t know of any legitimate and/or intelligent reason. Brother Jim knows of a lot of real good reasons and specific examples why there is one desperately needed right now. Some of those reasons and examples are and will be on this website. After an intelligent and prudent person observes these examples can anyone with even an ounce of common sense, NOT a “dumb shit,” give a good reason why there is NO such central Mormon Church General Complaint Department? Brother Jim doesn’t think there are any good reasons NOT to have a general complaint department either.
It would be very wise for all Mormons to evaluate their personal position, testimony and situation, with Jesus Christ’s Warning and The Book Of Mormon, and the Mormon Church very carefully and stay clear of any follies they will be harshly judged for on Judgment Day.
Brother Jim
Posted June 15, 2014
Special Note About My Mission With
There are, and have been, many misguided Mormons, their writings, websites, etc. trying to persuade Mormon Church leaders to consider such topics as homosexual Mormon rights and Mormon women holding the priesthood and God only knows what else. My mission and this website are far removed from all of that. See the article, Kate Kelly, John Dehlin and Church Courts, on the Other Articles Page on this website.
[Late Entry: Brother Jim may have to eat some crow about Mormon women holding the priesthood. See the Sister Kate Kelly Story on the Other Articles Page.]
My mission and the sole purpose of this website is to persuade the Mormon Church leaders to see Jesus Christ’s Warning for what it truly is IF The Book Of Mormon is true or admit The Book Of Mormon is NOT TRUE and we can then forget Jesus Christ’s Warning as fiction along with the entire Book Of Mormon as being fiction too.
Also when dealing with “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” and “pollutions” and “hypocrites,” because of the nature of these subjects, it is real hard to collect proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. IF The Book Of Mormon is true then we have the words of Jesus Christ condemning the “hypocrites” that are and have “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church. IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then the reader has to draw their own conclusions. Brother Jim thinks IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then the Mormon Church was never authorized by Jesus Christ.
This is Brother Jim’s Mission and purpose in a nutshell.
Brother Jim
Posted June 12, 2014
Write A Letter
As the visitor to this website observes how the Mormon Church resists transparency the question of “why” has to come naturally. In the case of a Mormon who would want their Church to be more honest they can write a letter asking why it is not more honest with its business dealings. In the case of a non-Mormon they could write a letter asking the Mormon Church why would anyone want to join a corrupted church that is not honest in its business dealings?
Both Mormons and non-Mormons may want to ask:
- Why is the Mormon Church so resistant to the idea of a central Mormon Church General Complaint Department?
- Why is the Mormon Church so resistant to the idea of publishing their finances?
- Why does the Mormon Church seek to punish its own members for telling the truth, blowing the whistle and exposing real corruptions in The Church?
- Does the Mormon Church have something to hide?
Short letters of inquiry are good and the response you get will be priceless. You will have in your hands an example of deception and deceit right from the source, the Mormon Church itself, as proof what this website is saying is true. Be sure to mention this website.
Non-Mormons have some advantage when writing a letter to the Mormon Church H.Q. Being a non-Mormon The Church will go out of its way to write you back in hopes you may then take the missionary discussions. If a non-Mormon were to take the missionary discussions that would be a good time to bring up Jesus Christ’s Warning and to the missionaries. This would be a good learning experience for the missionaries and you. Help them understand the principle; Why would anyone want to join a church that that church’s own peculiar scriptures state their Church leaders are and have “polluted the holy church of God?”
Remember to discern the Mormon Church letter with the truth and you will probable have a letter that will excuse away and “transfigure” the truth and this will be preserved in writing. Also keep your minister close and involved in this process.
I would appreciate an e-mail about your experiences with writing a letter to the Mormon Church.
The Mormon Church address and my e-mail address are on the Contact Information Page of this website.
Brother Jim
Posted June 11, 2014
Hind Sight Is 20/20 And True Prophets See Forward 20/20
While investigating, pondering and praying about The Kate Kelly Story over the last week or so, it dawned on me if the Mormon Apostles and Prophets were in tune with The Holy Ghost they should have seen all of this coming in time to stop a public relations nightmare for The Church.
Everyone who wants it can have 20/20 hindsight on anything they want to have it on. It would have seemed prudent to Brother Jim if the Mormon Apostles would have invited and met with the Ordain Women organization in a conference room at Church H.Q. and discussed this whole mess face to face there would have been a better ending to the story. It would have also helped beforehand IF the Mormon Apostles would have made this a matter of prays and fasting and had arrived at an absolute conclusion what the Lord’s will was too.
Some Apostles might say The Lord has already made His will known on this subject in the past so there is no need to do anything differently now. The exact some logic was expressed about Black men holding the priesthood too but that DID NOT stop President Kimball from asking again until he got a sure answer he could testify to, as the honest man of God that he was, the Lord’s will was for Black men to then be able to hold the priesthood of God.
The stupid post on the LDS website was a coward’s revenge at a group of harmless women the SLT correctly identified as “clearly responding to this week’s disciplining of Mormon feminist and Ordain Women founder Kate Kelly.” I commend the SLT for their honesty on this sensitive subject.
Obviously for the Mormon Apostles to have seemingly been blind sighted by the Ordain Women organization these last few weeks (actually last few years) is inexcusable for “Prophets of God” and has resulted in a Public Relations Nightmare that is unnecessary and could have been totally avoided with the proper management skills. Here are the only possible scenarios for the Mormon Apostles of today that could have led to this disaster:
- The Mormon Apostles of today care less for Mormon women now than the Mormon Apostles cared about Black men pre-1978 and are purposely and totally ignored Mormon women and have NO intentions of going to the Lord. It is possible for the Mormon Apostles of today to humble themselves and repent of this gross misconduct.
- The Mormon Apostles of today have lost the spiritual gifts of prophesy and revelation and are ashamed to come in public with any revelation from God because they are afraid they will be exposed as a fraud. So they all, because they all signed, supported the stupid post on the LDS website that was a coward’s revenge at a group of harmless women. What brave men they all are. Their wives and daughters must be very proud of them now. I am certain Jesus Christ is discussed too and He has the Power to do something about it. I am not saying He will change the policy to ordain women but He has The Power to punish those who needlessly hurt His daughters of The Kingdom and I am certain He will in His own due time. Brother Jim fears and trembles for the welfare of the Mormon Church and Mormons in general. God is a God of justice and mercy, but in the face of so many wide spread “pollutions” and “hypocrites,” hurting so many innocent people, in and out of The Church, God’s justice cannot sleep forever, it just can’t.
- Anyone else have a possibility?
Obviously if the Mormon Apostles would have had the spiritual gifts of prophesy and revelation they should have seen the future of these events before they transpired and done positive things to head off disaster. There is a perfect example of an honest Prophet of God who expressed to the Latter-day Saints, “[He] had some revelations…very important ones…The Lord showed me by vision and revelation exactly what would take place…” D&C Official Declaration 1, Excerpts from three addresses by President Wilford Woodruff, compare all.
Does this sound like President Woodruff was iffy, backward or a coward as a Prophet of God? Compared to President Woodruff, President Monson and his followers are iffy, backward and cowardly and their own actions are the proof. All the Mormon Apostles of today are living in the shadows and good reputations of past Apostles because they are all (in my opinion) morally bankrupt!
There are times when President Monson may elude he has received revelations from God but does he ever say so in a direct manner? President Monson lately said the Lord wants us anxiously engaged in His work on earth because the work is progressing rapidly in the spirit world. Anyone can say something like that and who is to prove him wrong or right? Actually ministers in other churches make statements of direct revelations too and who is to prove them right or wrong?
What is important on this issue is there is public proof positive that the Mormon Apostles blundered on The Kate Kelly Story and proved themselves, every last one of them, to be nothing more than buffoons in expensive suits.
I hope everyone, especially Mormons, will have 20/20 hind sight on this one. Your eternal salvation may count on it! (Ether 8:24)
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 30, 2014
Warning And Disclaimer
No doubt many Mormons will try to blame Brother Jim for the information on this website. Oh ye fools (2 Nephi Chapter 29) for being so naïve about the scriptures and human nature to the point of “pride,” “pollutions” and “hypocrites” (Mormon 8:36, 38). The people to blame are the “proud,” the “pollutions,” the “hypocrites” and the “teachers” meaning Mormon General Authorities for ignoring Jesus Christ and Brother Jim for a quarter of a century about the “atrocities” Brother Jim has consistently reported to them.
This website is a last ditch effort to get the “proud” among the Mormons to do something positive about the Mormon Church going the obvious ways of corruptions as Jesus Christ predicted and will hold all Mormons accountable for on Judgment Day (Moroni 10:27). Now when I say “accountable” that obviously means if you were one of the Mormons who actively fought against the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church you will be blessed. IF you were a Mormon that was asleep (Ether 8:24), protecting and covering for the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” and/or personally a “pollution” and “hypocrite” you will be eternally damned, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true.
It is a commandment from Jesus Christ as well as a Natural Law of Responsibility, no matter what Mormon Church leaders have tried to say different, “that ye [meaning all Mormons] shall [must without any reservation] awake [don’t sleep any longer, forget the snooze button] to a sense of your [meaning ownership by way of citizenship and/or membership] awful situation [meaning “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the form of Mormon General Authorities that have polluted the Mormon Church]” (Mormon 8:38 & Ether 8:24).
So get mad at what Jesus Christ describes as “pollutions” and “hypocrites” that are currently leading the Mormon Church into “pollutions” and apostasy, not Brother Jim for only telling the truth, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true. If The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then you can find fault with Brother Jim for “holding fast to” a false “iron rod.” All of my Stake Presidents have already done that as well as The First Presidency of the Mormon Church. Stake President Terrance Thedell, in the presence of his councilors, President Allphin and President Jarvis, likened The Book Of Mormon to a crystal ball that Satan would, could, has use to deceive. I am NOT KIDDING!!! IF there are any Mormons out there that thinks The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church are true and inspired, President Terrance Thedell’s statement should be a wake up call (Ether 8:24). Quite hitting the snooze button, get out of bed and do something positive!!! That is IF you think The Book Of Mormon and The Church are true.
If you don’t know what is true just hit the snooze button again and go back to sleep again. You will no doubt sleep for eternity in what ever kingdom of God your are assigned to anyway. So get use to hitting the snooze button and sleeping your life and your eternity away. Practice makes perfect.
The truth is the Mormon Church will remain stagnant as far as the building up of the Kingdom of God goes until the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” are purged out and the Mormon Church quits going down the road of apostasy. Yes, because of mismanagement of the Mormon Church’s money there may be lots of unneeded temples built and populated with unworthy Mormons going through the motions of the salvation for the dead but the work of proclaiming the gospel to the world and perfecting the saints cannot be pretended with living people who can demonstrate as well as exercise their free agency, and no amount of unrighteous labor, unrighteous thinking, unrighteous wishing, unrighteous prayers will ever end with the desired Mormon Church results, with the wanted numbers and thus the Lord’s Work cannot go forward in unrighteousness. That is impossible! The Lord will NOT allow that!
So if Mormons think has anything to do with any lack of success with their own personal missionary efforts, etc. try looking at yourselves and your personal performance according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ principles like home and visiting teaching, living the commandments, etc. and then blame yourselves for being a slothful servant that can’t get over your vises long enough to take up your cross and follow Jesus. I say and declare with words of soberness, based on personal observation as well as a study of the scriptures, there are many more non-Mormon Christians who are willing to sacrifice and take up their crosses and follow Jesus than there are Mormons.
It is real simple to arrive at the number of Mormons who will take up their crosses and follow Jesus; that number is the same number that understands and reveres Jesus Christ’s Warning. Mormons who pretend to have a testimony of The Book Of Mormon are accountable to God for following The Book Of Mormon precepts as The Word Of God including Jesus Christ’s Warning. Non-Mormon Christians are only accountable to God for what is in The Holy Bible they have their testimony in and as long as they follow The Holy Bible precepts as The Word Of God they are proving themselves ready, willing and able to sacrifice and take up their crosses and follow Jesus.
My Dear Fellow Mormons, IF your own house is clean and after you have made an honest effort to help clean the Mormon Church house of the “pollutions” and all the “hypocrites” that “polluted the holy church of God” that are now this very minute leading The Church into apostasy, then come and talk with me and we can have a fine and productive talk.
The bottom line here is Brother Jim did NOT make Jesus Christ’s Warning public. IF The Book Of Mormon is to be believed then Jesus Christ Himself caused His Warning to be made public by purposely having it included in The Book Of Mormon and having it published to the whole world. IF Jesus Christ authorized The Book Of Mormon then He authorized the universal understanding and publication of His Warning, which He caused to be contained in The Book Of Mormon which now is Mormon 8:33-41, which originally was published (1830) in Chapter 5 and Chapter 5 also included what is now Chapter 9, in that Chapter 5 of old, and both Chapters were all together originally as one continuous Warning from Jesus Christ directed at corrupt Mormons, especially all Mormon General Authorities. There seems to be some rearranging (“transfiguring” Mormon 8:33) going on here to separate Jesus Christ’s Warning and message into different pieces in an obvious effort to confuse and “transfigure,” that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true.
IF Jesus Christ authorized His Warning and The Book Of Mormon than He also authorized Brother Jim’s Commentary about Jesus Christ’s Warning and this website too. This website is authorized by Jesus Christ, IF The Book Of Mormon is true. IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT TRUE, then the Mormon Church was never authorized by Jesus Christ either. OK Mormon General Authorities, is The Book Of Mormon true or is it NOT TRUE? I will print your response(s) on this website, right below this article in the space reserved for Mormon Responses, IF you care to respond, IF you have the guts to respond, IF you have a strong enough testimony about The Book Of Mormon and Jesus Christ to respond!!!
If YOU MORMONS have a problem with Jesus Christ’s Warning, and IF The Book Of Mormon is true scripture, then Jesus Christ and Moroni will be waiting for YOU MORMONS on Judgment Day and will probably be asking YOU MORMONS the questions about Jesus Christ’s Warning (Moroni 10:27), not the other way around. Don’t be surprised to see Brother Jim standing right next to Moroni as a second witness against all the Mormons, including all General Authorities alive today, who desire to cover up Jesus Christ’s words and hide them from the world because they are “ashamed to take upon [themselves] the name of Christ” (Mormon 8:38) by dishonoring Christ and His Warning by “transfiguring” His Warning out of existence (Mormon 8:33) in the puerile minds of low-information Mormons, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true. IF The Book Of Mormon turns out to be NOT true then all of this doesn’t make any difference anyway.
Brother Jim
Posted June 3, 2014
Letter To Elder Holland, An Apostle Of Jesus Christ In The Mormon Church
I wrote this lettre to Elder holland becasue of some of his published comments about Jesus Christ’s Warning showing this warning has to be against Mormons contrary to The Stupid Letter With No Name which can be viewed on the Mock Trial Page of this website. This is the letter to Elder Holland:
July 2, 2014
Subject: The Religious Discovery Of The 21st Century
Dear Elder Jeffrey R. Holland,
How can you have something so close to right one time and totally ignore that same thing later as if it were nonexistent, especially when Jesus Christ was the original author?
I am talking about, what I have learned to call, Jesus Christ’s Warning, Mormon 8:33-41. For a full explanation visit
I have learned by personal study the exact same things I discovered last night on the Internet that you wrote in Christ And The New Covenant, page 323, which specifically states and I quote you, “…Moroni’s experience was painful, for he observed in life, in history, and in vision the pollution and destruction of three glorious civilizations-his own Nephite world, the Jaredite nation, and our latter-day dispensation.”
I have been saying these same things for four years as an explanation to why Moroni writes so urgently and directly to the Mormons and the Mormon Church today. This is because, as far as we know, he was the only Prophet in history who experienced all three of the following:
- Moroni personally experienced and witnessed the total destruction of the Nephite Nation, which included the total destruction of The Church Of Jesus Christ in America at that time, because of wickedness.
- Moroni translated the Plates of Ether which recorded the total destruction of the Jaredite Nation, which included the total destruction of The Church Of Jesus Christ in America at that time, because of wickedness.
- Moroni saw in vision, from The Lord, the total pending destruction of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints because of wickedness if Mormons do NOT repent.
It is noteworthy to mention The Prophet Mormon saw #1 and #3 and commanded his son to write about both of them. Compare Mormon 8:1, 10, 11, 34, 35. [I believe #2 applied to Mormon too and Mormon commanded his son to translate Ether. Actually after I wrote this letter to Elder Holland I studied further and now feel Mormon and Moroni shared the exact same things pertaining to #1, #2, and #3.]
I think it is noteworthy to mention Brother Jim is the one who points out the total destruction of The Church Of Jesus Christ in #1 and #2. As far as I can tell no one else ever has pointed this out. This may be ass-u-med but never specifically pointed out where others can learn. Perhaps you can be the first in the next General Conference?
On April 8, 2009, The Holy Ghost told me, “Arise and go to your Book Of Mormon” and strongly impressed upon my mind “the holy church of God,” as recorded in Mormon 8:38, is a direct reference to The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints and NO other church. A few months later when I met with Stake President Thedell, and his counselors, President Thedell informed me A. Mormon wrote all of Mormon, Moroni did NOT write Chapters 8 and 9, B. What I described with The Holy Ghost directing me to The Book Of Mormon is like how Satan directed some early saints to a “crystal ball.” Question: How does anyone have a good conversation with anyone that is this ignorant? This ignorant Stake President is the same who hurriedly called The First “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court which started this whole mess of using punitive actions in futile and stupid attempts to silence Brother Jim [and Jesus Christ’s Warning as well as attempting to silence Jesus Christ].
Obviously The Holy Ghost revealed to me this whole warning, verses 33-41, is an exclusive Warning from Jesus Christ (Moroni 10:24) directed at the Mormons and the Mormon Church and NO one else! This Warning should be taken as serious as if the Black Plague should be knocking at our doors right now. I do NOT know how else I could have in the past, and can now word this, to warn others how important this all is for the safety of The Church right now? I have tried my very best including I have written YOU several times in the past and you have been rude to me and have totally ignored me.
I have been disfellowshipped for telling the truth to Mormon Church leaders and lately excommunicated for going public with the truth because I have been totally ignored by those very same Church leaders who should have been communicating with me about all of this, like you.
Forget that I am an excommunicated member for now. That is insignificant compared to the Apostles’ responsibilities right now in taking the correct steps necessary to safeguard The Church and in my opinion the best first step would be to establish a Central Church General Complaint Department to resolve the problems that local leaders are unable or unwilling to take care of.
Obviously there are a lot of problems that are NOT resolved locally and SLC often ignores these even when someone does write to SLC. There needs to be a system of accountability where when a person complains to SLC they will investigate and report back to the complainant with a report of the outcome of the investigation and the most important information being what the local leaders said in their defense. As it is now, if SLC gets involved, everything the local leaders say is kept in secret so they know they will not be caught in a lie which doesn’t help anyone.
Please think this over and if you would decide to not be rude to me like in the past, and respond to my letter today, I would really welcome that.
Brother Jim Kelley
Enclosure: Gospel article with your quote.
Cc: Springfield, Mo. Stake President Dale Rodman
Bolivar Ward Bishop Weston Wilkins
Bolivar Ward Elder’s Quorum President Chad XXXXXX
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 5, 2014
Tithing Money In The Mormon Church
The Mormon Church has some creative ways to rename tithing money. When the Mormon Church takes 1st generation tithing money and buys, starts, Mormon Church owned corporations with it they somehow rationalize the profits from those corporations are NOT tithing money.
Brother Jim disagrees and would consider the profits 2nd Generation tithing money that should be handled and treated as the 1st generation tithing money that financed the corporation in the first place.
The Mormon Church General Authorities use this 2nd generation tithing money for their own pet projects like salaries, benefits for themselves and numerous other projects like perhaps vacations to Lake Powell for the whole gang.
The Church owned corporation that owns the City Creek Center Mall in reality used 2nd generation tithing money to wage an unfair and unethical economic war on Mormons that are in business seperate from this Mall. How unethical and unfair is that to use other Mormon’s own tithing money against them?
Here is how 2nd generation tithing money works. Chickens beget more chickens (2nd generation), not ducks or pigs. So it is with tithing money. When 1st generation tithing money is used to buy businesses, stocks, bonds, etc., then what ever money is generated is 2nd generation tithing money, NOT private money to be used (and hidden) by Mormon Church General Authorities to use as their own private money. If the Mormon Church General Authorities wanted private money to play with they should have invested their own private money in the first place to buy these corporations they want to play with now!
In the case of the City Creek Center Mall it is even worse and more sinister than most Mormon Church owned corporations business deals. In the case of the City Creek Center Mall the Church owned corporation BORROWED the 2 billion dollars putting the Mormon Church on the hook for that 2 billion dollars should the mall fail or come short in paying the mortgage.
Here is how that works:
- The Church owned corporation owns the Mall and the Church is directly responsible for all debts of that Mall.
- Should the Mall not be able to pay its bills then the corporation is on the hook for the bills and will have legal obligation to pay all bills.
- Should the corporation not have enough assets to pay all of the Mall’s bills then “the corporate veil will be pierced” and the Church will be on the hook for all bills the Mall and the corporation were unable to pay. There is NO possibility for bankruptcy in this one because there is a money trail going straight to the Mormon Church the creditors will use to get 100% of their assets. 1st generation tithing money going to pay for a failed 2nd generation tithing money venture. Real smart!
- That is unless the bank that financed this debacle is Church owned and The Church decides to allow the bank to fold and go under in which case FDIC will probably pay off the debts.
Even if the City Creek Center Mall is able to pay its own bills this was an unethical Mormon Church venture anyway. If that mall were put up for sale The Church would be lucky to get 1 billion dollars for it in good times. In bad times cut that figure in half or more. Anyway anyone tries to cut it, this Mall was a bad investment and at the same time a shot at the Mormon owned businesses and members in neighboring areas. This was Mormon Church backed and financed stealing of business revenue and sales tax revenue form the surrounding areas using everyone’s tithing money to do it.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted June 6, 2014
The City Creek Center Mall Costs To Build Just Doesn’t Add Up!!!
The Mormon Church keeps its finances very secret however once in a while enough does become publicly visible to reveal and prove what The Mormon Church is doing with The Lord’s money doesn’t add up and square with being honest. I have proof, in my opinion; The Mormon Church is involved with money laundering, kickbacks and special favors for their special inside people financially.
It has been reported The Mormon Church has invested $2 billion in a new mall, The City Creek Center Mall, comprising three city blocks or 20 acres of land. This $2 billion is a part of a larger $5 billion “sustainable design project to revitalize downtown Salt Lake City.”
If there were nothing to compare this kind of money being spent on these projects a person, looking from the outside in, wouldn’t know if these figures are reasonable for the work and progress done or not. Fortunately we do have some good real life comparisons. There are two real good comparisons; (1) the Joplin, Missouri F-5 Tornado and (2) the Moore, Oklahoma F-5 Tornado.
Both of these tornadoes were F-5, the worst and most powerful tornadoes possible, had similar paths of destruction through heavily populated city areas.
The Joplin Tornado was a little over one mile wide at its base and traveled 22 miles (an area of 14,000 acres) on the ground destroying everything in its path. The Moore Tornado was a little over one mile wide at its base and traveled 17 miles (an area of 11,000 acres) on the ground destroying everything in its path.
Both tornadoes destroyed (leveled) thousands of homes, commercial and government buildings because they both went right through heavily populated areas in major cities. Many more thousands of buildings were severely damaged that were not directly hit by the funnel on the ground. After two years the cost to rebuild the Joplin area is $2.8 billion and for the most part reconstruction is finished. The estimates to rebuild the Moore area that was destroyed are $2 billion.
So we see from these two real life examples the cost of clean-up, rebuilding utilities, thousands of homes, commercial buildings, shopping malls and a major hospital in each case, over an area one mile wide and several miles long (thousands of acres of densely populated city areas) is roughly $2-3 billion in each case. One thing to consider is FEMA was directly involved so this was NOT a cheap proposition!
Question: How can the Mormon Church spend the same amount of money, $2 billion, on The City Creek Center Mall which sits on only three city blocks (20 acres) and will house 100 stores and shops as well as “300 housing units, consisting of condos and apartments?”
Answer: There is no way unless there is a lot (and I mean a lot) of padding the costs many times more than the actual costs to build.
Why: There is only one reason I can think of for paying perhaps four prices (meaning paying four times what the cost should be) for The City Creek Mall and that is kickbacks as money under the table to favored Mormon people in the right positions to receive these ill-gotten gains.
This is how kickbacks would work in this situation of The City Creek Mall, in my opinion, and I think I am right.
The country has been in a recession with a slow recovery. There are companies and people that will do almost anything to get and keep their job(s).
The Mormon Church has the resources and credit to obtain the loan to finance The City Creek Mall for the $2 billion price tag. The Mormon Church may even own the bank that will do the financing. The bottom line here is the usual procedure of appraisals to justify the amount of money borrowed is either absent or was inflated unethically in this case because there is no way The City Creek Center Mall could appraise for $2 billion when compared to the real life example cost of $2 billion to rebuild a major metropolitan area as before discussed in this article. A more realistic appraised value for a project like The City Creek Center would be $500 million.
A kickback is a secret return of part of a payment as a result of a secret agreement. The reason kickbacks are a part of a secret agreement is they are often illegal and always unethical.
Where the kickbacks are going is a matter of speculation without some inside information. Kickbacks could be going into a special fund to build new temples in which case most Mormons would probably be OK with that. It is probably more likely kickbacks are going into someone’s pocket(s).
Another example of the Mormon Church misrepresenting money is for the Mormon Church to finance the construction of new temples by borrowing money through its Church owned corporations. The Church owned corporations would borrow money using their assets and good credit and transfer the money to The Church. In this way The Church books would look like it received money from the corporations as the profits from that corporation and look entirely legitimate for any audit of The Church books. The Holy Ghost has told me this is how the Mormon Church is financing the massive unprecedented building of temples now in a down economy. And the Mormons thought the mormn church was NOT borrowing money to build those temples. Right!
In all of the excessive Mormon Church building projects, during this down economy, it is most probable the kickbacks are going into someone’s private pocket(s) secretly. It doesn’t matter who’s pocket the money is actual going into because the fact has to remain everyone involved in the planning and management of The City Creek Center Mall (and temples too) has to know of the inflated costs of this project and there is no way all of the Apostles would not be involved in some way and should know what is happening even if the money is not going into their personal pocket. Everyone who knows, or should know, of kickbacks going into someone’s pocket is just as guilty as the one receiving the money if they do not come forward in a meaningful way to expose these evil crimes.
The same type of situation happens with Federal Government bidding and contracts. This is exactly why the government ends up paying $175 for a toilet seat that can be bought at the hardware store for $15. Everyone knows what is happening but very few persons have the guts to say anything against this type of policy and procedure and if they do, oh what a price they may have to pay if anyone pays attention to them at all. It seems to be human nature for the majority of people to ignore any evidence of evil even when the evidence is overwhelming. Mormons are no different.
My observation is Mormons are the worst to ignore obvious evil in The Church and often demonstrate a weak and puerile intellect in their ability to honestly evaluate the evidence of evil in The Church and the Church leadership. I wonder what Jesus will say to them on Judgment Day when it will be pointed out they should have known better and did NOT do more to safeguard the integrity of His Church (Moroni 10:24).
In my opinion, based on facts easily acquired, there is probably $500 million that went into private pockets as kickbacks for The City Creek Center Mall. My calculations are based on there is probably at least $1 billion of excess money appropriated for this project that has to be run through the businesses doing the general contracts. It costs perhaps 50% to run the money through the company in the way of insurance, overhead and income taxes which would leave $500 million for the kickbacks. The companies receiving the excess money in their contracts can’t hide the money; they have to pay taxes, etc. The guy(s) receiving the kickbacks are the ones not paying taxes, etc. but receiving cash. This is a type of money laundering and it is probably illegal and unethical for sure.
Think of this: For anyone claiming to be part of a lay clergy, to receive multiple millions of dollars in cash in the form of kickbacks is a pretty big payoff for preaching for free.
Think of this also: People have been killed for exposing fraud and corruption like this. I probably have a target on my back for sure now.
Is this not an example of SMP People in The Church?
What is really serious here is the Mormon Church preaches don’t get yourself into debt unnecessarily. In the Church movie, Windows of Heaven, it is depicted President Snow expounded on the fact the Mormon Church was in bondage in 1899 because of the Church debt. The Church got out of debt and was the better off for it. Now The First Presidency has put the Mormon Church on the hook for a $2 billion debt unnecessarily. The economy is NOT that good and the Federal Government is close to having to do some drastic measures financially which could upset the economy even more. Something could very easily happen to cause this City Creek Center Mall to become a flop and prove this was a way to risky venture that was way overpriced and now has the Mormon Church on the hook for that $2 billion price tag if something doesn’t go right. For sure the Mormon Church will not make any money on this mall because the cost was way too high for the income received. The Church will be darn lucky to even break even and even luckier if the loan will be paid off in 50-100 years without having to spend “tithing money” to make the loan payments.
Originally posted May 26, 2013
Brother Jim
Reposted May 26, 2014
Olive Branch Letter To The First Presidency
July 7, 2014
Subject: Jesus Chris’s Warning
Reference: Being enemies.
Dear Presidents, Thomas S. Monson, Henry B. Eyring, Dieter F. Uchtdorf,
In the past you all “affirmed” the infamous First “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court of January, 2012. No doubt you are trying to decide what you should do about the infamous Second “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court held in May of this year. Considering the Church’s debacle now known as The Kate Kelly Story no wonder you are having a troubling time deciding what to do with the Second “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court. Your public relations batting average is way down kind of like President B.O.’s foreign affairs batting average. Close to zero.
I feel impressed to give you the best free advice you will probably ever get in this life: “Keep your friends close and keep your enemies even closer.”
Instead of our being/becoming enemies it would be a whole lot more beneficial to be working together on Jesus Christ’s Warning for the benefit and general welfare of The Church and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is going to have His way on this; there is no doubt about that. Unfortunately The Church is vulnerable and the First Presidency has a lot to do with that condition in today’s world.
The ball is in your court on how you will handle your response to the Second “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court and how you will handle our relationship together. Are we going to be enemies far apart or will you keep me closer to you than you keep your friends?
Respectfully submitted for your considerations,
Brother Jim Kelley, Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 7, 2014
Follies Of The Mormon Church
In this article I will outline some imprudent actions and policies of the Mormon Church that are contrary in many cases to the scriptures.
While writing this article I am reminded of a quote from Eliot Ness when he spoke against corrupt politicians, judges and policemen when the tide of justice eventually went against them. “Since you never gave a damn in the first place, maybe it is time the tables were turned. Cause in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved, and the verdict is guilty.” This could apply to the Mormons who never gave a damn for Jesus Christ and especially never made any effort to protect His Church, that is IF the Mormon Church is the True Church. Now the tables have now turned against the Mormon Church in as much as The Book Of Mormon now has been discovered to testify against all Mormons. If you Mormons would have just protected the Mormon Church from “hypocrites” that have “polluted” the Mormon Church then there would have been no need for Jesus Christ’s Warning in the first place and now.
Now for some examples of Mormon follies:
Cleanse The Inner Vessel
Mormons are always very anxious to baptize any warm body as a new convert but they probably should be concentrating on cleansing the inner vessel before they cruise around to pick up new passengers. To try to get new converts into a church that has known “pollutions” and is run by known “hypocrites” (Jesus’s words IF The Book Of Mormon is true) is like a cruise ship going from port to port picking up new passengers when the ship’s crew knows full well the ship is infested with the Black Plague and the captain is a known incompetent idiot. Or another analogy would be a prostitute who knows she has AIDS and keeps working her trade and infects as many other people as she can.
This is Brother Jim’s observation and his knowledge through revelation from God: 1. The Mormon Church will falter in its stated missions of A. Proclaiming the Gospel to the world, B. Perfecting the Saints, C. Saving the dead; until the Mormon Church cleanses the inner vessel of The Church.
It doesn’t get any simpler than this and the reality, according to Jesus Christ’s Warning, is the Mormon Church General Authorities will NOT swallow their pride and cleanse the inner vessel of The Church. Because the Mormon Church General Authorities will NOT swallow their pride (and quite stealing out of the Church Treasury) the Mormon Church will continue to falter in its stated missions. So rank and file Mormons; until you put a stink nothing is going to change!
There are a few things you can do to protest. For starters hold back on your tithing money. Technically it is not due until Tithing Settlement at the end of the year. Put your tithing in a savings account each pay period and withdraw it and pay your tithing at Tithing Settlement. You will not be cheating the Lord and you will be sending a message to SLC you are protesting their being “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God,” that is IF you believe The Book Of Mormon? IF enough Mormons were to do this SLC will miss those weekly contributions. Expect SLC, just like the governments, to threaten to reduce services as their hammer over your head. Then it will be time to write your letters suggesting SLC use their resources on Church expenses instead of non-church projects like the City Creek Center Mall.
Many more examples to come later.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 12, 2014
Letter To Brigham Young University
[Do a Google search, “discussions on the book of mormon mormon 7-9” to get this 27 minute BYU-TV show.]
July 13, 2014
Subject: Jesus Christ’s Warning
Reference: Your discussions on the Book of Mormon Series, Specifically Mormon 7-9
To: The four professors at the BYU Department Of Ancient Scriptures.
Dear Keith J. Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley A. Johnson,
The reason I am writing you is because of a Discussions On The Book Of Mormon series apparently aired on KBYU-TV and I wish to particularly address your discussion on Mormon 7-9.
Your TV discussion on these three crucial chapters for the Mormon Church was uninspired, empty, wandered back and forth, and was milk toast totally ignoring (perhaps purposely avoiding) the meat of the matter which is Jesus Christ’s Warning directed specifically to, for and at the Mormon Church. You looked like four gerbils running on a tread mill, ever running but going nowhere. You seemed to be a perfect example of “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).
For your convenience I will attach a study guide of my commentary for Mormon 8:33-41. I suggest you swallow your pride (Mormon 8:36) and prayerfully study this guide and commentary out in your hearts and minds for it contains the truth and The True Church should never be afraid of the truth.
When you have gained a better knowledge of the meat perhaps you can go to my website,, and learn even more. Perhaps as LDS scriptural scholars, on an academic level, you can address the subject of Jesus Christ’s Warning to The First Presidency and advise them they have wrongfully persecuted members for only telling the truth about Jesus Christ’s Warning?
Please forgive me if I have been to direct with this letter. Like Mormon, Moroni and Jesus, I too am weary because of stupid Mormons who deny Christ and I am fearful and concerned for their wellbeing on Judgment Day. According to Moroni, he will be standing as a witness against any Mormon who denies Jesus Christ’s Warning. Compare the words “like as one crying from the dead” in Moroni 10:27 to the words “I speak unto you as if ye are present, and yet ye are not” in Mormon 8:35. The words of Moroni in Moroni 10:27 are an obvious and a direct tie to Jesus Christ’s Warning (Mormon 8:33-41)and just as obvious is Jesus Christ will be asking Mormons about His Warning on Judgment Day. Could there be a more urgent message for all Mormons anywhere else in the whole Book Of Mormon?
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley, Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake
Enclosure: Brother Jim’s Commentary For Jesus Christ’s Warning, Mormon 8:33-41 [The same Commentary found on the Home Page of this website.]
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 13, 2014
Kate Kelly’s Appeals Documents
Apparently on July 23, 2014, Sister Kate Kelly gave her appeals documents to her Stake President. Apparently the Salt Lake Tribune had a feature story on this too.
There are three separate letters and they can be viewed on
There seems to be some common threads in a lot of these Mormon Church Courts.
- Secret actions and secret combinations the defendant has no idea of or access to.
- Because of these secret actions and secret combinations as well as bogus altered definitions of words to fit the immediate needs of The Church, like “apostasy,” the Mormon Church has/is putting a lot of bad tastes in a lot of people’s mouths unnecessarily.
Honest question: Does this sound like a church that really represents Jesus Christ? Answer: Absolutely not!
Here again, the reader/visitor can be the judge. That is a lot fairer than the Mormon Church chooses to be.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 26, 2014
The Bottom Line
People are like electricity, they both tend to take the path of least resistance. People do NOT normally want to do the hard things in life but normally want to take the easy way out. For example:
- The United States has a gigantic National Debt of approximately 18 trillion dollars just because politicians, backed by lazy, ignorant, and selfish voters, have taken the easy way out and borrowed money the Federal Government did not have to spend the money on unconstitutional programs. Yes, unconstitutional programs. The Federal Government only has Constitutional Authority to Provide for a military, “Establish Post Offices and post Roads,” Establish and regulate Commerce, Naturalization, Bankruptcies, coin Money, fix the Standard of Weights and Measures, provide for punishment of crimes, manage Copyright and Patent Offices, “constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme court,” define and punish Piracies and Felonies, declare War, and “to exercise exclusive Legislation” over Washington D.C. (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8) Does this sound like the Federal Government has authority to A. Finance and manage a Welfare state? B. Provide for student loans? C. Pick the winners in business with grants and corporate welfare? D. Finance a conglomerate of unconstitutional special interest programs and projects that causes the Federal Government to now borrow half of all the money it is currently spending? Absolutely not and if the voters would have insisted that the Federal Government would have stayed within the boundaries of The Constitution we would NOT be in debt right now.
- So it is with the Mormon Church and the Mormons right now, they are taking the easy way out. The Mormon Church is taking unscriptural liberties and investing tithing money in businesses so the beautiful people of The Church can have a gushing fountain of ill-gotten money. The rank and file Mormons take the easy way out and just look the other way when they could stand up for themselves, stand up for Jesus Christ and stand up for The Gospel Principles. Many Mormons have personal knowledge of the “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God” but take the easy way out by doing nothing. Even if a Mormon doesn’t have personal knowledge of a specific “pollution” in The Church they have the Words of Jesus Christ in The Exploding Boomerang Warning to go on and do something if they have enough backbone. If Mormons would just choose the right (remember your CTR class and ring) and would have insisted on the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” be purged out of The Church all along, “the holy church of God” would NOT be polluted right now to the point it is very offensive to God, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true and that IF is a very big IF according to the reactions and conduct of the Mormons towards The Exploding Boomerang Warning. And IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then Mormons should be outraged anyway with the Mormon Church General Authorities for pulling the wool over their eyes by promoting a false book as scripture.
IF The Book Of Mormon is true, and as explained before based on the performance of Mormons that is a big IF, all Mormons should be outraged with all General Authorities for their part and participation in the “pollutions” of “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God.” You have the Words of Jesus Christ, what more do you need to act upon? By acting why not start writing letters to SLC asking why The Church leadership is not protecting The Church by having a central Mormon Church General Complaint Department? How hard could that be? Pretty hard for the ones asleep and Mormon Church General Authorities are counting on everyone to stay asleep and for this cause Jesus will be disappointed with almost all Mormons for being weak and stupid.
Brother Jim
Posted August 11, 2014
Here is my letter I sent today and I will keep sending this letter each month until I get a satisfactory answer.
Why don’t others do the same?
I sent this letter to:
Central Offices of
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of latter-day Saints
50 E. North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
August 11, 2014
Subject: General Complaint Department
Reference: Mormon 8:38 (
Dear Mormon Church,
After study and research in the scriptures, both Christian and Mormon, it seems obvious the Mormon Church should have a central Mormon Church General Complaint Department. With 15 million members it seems silly for any organization that size not to have a central complaint department for concerns and complaints that local Church leaders are unwilling or can’t resolve. Consider this: why would anyone want to join or stay in a church that doesn’t care enough for its members to have a General Complaint Department?
I have heard The Church leaders are concerned about some Mormons being inactive. Could some of this inactivity be contributed to “hypocrite” Mormon Church local leaders who have wronged local Mormons? It would seem IF the Mormon Church leadership, at all levels, really cared about all of its members they would institute a General Complaint Department to address local “pollutions” Jesus Christ warned about in The Book Of Mormon [now called The Exploding Boomerang Warning], that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true?
I would be most interested in your response to this prudent suggestion.
Most respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley
P.O. Box 609
Bolivar, MO 65613
Fair Notice To All Mormons
All the Mormons should know, or will soon know, they are without excuse for NOT supporting and upholding Jesus Christ and His Warning, IF The Book Of Mormon is true. And IF The Book Of Mormon is true then Jesus Christ Himself would want His Warning to be published to the whole world and that is exactly what Brother Jim is going to strive to do. Brother Jim only wanted to fix all the wrongs in the Mormon Church and do it internally and for his efforts he has been the subject of two “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts and severally punished by “diabolical rascality” and “nefarious” Mormon Church leaders.
The pattern to combat this type of wickedness against the Mormons was set in 1839 and preserved in the Mormon scriptures as D&C 123 (Boy that is easy to remember). In 1839 the “diabolical rascality” and “nefarious” enemies of The Church were from outside of The Church. Today the “diabolical rascality” and “nefarious” enemies of The Church are “the enemy from within” as hypocritical Mormon Church leaders and their minions who “envy” those same corrupted Church leaders.
So when Mormons witness articles in newspapers, on the radio, on the TV, on the Internet, etc. it would be their own Mormon Folly to blame Brother Jim. Blame those in the Mormon Church who were too proud to believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ’s Warnings clearly stated in the scriptures according to The Holy Bible and The Book Of Mormon they claim to believe in and refused to do something positive to correct-purge the “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God,” that is IF the Mormon Church could have ever been considered “the holy church of God?”
Brother Jim sincerely regrets circumstances beyond his control that now require and warrant his actions of supporting Jesus Christ now and in the future at the cost of Mormons and the Mormon Church which now has become the church run by the Devil.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 13, 2014
General Legal Disclaimer
The general nature of “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” is in their secrecy. Obviously it is hard to prove secrets, lies and stealing. Sometimes the fruits of secrets, lies and stealing do surface but to present absolute proof is difficult unless someone from the inside comes forward as a witness or documentation from the inside can be produced. This is exactly why the Mormon Church is so secretive about its internal business, especially its financial business, unlike most other Christian churches.
The secretive nature of the Mormon Church is exactly why they resist a General Complaint Department. If the Mormon Church had a functioning central General Complaint Department then many of the secret ventures, “secret combinations,” and “secret abominations” would become exposed as the rank and file members started making complaints about the fruits of such “atrocities” and “abominations” that will affect some but will not be so obvious to the majority. As long as the Mormon Church can keep the majority in the dark, or at least scared enough to shut up and keep quiet, and just keep paying their tithing (most important to General Authorities), the Mormon Church is more than willing enough to sacrifice the few who are offended-have no recourse-go inactive or when they do have enough backbone and stand up and “choose the right” (CTR), The Church will go through the motions of a kangaroo court, mock trial and punish them.
I asked Mormon Church leaders several times since January, 2012, “Are you sure you want to make an enemy out of me?” Apparently the Mormon Church leadership, high and low, at all levels, had/have no problem creating an enemy when they could have had an ally. Isn’t that just plain stupid? For this cause, Mormon Church leaders are to proud to listen to others, this website was launched in April, 2013.
For these reasons what is on this website, unless presented with absolute proof, has to be considered to be Brother Jim’s “opinion.”
I hope this satisfies the lawyers of the world.
Brother Jim
Posted July 20, 2014
I came across in a Mormon news story today. Their claim to fame is “MormonVoices is an independent organization that is supportive of, but not controlled by or affiliated with, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” This is right off the Home Page of this website second paragraph from the top.
Right off they claim to be “an independent organization…not…affiliated with, The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints.” Oh, really? Does this mean the people running and working with and for are all NOT Mormons? I don’t think so.
Unless I have misunderstood the dictionary definitions of “affiliated” and “members” this opening and leading statement is just one big lie. Doesn’t being a “member” of the Mormon Church mean you are “affiliated” with the Mormon Church? Absolutely YES!!! And get this, they even use the word “Mormon” in their own name!!! It would seem if they are not “affiliated” they sure would want to be “affiliated” if they could be.
Any group and/or organization made up of Mormons and then that organization, with the word Mormon right in its own name, supports and defends the Mormon Church at all costs, even to the point of lying and selling their souls, is by definition “affiliated” with the Mormon Church. Yes the organization or website charter may not contain the Mormon Church name directly but that doesn’t make any difference. What counts is they are all Mormons and they are acting and making statements the same as if they were the Public Relations Department of the Mormon Church. Their name even suggests they are the voice of the Mormon Church and its members. The only difference is the Mormon Church officially is not stupid enough to make some of the statements Mormon Voices are making in public right now. Actually the Mormon Church would be far better off if these Mormon Voices would have done nothing and did not exist. Mormon Voices should be an embarrassment to any reasonable thinking Mormon.
Incidentally if the people are Mormons in the organization, Mormon Voices, the Mormon Church does have control over them in as much as if they say anything the Mormon Church does NOT like they could be disciplined. That has happened to Brother Jim Kelley and others.
If this website is representative of Mormons in general no wonder Mormons can’t understand Jesus Christ’s Warning. Mormons in general have lost their ability to understand the English Language and use it properly.
There are other statements contained in this bogus and unethical website that suggest everyone else is wrong about every statement that criticizes the Mormon Church except the Mormons who blindly support the Mormon Church. Really? Does this also include Jesus Christ is wrong in His Warning, printed right in The Book Of Mormon, too?
Here is one such statement suggesting Mormons are universally right and everyone else is universally wrong:
“Many critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attempt to discredit the Church by pointing to past statements…the Church is in denial or engaged in some sort of disingenuous “cover-up” by failing to acknowledge responsibility for controversial statements that purportedly reflect the Church’s actual beliefs. These charges are all false.”
So “these charges are all false?” Really? Everything ever written about the Mormon Church that is not complimentary is “false?” What “pride,” “pollutions” and “hypocrites” these Mormons are and represent. The evidence of wide spread corruptions in the Mormon Church is out there for anyone with eyes to see. Is not the opening statements of the website “disingenuous” considering all their obvious lies to cover up their own direct affiliation with the Mormon Church?
Obviously there are a lot of critics of the Mormon Church with a lot of evidence proving that the Mormon Church is pretty corrupt or there would be no need for some Mormons to feel they need to have websites like Websites like is proof positive Mormons are in a frantic exercise to cover up their own corruptions when they all should be frantic about rooting out the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” The Book Of Mormon states “shall” be in the Mormon Church now.
The problem with rooting out “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church is who would be left in The Church? Oops!
Another problem is most Mormons do NOT believe The Book Of Mormon and even if they did they don’t understand the English Language well enough to understand The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
At the present rate the Mormons will tolerate “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in The Church because they probably are a part of the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church. This is like the criminal code of honor, “There is honor among thieves.” Apparently there is honor among “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church. What a mess! No wonder Jesus said what He did, that is if The Book Of Mormon is true.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 9, 2014
Courtesy Letter To Fair Mormon, The Parent Company of
This is that letter:
May 11, 2014
To: President Scott Gordon, Fair Mormon
PO Box 491677, Redding CA 96049
Dear President Gordon,
I wish to communicate with you about the general welfare of the Mormon Church. Obviously The Church is in trouble and we are both trying to help in our own ways. You, and the Fair Mormon organization, seem to want to defend The Church even if the evidence is against The Church. I want to help The Church rid itself of the “pollutions” and the “hypocrites” specifically mentioned in The Book Of Mormon.
The way I see this is we can be advisories for our causes or we can be allies for the cause for the general welfare of The Church. My position is that of a position of truth and the truth should prevail. I pray and hope you would also respect the truth and want the truth to prevail too.
I noticed Fair Mormon is a 501c3 organization. May I take this opportunity and request some information that should be in your Public Disclosure. I would like to know:
- How much money does Fair Mormons collect and by what means.
- How many paid employees are there and what are their salaries and benefits packages.
Just to let you know I have no official organization. I do not get any pay and every penny of my expenses associated with the website comes directly out of my own pocket.
I have mentioned your website and some observations on my website I would be interested in what your impressions are of my work, observations and insight.
I do hope we can work together for the general welfare of The Church.
Brother Jim Kelley, PO Box 609, Bolivar, MO 65613
P.S. I have enclosed some cards I had made up for a project of mine to help people to not procrastinate “attending a church of [their] choice.” I hope you enjoy them as much as the ministers of every denomination in my community have enjoyed them. Read the back of the card also for an explanation of the purpose of these cards.
[Could there be a more honest communication between myself and the Fair Mormon organization? I have written letters like this to the Mormon Church too. The Mormon Church just ignores me. I wonder if Fair Mormon will ignore me too?]
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 11, 2014
[As of July 9, 2014, no response to my request to know 1. How much money does Fair Mormons collect and by what means. 2. How many paid employees are there and what are their salaries and benefits packages. A response within 30 days is a legal requirement for a 501c3 organization.
I wonder if Fair Mormons receives money from the Mormon Church. This could be done in indirect ways and methods that would be hard to detect? Perhaps this is the reason for not complying with the law and giving me the information I requested? They have something to hide and they know I can find it.
I wonder if the employees (Yes, there most probably are some volunteers too) are making a living protecting the Mormon Church and the Mormon Church is footing the bills? If this is true the Fair Mormons are nothing more than minions for the Mormon SLC General Authority “hypocrites” polluting “the holy church of God.”
If Fair Mormons is in fact financed by the Mormon Church this follows suit with other unethical practices of the Mormon Church like violating 13 California Election Laws for their own “pride.” ]
Special Note: On August 4, 2014, I got an e-mail from President Scott Gordon of FairMormon. It adequately answered my questions and according to this e-mail FairMormon does NOT have any paid employees and the Mormon Church does NOT contribute to their organization financially. I asked for his permission to post that e-mail on this website. I am waiting for his response. Posted August 4, 2014, Brother Jim.
Another Example Of Fair Mormons Being A “Spin Zone”
Here is another example of Fair Mormons’ not being fair. This is right off their website. I have highlighted some of the words to bring attention to the obvious spin.
“Top Ten Worst Stories About Mormonism in 2012
“(7) Fred Karger ran for the GOP presidential nomination but never gained much support. Much of the coverage of his campaign focused on Karger’s attempt to discredit the Mormon church for its role in California’s Proposition 8 vote. That’s fine as far as it goes, but several reporters and publications allowed Karger’s charges to run unchallenged. For instance, Karger says that the Mormon church “pled guilty” to “13 counts of election fraud” after Proposition 8. This statement is wrong. The unintentional failure to fully comply with California election regulations is certainly not the same thing as criminal fraud, and it is malicious of Karger to say so.”
Brother Jim’s commentary:
- Mr. Karger apparently stated, according to Fair Mormons’ own article on their own website, the Mormon Church “pled guilty” to “13 counts of election fraud.” There is nothing in this article to prove Mr. Karger said the Mormon Church was guilty of “criminal fraud.”
- Even though the Fair Mormons organization failed to prove Mr. Karger said the Mormon Church was guilty and/or pled guilty to “criminal fraud” the article implies Mr. Karger did just that.
- Apparently the Mormon Church was guilty of some kind of noncompliance with the election regulations and pled guilty to something, perhaps paid a fine, related to that.
- It would seem the Mormon Church would be without any excuse to be in violation with any election laws anywhere in the world. The Church has a large Legal Department as well as members who are lawyers most everywhere in the world they could get legal counsel from in matters like this. There is always the governing local election boards that are willing to answer questions and clarify what the laws are too.
- Reading between the lines on this incident it would seem obvious the Mormon Church knew exactly what they were doing when they got involved in California’s Proposition 8 vote. The Church either thought they would not get caught and/or they chose the easier way which is to ask for forgiveness later than to ask for permission before. Obviously the Mormon Church did what they wanted to do in this case and pled guilty later because they were in violation of some laws and they got caught.
- The obvious consequences about the Mormon Church’s leadership violating some laws is this fulfills the prophecy in Jesus Christ’s Warning about Mormon Church leaders being “hypocrites.” Article of Faith #12 specifically states, “We believe…in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.” The words “honoring, and sustaining” obviously give more meaning and force to this statement than to just obey the law. This statement sets a higher standard than just obeying the law. A higher standard Mormon Church leaders are unable and/or unwilling to achieve.
- Obviously the Mormon Church thinks if they can get away with noncompliance and/or breaking the law then it is in their prideful best interests to do so. Obviously the Mormon Church thinks this is OK or they would not do it. Perhaps the Mormon Church thinks, “The end justifies the means?”
- Another principle this story may illustrate is the Mormon Church’s version of The Golden Rule; “He who has the gold makes the rules” or can afford the money to pay the fine if caught.
- Obviously someone thought the infractions (Is “infractions” an OK word to use to describe this, Fair Mormons?) were serious enough to bring charges and apparently there were 13 charges serious enough for a court and a judge to rule against the Mormon Church on. This was obviously not a bunch of frivolous charges a court would normally just dismiss.
- I am indebted to the Fair Mormon organization for this story. I would not have known that the Mormon Church had pled guilty to 13 counts of election fraud without the help of Fair Mormons. Thank you Fair Mormons.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 13, 2014
Even Another Example Of Fair Mormons Being A “Spin Zone”
Here is another, out of many, many, bazar articles on that try to cover up the true character of “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church. Although this is a bazar article there is a bit of useful information in the article. The context of the article gives revelation that the staff is made up of Mormons even though Fair Mormons claims not to be affiliated with the Mormon Church. What a laugh.
For a real good example of what Mormons really thought of “Negros” go to the Other Articles Page and see for yourself with the top of the page article, “Mormonism and the Negro,” and “The Church And The Negro.” Does anyone need any more proof?
Now here is another article:
“Criticisms omit crucial context 30 April 2012
“MormonVoices Decries Use of Proof-Texting in Attacks Against the Church
“Posted on Apr 30, 2012
“Salt Lake City, UT (PRWEB) April 30, 2012 [Does anyone know what PRWEB means? Perhaps Public Relations Without Enough Brainpower? ]
“MormonVoices, a volunteer group dedicated to correcting misstatements and misinformation about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has published a statement decrying the opportunistic accusation that Mormon scripture condones racism. Some critics, knowingly or not, have recently popularized arguments that rely on proof texting, a logical error that takes a passage out of context and purports to prove a point that cannot be fairly supported.
“The Mormon church is not racist, and recent arguments that it is are incredibly irresponsible or disingenuous,” said Scott Gordon, a managing director of MormonVoices. “It is simply false to say that the verses of scripture quoted prove racism.”
“John Lynch, another managing director of MormonVoices, observed, “The LDS church is welcoming and respectful of all people, as our scriptures teach. A complete and fair study of our scripture really doesn’t allow for any other conclusion.”
“The MormonVoices article urges journalists and other commentators to avoid simply passing on proof texted arguments without providing the necessary context for understanding what the scripture actually says.
“Gordon added, “There are plenty of knowledgeable Mormons, including here at MormonVoices, who would love to explain what we actually believe. The MormonVoices website also has great resources for understanding these issues. There’s no excuse for repeating a false argument without providing necessary context.”
“The article, along with other information about Mormons, can be found on the MormonVoices website,”
I wish to thank for more really useful information like MormonVoices has plenty of Mormons who staff their office, probably 100%, proving MormonVoices is well connected and affiliated with the Mormon Church. For anyone to say MormonVoices is not “controlled by,” connected to or “affiliated with The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints” is absolute proof of these people’s ability to promote deceptions and lies. How can anyone believe even one word these known “hypocrites” say? What a joke!
Thanks again MormonVoices,
Disciple Jim Kelley
Posted May 26, 2014
Mormon Code Of Ethics
Most professional organizations have a Code Of Ethics establishing the minimum level of honesty and ethics expected of its members. I feel the Mormon Church has a built in Code Of Ethics in the form of The Thirteen Articles Of Faith and their Temple Recommend Questions.
Do a Google search on “thirteen articles of faith” and “temple recommend questions,” then investigate for yourself what these documents say and decide for yourself if you think these two lists constitute a Mormon Code Of Ethics that all Mormons should follow?
If you personally know a Mormon do they adhere to these codes of ethics? Actually there are a lot of rank and file Mormons that do live according to these codes of ethics. Unfortunately the majority do NOT and the percentage is getting worse every year!
from what you can discover on this website do the Mormons featured on this website adhere to these codes of ethics?
Again on this website, you be the judge.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 13, 2014
Is Brother Jim In Trouble?
On January 18, 2012, Brother Jim suffered disfellowshipment in a “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock-Trial, Church Court at the hands of “hypocrites” and/or ignorant Mormon Church leaders. It would only seem history is just repeating itself?
- General Billy Mitchell disobeyed orders in the 1930s by trumpeting a warning that Japan would execute a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. For his efforts he was court marshalled but after the sneak attack happened the B-25 was named in his honor.
- John The Baptist was a lone voice in the wilderness for righteousness. He had to hide out in the wilderness because the church leaders of that day wanted to kill him. He was privileged to baptize The Savior. He later was murdered.
- In The Book Of Mormon, Samuel the Lamanite warned of unrighteousness that existed in the Nephite Church. For his efforts the Nephites tried to kill him. Samuel’s prophecies came true.
- In The Book Of Mormon, Abinadi warned of unrighteousness in the Church that King Noah presided over. For his efforts he was burned at the stake. Later his prophecies came true.
- Sara Palin was “crucified” by the media for saying things like, if B.O. were elected President, Putin would invade the Ukraine. See what happened? Sara’s prophecies did came true.
- Now Brother Jim is echoing The Exploding Boomerang Warning and he has been threatened with another Church Court and excommunication. No matter what happens to Brother Jim, his prophecies will come true because they are the words of Jesus Christ (Moroni 10:27), that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true?
It would seem it is a Badge Of Honor to be persecuted by the ignorant and unrighteous leaders in the world especially including the diabolical rascally and nefarious Mormon Church leaders.
I gladly take my place among the righteous ones whose only crime was to tell the truth and testify against evil and the dubious works of Satan’s angels in and out of the Mormon Church.
Brother Jim
Posted April 26, 2014
Profiles In Courage
Profiles In Courage was a book authored by President John F. Kennedy and was also a TV Series when The President was alive.
May I quote from this book:
- “The President of the United States writes brilliantly about a handful of American statesmen who, at crucial times in our history, risked their personal and public lives to do the one thing that seemed in itself right.” The Exploding Boomerang Warning is “in itself right.” Brother Jim may be standing alone at a crucial time, as “a handful of American statesmen” have done in the past, risking his personal and Church life. Brother Jim is learning many lessons about courage and at the same time learning about the workings of the cowards who will not follow Jesus Christ in the Mormon Church. Unfortunately there are a vast majority in government, as well as the Mormon Church, that will NOT stand up for right, truth, justice and the American way. Perhaps they should have watched Superman (1950s TV show and not any trashy Superman movies later) and learned some correct life lessons and correct principles. It is not too late. The TV Series is on U-Tube.
- “Courage is a diamond with many facets, and it owes much to its setting.” Brother Jim’s “setting” was at first an abused Mormon Church Single Adult Program. Brother Jim often wondered, “How can a Church that is so righteous in every other aspect be so unrighteous with their dealings with the Single Adult members and the Single Adult Program?” On April 8, 2009, The Holy Ghost showed Brother Jim The Exploding Boomerang Warning specifically teaching that the Mormon Church is corrupted and unrighteous with “pollutions” and “hypocrites” throughout the whole Mormon Church right to the very top that have “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true?
Since that revelation I have been on a “Mission from God” to alert Mormon Church leaders about The Exploding Boomerang Warning and to convince those with the authority to organize a Mormon Church General Complaint Department to help drive out the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church. My mission has been going on for five years. That is a long time to be ignored by Mormon Church leaders including The Prophet of the Mormon Church, President Thomas S. Monson, while doing the bidding of God.
As can be expected, according to The Exploding Boomerang Warning, Brother Jim has been met with “strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities;” (Mormon 8:36) from almost all Mormon Church leaders and members from the very top, The First Presidency, to the lowest unworthy cowardly rank and file member.
Actually I am confident The First Presidency and the other General Authorities know about The Exploding Boomerang Warning the same as I do but they have known about it for much longer than I have. I think it is quite clear, according to the Mormon Church leader’s actions, the Mormon Church thinks they can weather the storm and ride The Exploding Boomerang Warning out. This is exactly why Moroni wrote Mormon Chapter Nine. By their actions it is quite clear The First Presidency and the other General Authorities do not believe in Jesus Christ or a Judgment Day and this is exactly why Chapter Nine was written. Read Mormon Chapter Nine for yourself (you can Google it) and see for yourself if it is describing people who do not believe in Jesus Christ and do not fear a Judgment Day and this warning of repentance could be directed to Mormon Church members and especially Mormon Church leaders who obviously are the most likely to be the ones to read it, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true?
Obviously if you were God, would you direct that a warning be placed in a place where the ones you intended that warning to be directed at would be the most likely NOT to read it? God is NOT stupid and IF The Book Of Mormon is true then The Exploding Boomerang Warning is true and it perfectly follows Chapter Nine is a warning to those Mormons who would “transfigure “The Exploding Boomerang Warning that was written just before Chapter Nine. Remember, in the original 1830 edition of The Book Of Mormon what we have as Chapters Eight and Nine were originally combined and published as Chapter Five. The Mormon Church has reorganized Mormon’s Book into nine chapters where there were only five before. Why? Obviously to separate the warning contained in Chapter Nine as far as possible from The Exploding Boomerang Warning contained at the end of Chapter Eight so people would be less likely to make the connection. Surprise! Brother Jim made the connection.
Originally these two warnings were edited, by Moroni, to be together and would have been considered as one warning in its original form that would be directed at the exact same culprits, the Mormons Church leaders and the sheepish Mormon members who will follow any corruption with a Church title. In its present form, divided into two chapters, one complete warning, under the direction of Moroni IF The Book Of Mormon is true, has become two separate warning that would seem to target two different groups of people or at least not target the Mormons. Here again the Mormon Church leaders have successfully transferred blame and guilt from themselves to another by editing and reorganizing The Book Of Mormon.
I earlier pointed out this same kind of deception used by Mormon Church General Authorities for verse 41 and exposed this in my commentary about “the sword of vengeance.” If Mormon Church General Authorities are capable of doing something this deceptive and sneaky with the Book Of Mormon Index today, why is it so far fetched Mormon Church General Authorities years ago edited Mormon’s Book into nine chapters from the original five chapters fulfilling The Holy Bible prophecy, “… carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.”
If The Book Of Mormon is true without translational errors from Joseph Smith’s own mouth then why were those chapters rearranged? Did Mormon General Authorities later think they knew better than the author, Moroni, or the original translator, Joseph Smith? Or did the Mormon General Authorities later rearrange those chapters in an obvious cover up? Perhaps the Mormon Church General Authorities who did this rearranging knew The Book Of Mormon was a fraud that can be tampered with without any consequence from God later. If this is true this would give proof The Book Of Mormon was written by a rascally ghost writer.
Obviously there is ample evidence Mormon Church General Authorities have, are and will continue to use “the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” the rank and file Mormon members because of the Mormon Church leader’s own prideful ambitions and for “filthy lucre.”
Challenge to all Mormons or anyone else. Try this exercise in “courage.”
1. I have given you more than enough information that you can validate is true and is probable cause The Book Of Mormon Index has been compromised and tampered with for a purposeful deception about “the sword of vengeance” hangs over the heads of the Nephites instead of “the holy church of God.”
2. Write you own letter asking the Mormon Church H.Q. why this was included in the Index and why there is no foot note on The Book Of Mormon page 484 directing the reader to the Index on this issue.
3. Just see for yourself what kind of an evasive answer you will get right from the Mormon Church. Please send me a copy of any such letter for my file. Pretty please.
Is it not an interesting concept for a President of the United States, President JFK and not B.O., to demonstrate more courage and ethics than The First Presidency of the Mormon Church today. Real interesting! Real sad too.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 3, 2014
May 5, 2014
“Coke to drop controversial ingredient entirely!”
A New York (AP) news story tells about a teenager who started a petition to ask Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola to remove brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from Powerade and Gatorade.
According to a statement by the teenager, “Coca-Cola has gone above and beyond our expectations. It’s really good to know that companies, especially big companies, are listening to consumers.”
Is it not an interesting concept that Coca-Cola thinks more of its customers than the Mormon Church thinks of Jesus Christ? By denying The Exploding Boomerang Warning the Mormon Church is denying The Book Of Mormon and according to the Mormon Articles Of Faith is also denying Jesus Christ. “Very interesting.” (German soldier on the 1970s Laugh In TV Show)
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 5, 2014
Truth Is Eternal
In a letter dated November, 1909, The First Presidency, President Joseph F. Smith, President John R. Winder and President Anthon H. Lund, outlined “the position held by the Church” upon the subject of evolution.
That letter stated in part, “Truth, however, is truth, and ultimately every believing person must channel his mental processes so that proper choices are made as between the truths of salvation and the theories of men.”
In the “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts that was held for Brother Jim on January 18, 2012, and again on May 21, 2014, “the truths of salvation” were substituted for “the theories of men” and I was convicted on the basis of “the theories of men.” “The theories of men” was presented in the form of The Letter With No Name which is posted and explained on the Mock Trial Page. The proof is overwhelming, the Mormon Church, including The First Presidency, had two chances to get this right and both times failed miserably.
It will serve us all well to here and now reveal that the former Stake President Terrance L. Thedell presented this “embarrassment,” The Letter With No Name, to the Church Court High Council, before Brother Jim entered the Court Room without Brother Jim’s knowledge or consent, and unethically tried to use this as evidence against Brother Jim secretly. President Thedell gave Brother Jim NO opportunity to to object or explain this folly of a letter in the Church Court. This year, during The Early Morning Easter Sunday Meeting I had with my new Stake Presidents, President Rodman presented the folly that I have received an official answer from the Mormon Church H.Q. about “the holy church of God” as contained in Mormon 8:38 and I should just shut up and be satisfied with that.
I advised my Stake Presidents, in that meeting, The Letter With No Name, which President Rodman was referring to, should be an “embarrassment” to any reasonable thinking Mormon (apparently not for my Stake Presidents) and in reality that letter fulfills the prophecy and warning in Mormon 8:38, which specifically asks Mormons, “Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ?”
The Letter With No Name was sent to me by the Institute and Seminaries Departments of the Mormon Church (according to the envelope anyway) and obviously was such a “hot potato” the author(s) did NOT put this “official answer” on a Church letterhead or sign their names. I am NOT kidding, they did NOT sign their names!!! The only reason I can think of for anyone NOT signing a letter is they are ashamed or afraid of getting in trouble. Can anyone else think of another legitimate reason? I did not think so.
Obviously these cowardly author(s) were so afraid of being caught and were so ashamed of what they were writing (knowingly “transfiguring” The Book Of Mormon) that they did not put this letter on Church stationary that would have included Jesus Christ’s name. YES, AND THEY DID NOT SIGN THE LETTER EITHER!!! That is why it is called The Letter With No Name. These cowardly, phantom author(s) were obviously ashamed to include the name of Christ on the letterhead or their name(s) even though this was suppose to be an “official” answer from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints H.Q.
So my new Stake President, President Rodman wanted me to accept The Letter With No Name as proof I am all wrong even though this letter is filled with ass-u-mptions and fulfills the prophecy question asked of Mormons, “Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ?” I am not going to let this letter make an “ass” out of me on Judgment Day. I am going to follow Jesus Christ. I did NOT write The Letter With No Name, someone else did! Let them go to hell which is where that stupid letter came from in the first place. As for me I am going to follow Jesus Christ.
I do not know how stupid President Rodman thinks I am but in this case President Rodman’s ass-u-mption that I am stupid, enough to accept The Letter With No Name as a legitimate answer obviously from false representatives of God, obviously bounced off of me and stuck on President Rodman. The Letter With No Name, that is evasive with its language and the identity of its authorship, can only be considered evidence and testimony for anything but stupidity. Anyone who would even consider this stupid letter to be good for disproving The Exploding Boomerang Warning has to be at least as stupid and cowardly as the phantom authors of The Letter With No Name. Phantom authors seems to be a troubling pattern in the Mormon Church. It has been presented before, on this website, The Book Of Mormon, according to logic could have been written by a phantom author. Compare the Overview article, posted above on this page, outlining how a rascally ghost writer could have written The Book Of Mormon.
A Similar Comparison
For President Rodman to suggest The Letter With No Name is evidence against me would be the same as a policeman arresting a known bank robber, inside a bank with the bank alarm tripped, when the known bank robber had a loaded gun pointing at the bank teller demanding cash and then later the Police Chief, a friend of the bank robber, telling the policeman he is under arrest for that bank robbery. The Police Chief railroads the policeman by altering the records and stating:
- The testimony of the bank teller is inadmissible and will not be considered. Likewise in the first “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court, Brother Jim was denied by President Thedell the reading out loud of Mormon 8:33-41, which was the center subject of the Mock Trial, Church Court. Incidentally, at the end of this Mock Trial, Church Court two high councilmen (I remember one looked exactly like President Rodman who admits to being a high councilman during that time period but claims he was excused that night.) stood up and lied through their teeth and testified Brother Jim had every opportunity to present his case even though everyone there heard me ask to be able to read Mormon 8:33-41, heard President (Dr.) Allan Allphin (who conducted) gave me permission to read those nine verses, and then President Thedell immediately intervened verbally forbidding my reading of those nine verses. These two high councilmen, who lied through their teeth, were counted as special witnesses in this Mock Trial, Church Court to insure that fairness prevailed during that court and they failed miserably. Even though these two bold face liars were designated as special witnesses during the court proceedings, the “official” court records, consisting of many type written pages of nonessential details, do NOT include the names of these lying special witnesses. In other words, since the names are missing, in reality there were NO witnesses testifying Brother Jim had a fair shake during that Mock Trial. Can the Mormon Church be this incompetent with its record keeping? Whether The Book Of Mormon is true or false, it doesn’t matter, however, there are three and eight witnesses whose names are listed right in The Book Of Mormon. Apparently many moons ago the Mormon Church understood the concept for a valid witness and understood for a witness to be a valid witness their names have to be included with their testimony. In the case of the “official” Mock Trial records there is NO statement of testimony Brother Jim had a fair shake or any names of the lying witnesses. As the German says in Laugh In,“Very interesting.” Mormon Church courts are more than “very interesting,” they are a big laugh, hilarious and are in fact a comedy of errors by unqualified buffoons in expensive suits.
- The past criminal record and convistions of the known bank robber will not be considered! Likewise in the “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court there was inappropriate activity and behavior like unto criminal activity by the presiding Mormon Church leader, President Thedell, before, during and after that was obviously NOT considered during the appeals process, that is if those appeals documents were read and whoever read those appeals documents could read with understanding, comprehension and had enough prudent brain power to logically think things through. Hay!, the Mormon Church leaders can’t read The Exploding Boomerang Warning with any understanding and comprehension so why would anyone ass-u-me these same Mormon Church leaders could read appeals documents with any understanding and comprehension. I will present the Appeals Documents on the Mock Trial Page and let you decide if this inappropriate activity and behavior should have been considered by The First Presidency on appeal and the Mock Trials reheard or overturned. I wonder if any Mormon Church court ruling is ever overturned? I think I will ask The First Presidency that question.
- The fact the bank robber had a loaded gun and was pointing it at the bank teller is inadmissible and will not be considered for any consideration and determinations of what happened. It is known the policeman also had a loaded gun while in the bank and therefore will be automatically charged with bank robbery because the bank was being held up, we know that because of the bank alarm went off, while the policeman was there with his gun. Obviously the policeman is automatically guilty because he had a loaded gun in the bank and will be charged, convicted and jailed for bank robbery. Likewise in the “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court Brother Jim was found guilty just because he was repeating the Words of Jesus Christ who, according to The Exploding Boomerang Warning right in The Book Of Mormon, condemns the Mormon Church and Mormon Church leaders. According to Mormon Church leaders and Mormon Church policy if anyone says anything uncomplimentary about a Church leader they are automatically guilty of “apostasy” no matter what, even if those words are the Words of Jesus Christ and the person is only sounding the voice of warning to the proper authorities. Likewise in the illustration with the policeman, the policeman was using his gun, issued by the police department, doing his job to enforce the law and catch the bad guy in the act. So it was with Brother Jim when he was using “Mormon” scriptures published by the Mormon Church to sound the trumpet of warning to warn the appropriate Mormon Church authorities of the bad guys specifically described as “pollutions” and “hypocrites” by Jesus Christ, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true. And IF the Mormon Church leaders knew The Book Of Mormon was false and can NOT be trusted to condemn anyone then Brother Jim has been blindsided by those same Mormon Church leaders in those Mock Trials. BROTHER JIM HAS BEEN FRAMED BY THE MORMON CHURCH!!! The appeals documents are posted on the Mock Trial Page of this website. Read them for yourself and you be the judge if Brother Jim was framed of not.
Brother Jim
Posted May 5, 2014
Revised and edited August 10, 2014 to reflect the circumstances of the Second Mock Trial.
“Forgive And Forget”
During the Early Morning Easter Sunday Meeting I had with my new Stake Presidents, President Rodman counseled me to “forgive and forget” all of the trespasses and hurtful actions others have done against me.
My comments back were, “I have already ‘forgiven’ everyone, that is easy.” However I cannot “forget” the inappropriate behavior and discriminations against the innocent, poor and weak in The Church because unless something positive is going to happen to correct these “pollutions” and the “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church, the innocent, poor and the weak are going to keep being abused, taken advantage of and hurt.
I further stated my fight is not for me but for others that have, are and will continue to be abused in the Mormon Church.
My Stake Presidents insisted that I “forget” as well as “forgive” and this will be better for me.
I asked my home teacher to investigate “forgive and forget” for any scriptural insight. He couldn’t find any. I tried tonight in the Bible Concordance and in the Concordance for the Mormon Scriptures and I can NOT find any scriptural reference about forgetting offenses another has committed against me.
Actual Case Study
What if a woman went on a date with a man and that man abused her on that date? Should she “forgive and forget?” Obviously if she completely “forgets” she may go on another date with the same man and be abused again but even worse or maybe even killed.
Obviously to forget “pollutions” and the abusive actions of “hypocrites” is just plain STUPID in most cases. In the cases pertaining to Jesus Christ’s Warning it is spiritual suicide.
I bet Mormon Church leaders really would like for me to “forget.” I bet they really would. “Very interesting.”
Although there is NO scriptures that say to forget when you have forgiven, there are a few that specifically say to remember those who have seriously wronged the Mormons which obviously applies to “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God.”
Towards the end of the Mormons being expelled from Missouri The Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith set his counsel, to those Mormons being expelled from Missouri, in “scripture” as D&C 123. That counsel and Mormon scripture reads in part:
“…all the saints gathering up a knowledge of all the facts, and sufferings and abuses put upon them by the people of this State…the names of all persons that had a hand in their oppressions, as far as they can get hold of them…take statements and affidavits…gather up the libelous publications…the magazines,…encyclopedias…that we may…publish to all the world…that the whole nation may be left without excuse…that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven…”
Does this sound like the “forgive and forget” doctrine all the Stake Presidents gave Brother Jim? Absolutely NOT!!!
It is amazing to Brother Jim when a Mormon Church leader gives advice on matters like this, more often than not, the Church leader is wrong, at least according to the scriptures.
Actually Brother Jim is following this Mormon scripture and counsel with this website and even if Brother Jim “should waste and wear out [his life] in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness” concealed in the Mormon Church, Brother Jim shall have a great reward in heaven for being obedient to the commandments of Jesus Christ instead of following the follies of the uninspired Mormon Church leaders.
Obviously IF The Book Of Mormon is true then The Exploding Boomerang Warning is the same thing as the sure knowledge of the Mormon “pollutions” and “hypocrites” embedded as Mormon Church General Authorities “are truly manifest from heaven” because they came straight from Jesus Christ, that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true. IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” embedded as Mormon Church General Authorities are just a coincidence because even IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true the evidence is overwhelming there are still “pollutions” and “hypocrites” in the highest leadership positions.
IF The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then the Mormon Church General Authorities have been proven to be “pollutions” and “hypocrites” for promoting a book as scripture when it clearly was NOT.
Clearly the Mormon Church can NOT get out of this one no matter how hard they try. This is like quick sand for them. The harder they try to get out the deeper they sink until they are completely swallowed up in their own “pride” (Mormon 8:36).
It would seem to me for a Mormon Church leader to counsel anyone to “forgive and forget” may be “the truths of salvation” are being substituted for “the theories of men” (Truth Is Eternal article above). The benchmark for any statement of any church leader is the scriptures. If there is a discrepancy the scriptures supersede. That is how that works.
I don’t think Jesus would want me to forget about The Exploding Boomerang Warning no matter how much Mormon Church leaders would want me to.
Brother Jim Kelley
May 5, 2014
Special Message To All Mormons
Some of you claim you know, even by the spirit:
- Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God.
- The Book Of Mormon is true.
- The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints is true.
Most Mormons, and this may be a blessing in disguise for them, don’t have the foggiest idea what is true about the Mormon Church, if anything at all.
Here are the bare bones reality for Mormons everywhere:
A. If The Book Of Mormon is true then The Exploding Boomerang Warning is true also and most (perhaps 99%) of all Mormons are in real serious trouble with Jesus now and on Judgment Day as a direct result (Moroni 10:27).
B. If The Book Of Mormon is NOT true then those Mormons who claim to have a spiritual testimony it is true have been deceived somehow or they are out and out liars. Those Mormons will stand accountable on Judgment Day for promoting something as true that in reality was not true and they should have known better especially if they are knowingly lying.
C. Actually it doesn’t matter if The Book Of Mormon is true or not true for Mormons. What does matter are the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” have become more and more obvious in the Mormon Church due to personal observations and news reports and unless something is done to stop it this will only get worse and worse and worse.
Compared to where the Mormon Church should be by now the current growth rate is way below what it has to be to fulfill prophecy. The Mormon Church claims to be the only true church in the whole world and they will be the ones that will fill the whole earth with the real and true gospel of Jesus Christ. That will be impossible with only 15 million members compared to the over 6 billion people (and growing rapidly) on earth. Considering only about 25% of all Mormons are very active the actual working ratio is about 3 1/2 million Mormons to influence over 6 billion people. It just can’t be done without some kind of miracles from heaven happening. People who are “proud,” “pollutions” and “hypocrites” don’t generally experience, are able to invoke, are worthy of miracles from heaven.
I think the Mormons, and especially the Mormon General Authorities, need to make a real honest and probing evaluation of where they are now and where they could be if they were not mired down with “pride,” “pollutions,” and “hypocrites.” Obviously until the Mormons fix these things they as a people will not:
(1) Enjoy the gifts of the spirit as they could be experiencing.
(2) Enjoy continues revelation to guide and direct the affairs of the Church as they could be experiencing.
(3) Enjoy revelation and inspiration from God as they could be experiencing. Much, if not all, of the direction from the top down is very uninspired.
(4) Enjoy as members the spirit of discernment to know IF Mormon Church leaders are inspired from God to lead in the Work of God.
(4) Enjoy missionary success as Mormons in past decades have.
(5) Enjoy an increase of membership activity in The Church as they could be.
(6) Enjoy an increase in success in areas like home and visiting teaching as they could be. The honest reporting of this is a good barometer for The Church.
(7) Enjoy an increase in convert baptisms as they could be. Percentage wise Mormons are falling flat on their faces compared to 19th Century Mormons. Why?
(8) This list could be endless. The fact of this matter is, to enjoy any success in the affairs of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ a person, a church, has to have the Spirit of God with them. Many Mormons will claim and testify during special events like General Conference the spirit of God is alive, well and apparent within the Mormon Church. The exact same thing can be said about any special event with the Pope and The Catholic Church. There are actually many, many more Catholics that can testify of the spirituality of the Catholic Church and the spirituality of the Pope than there are Mormons that can testify of the spirituality of the Mormon Church and The Mormon Prophet. That is significant and noteworthy!!!
If Mormons do not wake up and recognize The Exploding Boomerang Warning for what it truly is, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, they will see Moroni at the Judgment Bar Of Jesus Christ and they may very well see Brother Jim standing right next to Moroni as another witness against them (Moroni 10:27).
Honest Question: Has Brother Jim given fair warning? Only the blind are without excuse with this website and that may change if this website is ever recorded on audio CD or a Christian church decides to start doing PowerPoint seminars and these seminars are put on DVD. Something is going to happen to make this website, or at least the subject matter, go viral and when it does there will be CDs and DVDs all over the place presenting The Exploding Boomerang Warning even though it may not be called that by others on those CDs and DVDs. When the subject matters of The Exploding Boomerang Warning on this website goes viral then every Mormon will then know with absolute surety the Mormon Church leadership is NOT inspired of God or they would have taken The Exploding Boomerang Warning serious and taken appropriate measures against the obvious “pollutions” and “hypocrites” within The Church. OOPS!!! The Mormon Church leaders are the “pollutions” and “hypocrites” mentioned in The Exploding Boomerang Warning and Jesus Christ’s Warnings in both The Book Of Mormon (IF The Book Of Mormon is true) and The Holy Bible.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted May 7, 2014
Open Letter To All Christian Leaders And Scholars
July 2014
Reference: The Religious Discovery of the 21st Century
Dear Christian Clergypersons, Leaders, Scholars and College Professors,
What you are about to discover, if you choose to investigate and study this website out, may very well be The Religious Discovery of the 21st Century. The Mormon Church Apostles and Prophets, as well as most other Mormons, are now actively denying The Book Of Mormon as being true and as being scripture. Your eyes are NOT deceiving you, you read that right, the Mormon Church is/has officially denounced The Book Of Mormon as scripture and at the same time, according to Mormon doctrine and beliefs, has denied Christ at the same time too.
This is all incredible I know but can be proven and much of the proof is outlined right here on this website. It will take some time to study this out but the fruits will be well worth it. You will have a wealth of information you can use to help your members avoid the pitfalls of Mormonism and help the Mormons in your area see the light and perhaps start coming to your church.
The Kate Kelly Story, numerous websites like this one and other news stories of corruptions in the Mormon Church has made now the perfect time to warn the Mormons in your area.
You may want to cut and paste articles from to your own website and please e-mail me for the permission to do that. If you study out the content of this website you will become an expert and be qualified to write articles and perhaps do public PowerPoint presentation meetings that could lead to the production of DVDs that would help others, who cannot attend your presentations, learn these truths too. Jesus Christ would want the truth to be taught and made available to everyone.
What you will discover on this website is an incredible “poetic justice” situation exposing the vices of Mormonism today right out of The Book Of Mormon. Even though The Book Of Mormon is considered to be a false book it can be a powerful tool to teach the follies of Mormonism. This is more than funny, it is hilarious.
My motivation is I want to see the Mormon Church cleaned up and this will embarrass the Mormon Church leaders to do just that. Sad experience has proven the Mormon Church leadership is so proud the only way they will clean up their act is by public embarrassment. In the meantime Christians can have a hay day with this.
If you need some technical assistance with concepts I can help you with that. My contact information is on this website.
May the Lord bless you and be with you on this Warning Project, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, A-men.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted July 12, 2014
The Ongoing Saga Of The Kate Kelly Story
It has been almost two months since Kate Kelly’s kangaroo court Church action and her appeals letter(s) in July, 2014. Since she was excommunicated by a Bishop her first appeals action is to the Stake President.
Apparently the Stake President has sit on Kate Kelly’s appeals letter(s) and by doing so has failed in his fiduciary responsibility for Kate Kelly, The Church and Jesus Christ to handle/resolve this P.R. nightmare for Kate Kelly, The Church and Jesus Christ as soon as possible.
Apparently The Holy Ghost has nothing to do with the Mormon Church appeals process the same as The Holy Ghost has nothing to do with a Mormon Bishop’s Church Court either (see New Revelations And Information article above).
Really, how long does it take for a Stake President to review a Bishop’s court appeals letter? Answer: not long if SLC stays out of the process.
Apparently SLC wants the National News stories to cool down before the appeals letter(s) are responded to. Is this fair to Kate Kelly? To the rest of the world? To Jesus Christ?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 14, 2014
The Mormon Church And Black People Now
This month (September 2014) is an interesting month for the Mormon Church’s relationship with Black people. The Emergency Essentials catalogue and The Ensign both have Black people on the cover. It is like the Mormons can’t get enough of the Black people good feelings now when in the past most Mormons, especially The Church leaders, couldn’t put enough distance between them and the “negroes” (see article #3 on this Other Articles Page above).
The Emergency Essentials Company is owned by Mormons and headquartered in Orem, Utah, just north of Provo, Utah, the home of BYU. A Black woman is featured on the cover, another Black woman is shown as a company worker on page 5, and the cover Black woman is again shown on page 39. The Black woman on page 5 looks enough like the Black woman on the cover to be the same person. Perhaps Emergency Essentials hired a Black woman BYU student for the photos and/or actually hired her to work for them?
Not many years ago a Black person would have never been featured on the cover of the Ensign and if shown in an article the reference would have been to illustrate all Negros are the direct decedents of Cain, the first murderer and “Note, also, that part of Cain’s curse was to have as his posterity those spirits [Negros] unable to bear the Priesthood in this life. In view of the importance that humans rightly attach to their children, their posterity, what greater curse could come upon Cain, as pertaining to this life? And what could be more appropriate than for these spirits [Negros] to have such a man as Cain as their progenitor?”
Obviously it is appropriate to include Black people in your circle however, the Mormon Church use to take great efforts and pains to exclude Black people in the past. Does this NOT prove the Mormon Church, officially, to be a Church of “hypocrites” (Mormon 8:38).
These are the facts and as pointed out in other parts of this website, you can be the judge what is fact or fiction, true of false, right or wrong.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 20, 2014
Oklahoma University Competes With The Mormon Church And BYU
I have experienced an interesting situation with the Oklahoma University administration that is similar in many ways to the bureaucracy of the Mormon Church and BYU. Because of vague, arbitrary and punitive policies and rules it seems hard for the minions of both organizations to deal fairly, honestly and prudently with others. For this reason I am posting this article on this website for a side by side comparison to see if the University of Oklahoma can fair better than the Mormon Church when they find themselves in an embarrassing situation. Time will tell.
Here is the content of the letter I received from the administration of Oklahoma University:
The O.U. Stupid And Slanderous Letter
September 9, 2014
Dear Linda [My wife],
Please find the enclosed personal check, in the amount of $250.00, made on behalf of your account with the University of Oklahoma Bursar. Pursuant to Board of Regent’s policy, payments for any delinquent accounts are required to be made with certified funds (i.e. money order, cashier’s check). I have included a copy of this policy for your review. Please remit your payment, made payable to the University of Oklahoma, with a form of certified funds listed above to 3000 South Berry Road, Suite 100, Norman, OK 73072…
Brittany Elliott
Administrative Assistant
University Collections
Here is a letter I sent in response to The O.U. Stupid And Slanderous Letter I was sent from Brittany Elliott of Oklahoma University:
September 22, 2014
To: Brittany Elliot, University Collections, Division Of Legal Counsel, Oklahoma University
Subject: Your offensive and inappropriate letter dated September 9, 2014 (Mailed 9-11-14).
Reference: Linda Sterling (Kelley) Student Loan Account #XXXXXXXX531
Dear Brittany,
I received your offensive and inappropriate letter last week pertaining to my wife’s account being “delinquent.” This can NOT be so. I do NOT understand why you, or Oklahoma University as a whole, would want to punish a third party person [Brother Jim has started paying off this old loan] who has stepped up to the plate and is currently paying off this student loan. I can NOT understand why a perfectly good check was returned and a demand for “certified funds” is now required. IF anyone thought this check did not have the funds in the account to cover this check a call to the bank would have proven different. This check, # 1852, obviously was NOT deposited because the back is completely blank. Obviously your office is NOT interested in collecting money for a student loan but is more interested in punishing the innocent who tries to pay on a student loan.
Pertaining to policy you state, “I have included a copy of this policy for your review” (page 149). All the “copy” you furnished tells me is, “All payments for delinquent accounts must be made in cash or by cashier’s check or money order.” You have FAILED to provide me with a copy of the policy pertaining to why this account is delinquent and you have FAILED to explain to me why this account is delinquent!
Before you write another STUPID LETTER back to me may I point out some information you should have been aware of before you sent your First Stupid Letter:
- I have been ahead of time in the past with all of the previous payments.
- Check #1852 was dated August 26, 2014. I assure you that check was in the mail no later than August 27th. The September 1st payment should have been delivered by the USPS no later than Friday August 29th.
- I have an agreement with the Office of Bursar to pay 100 monthly payments of $222.24. [There was NO mention of “certified funds” with this new agreement. Obviously, because O.U. has willingly received seven of my personal checks from the beginning of this new agreement, O.U. has now forfeited any right to require “certified funds” now.]
- The payments started on February 1st which would be eight payments due by September 1st. In other words as of September 1, 2014, I owed $1,777.92 in order to be current.
- As of September 1st, including check #1852 that I presented for payment, I had made payments totaling $2,724.00 or I am $946.08 ahead of the scheduled payments.
- September 1st was Labor Day. Perhaps because of the Labor Day weekend something happened in the Office of Bursar beyond my control to make it look like the September 1st payment arrived after September 2nd. Most ethical institutions give a grace day in the case of a National Holiday.
- Even IF check #1852 arrived after September 2nd, very unlikely, this account is paid so far ahead anyway it would still NOT be delinquent by any ethical definition.
- Had you done your due diligence and researched this account you would have discovered all of this for yourself. Perhaps you did ask the right questions and someone in the Office of Bursar lied to you?
Since you instructed me to mail payments to your office I am attaching check # 1852 (the one you returned) and check # 1861 for the October 1st payment and I will continue to mail my payments to you until further instructions. Please be advised, hell will freeze over before I send you “certified funds.”
If I were you I would hand deliver these two checks to the Office of Bursar and give who ever got you in this mess a piece of your mind for setting you up. Your name is now listed among the incompetent, proud and mean spirited on the website The reason is this case is a compelling parallel to how the Mormon Church does its business. The Mormon Church is notorious for its vague and arbitrary church policies designed to selectively punish those who are the least guilty of anything and allows the most guilty to go scot free.
Would you not agree you and the Office of Bursar owes me an appropriate apology? Time will tell if I get any.
I bet in the future you will more thoroughly check things out before you write another stupid letter like the one you wrote me. If you do take this experience as a positive lesson you will prove yourself a cut above the Mormons who are so proud they think they can do no wrong, need no repenting and owes no one an apology.
To see your name on the Internet go to, scroll to the very bottom of the Home Page and follow the directions there for the article Oklahoma University Competes With The Mormon Church. Which has the most incompetent, proud and mean spirited personnel?
Jim Kelley
Closures: Payment history. Checks # 1852 and # 1861
Cc: Anil Gollahalli, General Counsel and David L. Boren, President of O.U.
[As of October 2, 2014, 11 days, not a peep from O.U. Perhaps no one at O.U. knows for sure what to do about this and wants to sleep on this several nights?]
Copy Of Payment History
Please notice all the double payments and a note about an escrow account because the Office of Bursar failed to provide me with a letter of agreement earlier.
Student Loan Payoff For Linda Gledhill/Kelley
Attention: Kay Casey-Loan Rep., University Of Oklahoma, Office of Bursar
1000 Asp Room 208, Norman, OK 73019-4072
Account # XXXXXXX531, 100 Payments Of $222.24
Starting balance…………………………………………………………….………………….…….……. $22,224.00
Payment for February 1, 2014, CK #1792………………………………………………….………… $222.24
New balance…………………………………………………………………………………….…………….. $22,001.76
Payment for March1, Ck # 1798………………………………………………………………………..501.76
New balance…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………$21,500.00
Payment for April 1, Ck #1808, Escrow Acc. U.S. Bank……………………………..$500.00
Payment out of escrow account, April 3, 2014, Ck#1809…………………………………….…$500.00
New Balance………………………………………………………………………………………………………….$21,000
Note: I have received Beth Gifford’s letter dated March 27, 2014, on April 3rd which should eliminate the need for an escrow account. Jim Kelley
Payment for May 1, Ck #1817…………………………………………………..……….………………….$500.00
New Balance……………………………………………………………………………..………………………….$20,500
Payment for June 1, CK # 1822………………………………………………………………………………$250.00
New Balance…………………………………………………………………………………………………….$20,250.00
Payment for July 1, CK # 1835……………………………………….……………………………………..$250.00
New Balance……………………………………………………………………………………………………$20,000.00
Payment for August 1, CK # 1844………………………………………………………………………….$250.00
New Balance…………………………………………………………………..……………………………….$19,750.00
Payment for Sept. 1, CK # 1852……………………………………………..……………………………..$250.00
New Balance……………………………………………………………………………………………………$19,500.00
Payment for October 1, CK # 1861……………………………………………………………….……..$250.00
Payments for Sept. and Oct. mailed, on September 22, 2014, to Brittany Elliott, 3000 South Berry Road, Suite 100, Norman, OK 73072, at her instructions.
New Balance………………………………………………………………………………….……………….$19,250.00
Is there anyone who has read the letters associated with this University of Oklahoma debacle that could even conceive O.U. is in the right and Brother Jim is in the wrong on this one? So it is with The Exploding Boomerang Warning, the Mormon Church is clearly in the wrong on all counts and Brother Jim is in the right (right along with Jesus) on all counts. I posted this experience with O.U. to help illustrate Brother Jim is not insane as some Mormons have no doubt speculated. I predict O.U. will admit they are wrong and give me an apology unlike the incompetent, proud and mean spirited minions and General Authorities in the Mormon Church.
Obviously IF the Mormon Church leaders and minions (two High Councils and two Stake Presidencies for sure) had done their “due diligence and researched” the evidence pertaining to The Exploding Boomerang Warning they would NOT find themselves painted in a dunce’s corner with no way out. If O.U. does the right thing on this one them ALL Mormons can take a lesson from O.U.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 22, 2014
This Space Reserved For The O.U. Response
Creating A Space For Mormons To Articulate Issues
On the Home Page of there is a statement, “Ordain Women aspires to create a space for Mormons to articulate issues of gender inequality they may hesitant to raise alone.” My question would be why can’t the Mormon Church General Authorities do this?
The Mormon Church has admitted the people of Ordain Women are respectful and orderly when they come to downtown SLC trying to get into the Priesthood Session of General Conference or meet someone at Church H.Q. So why wouldn’t the First Presidency just meet with the Ordain Women leaders and have a pow wow?
Perhaps The First Presidency could use their “missionary skills and manners” and civilly discuss whatever the Ordain Women leadership wants to discuss, present a solution and pray with these O.W. leaders in an honest effort to seek the “will of the Lord” together? This obviously would have worked much better than avoiding the O.W. leadership and then bushwhacking Kate Kelly with a mock trial Church court.
The only explanation I can think of why The First Presidency would NOT want to do this is they think they are too good to mingle with the peons (surfs) of The Church. What a shame for The First Presidency to feel above the lowly of The Church to the extent they won’t even invite a meeting with the ones that have a legitimate issue with The Church. It is as though The First Presidency forgets who pays the tithing so The First Presidency can have the life style they enjoy so well.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 26, 2014
Every Mormon Knows The Truth (Article # 62)
Every Mormon knows, or should know, the truth about the “hypocrites” and the General Authorities that have “polluted the holy church of God.” The evidence is all around:
- During a time when The First Presidency has authorized allocating five billion (with a “b”) dollars for a stimulus package for metropolitan SLC The First Presidency authorized the elimination of the “inspired” ward and stake callings of the Activities Chairman, Activities Committees and along with it the ward and stake activities budget money too.
- During a time of worldwide rescission, 2001 to now, during a time when Mormon Church tithing receipts have declined, the Mormon Church has built new temples at a neck break rate. Often members exclaimed where is The Church getting the money? Now, in the October, 2014, Semi-Annual General Conference, The First Presidency announced there will be NO new temples announced until further notice. What happened?
- The dirty little secret is The Church has been building new temples on borrowed money and The Church’s line of credit has run out. The Mormon Church has been borrowing money through its Church owned corporations and apparently all these lines of credit have run out or the General Authorities are afraid to put The Church in any further jeopardy, risk a financial collapse for The Church and be caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
- Another dirty little secret is The First Presidency has NOT authorized new temples for the benefit of the members! New temples, during a time of worldwide rescission, were built for the benefit of favored Mormons who would benefit financially when the new temples are built. These favored Mormons needed a job during a recession! New temple projects were a lot more profitable for these favored Mormons than going out and getting a real job even if they could have found a real job.
- Here is the absolute proof there is a Class System in the Mormon Church. Even though Mormon membership is claimed to be over 15 million The United Order has not been reinstated. What is The First Presidency waiting for? When The Church was well under 1 million members The United Order was established in the 19th Century. The fact of the matter is in the 19th Century Mormon leaders could greatly benefit financially with a system like The United Order. Mormon Church leaders took total ownership and control over everyone else’s property and redistributed it the way Church leaders saw fit. Church leaders did very well and prospered way beyond their personal means and talents with a system like that. Much like the U.S. Congress benefits with taxpayer’s money to get richer than they most likely would ever be able to do on their own, using their own resources and talents.
- If The United Order were reinstated the Mormon Church leaders would take total control of everyone else’s property in The Church again. When someone else comes and takes over all your property you often grow a backbone (or a pair) and demand accountability over all The Church owns and has control of because The Church now controls everything in your life, even your livelihood and your standard of living . The rank and file Mormon members did demand this in the 19th Century and that is exactly why the Mormon Church used to disclose all of their internal business, including detailed financial statements, until 1957. After 1957, several decades after The United Order was “temporarily” dissolved, the Mormon Church went into “secret combinations” mode and has been a very secret society with a Class System ever since. This secret society, Class System, is one reason why in the Mock Trial, Church Court system an innocent member will still be found guilty and punished. It is NO DIFFERENT than the Lords and Surf System of Old England which eventually lead to Magna Carta.
- The Mormon Church General Authorities, and their favored Mormon buddies, have a much better new system for becoming wealthy and staying wealthy beyond their own personal means than the old haphazard United Order System of the 19th Century. This new system is the Mormon Church, Secret Society, Class System of the 21st Century now enjoyed by the lords (Church leaders) of the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church General Authorities will never give up their earthly kingdoms they lord over now for a promised United Order System where all the General Authorities will have to take a pay cut and suffer a lower standard of living. Even though the Mormon Church General Authorities of old promised the “Saints” there would be a day when The United Order will be reestablished in The Church the smart money is on the bet that the Mormon Church General Authorities today will never allow that “day” to come in their lifetimes.
- The only thing that could change this is if the Mormon Church were on the verge of bankruptcy because the Mormon General Authorities squandered The Church assets and the money in The Church Treasury. In that case it would be more beneficial for the Mormon Church General Authorities to participate in a United Order System than to ride out bankruptcy and perhaps end up going to jail.
- If the Mormon Church did experience bankruptcy conditions look for The United Order to be hastily reinstated and much of the membership’s wealth confiscated by the United Order System to be diverted to pay off creditors forcing the bankruptcy process.
- Outside forces that could cause a Mormon Church bankruptcy are: A. Another worldwide recession or depression. B. A pandemic health crisis like Ebola where no one can leave home to work, attend church, attend the temple or even pay tithing. C. These same economic factors would bankrupt Church owned corporations too. A little known legal term is “piercing the corporate veil.” In the event the owner of a corporation misused a corporation, driving it into bankruptcy and there are not enough assets left in the corporation to pay off the creditors then the creditors can “pierce the corporate veil” of corporate protection and come after the owners (the Mormon Church) assets (buildings and temples). In this case the Mormon Church borrowing money through Church owned corporations to finance the building of unneeded temples and the stimulus package for SLC would qualify as misuse and abuse of corporation laws. There could be some jail time for some Mormon Church General Authorities if this house of cards collapses on them. This would be exactly why the Mormon Church General Authorities would be so anxious to reinstitute The United Order for a wealth stream to pay off the bad debts of The Church and keep themselves out of jail or prison.
- When the conditions outlined in this article cause panic among the Mormon Church General Authorities they will be counting on the rank and file members (surfs) to fall in line and do exactly like the Church leaders (lords) tell them to do. The lords will no doubt claim The Lord Jesus Christ is asking for their property (wealth) and the surfs are required to hand it over because of their temple covenants. What the surfs need to do is insist on an open and transparent accounting of all Church business for the last seven years before any United Order is reinstated. The Church was open and transparent during the times of The United Order in the 19th Century so the same should be required-expected in the 21st Century. The Mormon surfs need to stick to their pitch forks on this one and demonstrate they have a back bone and the men have a pair.
- Don’t expect the 21st Century Mormon Church to mirror the 19th Century Mormon Church. One example is there is some probable cause evidence on that under the direction of Joseph Smith and Emma Smith the Relief Society Sisters were ordained to the priesthood with specific callings to heal the sick and afflicted by the power and ordinances of the priesthood by the anointing of consecrated oil and the laying on of hands. The 21st Century Mormon Church ignores all of that as well as punishes the leader(s) of that Mormon group bringing this up. If the current Mormon Church General Authorities ignore Mormon women being ordained to the priesthood in the 19th Century (they ignored the fact some “Negro” members were ordained to the priesthood in the 19th Century too) then hell will freeze over before the Mormon Church will ever let go of their financial secrets and other secret society information and combinations also.
I think this article is long enough to prove the point every Mormon alive, as well as everyone else alive today, can see for themselves just how corrupted the Mormon Church has become and in reality is a “polluted” church even IF the Mormon Church was never “the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38) to begin with.
Brother Jim
Posted October 19, 2014
A Breath Of Fresh Air
(Article # 63)
I sent the following article to the Springfield, Mo. News-Leader Newspaper, Opinion Page Editor. It would probably be advisable when business leaders in our communities do something wholesome and good we become very vocal in our support as well as support their businesses. Here is that article:
“I wish to commend our local TV stations for COZY and ANTENNA TV (3-3 and 33-3). What a breath of fresh air to be able to see wholesome TV again over the airways. I am quite sure the youth of today will enjoy what we “geezers” enjoyed in our youth [1950-1960s]. I predict the viewer ratings of these older programs will rival the newer 21st Century programing and our youth may just learn a lesson or two about honesty and morality that are not to be found in newer 21st Century programing.
Jim Kelley
Bolivar, Mo.”
My observation has been for a very long time if commercial TV would have had the same kind of programing in the 1950s as there was introduced in the 1980s the general population would have never abandoned their radios for TV. TV would have never gotten off the ground.
TV programming has just gotten worse since the 1980s. This seems to be an evolutionary process where Satan doesn’t do all of his evil deeds right away; he can wait later for a bigger score. So it has been in the Mormon Church today. There are a lot of “pollutions” and hypocrisy in the Mormon Church today the Mormons of yesterday would have never stood by and allowed to happen in their day. They would have stood up and said something unlike the Mormons of today.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 20, 2014
“True Grit” Verses True Stupidity (Article #64)
The way the Mormon Church Priesthood leadership has handled the Sister Kate Kelly situation is pure stupidity and a textbook example of how not to handle a public relations nightmare. At this point it is somewhat irrelevant if the cause of Ordain Women is a just cause or not. The fact of the matter is the Mormon Church Priesthood has not followed well known and established Christian Principles in dealing with Sister Kate Kelly. It would seem now the well-established Christian Principles of charity, “the pure love of Christ,” are no longer practiced by the Mormon Church Priesthood leadership.
It would seem other Christian Churches still have, practice and understand the principles of charity and the Mormon Church has forsaken its understanding of charity for the substitution of a really stupid Priesthood Leadership Policy Manual that is so flawed and anti-Christ it has to be authored by Satan.
If the Mormon Church actually understood the principles of charity, “the pure love of Christ,” The First Presidency would have insisted on a personal meeting with the leaders of Ordain Women which they didn’t.
Instead The First Presidency chose to attack Kate Kelly and Ordain Women by siccing the local priesthood leaders on Kate Kelly, tried to discredit her with press releases/General Conference talks and sniped at her with a malicious article on the official Church website. Obviously if The First Presidency had time to do all of this they had time to meet with Kate Kelly.
Kate Kelly’s cause is now stronger than ever because she has “true grit.” The Mormon Church’s position is now weaker than ever because The First Presidency has true stupidity and their “pride” (Mormon 8:36) will not allow themselves to admit a mistake.
This same pattern is consistent with the many other Mock Trial, Church Courts throughout the Mormon Church today. The poor, poor, proud First Presidency; they are going to lose their eternal salvation over a little pride today. This is similar to selling your birthright for a bowl of pottage today.
Here is some more proof the Mormon Church priesthood has anything but charity. After months of her Stake President sitting on Kate’s Appeal Letter he finally revealed his decision (his decision was made months earlier when SLC ordered him to tell the Bishop to excommunicate) to deny the appeal. What a surprise . What The Church has done in many of these Mock Trial, Church Court cases is the same as mental cruelty and abuse to their own members. You may go to the Salt Lake Tribune article ( and get an eye full of negative P.R. for The Church. Even Forest Gump understood, “Stupid is as stupid does.” Apparently Forest Gump is smarter than The First Presidency. Wow! That is amazing.
Actually what is even more amazing is Mormons are still playing the childish game of Follow the Leader. Mormons are foolishly following their leaders who are leading them straight to hell. The Mormon Church teaching to follow your Mormon Church leaders and even if they are wrong you will still be blessed is pure folly. That logic is Mormon Folly and I will write an article about this in the future on the Mormon Follies Page.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted December 19, 2014
A Well Oiled Machine Or Corporation (Article #65)
The Mormon Church today functions like a well-oiled machine. The Church is in reality a Corporation and it is well lubricated with the tithing dollars of the faithful much like the tax dollars lubricates the governments. In both cases nothing is done to earn the money but compulsion is used to insure collections.
In the case of the governments the tax dollar receipts are enforced by the sword. In the case of the Mormon Church the tithing dollar receipts are enforced by denying the temple recommend. It has been proven in the past a Mormon can be guilty of all manner of sins but if that Mormon pays their tithing they can pretty much get a pass on the temple recommend interview questions and still get their temple recommend. The one major sin, according to The Church Leadership Manual, that doesn’t get a pass is to find fault with The Church or its leaders. Ironically to legitimately find fault with The Church and its leaders is a commandment from Jesus Christ (Ether 8:24).
The historical fact is the Mormon Church Corporation structure came at a very huge price of past member’s lives (untimely death), time, personal wealth, sweat, tears, talents, etc. The current Mormon Church leaders and members couldn’t do this all over again if their lives depended on it. They are incapable of this achievement partly because they are for the most part removed from The Holy Ghost as compared to past Mormon generations.
The only reason the Mormon Church is so successful today is because of the groundwork past “inspired” Mormons did in building an organization capable of running on autopilot for a very long time as long as the faithful continue to contribute tithing dollars that is the equivalent of tax dollars in government. How many governments are run efficiently and without pride? So it is with the Mormon Church today including inside “pork projects.”
I observe many Mormon General Authorities trying to assume personal credit for the great achievements of The Church today because of their personal talents and personal contributions. The fact is the Mormon General Authorities of today are so incompetent the more Church money and volunteer hours they direct into a project, like the Missionary Program, the less returns The Church receives.
Even though there are 50% more full-time Mormon missionaries who have been sent out these past few years the baptisms are stagnant at around 200,000 convert baptisms every year for a decade or more. The current World Population on December 19, 2014, is well over seven billion people and at an established rate of 1.4% increase per year the population increases by over ten million people each and every year. At this rate the Mormon Church is falling behind the mission to take the Gospel to all the world at a rate of almost ten million people each and every year to just keep up with the world’s population growth. So how can the Mormon Church fill the earth with the “Restored Gospel” before The Second Coming? The answer is there is no way unless they get their act together and welcome the promptings and guidance of The Holy Ghost in doing God’s Work on earth.
In order to gain the companionship of The Holy Ghost the majority of Mormons who “lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts” (Mormon 8:36) will have to repent of their prideful ways. That isn’t going to happen because pride, by definition, doesn’t recognize itself as evil so most of the Mormons are in denial of being proud to the point of offending God. It will take a great chastening from God to humble the Mormons on this point and then perhaps the Missionary Program will go forth in such a way to take the “Restored Gospel” to all the world in fulfillment of Prophetic Prophecy.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted December 19, 2014
Can The Mormon Church Borrow Pope Francis For A Season? (Article #66)
On Monday December 22, 2014, during the Christmas Season Pope Francis delivered his traditional Christmas greetings to the cardinals, bishops and priests who run the Holy See and the newspaper headline summarized the Pope’s address as, “Pope Francis: Merry Christmas, you power-hungry hypocrites at Vatican.” In response to this news story it has been told to Brother Jim, “The Pope said the same things you are saying about the Mormon Church leadership word for word.”
My question is: Can the Mormon Church borrow Pope Francis during the next General Conference because he has a pair big enough (unlike Stake President Garry Adams, see There Are NO Flaws Or “False Doctrine”!!! article near the top of Home Page) to ask the Mormon Church General Authorities “Why have ye polluted the holy church of God?” (Mormon 8:38).
The scriptures plainly state, “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:16). By the fruits of all the Mormon Church leadership, specifically the Mormon General Authorities, because they show the fruits of staying silent about Jesus Christ’s Warning (Mormon 8:33-41), they have proven themselves without the manhood (a pair big enough) to stand up for Jesus Christ and His Warnings plainly outlined in the scriptures. Since most Mormon priesthood holders (all men) don’t have the manhood necessary to stand up for Jesus Christ then perhaps Kate Kelly is right, Mormon women should be ordained to the priesthood and start leading The Church. Many women in The Church demonstrate more manhood (“true grit”) than what would seem to be present in all the men in all of the Mormon Church put together.
During his talk Pope Francis seemed to have a “laundry list” of “15 ailments in Francis’ ‘catalog of illnesses’” in The Catholic Church. Many of what Pope Francis listed are also what Jesus Christ included in His Warning (Mormon 8:33-41) about the Mormon Church.
Since President Monson, President Eyring and President Uchtdorf of The First Presidency don’t have enough manhood (“true grit” or a pair big enough) to testify of Jesus Christ and His Warning AKA Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning then perhaps Pope Francis can come to SLC during General Conference and repeat Jesus Christ’s Warning in a session of General Conference. Pope Francis has proven he is man enough.
Perhaps the Mormon Church can do an exchange program with the Roman Catholic Church where each church exchanges their top leaders. If Pope Francis were exchanged for President Monson the Catholic Church would be getting the short end (shitty end) of the stick but considering how Christ like Pope Francis is this deal may still be worked out. The only drawback would be with President Monson taking Pope Francis’ place there would be an increased chance for “pollutions” and “hypocrites” to further corrupt the Roman Catholic Church than ever before.
Brother Jim says, Merry Christmas, “Ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers [Mormon General Authorities], who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God?” (The words of Jesus Christ, Mormon 8:38).
Brother Jim (who has “true grit” and a pair big enough) Kelley
Posted Christmas Day, 2014
Priestcrafts And Iniquities In The Mormon Church (Article #67)
Priestcraft is not a word that I can find in a regular dictionary. Priestcrafts is also not included in the Mormon Bible Dictionary and there is no Book Of Mormon dictionary.
In Apostle Bruce R. McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine he expounds on priestcrafts the same as a dictionary would. This account is very important because it comes from a very high up Mormon Church leader when the leadership was much more honest and righteous before about 1994 or about three decades ago.
Elder McConkie states:
- The Lord “commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion.” (2 Nephi 26:29)
- Priesthood and priestcrafts are two opposites; one is of God, the other of the devil.
- Apostasy is born of priestcrafts for those who engage in them follow vain things, teach false doctrines, love riches, and aspire to personal honors.
- Men are commanded to repent of their priestcrafts (3 Nephi 30:2).
- In the millennial day [The Millennium when the Lord Jesus Christ will personally reign and rule with righteousness] these great evils of priestcrafts will be done away with.
Mormons no doubt will exclaim there can be no priestcrafts in the Mormon Church because the Mormon Church has the true priesthood of Jesus Christ and there is an absolute promise The President of The Church will never lead The Church astray, period!!!
Mormon history, more recent history in particular, prove the Mormon Church Presidents have been leading The Church astray beginning with President Howard W. Hunter. My observation is President Ezera Taft Benson was the last righteous Prophet-President of the Mormon Church and with some of these earlier Prophets-Presidents they were beguiled and deceived by angels of Satan who had infiltrated the Apostleship just like Judas Iscariot was an angel of Satan in the Holy Apostleship right under the nose of Jesus Christ anciently.
The Book Of Mormon clearly states the Jews became the most wicked people in the world because of priestcrafts and iniquities and this is exactly why they evolved into the most wicked people on earth who would crucify Jesus Christ. So obviously priestcrafts is a very dangerous activity to participate in and specifically commanded of God to repent of this evil. (2 Nephi 10:5)
In the Mormon Church of today there are many examples of priestcrafts however; most are skillfully covered up in secret combinations so as to elude detections.
In this article I will expose one glaring example of priestcraft which is the Mormon Church Leadership Manual. This Leadership Manual is a closely guarded secret and contains secret combinations for Mock Trial Church Courts, secret combinations among Church leaders, etc.
There was a website that exposed every word of this Mormon Church leadership Manual and the Mormon Church immediately threatened a sever lawsuit if this website did not immediately remove these Mormon Church copyrighted secretes from public view.
This Mormon Church Leadership Manual represents priestcrafts in the Mormon Church in such a way as the Mormon Church cannot deny anymore. Many Church Policies contained in this Leadership Manual are in direct opposition to Jesus Christ and His Gospel Principles. This basic principle and definition of priestcrafts is outlined in item #2 above.
One principle of priestcrafts contained in the Mormon Church Leadership Manual is no Mormon Church member who finds fault with The Church or any Church leader will be allowed to continue telling the truth without severe punishment, even unto excommunication, the most severe punishment allowed by law. The Mormon Church erroneously labels these truth seekers and truth tellers as “apostates” and there is no doubt in my mind, if the law allowed, the Mormon Church would exact capital punishment on these Mormon truth seekers and truth tellers the same as The Church of old tortured and executed the Saints of God anciently. Ironically the torture was to extract a confession from the truth teller that they were telling lies. In this way The Church could make statements, supported by witnesses, the “apostate” admitted they were lying all along and then of course The Church murdered the “apostate” for being an “apostate” which was a capital offense crime in those days.
In Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning, Jesus Christ predicted, “And your churches [meaning every Mormon branch, ward and stake], yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.” (Mormon 8:36)
It is impossible for every Mormon branch, ward and stake to be polluted by the local membership. In many of these local Church groups the members are very righteous as a group and by themselves would not come close to qualifying as “polluted.” The way Satan has “polluted” every Church branch, ward and stake is by the Mormon Church Leadership Manuals containing the secret combinations of modern day priestcrafts. There is no other way every Mormon Church congregation could become polluted. In reality the Mormon Church Leadership Manuals are more filthy and represent spiritual pornography much more than any anti-Mormon publication ever could have been.
If there is any Mormon, or non-member for that matter, who thinks these Mormon Church Leadership Manuals are NOT secret just ask a Mormon Church leader who has one if you may borrow it to read. Not a chance or the leader risks a Mock Trial Church Court of their own!
In case someone does show/loan you a Mormon Church Leadership Manual ask to see the policies on Church Courts contained in that manual to make sure you have the correct secret combinations, priestcrafts manual.
The reality is IF (this is a big IF) a Mormon Church leader who does have possession of these priestcrafts manuals had “true grit,” or a pair big enough to be a man, they would write a letter to The First Presidency stating they can no longer in good conscience keep in their possession such a policy manual without exposing to the world the priestcrafts contained in that manual. In this letter they can suggest the priestcrafts be removed from the manuals and then list the priestcrafts that are in opposition to Jesus Christ and His Gospel Principles that are in the manuals. IF any Mormon Church leader holding such a manual and still claims there are no priestcrafts in that manual then he hasn’t read that manual with understanding or is obviously suffering from a mental disorder and should seek psychiatric help immediately before they hurt themselves or someone else.
Any “investigator” of the Mormon Church who is seriously considering baptism may want to ask to see this Mormon Church Leadership Manual to better determine if they want to subject themselves to such priestcrafts that are in opposition to God.
If I were an investigator, or even a member, I would ask the most convenient Mormon Church leader who has a set of these leadership manuals to see the one with the Church Policies outlining Church Courts. In most cases that would be an Elder’s Quorum President or a Bishopric member. You will probably not be allowed to see such a manual but here is what all who are involved will be able to learn:
- The person asking will be able to learn there are secrets in the Mormon Church the rank and file members are not allowed to see in opposition to the Gospel Principles of Jesus Christ (Ether 8:19, compare 18-26).
- The Church leader holding these secret manuals will learn for themselves, if they don’t understand already, The Church has placed them in a position of working priestcrafts because they are forced to go against the Gospel Principles of Jesus Christ and are operating in their calling in secret. (Ether 8:19)
- All investigators, members and Church leaders (who have a pair) should write their own letters to Church H.Q. asking this simple question; Why does The Church have policy manuals that dictate Church policy that governs members and the members are not allowed to read for themselves those policies that govern them? Does anyone have a pair big enough to write a letter like this? Brother Jim does and is thankful to God for such courage!
Here is a copy of the letter I will send:
December 25, 2014
The First Presidency
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
Dear First Presidency,
May I ask why the Mormon Church has secret Mormon Church Leadership Policy Manuals that have secret policies governing the rank and file membership and the rank and file membership are not allowed to read these secret policies for themselves?
Why wouldn’t The Church make these, and all current Church policy manuals, available for public view in every meeting house library? What does the Mormon Church have to hide?
(Signed) Brother Jim Kelley
This letter will be in the mail on December 26, 2014, the day after Christmas. Isn’t the Christmas Season a wonderful time to reflect upon the Savior and His Gospel Principles as opposed to the priestcrafts of the Mormon Church? Any bets if the Mormon Church cowardly First Presidency will reply?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted December 25, 2014
Two Honest Letters Of Inquiry That Are Being Ignored By The Mormon First Presidency (Article #68)
Here are two, among dozens of others, honest letters of inquiry Brother Jim has sent in the past to The Mormon Church First Presidency and The First Presidency has only showed rudeness (A Lamanite trait, 1 Nephi 18:9 and 2 Nephi 2:1) in return. May you read these honest letters of inquiry and then you be the judge if The Mormon Church First Presidency should be rude and just ignore these letters.
Perhaps you would like to copy and paste these two letters, attach your own cover letter inquiring why The First Presidency would want to ignore these two letters and mail this to The Mormon Church First Presidency for a personal answer from The Church of your very own. If anyone does get a response I would be interested in receiving a copy. My e-mailing address is on the Contact Page of this website.
The First Letter Of Two
November 17, 2014
Dear President Monson,
As the Lord’s duly anointed Prophet of God on earth at this time may I ask you one simple and direct question? What is your official interpretation of “the holy church of God” as recorded in Mormon 8:38? As the duly anointed Prophet of God it would seem you have a fiduciary responsibility to God to answer this question.
Is this a direct reference to The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints or another denomination or another church in another dispensation? The pronoun usage, first and second person, present tense, would obviously indicate, to me anyway, this “holy church of God” has to be a latter-day church. Do you agree?
Most respectfully submitted,
(Signed) Brother Jim Kelley
P.O. Box 609, Bolivar, MO 65613
Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake.
P.S. I would have saved you the trouble of “copying” this letter to my Stake President by mailing him a copy myself however, he has been a smart aleck in the past and has returned my official correspondence I have sent him as he has refused to accept delivery.
P.P.S. This letter is posted on the website You may want to consider this when answering and be sure you do answer.
The Second Letter Of Two
December 25, 2014
Christmas Day
To: The First Presidency
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
Dear First Presidency,
May I ask why the Mormon Church has secret Mormon Church Leadership Policy Manuals that have secret policies governing the rank and file membership and the rank and file membership are not allowed to read these secret policies for themselves?
Why wouldn’t The Church make these, and all current Church policy manuals, available for public view in every meeting house library? What does the Mormon Church have to hide?
(Signed) Brother Jim Kelley
[To be fair The First Presidency has not had time to respond to this particular second letter however, based on past, sad, experiences I am betting The First Presidency will ignore this one too because these questions are to hard for them. The reality is there have been other letters I have sent in the past three years that have asked the same questions and have been ignored by The First Presidency. The bottom line is IF The First Presidency were to honestly answer (honesty is not their strong suit) these questions their answers would be an admittance that they have been involved with priestcrafts all along. That would be bad for the missionary program and the tithing business models of The Church. Unfortunately for The First Presidency no answer is still an answer and they have been caught practicing priestcrafts. ]
These are two letters I have sent in the past and I plan to mail each month until The First Presidency decides to make an appropriate response.
I will keep track right here of the dates I will remail these letters. Probably February 1st will be the next time I remail these two letters.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted December 26, 2014
The Goodness And Mercy Of God In Prayer (Article #69)
I was pondering today about how one sided prayer can seem and how easy it is to neglect daily prayers. Then it dawned on me just how merciful the principle of pray is. The Holy Ghost seemed to whisper to my spirit, Prayer is not one way however in seeming one way it is a merciful principle allowing Heavenly Father’s children to go to Him with anything without much difficulty according to their faith. “Have you ever experienced how hard it can be to go to your earthy father, earthy relative or an earthy person and ask for something face to face?”
After this exchange with The Holy Ghost I suddenly realized just how perfect and merciful the true principle of prayer is and I became even more appreciative of my Heavenly Father and all of His Principles as reflected in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ.
I hope this may be beneficial to others.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted January 8, 2015
Be Careful!!! (Article #70)
I have been cautioned, by some Mormons (SMP Mormons included), to be careful with my accusations of the Mormon Church leadership. Good advice and I am being careful.
Who should really be careful are the Mormon Church leadership (“teachers” in The Book Of Mormon sense) who Jesus Christ Himself has personally identified as “hypocrites” who have “polluted the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38) meaning, without any reservations, the Mormon Church.
Here is a vivid Warning right in The Book Of Mormon, supposedly “the keystone of our religion,” that are literally The Words Of Christ (Moroni 10:27), backing up all the news reports, etc.; telling about all the “hypocrite” leaders of the Mormon Church and how they are pilfering the Church Treasury for personal gain “for that which will canker” (Mormon 8:38). And no Mormons, at least any I can identify and observe, can figure this out.
Moroni, The Prophet and author of Mormon Chapter Eight through the end of The Book Of Mormon, 50 pages plus of Holy Scripture, specifically recorded a commandment of Jesus Christ as, “Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you [meaning Mormons]…that ye [meaning Mormons] shall [meaning no ifs, ands or buts] awake to a sense of your [meaning Mormons who are asleep] awful situation, because of this secret combinations which shall be among you [in the Mormon Church]” (Ether 8:24).
How much more plainer could The Lord God be through His Prophet? In other words, Mormons, wake up and save The Church from the “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God” through “secret combinations” before it is too late. If you Mormons don’t then Jesus Christ will ask why you didn’t on Judgment Day (Moroni 10:27).There is no getting out of this for Mormons, even the SMP Mormons, on Judgment Day. Either it will be discovered that you Mormons were for Jesus or you Mormons were not for Jesus. Which camp do you Mormons want to be remember for? Remember that some bishop, stake president or even a General Authority will not be able to help you out on Judgment Day because they will be too busy scrambling for an excuse to save their own sorry butts and they will fail (Matthew 7:22-23).
How much more plainer could Jesus have been on this subject? How much more plainer could Moroni have been on this subject? And how much more plainer could Brother Jim have been on this subject? These will be the circumstances all Mormons, who are accountable on this subject, shall face on Judgment Day. No ifs, no ands and no buts.
In the sacred name of Jesus Christ; Amen.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 14, 2015, Valentine’s Day.
First Presidency Messages (Article #71)
This will be an ongoing article demonstrating the “pollutions” and hypocrisy of The First Presidency of the Mormon Church in their monthly messages in the Ensign.
Perhaps if the visitor and reader of this website can compare these monthly messages, side by side, in one article they will be better prepared to discern the pattern of “pollutions” and hypocrisy taught on a consistent basis by The Church and especially The First Presidency.
Exhibit A
Testimony And Conversion
By President Henry B. Eyring
February 2015, Ensign
President Eyring writes a pretty good article on testimony and conversion for a person who obviously has never experienced a personal testimony of Jesus Christ or The Book Of Mormon. Reading this article and knowing the personal and professional life of President Eyring reveals incompatibilities with what he says and what he does.
“There is a difference between receiving a testimony…and being truly converted.” There is no profound revelation here. Anyone could write this—it is just common sense and has already been said by many others among the many denominations.
“Jesus said it this way; ‘When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.’” How many “brethren” are The First Presidency ignoring instead of strengthening? I have asked dozens of times, by letter specifically asking, what is the “official Church interpretation” for “the holy church of God” in Mormon 8:38. Not a peep from any of the General Authority cowards because it is pretty obvious the interpretation outlined on this website is the correct interpretation. So how can a coward for the scriptures and a coward for Jesus Christ be a disciple for Jesus Christ and where is the evidence for their testimony and conversion?
“…there [is] a great change that must go beyond having a testimony to being able to think, feel, and act as truly converted disciples of Jesus Christ…the mighty change…once we obtain it, we need that change to continue until the end of our mortal probation…we need a change in our hearts [so we have] no more desire to do evil…The Lord taught…our hearts will be turned from selfish concerns and turned toward service…a love for the word of God.”
The very last statement is “That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light growth brighter and brighter until the perfect day’ (D&C 50:24). I promise you that is possible for each of us.”
This website has abundant evidence and probably cause that the whole First Presidency has denied The Words Of Christ in The Book Of Mormon so how can President Eyring testify or write with any authority, from personal experience anyway, about anything pertaining to “a testimony” and “being truly converted.” Obviously President Eyring has no moral ground to promise anyone anything.
If President Eyring was “truly converted” then he would revere The Words Of Christ that are plainly expressed in The Book Of Mormon as Jesus Christ’s Warning (Mormon 8:33-41) instead of “transfiguring” it (Mormon 8:33). He would have “a change in [his] heart [so he would have] no more desire to do evil.” In other words if President Eyring had the foggiest idea what he was talking about he would have held fast to Jesus Christ’s Warning in The Book Of Mormon and would have never allowed the persecutions of myself in those two “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts.
The whole First Presidency, including President Eyring, signed two letters to affirm the “pollutions” that came out of those two Church Courts. President Eyring signed his own eternal death warrant when he signed those two letters of affirmation and this article he wrote is only mocking God with hypocrisy and “God will not be mocked” (Temple Endowment).
I am personally experiencing the receiving of “more light; and that light growth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.” As pertaining to Jesus Christ’s Warning my perfect day is here. There is probably no one on earth that understands this Warning better than I do even “by the Spirit and power of God” (Official Declaration-1).
No doubt there will be some who will claim President Eyring is a person of impeccable character. My response to that is IF you know President Eyring well enough to vouch for his character than you know him well enough to ask the question, “What is the official Church interpretation for “the holy church of God” as recorded in Mormon 8:38?” Please let me know what he says.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted January 24, 2015
People will be going to hell with “That is your interpretation” on their lips. (Article #72)
When the scriptures say something pretty direct, precious and plain and when this is brought up to some they retort by saying “That is your interpretation.” The same kind of situation will occur when some will be assigned to hell for not doing enough when they had all the good intentions in the world. “That is your interpretation” is nothing more than a copout and God doesn’t appreciate copouts.
So it is with Jesus Christ’s Warning (Mormon 8:33-41). Church leaders, and rank and file members too, sarcastically say. “That is your interpretation.” These same Church leaders, and rank and file members too, try to tell me “The Prophet and President of The Church is the only one that can interpret scripture.” First of all according to the scriptures, especially The Book Of Mormon, anyone can receive the interpretation for scripture. But even if that were true I have asked The Prophet, President Thomas s. Monson several times, very directly, what his interpretation for “the holy church of God” is as recorded in Mormon 8:38 and absolutely no answer what so ever.
If someone else can ask Presient Monson this same question and IF you get an honest and direct answer please forward that answer to me.
Obviously in lieu of NO answer from President Monson than my interpretation is as good as a No answer.
Actually The Book Of Mormon is very direct about anyone who “diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (1 Nephi 10:17-19) There is no qualification a person has to be a Prophet and President of The Church to know the “mysteries of God.”
A well-known Mormon missionary scripture gives a like message. “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5) Again, there is no qualification a person has to be a Prophet and President of The Church to know the “truth of all things.”
Like I said, many people will be going to hell with “That is your interpretation” on their lips and many will be The Apostles, Prophets and Presidents of the Mormon Church, just wait and see.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted January 31, 2015
Thin Skinned Church Leader “Hypocrites” They can dish it out but they can’t take it. (Article #73)
Apparently Mormon Church leaders are incapable of taking and tolerating any criticism what so ever. This is exactly why, because their tolerance is so low, the hypocritical Mormon Church Leadership Manuals were written to punish any Mormon who dares to find fault with a Mormon Church leader, “even if what is said is true.”
In order to have such hypocritical Leadership Manuals the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” have had to set aside the Holy Scriptures, especially The Book Of Mormon, as well as Jesus Christ Himself. That is right! In order to have these hypocritical Leadership Manuals the Mormon Church has officially denounced Jesus Christ and His Gospel Principles.
In about 1984 The Spoken Word radio show expounded on the subject, Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. No doubt the Mormon Church would never allow any such subject to ever be discussed on their radio or TV program(s) again because there are too many people who could now connect the dots and know this completely fits the business model of the Mormon Church today.
James Madison in Federalist 51 observed, men are not angels and controls on the government are required by the fact that angels do not govern men.
The first Prophet in this dispensation, Joseph Smith, was controlled by angels and that is what limited any abuse of power in the Mormon Church at that time. There have been 15 Presidents of the Mormon Church since Joseph Smith and obviously there is now a lack of angels controlling the Presidents (The Holy Ghost has withdrawn) so there is a need for safeguards to limit the abuse of absolute power over the members of the Mormon Church. That is exactly why I have suggested a Mormon Church General Complaint Department.
If a person, member or non-member alike, thinks they have been wronged by the Mormon Church then they would have an opportunity to file a formal complaint with the General Complaint Department.
The complaint Department then would investigate determining if:
- The complainant has tried to resolve the issue at the lowest level possible. If not then the complaint would be sent a letter advising them to contact a particular Church leader at the lower level.
- In a matter where local Church leaders were wrong then the Complaint Department would send letters to the Church leaders involved demanding the wrongs be corrected and a copy of that letter would be sent to the complainant.
- The complainant has filed a frivolous complaint then the law and/or Church Policy governing the matter would be explained in a letter to the complainant.
All General Complaint Department responses would be handled by letter on official Church stationary with an authorized name and signature. In this way the Mormon Church would be careful not to write something stupid like Elder Jonathan C. Roberts wrote me as the following:
“Dear Brother Jim,
“Please be advised that no further action is needed on your part. As you might suppose, I kindly make you aware that follow-up by myself or the Brethren in any of the items you have brought to our attention will be attended to as we see fit in a confidential manner and will not be reported back to you.
“Jonathan C. Roberts
“Area Seventy”
For more details about this ludicrous letter go to Mission Statement Page on this website.
Poor, poor thin skinned Mormon Church leader “hypocrites.” They sure can dish it out but they can’t take it.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 15, 2015
Mormon Church General Authority Spiritual Pigmy “Hypocrites” Get Crammed (Article #74)
I can remember several descriptive terms used in basketball when I was a kid (1950s and 60s). “Two hand stuff,” “dunk,” “two hand dunk” and “crammed.” Two hand stuff, dunk and two hand dunk are terms still used but crammed doesn’t seem to be out there in basketball anymore; at least on a Google search. To be crammed meant when a basketball player tried to make a shot and a defensive player was successful in blocking the shot in such a way to cram the ball back in the face of the shooter the shooter was “crammed.” Sometimes the shooter got hurt and there were incidents of bloody noses.
The way Jesus Christ’s Warning has played out for the “Hypocrite” Mormon Church leadership reminds me of being “crammed.” The “hypocrites” try to make an offensive play, “transfiguring” Jesus Christ’s Warning, trying to transfer blame and accountability from themselves to the innocent and then a skilled Book Of Mormon scholar who has the companionship of The Holy Ghost crams their offense right back into their faces in such a way that the “hypocrites” have been “crammed” with the very same ball they brought to the game. Being “crammed” by your own ball is the ultimate disgrace.
It is almost unfair to take advantage of the stupid Mormon Church leadership “hypocrites” in this manner but these stupid “hypocrites” have asked for it time and time again by their own actions of denying Jesus Christ, The Faith, The Holy Ghost and The Book Of Mormon.
It would be just as unfair for giants to play basketball against Pigmies. Even if Pigmies were silly enough to schedule a basketball game against giants the Pigmies would soon learn they are no challenge against giants in a fair game of basketball without some kind of a handicap system.
Pigmies are no doubt a lot smarter than the Mormon Church leadership spiritual pigmies who are constantly making excuses for themselves and “transfiguring” Jesus Christ’s Warning right in The Book Of Mormon. When will the Mormon Church General Authority spiritual pigmies ever learn they cannot win against the Spiritual Giant Jesus Christ?
The Mormon Church General Authority spiritual pigmies have on numerous occasions, even over the pulpit at General Conference, tried to “transfigure” Jesus Christ’s Warning, right in front of God and everybody, to make it look like everyone but these known hypocrite spiritual pigmies are at fault. This website exposes many of these transfigurings in a way like unto “cramming” these stupid attempts right back into these spiritual pigmy’s faces hard enough to bloody their noses for all eternity.
Here is the proof the Mormon Church Leadership Spiritual Pigmies (I am going to consider this a proper name now) have been crammed and their noses have been bloodied. I have a space right on the Home Page of this website for any responses to anything I present on this website. Not a peep from the Mormon Church Leadership Hypocrite Spiritual Pigmy cowards. Not one peep.
I know the Mormon Church leadership keeps track of this website because Stake President Dale Rodman has told me so. I hope I can trust him to tell the truth; maybe not. I have also written many letters to all the Mormon Apostles and Prophets telling them about this website and I am sure that as a direct result their office staff is keeping track. If they are not they are bigger fools than I even imagined.
The only reason the Mormon Church General Authority Spiritual Pigmy “Hypocrites” can even survive my “cramming” them so often is they have their ivory towers, with their faithful gate keepers, to retreat to and be protected from the outside world. No one from the outside will ever be able to pierce their private world, no one. This is exactly why the Mormon Church can keep almost all of their entire business secret and protected from exposure (Ether 8:18-19).
When one hears one of these Mormon Church General Authority Spiritual Pigmy “Hypocrites” give a General Conference talk one has to wonder who are they plagiarizing? If their talk seems spiritual then they must have gotten the talk from someone who has The Spirit because it is impossible for a Spiritual Pigmy to have The Spirit. Just think about this when you listen to them talk.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 16, 2015 (Article # 75)
On occasion I do a Google search for Mormon 8:38 just to see what else is out there on the Internet. Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, I came across LDS Freedom Forum’s website (Use search window for LDS Freedom Forum’s website and enter Mormon 8:38) and discovered an interesting “thread” on Mormon Chapters Eight and Nine. There were a few who correctly interpreted these scriptures and several who were touting “the party line” and claiming all manner of reasons why the Mormon Church and leadership could in no way be a part of the prophecies of “hypocrites” that “polluted the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38).
I decided to contribute to this “thread” and submitted my views. After submitting my article there was a notice all articles must be approved before posting and I would get an e-mail advising me of the status. It has been three days now and I have not received any e-mails and my article has not been posted. Perhaps my article is too much of a hot potato? I will post my article that I submitted to LDS Freedom Forum right here. Read my article and then visit the other website and judge for yourself if my article was appropriate.
On Feb. 19, 2015 I received an e-mail my article was approved and posted.
Here is that article:
May I interject some points here about what I have learned to call Jesus Christ’s Warning comprising of Mormon 8:33-41 and all of Chapter Nine. I have studied this out ever since April 8, 2009 when The Holy Ghost told me to arise and go to my Book Of Mormon. I arose and went to my Book Of Mormon and it fell open to Mormon 8:38 and my eyes focused on “the holy church of God” and my understanding was given to me by The Holy Ghost to instantly know this was a direct reference to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Those who try to transfer blame to any other church do not understand the concept of the latter-days or the definition of “the holy church of God.”
Starting in verse 33 the pronoun usage dramatically changes from third person future tense (in verses 14-32) to first and second person present tense proving Moroni is talking to those who are members of “the holy church of God” in the latter-days.
There are two main items in Jesus Christ’s Warning that unless you know some history, current Church practice and The Book Of Mormon could throw the reader off.
The first main item is the statement in verse 36, “your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.” The Holy Ghost told me this means every branch, ward and stake in The True Church and not the many churches in the many denominations. This is consistent with D&C 51:10 (see footnote) and Rev. 1:4&11 where John sent his Revelation to the seven churches in Asia obviously meaning seven stakes of The True Church at that time.
Most Mormons falsely take this to mean all the denominations in the latter-days. There can only be one “holy church of God’ on earth at any one time. Even the Nephite Church was a branch of The True Church started by Jesus in the Holy Land. Remember The Twelve governing Nephites were designated as disciples and not apostles and were instructed they were subject to The Twelve Apostles even so much that they would be judged by The Twelve Apostles on Judgment Day because The Twelve Disciples were of the House of Israel.
The second main item is in verse 38 and states, “Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ?” Many Mormons use this as absolute proof this cannot mean Mormons because Mormons do everything in Church in the name of Christ. When was the last time a new Apostle was presented to the membership in General Conference and it was declared by The Prophet and President of The Church this new Apostle was called of Jesus Christ? That used to be the case but for a hundred years or so it has not happened.
I think the “pollutions” have become so great in the leadership of The Church they know that the ones they call to be General Authorities may not be called of God but are selected by men now and they are afraid [ashamed] to publicly declare that which they themselves are not sure of. If they are not sure if God was involved then they would be afraid [ashamed] to publicly declare God was involved because The First Presidency is smart enough to know “God will not be mocked” [temple endowment]. The First Presidency may actually be afraid of a lightning strike right in General Conference.
The most important and urgent question is how can every branch, ward and stake become “polluted” in The Church with so many righteous members in so many localities. Answer: The Church Priesthood Leadership Policy Manuals. These are secret manuals (secret combinations) that instruct and direct local leaders to deal harshly with members who ask the wrong questions and especially those who take their concerns to Church Headquarters or elsewhere. I have long asked the question; why would The True Church be afraid of the truth? Answer: Because the Mormon General Authorities are so involved with “secret abominations” (Mormon 8:40) they cannot afford to be caught now. Based on what I know my opinion is some could end up going to jail for what they have done with Church money.
Now we come to Mormon Chapter Nine. Originally in the 1830 edition of The Book Of Mormon what is now Chapters Eight and Nine was one chapter so obviously Moroni intended this all to be one conclusive warning.
The Holy Ghost bears testimony to me the reason Moroni wrote (at Mormon’s command) Chapter Nine is the General Authorities who would be the “hypocrites” who “polluted the holy church of God” would have no testimony of Jesus Christ and His Gospel and Moroni was trying desperately to call these General Authorities to repentance in an effort to save The Church.
In a nutshell Jesus Christ’s Warning is for the benefit of all Mormons but directed towards the General Authorities who are the only ones who can “pollute” or cleanse “the holy church of God.”
And Jesus Christ will personally ask all Mormons about these scriptures Moroni wrote. Some Mormons because they are directly involved in the “pollutions” or those Mormons who personally knew of the “hypocrites” who “polluted the holy church of God” and acted as if they were asleep. Compare Ether 8:24 and Moroni 10:27.
I have written several letters to all The Apostles about all of this. Are others ready, willing and able to write their own letters? If not then The True Church will continue down the path of “pollutions” to the point The Holy Ghost will no longer strive with The Church (1 Nephi 7:14) and at that point how can the elders of Israel save the U.S. Constitution?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted on, February 18, 2015
Elder L. Tom Perry says, “Moroni’s last words [Mormon 8:34-38] to the members [Mormons] of the Church [Mormon Church] are written as a warning.” (Article #76)
A reference to this statement was submitted by someone and was posted on the LDS Freedom Forum website. This is an incredible discovery because this is proof that a Mormon Apostle admits Jesus Christ’s Warning is against Mormons. This is incredibly interesting because according to The Stupid Letter With No Name (See Mock Trial Page of this website), the stupid and foolish letter used against me in the First, “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court, there wasn’t any General Authority General Conference talk that identified “the holy church of God” as the Mormon Church (Mormon 8:38). Elder L. Tom Perry’s General Conference talk does identify Moroni talking directly to Mormons who are members of “the holy church of God.”
Apparently the Seminaries & Institutes of Religion staff serving at the Mormon Church H.Q. is either grossly incompetent or just out and out liars. If they do not write me a letter of apology they will prove themselves “hypocrites” and cowards too because that stupid letter was used against me to punish me in the First Church Court and perhaps the Second Church Court. Stake President Dale Rodman held fast to The Stupid Letter With No Name as that is what he believed (where is The Gift Of The Holy Ghost) and tried to beguile me (where is the charity in President Rodman?) into believing it too. I did not show up for the Second Mock Trial, Kangaroo Church Court so I do not know if this stupid letter was mentioned or not.
Both uninspired Stake Presidents, President Terrance L. Thedell and President Dale Rodman, who presided over both “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts held fast to The Stupid Letter With No Name instead of honoring The Book Of Mormon. President Thedell even referred to The Book Of Mormon as a “crystal ball” when I talked to him about Jesus Christ’s Warning right in The Book Of Mormon. As a matter of fact President Thedell introduced The Stupid Letter With No Name secretly to The High Council before I entered the Court Room. If it were not for a High Councilman using that stupid letter during his questioning of me I would have never known that stupid letter had been introduced against me. I sent President Monson a letter of objection about this and I have very strong “probable cause” information President Thedell lied to Church H.Q. about this and stated that I, Brother Jim, introduced this stupid letter to the High Council on the Church Court night.
I decided to write Elder Perry a letter alerting him how he is now smack dab in the middle of the most serious and urgent situation the Mormon Church has faced in a very long time. Here is a copy of that letter I mailed today:
February 17, 2015
To: Elder L. Tom Perry
Reference: Conference Talk, Oct. 1992
Subject: Jesus Christ’s Warning
Dear Elder Perry,
I wish to discuss with you what I have learned to call Jesus Christ’s Warning as recorded in Mormon 8:33-41 and all of Chapter Nine.
It is fitting to call this Jesus Christ’s Warning because the words belong to Jesus Christ (Moroni 10:27) the same as The Church Of Jesus Christ belongs to Jesus Christ and bears His Name.
Your talk came to my attention on an Internet website, LDS Freedom Forum, where someone used your talk to prove Moroni was talking to the Mormon Church in the verses related to “the holy church of God.”
Going to your talk you did seem to elude to the fact that Moroni was talking to the Latter-day Saints however the whole message of your talk missed the central point that “Ye hypocrites, ye teachers [General Authorities],…why have ye polluted the holy church of God [the Mormon Church].” These are the Words of Christ and not mine or even Moroni’s. Obviously if Jesus Christ can say these words in The Book Of Mormon with real meaning than an Apostle of Jesus Christ can say them with real meaning in General Conference.
You missed a great opportunity to address the serious “pollutions” that have only gotten worse since your talk. You could have suggested, like I have, a Church General Complaint Department would be helpful in curbing the “pollutions” caused by the “hypocrites” who were then (in 1992) leading The True Church into apostasy. Obviously if you would have done that you would never have been advanced from an Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to an Apostle. However, perhaps The True Church would have been saved from a lot of needless “pollutions” now.
There are eternal laws, connected to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that surface here and there that are good teachers. For example President George Washington, in his First Inaugural Address, stated “that there exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.” If the Mormon General Authorities would have been honest and square with Jesus Christ’s Warning from the very beginning (virtue) then they could enjoy happiness now. However, since the Mormon General Authorities wanted to “transfigure,” exactly as Jesus prophesied, Jesus Christ’s Warning then it is going to hurt more to admit to the proper and correct interpretation of Jesus Christ’s Warning now. The longer this is put off the more it will hurt later.
Now that you are an established Apostle what can the others do to you for only repeating The Words Of Christ as Jesus Christ’s Warning? Are you afraid to read a clear and precise statement, according to Proper English Grammar Rules, of Jesus Christ right out of The Book Of Mormon?
Judging from the Internet talk on the many websites that specifically address Mormon Chapters Eight and Nine the jig is up and too many people are now aware of Jesus Christ’s Warning for The Church to ignore this any longer without suffering tremendous consequences. Soon Mormon 8:38 could become a battle cry similar to, “Remember the Alamo.”
I suggest you, and perhaps others, specifically address Jesus Christ’s Warning in the next General Conference and submit a working plan to curb the “pollutions” and the “hypocrites” that are now driving The Church into apostasy. Everything you would need to know about Jesus Christ’s Warning is on my website,
Perhaps you can improve on your talk of 1992, and change the title from, Behold, the Lord hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things, to the more appropriate title of, Why Have Ye Polluted The Holy church Of God? Then give your talk assigning blame where blame really belongs and present a workable plan to stop the “pollutions.” I will know if your plan really works or not. If I can use your plan and several SMP people I personally know of are excommunicated then I will know it works.
Looking forward to what The Brethren have to say on this urgent subject Jesus Christ would want to be discussed in the next General Conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley
P.S. I will post this letter on the website,, in case your gatekeepers decide to block this letter from getting to you. I know Church H.Q. monitors this website and they should alert you about this letter in case it gets unethically stopped.
Closures: Your 1992 Talk with Bro. Jim’s comments.
Here is a copy of Elder Perry’s General Conference talk with my comments in brackets:
“Behold, the Lord Hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things”
L. Tom Perry, Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
October, 1992
[In brackets are the comments I made to Elder Perry about his talk]
Brigham Young once counseled us to use the scriptures as follows:
“Do you read the scriptures, my brethren and sisters, as though you were writing them a thousand, two thousand, or five thousand years ago? Do you read them as though you stood in the place of the men who wrote them? If you do not feel thus, it is your privilege to do so, that you may be as familiar with the spirit and meaning of the written word of God as you are with your daily walk and conversation.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, comp. John A. Widtsoe, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954, p. 128.)
The Book of Mormon has many special accounts with lessons which can be applied to all ages. It is a book of great passion and feeling. Let us take Brigham Young’s advice and imagine we are standing in the place where Moroni, the last of the great Nephite prophets, stood. The assignment his father gave to him to complete the record, which was entrusted to his care, was very difficult. He must have been in a state of shock as he describes the total destruction of his people.
He must have felt compelled to describe how his people had been hunted by the Lamanites until they were all destroyed. In his feeling of loneliness, he reports that his father was among those who were killed. We sense that the only thing Moroni is living for is to complete the record, as he writes, “Therefore I will write and hide up the records in the earth; and whither I go it mattereth not.” (Morm. 8:4.)
All he has is the faith that the Lord will preserve him long enough to complete the record and that someday it will be found by one chosen of the Lord. He realizes that the record will be a voice of warning to future generations of what occurs when nations like his own turn away from the teachings of the Lord. It is from the depths of his heart that Moroni cries out to those who will eventually receive the record. He wants to spare those who read his account the heartache and misery which comes from disobedience.
He writes first to the members of the Church and then to those who have not embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ. Moroni’s last words to the members of the Church are written as a voice of warning. He writes as one who sees the history of his people repeating itself in the future. From the Book of Mormon we read:
“Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.
“Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.
“And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.
“For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.
“O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers [In The Book Of Mormon sense, General Authorities], who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? [There can be only one holy church of God in the Latter-days] Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?” (Morm. 8:34–38.)
I guess one of the greatest mysteries of mortality is why mankind fails to learn from history. [Has Elder Perry learned?] Why do those who profess to be true followers of Christ so often become victims of the enticements of the world? The evidence is so strong regarding the blessings which accrue to those who trust in and follow the ways the Lord has prescribed for us.
Several recent articles in the news and business press have reported on the success of Utah, the place where we still have the greatest concentration of members of the Church. They emphasize that “we are here a repository of old-fashioned values, an American success story.” (New York Times, 15 Sept. 1991, p. 1.)
One article reported, “If religion, as Karl Marx once wrote, is ‘the opium of the people,’ in Utah it is the amphetamine. Thanks largely to the influence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints … Utah has become the envy of its neighbors.” (Time, 29 July 1991, p. 22.) [How about in 2015?]
From another magazine, Business Week, we read: “Utah at its best. Of the 50 states, Utah has the highest literacy rate, the youngest population, the highest percent of high school graduates, the highest percent of persons with college education, the ninth highest percent of college graduates, a state’s population with the highest average number of years of school completed, the highest birth rate, the lowest death rate, the fourth longest life expectancy, one of the three lowest cancer rates, one of the lowest heart disease rates, the lowest consumption of alcohol, the lowest consumption of tobacco, the shortest average hospital stays, the healthiest population, … [and] the best-run state government.” (Business Week, 16 Dec. 1991, p. 118J.) [How about in 2015?]
Notice both what is being said and not being said in these articles. They are honoring collective accomplishments, not individual achievements. It is noteworthy of what the citizens of Utah have been able to do together. As communities, they have become a beacon to the world. As a people, they have demonstrated an ability to overcome much of the divisiveness of special interests, uncontrolled individualism, and selfishness.
How I wish I could feel comfortable with all this special attention we are receiving. In the midst of this favorable publicity, we see so many members seeking worldly pursuits contrary to the words of the Lord’s prophets through the ages.
Many of us are more concerned about our fine apparel, the size of our homes, and our cars and their gadgets than we are about the needs of the poor and the needy. We also have seen the threat of legalized abortion, gambling, pornography, and challenges to public prayer undermining the values that bind us together as a community of Saints.
Clearly, the members of the Church face tremendous challenges in the latter days. We must not only resist, but mount a counteroffensive against the temptations of the world and its teachings, if we are to preserve our uniqueness.
Despite the challenges we face, I plead with each one of you to stand firm in your convictions. There is no way to escape the whirlwinds of the judgments of God that He will unleash on the heads of His children who choose to pursue a course that is against His will. We need to heed Moroni’s warning to avoid the fate which destroyed his people [and The church of Jesus Christ in America at that time].
Part of what Moroni was feeling should also be translated into a renewed desire to do missionary service. Moroni also witnessed the wickedness and destruction which comes from unbelief, when men’s and women’s souls are not anchored to the teachings of the gospel. After warning the believers, he pleads with the unbelievers. Again we read:
“And now, I speak also concerning those who do not believe in Christ [meaning the General Authorities who have “transfigured the holy word of God” as if they “do not believe in Christ”].
“Behold, will ye believe in the day of your visitation—behold, when the Lord shall come, yea, even that great day when the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, yea, in that great day when ye shall be brought to stand before the Lamb of God—then will ye say that there is no God?
“Then will ye longer deny the Christ, or can ye behold the Lamb of God? Do ye suppose that ye shall dwell with him under a consciousness of your guilt? Do ye suppose that ye could be happy to dwell with that holy Being, when your souls are racked with a consciousness of guilt that ye have ever abused his laws? …
“O then ye unbelieving, turn ye unto the Lord; cry mightily unto the Father in the name of Jesus, that perhaps ye may be found spotless, pure, fair, and white, having been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, at that great and last day.” (Morm. 9:1–3, 6.)
Who would not want to heed the voice of warning of one who has witnessed such heartache and misery? [Good question. Why don’t you?] Is it any wonder that his words are to declare that there is a better, happier, and more fulfilling way to live? Moroni’s words are not just a voice of warning, but also a voice of hope, as he lets us know that every one of God’s children are precious to Him. He desires that every soul enjoy immortality and eternal life. Again we read:
“Because of the redemption of man, which came by Jesus Christ, they are brought back into the presence of the Lord; yea, this is wherein all men are redeemed, because the death of Christ bringeth to pass the resurrection, which bringeth to pass a redemption from an endless sleep, from which sleep all men shall be awakened by the power of God when the trump shall sound; and they shall come forth, both small and great, and all shall stand before his bar, being redeemed and loosed from this eternal band of death, which death is a temporal death.
“And then cometh the judgment of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still.” (Morm. 9:13–14.)
We are here to declare that the restored Gospel of our Lord and Savior is here to bless all of our Father in Heaven’s children. We are anxious to share it with you. One of our recent prophets has declared:
“Our objective is to bring the gospel to all the world.
“Brethren, this is an ambitious project we have, but as you know, we are but planning to do what the Lord has already seen and which He has charged us with.” (Spencer W. Kimball, Regional Representatives’ Seminar, 5 Apr. 1976, p. 1.)
We invite you to come and join with us to find the real fulfillment life has to offer.
Today we find ourselves surrounded with so much depression, despair, lack of confidence, and loss of hope. I ask myself: For what purpose is all this gloom? Consider with me for a moment the great blessings which have been promised us in a covenant with the Lord. He has entered into a solemn and binding contract with each of us from the very beginning to give us all that He hath according to our faithfulness. He has declared, “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say.” (D&C 82:10.)
By solemn covenant He will perform His part of the agreement. The opportunity to receive these great blessings is ours to control, based on our individual performance. What is required of us?
First, we need to be obedient to the laws of the Lord. This is one of the first lessons taught to Adam and Eve: obedience brings faith. It brings forth the blessings of heaven. Disobedience brings forth heartache and despair.
Following the law of obedience comes the requirement to give of ourselves in service to our Father in Heaven’s children. Sacrificing what we have to benefit our brothers and sisters is the crowning test of the gospel. One of the purposes of the mortal experience is to see if we will follow the Savior’s counsel to “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33.)
We live in the most glorious era in the history of mankind. The opportunity to reap the blessings of the Lord has never been greater, as is the opportunity to serve Him and experience the eternal satisfaction which comes from that service.
Let the words of Moroni and the voices of all the prophets fill our hearts and our souls, that we may escape the errors of the past through disobedience to the eternal laws of God. Let us remember, it is in our power to enjoy the fruits of the gospel, for He has promised us if we will be obedient to His law and be willing to render unto Him what He requires of us in service and sacrifice, we will find the joys of eternity.
It is my witness to you that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Eternal God, and I so declare it in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. [You have taken The Lord’s Name in vain. If you do not revere Jesus Christ’s Warning then you do not really believe in Jesus Christ, you cannot witness for Jesus Christ and you are a “hypocrite.”
I hope and pray you, or someone else, can address Jesus Christ’s Warning in the next General Conference and give it the respect it deserves considering these are the Words of Jesus Christ, Himself.
Respectfully, Brother Jim Kelley]
Posted on by Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 18, 2015
The Man Makes His Priesthood (Article # 77)
There is a saying in the U.S. Military that, “The uniform doesn’t make the man but the man makes his uniform.”
What this is saying is a man can’t use his uniform to make up for his own inferiorities. A man has to stand on his own according to his own merits and a uniform isn’t going to be able to make up any deficit of character, or anything else, in the final analysis.
So it is with The Priesthood of God. The Priesthood doesn’t make the man but the man makes his Priesthood. It is obvious there are Mormon General Authorities, as well as other Mormons, whose character is so inferior they think they have to use tools like secret Leadership Policy Manuals to punish those who have a superior character. This is just being thin skinned and it will eventually show for all to see. That time is here and will only become even more obvious.
Like a soldier, a policeman, etc. can either disgrace or give credit to their uniform a Mormon priesthood holder, especially the General Authorities, can either disgrace or give credit to their Priesthood.
I mailed a letter expressing this principle to President Thomas S. Monson about 10 years ago. I got a thank you letter from his secretary but President Hinckley mocked me for this letter in General Conference causing the “proud” audience to belly laugh changing The Conference Center into “a great and spacious building…in the attitude of mocking” (1 Nephi 26-27).
So we now have Mormon General Authorities who have inferior characters that are disgracing The Priesthood of God who consider it necessary to punish anyone who has a superior character if that superior person can prove fault with the Mormon General Authorities.
A much better procedure would be for the Mormon General Authorities to prove their positions on Church Doctrine and Church Policy. Oh, I almost forgot, The General Authorities can’t do that very well because they are proven “hypocrites” that have “polluted the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38).
As I said before, The Priesthood doesn’t make the man but the man makes his Priesthood. Is it not obvious the Mormon General Authorities have “polluted” the Holy Priesthood of God as well as “polluted the holy church of God?”
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 21, 2015
I Had A Dream (Article # 78)
At 2:30 AM this morning (February 27, 2015) I awoke from a dream, a dream in which The Lord showed me in vision all a person needs to have to understand Jesus Christ’s Warning is within the covers of The Book Of Mormon.
When I awoke I pondered the meaning of this dream and reflected upon references in this thread and board ( The Polluted Holy Church Chapter Eight) of the story of the Rabbi and the Book of the prophet Hosea and The Holy Ghost impressed upon me these cute and cleaver accounts serve only as a distraction, smoke and mirrors to Jesus Christ’s Warning as contained in Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine.
I further pondered some of the supporting scriptures for Jesus Christ’s Warning I was aware of in the Four Standard Works and The Holy Ghost impressed up me there is a reason we have The Four Standard Works and this has been inspired of God to serve as a benchmark for everything else that is righteous and true.
Then I reflected upon some missionary experiences I observed decades ago and the revelation I received then by “the Spirit and power of God,” that all we need to know The Book Of Mormon is true is within the covers of The Book Of Mormon. Even if The Book Of Mormon were the only book in the whole earth it would still be all we would need to have to search out the truth and pray to gain our own sure testimony it is true.
Here is what I think this all means:
If we have a testimony of Jesus Christ and The Book Of Mormon then we will believe the Words of Christ in Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine.
If we believe The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints is the one and only True Church upon the face of the whole earth since the publication of The Book Of Mormon (1830) then we will know with sure knowledge The Church is “the holy church of God” as stated in Mormon 8:38.
If we believe the Words of Christ then we will know with sure knowledge “ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers” are a collective description of the General Authorities who have “polluted the holy church of God” because Jesus Christ said so.
A true believer does not need any supporting evidence like the City Creek Center Mall or anything else because we have the Words of Christ, the absolute Supreme Authority, that tells us all we need to know and it is well expressed and laid out in Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine if we also understand the Proper English Grammar Rules that apply. Jesus Christ’s Warning, Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine, is word perfect if we understand Proper English Grammar Rules. The dramatic change of pronoun usage to 1st and 2nd, present tense starting with verse 33 is proof positive Moroni is speaking directly to Mormons about The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints.
If a person needs more to believe than they really don’t believe in Christ, because Christ’s Words alone are not enough for them and Chapter Nine is an additional Warning from Jesus Christ to them. A-men.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted February 27, 2015
Kate Kelly Denied Her Appeal By The First Presidency (Article #79)
This is the article I intended to post on LDS Freedom Forum first but they are working on their server.
There are two main camps for the Kate Kelly, Ordain Women Organization, and then a middle of the road camp of which I am in. The two main camps for the Ordain Women movement have their thread on another part of this great website. The reason I bring this subject up here is because of the “pollutions” associated with The Church leadership and their handling of the Ordain Women sisters in The Church and this is a third camp of concern.
For all practical purposes it doesn’t matter if the Ordain Women sisters are right or wrong but what does matter is how the overbearing Church Leadership has handled this public relations nightmare.
Up until Kate Kelly’s Church Court she and other Mormon sisters had done some talking, posting on the Internet, gathering in public places and most generally making themselves known and noticed. The SLC Church H.Q. was well aware of this Ordain Women movement because this movement was well covered in the SLC Tribune. Surely The Church leadership reads the local newspaper and if they don’t then they could have looked out the window.
In June of 2014, over eight months ago, was Kate Kelly’s Church Court and the first night of Court the Bishopric could NOT come to a decision and by a fluke this became National News that Sunday night obviously embarrassing The First Presidency terribly.
Information was texted to Kate Kelly, because she was not present at her Church Court, that the Bishopric would reconvene the following Tuesday or Wednesday and hold Church Court again.
Monday afternoon, apparently under the direction of the Stake President (and probably SLC), the Bishop announced a decision had been made to excommunicate Sister Kate Kelly for “apostasy.”
Obviously, someone in The Church Priesthood leadership, but not the Bishop, couldn’t wait until Tuesday or Wednesday for the verdict. But when Kate Kelly submits her appeals documents The Church Priesthood leadership all the way up to The First Presidency can’t wait long enough.
It has taken Kate Kelly’s Church Court process over eight months for The First Presidency to finally affirm the lower Church Court. Normally this whole process takes two or three months maximum and I have to commend The Church Court System for their speedy process of service in this regard. In my case the letter of affirmation from The first Presidency came in after about one month and that was after several telephone conversations, behind my back, between my Stake President and The First Presidency.
Obviously the welfare of Kate Kelly was and is still not of any concern to The First Presidency. What The First Presidency wants most is for themselves to look good even at the expense of an innocent someone else. In this case it is Kate Kelly.
My point in posting this is that it makes no difference if Kate Kelly is right or wrong but what does matter here is The First Presidency has missed a great opportunity to make and set a perfect example for the pure love of Christ, charity.
When Kate Kelly started to organize her group on Church property instead of asking them to leave why not invite the leaders of Ordain Women to come up and meet with The First Presidency for an inspired talk? Just think of the good P.R. news coverage that would have been.
Yes the naysayers will point out The First Presidency doesn’t have time to meet with every bum that shows up on Church property to demonstrate. I suppose in part that is true. However, in the case of Kate Kelly and Ordain Women, they are not an insignificant group or movement that showed up unexpectedly. They were a well-organized force of latter-day Saint sisters and The First Presidency should have been able to recognize that or at least receive revelation from God about this.
There are two old saying that obviously apply here The First Presidency has ignored:
The first is an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The Church is in the pound of cure stage now and how much time and resources will that cost?
The second is keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Had The First Presidency invited the Ordain Women leadership up to their office for a friendly and inspired meeting then they would have brought their enemy in close and if they could have had an inspiring meeting then perhaps Ordain Women would have been disbanded.
Here is an idea The First Presidency could have used that inspired missionaries use often. While doing my missionary labors when the Spirit is right I ask the investigator if they will kneel with me in prayer about the BofM and ask God if it is true or not. Every time I have done this, when prompted by The Holy Ghost, the other person has gotten up with their new and sure testimony, every time.
Why couldn’t The First Presidency kneel in pray with the leaders of Ordain Women and have a prayer to know if God would want women to have all or part of the Priesthood conferred upon their heads. If President Monson is an active Prophet of God (there is no doubt the keys of the prophet are vested with him) then he could call upon God in a prayer circle to give further light and knowledge to these good Mormon sisters and these Mormon sisters could then be the mouthpiece in prayer.
But then The First presidency may be afraid of a prayer circle with Ordain Women because of the claims of the Ordain Women may be legitimate and this prayer circle could end up being a two edged sword. Ordain Women claim, and they have some vague evidence, under the direction of The Prophet Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, The Relief Society President, was ordained to the priesthood and she, along with other ordained sisters, were charged with visiting the sick and healing them by the laying on of hands.
I don’t know if women in Nauvoo were ordained to the priesthood for the calling to lay hands on the sick to heal them because, like everyone else today, I didn’t live in Nauvoo then. However, if this is true, then that gives further understanding to the Mormon story about the mother with children while starting for Utah gave her dying oxen a priesthood blessing by the laying on of hands and her oxen arose and took her family to Utah.
It is not too late for The First Presidency to insert some legitimate damage control in the case of Kate Kelly. There is still time to invite the Ordain Women leadership (and their spouses) to meet with The First Presidency for a meeting. A meeting with the Spirit of God would be wonderful for all and in this case would also be wonderful for the whole world.
I do hope The First Presidency can figure out a better way to deal with P.R. problems like Ordain Women in the future. To do hurry up Church Courts and then delay the appeals process for months and months is just a tacky way to do business and reflects poorly upon The Church of Jesus Christ.
Brother Jim
Posted February 28, 2015
The Church pulled an Elder Poelman in 1984. (Article #80)
I am giving you two links of an incredible story how Church officials changed Elder Poelman’s October 1984 General Conference talk, why they did it and how they did it.
If it were not for a few Saints in 1984 having video recorders to record this talk the truth may have never been known. Remember there were few video recorders in 1984 and The Church obviously was hoping no one had recorded the original talk or if they did would not come forward to tell the truth.
This obvious Church deception fits why no one has ever addressed Jesus Christ’s Warning (Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine) in General Conference since Elder L. Tom Perry gave his talk in October, 1992, that specifically linked Mormon 8:34-38 to the Mormon Church as “the holy church of God.”
In 1984 The Church tried the tactic to rerecord Elder Poelman’s Conference talk to alter its meaning of free agency to absolute obedience to Church leaders. Because The Church had learned, by getting caught red handed because a few members had their own video recording and they were not going to shut up, The Church knew better than to pull an Elder Poelman in 1992.
So The Church did the next best thing for their evil designs. The order went out no one shall ever discuss Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine in any way, shape or form that will link The Church and/or leadership to those revealing verses. Not even the Seminaries and Institute Departments of The Church are allowed, obviously by direct orders, to teach about Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine. Check all the student manuals for yourself and you will discover a suspicious dark hole of knowledge right where commentary for Mormon 8:33-41 and Chapter Nine should be.
The Church did not deny Elder Poelman’s talk was rerecorded after they got caught. Later their official explanation was Elder Poelman decided on his own to alter his own talk. Apparently Elder Poelman went along with this official explanation because he lived many years after his rerecorded infamous talk.
Here are the links for you to investigate yourself and you can be the judge if you think Elder Poelman changed his original words on his own.
Brother Jim
Posted March 5, 2015
There Are NO Flaws Or “False Doctrine”!!! (Article # 81)
There are NO flaws or “false doctrine” in what is on this website, period. Part of the proof there is NO flaws or “false doctrine” on this website are the false doctrines and flawed defenses from the Mormon Church officially and the imprudent procedures/actions of the Mormon Church leadership and rank and file membership in general trying desperately to disprove The Exploding Boomerang Warning without specifically addressing the issues. All of this is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt right on this website.
Six glaring examples of the Mormon Church’s false doctrine and flawed logic are:
- The Stupid Letter With No Name presented by Stake President Terrance L. Thedell, Stake President Dale Rodman in two Mock Trials and affirmed by The First Presidency. The Stupid Letter With No Name is posted on the Mock Trial Page of this website with a full explanation as to why it is so stupid.
- Stake President Terrance L. Thedell refused to allow me to read Mormon 8:33-41, the nine verses at the center of the Mock Trial, in the First “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court, even though President Allphin (who conducted) was going to let me read those nine verses in that Mock Trial. This same President Thedell secretly (without my knowledge) introduced The Stupid Letter With No Name to the High Council, read and discussed this Stupid Letter with the High Council 30 minutes before I entered the court room for the Mock Trial. Obviously President Thedell thinks more of the Stupid Letter as proof than he thinks of The Book Of Mormon as proof of anything because he referred to The Book Of Mormon as like “a crystal ball” that should be avoided.
- Stake President Dale Rodman refused to allow my request for a one month delay in the Second, “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court so the Springfield, Mo. Stake High Council could study this website and The Book Of Mormon verses, Mormon 8:33-41,at the center of the controversy. My request is recorded in Brother Jim Kelley’s Response For Church Court and posted in the Second, “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court documents on the Mock Trial Page of this website for anyone to see. IF (as usual this is a big IF) the Mormon Church really wanted to be fair, get to the bottom of things and discover the truth they would have insisted on this one month delay (instead of me) for discovery and investigation. Apparently not one Mormon was interested then. Just as apparent is not one Mormon is interested now or they would be complaining to Stake President Dale Rodman for his imprudence for not allowing a continuance and bringing disgrace and shame upon The Church now. Obviously the truth doesn’t matter to Mormons, past, present and perhaps in the future.
- Mormon Church Courts are “kangaroo courts” with secret communications (secret combinations) between the High Council and the Stake President in obvious attempts to “tamper” with the High Council much like “tampering with the jury” which is a felony in most cases because it is such a horrendous and grievous offense.
- Upon an erroneous conviction and when an appeal is submitted then there are more secret communications (secret combinations) between the Stake President and SLC to try to figure out how in the h$#@ can The First Presidency figure out a way to “affirm” this erroneous conviction without getting their boob in a ringer? Obviously, the proof is right on this website, The First Presidency ended up getting their boobs in a ringer anyway. Oh I wish I knew what was said in my appeals experience. I suppose I will find out on (or before) Judgment Day. President Dale Rodman mentioned to me he discussed my appeal with The First Presidency on the phone several times so The First Presidency is obviously implicit with these secret discussions behind the backs of the poor Mormon tried in these “Kangaroo Courts.” A much better procedure would be a telephone conference call with the accused included.
- Like Kate Kelly said in an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, she didn’t have any rights in her Church Court as well as her appeals and my observation-experience is no one has any rights in these “kangaroo” Mock Trial, Church Courts and the fix is in against the accused on the appeal because the accused is left out in the dark with NO chance to challenge anything the Stake President says to SLC during the appeals process. Really, how fair is that?
Another example and proof there are NO flaws on this website is there are NO specific comments from the Mormon Church leadership or the rank and file members, that I have received, that logically and/or prudently identifies any flaws or false doctrine. I have a space reserved at the end of the Home Page of this website, been there for a very long time, as Mormon Responses (Article #12) and not one Mormon has submitted anything, NOT ONE!
On Fast Sunday, August 3, 2014, Stake President Garry Adams traveled to the Bolivar Ward (obviously under the direction of The Stake President Dale Rodman and perhaps under the direction of SLC) and purposely slandered Brother Jim Kelley over the pulpit by identifying Brother Jim Kelley specifically as an excommunicated “apostate” and specifically stated Brother Jim Kelley is teaching “false doctrine.” Apparently Stake President Adams doesn’t have a pair big enough to write me a letter and tell me specifically what that “false doctrine” is. As of December 11, 2014 not a peep. If there is any “false doctrine” on this website then someone, especially President Garry Adams, write me a letter specifically explaining this to me. Please keep your explanation(s) under 500 words. This article is right at 450 words so 500 words should be sufficient. (Update: My how some things can grow. This article has doubled in size since I first wrote it and is just over 1000 words.)
The Mormon Church claims to be the only church “upon the face of the whole earth” that can authentically represent Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of our earth. Representation goes both ways. Mormon Church leaders represent the rank and file Mormon membership too. Obviously what Mormon Church leaders do represents Mormon Church members and reflects good for good and bad for bad upon all members. Honest question: Do Mormons really want their Church leaders representing them in the evil deeds that are exposed on this website?
Observation: Mormons have a habit of burying their heads in the sand and following the Mormon Church leaders on every issue without question. The German Nazi soldiers who were executing innocent Jewish people were putting their heads in the sand and following their leaders without question too. My point is that it is to dangerous to not look around at what is going on and when “red flags” go up not to start asking questions and challenging the things that are obviously wrong. The Neuberg Trials held many of the murderous Nazis accountable. Information and specific circumstances are on this website explaining why God will hold Mormons accountable if they bury their heads and blindly follow uninspired Mormon Church leaders too. So Mormons, especially President Garry Adams, “awake to a sense of your awful situation” (Ether 8:24).
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 14, 2014. Special Note: As of June 1, 2015, not a peep from the coward, Stake President Garry Adams. Why am I not surprised?
Take The Confederate Flag Down! (Article # 82)
July 4, 2015
Because of the idiot boy who killed 9 Black people in a historical church had a picture of himself on the Internet with a Confederate Battle Flag, known as the Stars and Bars, many Left Wing Nut Jobs, including President B.O., want the Stars and Bars to be illegal to fly in public and banished to museums because it somehow fosters hate and racism.
I was talking to a Left Wing Nut Job Mormon who completely agreed to the infringement of the Constitutional Free Speech Right to display the Stars and Bars in places like memorials for fallen Confederate soldiers.
I pointed out the Stars and Stripes flew over a land were lawful slavery prevailed for many more years than the Stars and Bars. So should the Stars and Strips be banished to a museum? The LWNJM said the Stars and Bars are different but could not adequately explain it.
The LWNJM tried to explain this all away by saying:
- The Stars and Bars are a symbol of slavery.
- The Stars and Bars are a symbol of rebellion during a Civil War and that was just wrong.
- The Confederate leadership claimed Black people were inferior to white people and should be kept in lower stations of life for their own good.
I then answered:
- Again the Stars and Stripes flew over slavery a lot longer than the Stars and Bars did. For this reason should the Stars and Stripes be put away in a museum and outlawed for public display?
- The Stars and Strips (even though conceived a few years after the war) represent rebellion with a civil war between the Colonies and England. Yes the Colonies were subject to and citizens of England every bit as much as the South was subject to and citizens of The Union. History just names that war the Revolutionary War. For this reason should the Stars and Stripes be put away in a museum and outlawed for public display?
- Then I pointed out the Mormon Church leadership used to teach that the Black people were inferior to white people and The Lord has withheld the priesthood and temple blessing for these people because of their inferior status and this for their own good. Considering The Book Of Mormon is a symbol of The Mormon Church during a time the Mormon Church openly and notoriously discriminated against Black people for well over a hundred years should The Book Of Mormon be banished to museums and outlawed in public?
Obviously to ban the Stars and Bars like many seem to want to do now during a time of emotions is a very slippery slope that could lead to the banning of the Stars and Striped as well as The Book Of Mormon. Is the banning of the Stars and Bars a cunning plan of Satan to get The Book Of Mormon out of the way?
Be very careful what you want in a Representative Republic (The United States of America) because you may very well get it and then some that you did not count on.
Brother Jim
Stay in a leaky boat? Why? Article # 83
Mormon Church leaders often use a metaphor of “the Old Ship Zion” to encourage Mormons to not jump ship in reference to the Mormon Church. This advice is only as sound as the ship itself.
One such talk was given in the October 2014 General Conference with the title, “Stay in the Boat and Hold On!” by Elder M. Russell Ballard Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Here is a link to that talk:
Many names could be assigned to a ship that represents the Mormon Church. I like the name, the USS Good Ship Mormon Church. That just sounds like a good name that most Mormons would like and would eagerly board.
Elder Ballard seems to promise The Church illustrated as a ship would have “[God] is at the helm and [He] will stay there.” That is all and good if this is the truth, if God is at the helm and He will stay there.
Elder Ballard seems to promise that Church leaders “will not and…cannot lead [you] astray.” The cannot is an interesting concept for me. My observations of life are the only can nots are God cannot lie and God cannot make a rock He cannot lift. Other than that anything and everything is possible in this world especially with encouragement and guidance from Satan.
Elder Ballard states that many may forget, “when the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve speak with a united voice, it is the voice of the Lord for that time.” How often do we hear all 15 speak with one united voice? THE FAMILY, A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD, is one of the last times I know of and that was in 1995.
Here is a good experiment to see if all of the 15 ever speak with one accord for the world to hear. Two Apostles passed away recently and there will be two replacement Apostles presented to the membership in the October, 2015, General Conference. Will any member of The First Presidency declare in that General Conference that Jesus Christ has Personally chosen and called these two brethren to be Apostles of Jesus Christ? This used to happen in General Conference but was discontinued about 100 years ago. Why the change? Doesn’t the membership, as well as the whole world, have a right to hear from the lips of the Prophet and President of The Church, a testimony that the current Apostles are personally called of God (Article of Faith #5).
Here is my opinion why this no longer happens in General Conference or anywhere else in public. The top 15 know they no longer have the ability to receive revelation from God to administer in the affairs of The Church and this includes the calling of Apostles by revelation from God. The current Apostles were all called by the arm of flesh without the least hint of inspiration or revelation and all 15 of them know that.
So with this knowledge the 15 would know it would be too risky to publicly proclaim any of the current Apostles were called of God because it is plainly pointed out in the temple endowment, “God will not be mocked.”
So if God will not be mocked and the 15 know they were not called of God then to publicly say and testify they were called of God may incur a lightning bolt from heaven, frying the Apostle speaking such blasphemy. Obviously if the whole world would witness a lightning bolt kill an Apostle right in General Conference what would that do to The Church’s reputation? What would that do for the member’s testimonies? What would that do to the tithing money stream The Church enjoys now?
There is no doubt the Mormon Church leadership monitors this website very closely. So I will put out a challenge, I know they will be aware of, to the remaining 13 of the 15 for this next General Conference where two, that we know of now, new Apostles will be presented to the membership. Whoever does the presenting why not clearly and plainly declare to the world, these two brethren were called of God by direct revelation from God and all 13 of the remaining Apostles were involved in the revelation process to choose these two men to complete the Quorum of the Twelve and by direct revelation from God all 13 are unanimous in the declaration that God has chosen these two men and so it is, a-men.
Would it really be that hard to say something like this if it were true? There is the catch, if it were true.
Like Elder Ballard declared in his Conference talk, “God is at the helm [of the USS Good Ship Mormon Church] and will stay there.” If this is true then why not publicly declare in General Conference the two new Apostles were called of God. Of course if God is no longer at the helm these two brethren were not called of God and the ship is off course perhaps about ready to crash, capsize and sink. If this is the case why stay in a leaky boat?
Whether or not an Apostle from The First Presidency publicly declares in the October, 2015, General Conference, while he presents these two new Apostles, that these new Apostles were called of God by direct revelation from God will be evidence enough if God is still at the helm of the USS Good Ship Mormon Church or not. A-men.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 10, 2015
The 21st Century Mormon Zoo & Circus. Article #84
There are all manner of opportunities to visit the Mormon zoo & circus and see all manner of wild and funny types of Mormon people acting like animals, clowns and impersonating Christians as if they really believed in Christ.
You could go to a local Mormon meeting house and watch many of those Mormon clowns falling all over themselves in their attempts to answer the hard questions pertaining to 21st Century Mormonism and try to connect 21st Century Mormonism to the basic principles of the gospel as found in the Holy Bible or even The Book Of Mormon which has become a throw away “Testament of Jesus Christ” for most Mormons today.
You could view General Conference and watch the most High Priests of False Security give, in many cases, flawed advice and logic as to why Mormons should stay faithful (Stay in the USS Good Ship Mormon Church, Article # 83 above.), and especially pay tithing, to the most High Priests of False Security representing the Mormon Corporate (LD$) Church while abandoning Jesus Christ and His Gospel at the very same time.
The most active and interesting Mormon zoo and circus I have observed is disguised as LDS Freedom Forum. Here you will see the most interesting of the Mormon zoo animals like Mormon hyenas roaming around laughing and ready to eat the defecation and vomit the other uninspired Mormons put out there in front of God and everybody.
Some of the Mormon animals can be spotted by their bazaar actions and bazaar monikers they place on themselves (How stupid can an animal be?). You will see pictures of Mormon animals and clowns doing things like holding their hat bill in a smart aleck manner indicating in their own minds that they know everything so don’t even try to question what they have to say. Some will have animal names like markthe[baby]shark who has proven himself to be at the top of the list of Mormon cowards, Mormon “hypocrites” and Mormon liars.
Many of the hard core, follow the High Priests of False Security at all costs, Mormon animals and clowns try to persecute the honest at heart Mormons by trying to discredit them for having “an agenda.” An agenda can mean a lot of things.
When you see two Mormon missionaries walking towards you do you think they might have an agenda? Having an agenda is not bad or a problem if the person that has the agenda can prove their agenda correct. The problems come when a person has an agenda they can’t prove to be correct and are to proud (Mormon 8:36) to back down. The reality is if a person doesn’t have an agenda of some kind they have a very empty life with no purpose. A purpose in life = an agenda. The quality of life = a quality agenda that can be proven to be correct, especially if it also = what God says and wants like this website.
Here is a link to LDS FF and a specific thread talking about people having agendas Mormon animals and clowns can’t disprove and therefor most Mormons (the ones that are animals and clowns) dislike.
Search out LDS FF, the best example of a 21st Century Mormon zoo & circus you can view from the safety of your own home on the computer, and see for yourself if you would want to participate in and be a part of the agenda known as 21st Century Mormonism which has become a zoo and a circus?
LDS FF could be compared to popular TV shows like Batman. See if you can figure out who on LDS FF is The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin, Two-Face, Toyman, Batwoman, Batman, the idiot Police Commissioner James Gordon, Egghead, Catwoman, Louie the Lilac, Shame, Black Widow, Mr. Freeze, Siren, etc.
Yes, Christians will have a ball visiting LDS FF because it is like a double feature movie in one. You get a zoo-circus and a comedy TV show all in one. Christians, visit often, partake and have a lot of fun discovering true 21st Century Mormonism from the creators of 21st Century Mormonism, the Mormon clowns and animals themselves.
Brother Jim Kelley
Special note: For any Mormon to testify they believe in Jesus Christ and The Book Of Mormon and then to deny the Words of Christ (Mormon 8:33-41) specifically spoken against most Mormons are no better than a clown acting out a stupid clown prank that will haunt them forever in eternity. Actually Jesus Christ calls these Mormon clowns “hypocrites” (Mormon 8:38).
For these same Mormon clown “hypocrites” who attack the honest in heart Mormons, who do believe in Jesus Christ, The Book Of Mormon and revere the Words of Christ, are no better than a rabid dog for attacking the honest in heart and will be shot down like a rabid dog by Jesus Christ on Judgment Day (Mormon 10:27)!
Posted August 16, 2015
The Kate Kelly Influence (Article #85)
Even though the pride of the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” caused then to excommunicate Sister Kate Kelly it seems obvious the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” are yielding to The Kate Kelly Influence now in a perfect illustration of what I presented earlier on the Home Page of this website as “The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind” (Article #8) on August 14, 2014, over a year ago. The Kate Kelly Influence can now be observed in a Deseret News article dated August 18, 2015, entitled, “In a significant move, women to join key, leading LDS Church councils.”
I will provide a link to this article:
If you would read this article you will be able to notice some significant revelations pertaining to leaving God out of any decision making by The First Presidency about the Mormon Church organization as it pertains to the Mormon Corporate (LD$) Church of today:
Revelation #1
There are three leading LDS Church councils with each one representing one of the three fold missions of The Church; perfecting the Saints, taking the Gospel to the world and salvation for the dead. All three of these LDS Church higher councils were previously considered manly priesthood responsibilities and traditionally completely supervised and “manned” by the all-male priesthood of the Church. Does anyone really think any change to this established order of doing the Mormon Corporate Church business was a directive of God? If so why didn’t God reveal this well before Kate Kelly was excommunicated? Why was this changed now instead of before Kate Kelly becoming famous if it is so essential for the Mormon Corporate Church to make a change like this to properly function?
The Priesthood Executive Council would be responsible for the mission of perfecting the Saints. If the name of this council was inspired of God, which was no doubt the claim when this name was conceived and presented to the membership, then it is a priesthood council reserved for the all-male-priesthood only.
The Missionary Executive Council obviously oversees the Church mission to take the Gospel to the world. When this council was originally set up it was designed to be chaired by the all-male-priesthood leadership of The Church and no doubt the claim when this council was organized it was presented to the membership that this organization was inspired of God this way and was not a creation of man.
The Temple and Family History Executive Council obviously oversees the Church mission of the salvation for the dead. When this council was originally set up it was designed to be chaired by the all-male-priesthood leadership of The Church and no doubt the claim when this council was organized it was presented to the membership that this organization was inspired of God this way and was not a creation of man.
Revelation #2
The article specifically states, “Church leaders changed” things to include women on these three highest priesthood councils. There is no mention in this article that God had anything to do with any of these changes. This is no doubt one of the more honest statements of the Mormon Corporate Church revealed in this “Deseret News” article.
Even the before “inspired” name of the Priesthood Executive Council has now been changed to the Priesthood and Family Executive Council to obviously make the name non-gender non-priesthood specific to fit the immediate need for the politically correct Mormon Church right now. Could anything be more politically correct and does God react to political correctness?
Revelation #3
Obviously the General Relief Society President has some responsibility for the oversight of perfecting the Saints which includes all of the adult sisters in The Church and since the previously “inspired” name of The Priesthood Executive Council has been changed (without God’s permission) it is now acceptable for a woman to serve on the now renamed Priesthood and Family Executive Council. Is it not clear The First Presidency has changed an “inspired” from God name of a council to something uninspired for the sole purpose to do something that is only politically correct to include a woman on a previously all-male priesthood council?
What is not so obvious is the appropriateness of the General Young Women’s President, who oversees the Church’s young women, ages 12-17, to be a part of overseeing any of the full-time missionaries of which the earliest a woman can serve is 19.
It is a stretch to consider the General Young Woman’s President would have anything to contribute to the Missionary Executive Council that would be specific to her calling as the General Young Woman’s President because the Young Women are not a part of the full-time missionary program.
I suppose one might justify this invitation to the General Young Women’s President because the Missionary Executive Council oversees the “member missionary work” too. By this same logic the General Young Men’s President, the General Sunday School President, etc., should all have been invited to a “permanent member” position on the Missionary Executive Council too.
It is a real far out stretch to consider the General Primary President would have anything to contribute to the Temple and Family History Executive Council specific to her calling as the General Primary President because the Primary children have no responsibility to participate in the temple or genealogy. Unless a Primary child is being sealed to their parents they are barred from the temple and Primary children for the most part are incapable of doing any meaningful genealogy work. So what will the General Primary President have specific to her experience and calling as a General Primary President to contribute to the Temple and Family Executive Council? Answer: nothing that another member of The Church could add.
Revelation #4
These three women General Presidents are gushing all over themselves with praise for The First Presidency for this move to allow them a permanent seat on these three before all male priesthood councils. They are all so thankful for President Monson but notice not one word of thanksgiving to the catalyst who actually made this all possible, Sister Kate Kelly. If it were not for Sister Kate Kelly, her millions of followers and the press, the proud and the unwise First Presidency would have never considered letting a woman sit on a priesthood council. Seeing how these three women are acting right now with unlimited praises for an old conniving fart like President Monson, and totally ignoring an honest Sister in The Church who has been unmercifully punished by this same old conniving fart for her courage, is a real good look at the kind of “yes women” the Mormon Church leadership “hypocrites” chose for their co-conspirators in the ongoing “pollutions” of the Mormon Church.
Revelation #5
Obviously since Kate Kelly became famous, and The First Presidency became infamous in the eyes of most of the world, The First Presidency has seen it necessary to do some public relations damage control and grab three convenient Church sister leaders and manipulate one council name and corrupt the total structure of the three highest priesthood councils overseeing Church business to make some accommodations for some women to become “permanent members.” Just as obvious is this was all done because “the answer is blowing in the wind” of public opinion and could not be a revelation from God. If this was a revelation from God than God will change his mind from what he previously set forth as to what He previously said and organized because of public opinion, which God does not do that. The arm of flesh is what is foolish enough to change set doctrine and policy because of the immediate and short sighted heat of public opinion.
No doubt there will be more news articles puffing up the new idea of allowing three women to sit on these three priesthood councils to convince the low information Mormons all is well in Zion even though the inner structure in the Mormon Corporate (LD$) Church is about to collapse.
Something that is not mentioned in the news articles is these three women sitting on these priesthood councils will change nothing in the Mormon Corporate Church. The male priesthood will still have the final word. When a woman is chosen to be an Apostle that will be the beginning of women having an equal say in the Mormon Corporate Church policies and procedures. These three women are nothing more than three token women to give the appearance women will now have a say when the opposite will be true. In 20 or 30 years from now, well after these three women are released from these priesthood councils, what will they say in some kind of book of revelations publication exposing how these three women were just ignored and the priesthood did what ever they wanted to do anyway.
Anyone who thinks this “historic development” to include three women on these three high level priesthood councils is going to make any difference is just wasting their breath and time. Their time would be much better spent realizing there are some “pollutions” in “the holy church of God” (Mormon 8:38) and doing something positive to root out the “hypocrites” and “pollutions” like speaking up when you see something going wrong in The Church.
Isn’t the offering by The First Presidency to allow these three women to sit on these three priesthood councils proof The First Presidency knows the members want to see some changes in The Church for good? If the members did not think change is necessary there would be no need to try putting three women on these three priesthood councils to cause The Church to move in a different direction.
Please remember soon after Sister Kate Kelly was excommunicated the Mormon Church caved and altered a long standing rule to not allow women to attend General Priesthood so The Kate Kelly Influence has started some time ago and The Kate Kelly Influence is only getting stronger in The Church with time.
Had The First Presidency followed their mother’s advise and treated Sister Kate Kelly with respect, instead of like an animal under a rock, the cause Ordain Women would have probably went away into obscurity. One thing The First Presidency could have done is personally meet with the leaders of Ordain Women and talk things out instead of sending a “Church representative” to tell Ordain Women they are wrong. Wouldn’t a personal meeting, discussing the actual known facts, with a sincere prayer asking God what is right be more like a Christian way of conducting Church business?
The obvious problem with an honest meeting like that is all in attendance would have to live with what God told them then because everyone present would know what the mind and will of God was if God chose to speak to them then. I don’t think The First Presidency was ready for that so everyone else has to live with the consequences of The First Presidency being afraid of asking God if women should have the priesthood.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 21, 2015
Owning The Harm That You Cause (Article #86)
There are somethings we do in life’s journey that harm others. Sometimes this harm comes unintentionally and sometimes this harm is with malice (Mormon 8:36). Sometimes harm is justified and more often the harm we do is wrongful.
No matter how we wrongfully harm others we need to be man (or woman) enough to own up to our actions and take responsibility. This is a basic principle of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and if a Christian does not take responsibility and ownership for the wrongful harm they have done to others they will be sorry when they face Jesus Christ on Judgment Day (Moroni 10:27).
One 21st Century principle, doctrine and rule of the Mormon Church is not to speak ill of a Mormon Church leader “even if what you say is true.” Apparently it is OK to speak ill of other denomination church leaders especially when a Mormon has an “investigator” that might be vulnerable to suggestive persuasion and soon may be a new baptized Mormon.
Some of what is acceptable for a Mormon to say about other denomination church leaders is “all their creeds were an abomination in [Jesus Christ’s] sight; that those [religious ministers and] professors were all corrupt” (J.S.-History 1:19).
So let’s go over this 21st Century Mormon Church principle, doctrine and rule again. It is not O.K. to speak ill of a Mormon Church leader even if what you say is true but it is O.K. to speak ill of another denomination church leader even if it is not true and especially if you can get someone to be a new baptized Mormon by doing so.
I was severally disciplined for repeating the Words of Jesus Christ as recorded in The Book Of Mormon that were speaking ill of the Mormon Church leadership. One Church court ended with disfellowshipping and the second Church court ended with excommunication.
Two different Stake Presidents were involved with these two separate Church courts. The obvious intent in both Church courts was to punish me, with malice, to the point I would never dare say anything ill about a Mormon Church leader again.
The truth did not matter that I was only repeating the Words of Jesus Christ as recorded in The Book Of Mormon, Mormon 8:33-41.
The absolute proof the truth did not matter is in the first Church court I asked to be able to read aloud Mormon 8:33-41, just nine verses. President Allphin, who was conducting, granted me approval that I could read these nine verses out loud in this Church Court. Before I had a chance to read, within seconds, The Stake President Terrance Thedell interrupted and forbid my reading of those nine verses straight from The Book Of Mormon.
There is no doubt in my mind SLC instructed President Thedell beforehand to not allow me to read those nine verses in that Church court. The proof of that is President Thedell is not sharp enough to have thought of that on his own and to have acted so quickly without previous tutoring.
There is no doubt SLC has had some previous experience with Mormon 8:33-41 and they realized if I were to read these nine verses the High Council, while hearing these words, would get the idea that it is Jesus Christ Who is calling the Mormon Church leaders “hypocrites,” not Brother Jim.
The proof these Book Of Mormon verses were at the center of this first Church Court is that in my official Church letter of disfellowshipment from Stake President Thedell “Mormon 8:38” was specifically mentioned and I was specifically ordered to never again teach this had anything to do with the Mormon Church or its leaders.
So as anyone can see the truth does not matter including the Words of Jesus Christ, especially in The Book Of Mormon, who is The Truth and The Light. Is it not obvious I, Brother Jim Kelley, was wrongfully excommunicated, with malice, for just repeating the Words of Jesus Christ and the Mormon Church leadership should have known it? Is it not also obvious the Mormon Church should own up to the fact they have caused myself, and many others too, intended harm by excommunicating me, and many others too, for only repeating the Words of Jesus Christ (that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true)?
If a person respectfully repeats the Words of Christ, spoken against the Mormon Church leadership, is that wrongful harm? No that is plainly justified because it is just telling the truth as pointed out by Jesus Christ Himself and Jesus Christ Himself has caused all of this to be published to the world (IF The Book Of Mormon is true). If the current Mormon Church leaders had not become “hypocrites” who have “polluted” the Mormon Church there would be no need for Jesus Christ to say they are “hypocrites,” that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true.
What these two Church courts amount to is I am the same as a 21st Century Martin Luther and the Mormon Church is the same as a 21st Century Medieval Church with all the 15th Century superstitions and unchristian rules and doctrine designed to keep the more spiritual Saints from speaking up against the church leader “hypocrites”who have obviously “polluted the holly church of God” (Mormon 8:38). Oops, I think I just disobeyed a direct order from President Thedell as written on official Mormon Church stationary and “affirmed” by the two faced “hypocrites,” The First Presidency. I will be sorry when Jesus says He is sorry for saying the exact same things about the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites.”
Until the Mormon Church leadership starts owning the harm that they cause others, and repent, the Mormon Church will continue to have retarded growth, a loss of the Power of The Holy Ghost and suffer terrible calamities in the future because of faulty leadership which have led to wide spread “pollutions.”
Special note: I hold no guile towards the Mormon Church leadership for excommunicating me. It has become a great blessing for me. I got a 10% raise, I do not have to jump and accept any old calling and I do not have to wear the “official temple garment day and night” which is often uncomfortable (“Are you picking your seat?”) and are unreasonably hot in hot weather.
I did not choose to be excommunicated and since it was a wrongful excommunication Jesus Christ will Personally reverse it at some future date right in front of all those “priesthood leaders” who raised a hand or signed their name to my wrongful excommunication and all my Church blessings will be completely restored by The Savior Himself.
All I have to do is be faithful by not denying The Holy Ghost who specifically showed me Mormon 8:38 and told me “the holy church of God” was a direct reference to the Mormon Church.
I have received some communications that other Mormons would like to be in my position of being wrongfully excommunicated so they would not have to jump through the irrational Mormon Church hoops any longer without any eternal consequences for bad.
If you would want to see for yourself just how irrational the Mormon Church has become in disfellowshipping and excommunications just do a Google search for “disfellowshipment” and “excommunications” to see for yourself which church has become infamous for irrational and punitive church courts among all the 21st Century churches.
My activity on this website is solely for the purpose to warn my neighbor just as The Holy Ghost has warned me, no more or no less.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 26, 2015
The Mormon Church Punishes Its Members For Telling The Truth! (Article #87)
One of the right in your face “pollutions” in the Mormon Church of today is the doctrine, rule and policy you are not to speak ill of a Church leader even if what you say is true. Could anything be more off base than that? If you do speak the truth that the Mormon Church leadership dislikes you will be “corrected” even though you are the one that does NOT need correcting. This correction process, because of “pollutions” right in the secret Mormon Church leadership policy manuals, will have all the “yes men” church leaders aligned against you no matter what the scriptures say or what the truth is. In other words, the truth no longer matters in the “True Church” of today. Kind of ironic for a church to claim to be the “true” church no longer cares to uphold the truth.
The correct principle is, as taught a generation ago, a person is supposed to avoid all appearances of evil and wrong doing in their efforts to avoid evil and be a good example.
Now it would seem to me any Mormon Church leader worth their salt would follow the old doctrine of avoiding the very appearance of evil instead of finding fault with those who are legitimately pointing out the faults of Church leaders. If a Mormon Church leader is of the spirit and heart of being humble and repentant they would welcome constructive criticism so they could evaluate it and change if necessary. It would seem this truth is self-evident especially if a person has the Power of The Holy Ghost in their lives.
Would it not be better to welcome constructive criticism and have a Mormon Church Central Complaint Department to handle criticism and complaints the local leaders don’t and can’t handle? Apparently the fact there is still this Folly of a Church Doctrine a member is not to speak ill of a Church leader, even if what is said is true, and the fact there is no working Mormon Church Central Complaint Department is proof positive the Mormon Church leadership, right to The First Presidency, couldn’t care less about what is right and what is the truth.
As a parent what would you think would happen if you punished your children for telling the truth? The same thing has happened in the Mormon Church.
Why would any person want to join or stay a part of a polluted church like this?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 29, 2015
When Revelation Is Blowing In The Wind (Article #88)
It is a real sad day when any church who claims to represent God can no longer receive revelations from God. There is no doubt in my mind the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” (Jesus’ Word, not mine) have passed this point of not being able to receive revelations from God and are using methods like licking their finger and holding it in the wind to determine which direction the Mormon Church should go.
The proof is all the mistakes the Mormon Church leaders are making in managing The Church’s affairs. The mismanagement of the tithing funds and the different business ventures The Church is involved with, like the City Creek Center Mall, that are in no way a part of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to others, just to mention two.
Many may “testify” about how inspired the Mormon Church General Authorities are in General Conference. My observation has been the women give more inspirational talks than the priesthood in General Conference.
May I point out The Pope has a much larger following than all the Mormon Church General Authorities put together and no doubt a higher approval rating too. When The Pope gives a talk there are many tens of millions of people who will “testify” how inspired and spiritual The Pope was when he gave his talk compared to perhaps a million Mormons who will say the same things about any talk in General Conference these days.
Even when a Mormon General Authority does give a good talk they have no doubt borrowed (plagiarized) from past talks from inspired church leaders, Mormon and non-Mormon, who were able to receive revelations from God in the past.
Based on actual performance the Jehovah Witnesses have a more inspired missionary program than the Mormon Church today. Each church claims about 15 million members and the Jehovah Witness Church is keeping up with the Mormon Church with convert baptisms and spending perhaps 99% less money doing it.
So if both churches have about the same level of membership and the Mormon Church is spending $100 for every $1 the Jehovah Witness Church does in their missionary program and both churches are getting about the same number of baptisms which church do you think God is helping the most?
One possibility could be God is helping neither church and the Jehovah Witness Church has a much more dedicated membership than the Mormon Church and that is the difference. It would seem if it were not for all the money the Mormon Church spends on its missionary program the Jehovah Witness Church would perhaps have 100 convert baptisms for every one Mormon convert baptism. In other words the Mormons are buying their convert baptisms with a huge missionary program budget instead of the member dedication the Jehovah Witnesses seem to demonstrate today.
There were times in the past Mormons seemed to be really inspired and one good example of this is The Word Of Wisdom. Perhaps other churches have similar inspired documents from the past too?
The bottom line here is the Mormon Church of today is floundering like a fish washed up on shore and unless the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” can get back to the living waters of revelations from God the Mormon Church will eventually die out before The Second Coming. The Mormon Church has already died out spiritually. If it were not for the Mormon faithful paying their tithings the Mormon Church would have already collapsed. It is the tithing money that keeps the Mormon Corporate (LD$) Church running like a well-oiled machine. It sure isn’t revelations from God any more.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 2, 2015
Finding Fault With The Righteous (Article #89)
I wish to direct you to an average discussion among Mormons where the Mormons who “do walk in the pride of their hearts” (Mormon 8:36) attack those “few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts.”
Read for yourself and you can be the judge who are the 21st Century proud Mormon clowns and animals as opposed to the Great Ones in the Mormon Church who are expressing legitimate concerns with prudence and good judgment.
LDS FF is better than going to the zoo or circus because it is actually funnier to see pathetic Mormons eaten up with their own pride and their inability to discuss the substance of the current matters of the Mormon Church.
Notice the statement, “Your home for discussing politics, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and the principles of liberty” at the top of the Internet pages of this website. I guess the Mormon clowns and animals can’t read very well or at least with any understanding.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 3, 2015
The Mormon Church Is Stuck In The 16th Century (Article #90)
In the 16th Century the Roman Catholic Church labeled its members “apostates” who spoke out against The Church about basic doctrinal issues that Church was doing wrong. It did not matter if the Church was dead wrong and great men like Martin Luther and John Wesley were right. What mattered was the Catholic 16th Century Medieval Church had the power to persecute whomever they pleased and they did label their thorns in their side as “apostates” in an obvious effort to discredit the speakers of the truth who exposed the Church of all manner of its corruptions.
History has proven the Catholic 16th Century Medieval Church as wrong on two counts: 1. The Church has changed many of their false doctrines to conform to what the scriptures said. 2. There would have been no need for the Reformation and Protestant movement if the Catholic 16th Century Medieval Church had been right on all its teachings and official doctrines.
In the 21st Century Satan has schooled his followers to discredit the messengers of truth who dare to expose evil by calling them racists, homophobes, sexists, etc.
How many times has a person, in a public venue, spoken the truth about President B.O. and his obvious incompetence and the Liberals attack that truthful person by calling them a racist?
How many times has a person, in a public venue, spoken the truth about Hilary and her open dishonesty, only to be called sexist by the Liberals?
I point out the Mormon Church is stuck in the 16th Century because they are still using Satan’s 16th Century play book and attacking the messengers of truth who speak out against the Mormon Church’s “pollutions” by calling them “apostates” the exact same way the Catholic 16th Century Church did.
I suppose the Mormon Church might not be able to implement Satan’s 21st Century play book and pull off calling someone a racist or a sexist since the Mormon Church used to disallow any Black person to hold the priesthood and still disallows all women from holding the priesthood to this very day.
It might have been one thing for the Mormon Church to officially state it was not time for the Black man to hold the priesthood yet and leave it at that. But no, the proud Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” had to discredit the whole Black race. See Article #3, “Mormonism and the Negro” and “The Church And The Negro,” near the top of the Other Articles Page as Article #3, for a pretty good look at how the Mormon Church officially thought about the Black people in general only a few short decades ago.
As for women not being ordained to the priesthood Kate Kelly’s Organization, Ordain Women, seems to have some pretty persuasive evidence women in the 19th Century were ordained to the priesthood and did perform priesthood functions along the lines of priesthood healings of the sick and afflicted. Why couldn’t The First Presidency have had a meeting with Kate Kelly’s organization and gone over some of this documentation? Instead they excommunicated her and labeled her an “apostate.”
It just seems interesting to me a Church started in the 19th Century and has evolved into a 15 million member 21st Century Church is stuck in the 16th Century.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 3, 2015
Just How Stupid Can That Be? (Article #91)
I wrote a letter to my Stake Presidency before the 1st “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court against me. In that letter I advised my Stake Presidency if the Mormon Church kept resisting the truth about all the “pollutions” within The Church I would publish to the best of my ability all I personally knew about those “pollutions.”
This letter was brought up in the 1st Church Court by Stake President Terrance Thedell as if I were wrong for writing such a thing.
Here is the reality of this whole situation. Had the Mormon Church done some things to help correct the “pollutions” (quoting Jesus from The Book Of Mormon) like starting a General Church Complaint Department I would have probably been satisfied and had not pursued my mission to help rid The Church of its “pollutions” any further.
As it turned out the Mormon Church resisted any such suggestions and persecuted me for even suggesting such a thing. As a direct result I interacted with other Mormons who collectively knew far more of the many “pollutions” than I knew and my knowledge of the “pollutions” in the Mormon Church were enhanced and I am able to publish far more than I knew before when I wrote that letter.
So the Mormon Church resists doing anything meaningful to stop the “pollutions” and forces its members, or excommunicated members, into positions of sharing with others even more knowledge of the overwhelming “pollutions” in the Mormon Church right now that can be published to the world. Just how stupid can that be?
I have asked this many times before; where is the Gift of the Holy Ghost when it comes to the administration decisions of the Mormon Church? How long can the Mormon Church keep making these kinds of mistakes and not be considered, even by the “faithful,” as uninspired in its leadership?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 5, 2015
Nobody Has An Obligation To Be A Victim Or A Chump! (Article #92)
Part of Natural Law (also God’s Law) is nobody has an obligation to be a victim or a chump yet that is exactly what the Mormon Church General Authorities want their flock to become.
When the Mormon Church General Authorities preach no Mormon Saint has a right to find fault with any Mormon Church leader, “even if what they say is true,” that is setting up circumstances to make any Mormon Saint a victim or a chump when, NOT IF, a Mormon Church leader abuses someone. Such preaching like this is actually a form of mocking the flock with false doctrine straight from the Mormon Church General Authorities including The First Presidency. Mormon Saints should really knew better about these principles if they would just think about it, compare appropriate scriptures and seek the guidance of The Holy Ghost if these Mormon Saints haven’t cut their connection with The Holy Ghost with their own incredible “pride” to the point The Holy Ghost knows they will not listen to Him anyway.
The Mormon Church General Authorities have created an environment and layered society where they rule like unchecked kings and the lower Mormon Church leaders are forced to follow suit or they will be prematurely released causing embarrassment to themselves and their family.
In the Mormon temples, during the endowment, a Mormon Saint is taught “God will not be mocked.” Part of going to the Mormon temples is to learn to be like God so Mormon Saints can become Gods someday. So if a Mormon Saint allows themselves to be made a victim, a chump and a mockery by the Mormon Church General Authorities did that Mormon Saint learn the lesson “God will not be mocked” and successfully apply that to themselves so they can become like a God in the future?
Brother Jim Kelley stood firm against the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” (Jesus’ Word, not mine if you believe The Book Of Mormon) when they ordered Brother Jim to never teach Mormon 8:38 has anything to do with the Mormon Church or its leaders. According to the late Elder L. Tom Perry, in a Conference talk October, 1992, Mormon 8:38 does apply to the Mormon Church and is a direct warning from Jesus Christ to the Mormon Church and the Mormon people. I suspect Elder Perry knew and understood Proper English Grammar Rules and the proper definitions of the English words involved in Mormon 8:38 in contrast to most of the “proud” Mormons who don’t. Here is a link to that talk:
It would seem because Brother Jim would not allow the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” to make him a victim, a chump or mock him, Brother Jim is far more advanced towards becoming a God than almost all other Mormon Saints because Brother Jim learned the lesson, “God will not be mocked,” in the temple and applied it to his personal life in the face of tremendous adversity from the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites.”
Any other Mormons want to report how they have passed this test too? My e-mail is on the Contact Page.
Brother Jim
Posted September 6, 2015
Three Planks Of The Democrat Party Platform (Article #93)
The U.S. Democrat Party today is not the party of Harry Truman or J.F.K. It has evolved into the party of homosexuals, abortions, B.O., with a more recently visible party plank of selling the body parts of aborted babies.
It has been common and public knowledge for decades two main planks of the Democrat Party are homosexual rights over Christian rights and abortion rights over Christian rights. Now it has become common and public knowledge another main plank of the Democrat Party platform is the selling of aborted baby’s body parts rights over Christian rights and concerns. Many major leaders of the U.S. Democrat Party have said as much with statements like, “Those body parts are being donated for science!”
I looked at my driver’s license and there is a notification on the front of my driver’s license I have filled out all the required documentation to donate any of my body parts upon my death. I did the donating, NOT someone else. In the case of the aborted baby’s body parts the ones who murdered the little babies are selling the body parts. There is a BIG difference!
For anyone to support the U.S. Democrat Party today with money and votes is the same thing as supporting homosexual rights over Christian rights, abortion rights over Christian rights and the perverted assumed right to steal baby body parts of murdered aborted babies over Christian rights and objections.
There are many, many Mormons who have and are today supporting the U.S. Democrat Party with their money and votes. Much of this support may be in secret but God knows and there will be hell to pay for this obvious indiscretion on Judgment Day.
Mormons should know better but because of wide spread “pollutions” in the Mormon Church today these Mormon angels of Satan who support the U.S. Democrat Party are allowed to have a temple recommend and pollute, by their attendance, the holy temples of God.
How does Harry Reid ever keep his temple recommend?
Summing up; homosexual rights, abortion rights and now the right to sell the aborted baby’s body parts are all main planks of the U.S. Democrat Party platform.
How can anyone with any conscience at all now ask God to bless the United States of America any longer? Obviously the judgments of God will soon fall upon the United States of America and many Mormons are as responsible for America’s fall as anyone else.
I wonder IF the Mormon Church General Authority leader “hypocrites” will even mention any of this in the next General Conference? No doubt they will not because they are afraid and scared of what the homosexuals and abortionists will think, do and say about them and The Church. How can anyone with any conscience at all now ask God to bless the Mormon Church any longer?
The Mormon Church General Authorities being silent on these subjects and their associations with the U.S. Democrat Party is a plain and open support for what is going on right now. Some might say, the Mormon Church is a worldwide church and cannot address U.S. politics in General Conference. The fact is the whole world is watching U.S. politics in relation to homosexuals, abortion and the selling of aborted baby body parts. About half of all who watch General Conference live in the U.S. and many of those support the U.S. Democrat Party so it is of the up most importance to address these three subjects and planks so those in violation of God’s Laws will better know to repent and be more accountable if they do not repent.
Special Note: It is no secret the Mormon Church General Authorities monitor this website closely and carefully. Also my local Mormon Church leaders do too. There is no excuse what so ever for the Mormon Church General Authorities to not be aware of what this article says and challenges them to do in the next General Conference. This article on this website is better than certified mail to The First Presidency.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 10, 2015
The Evolution Of Evil (Article #94)
History is chuck full of examples of the evolution of evil and many such examples are within some church organizations. The evolution of evil was so severe in the Catholic Medieval Church there was a huge rebellion that history names the Protestant Reformation which led to the formation of numerous Protestant churches.
The evolution of evil seems to always need a dictator. Dictators seem to follow established patterns right out of Satan’s plan book. First future dictators work their way into some position of power and authority. Then these future dictators set up circumstances where they will advance to a supreme power. Education of the masses is essential to teach the dictator’s philosophy to enhance their power and authority. After the masses are brainwashed enough then the dictator can then do their evil deeds out in the open because the brainwashed masses will not stand up to them but will actually help the evolution of evil led by the dictator.
One common component of any evolution of evil is a system to silence anyone smart enough, or has a pair big enough, to speak out against the evil that is evolving right in front of everyone.
In the cases of the evolution of evil in governments history and our current events are full of them. In the cases of churches history still has many good examples and they will follow a similar path and pattern as the government dictatorships.
In the case of the Catholic Medieval Church the leaders were able to convince enough of the masses of the following:
- The Pope was the sole authority to interpret scripture.
- Whatever the Pope said was the same as scripture even though it may have contradicted previous scripture. This was the infallibility doctrine of the Pope.
- The Pope had absolute authority and power to dictate a person’s future circumstances after death. God was only secondary because the Pope had power to bind in heaven whatever he decreed on earth.
- Etc.
In the case of the Mormon Church the leaders have been able to convince enough of the masses of the following:
- The President of the Mormon Church has the sole authority to interpret scripture. That is NOT what The Book Of Mormon says. “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye [speaking to everyone] may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5). Does that sound like the President of the Mormon Church has an exclusive right to “know the truth of all things” including the meaning of scripture?
- Whatever the President of the Mormon Church says is the same as scripture even though it may contradict previous scripture. This bizarre Mormon doctrine has been reinforced by “follow the living prophet because he knows better what we need today than some dead prophet in the past.” Oh really, does that also include Jesus Christ and anything He set in scripture? The Mormon Church President Thomas S. Monson has contradicted Jesus Christ’s Words as recorded in Mormon 8:33-41 and President Monson signed a letter affirming his contradiction of the Words of Jesus Christ. That letter was a letter to “affirm” the First, “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court for me, Brother Jim.
- The Mormon Church Presidents claim absolute authority and power to dictate a person’s future circumstances after death. God is only secondary because the Mormon Church President has power to bind in heaven whatever he decreed on earth. This is true only in righteous circumstances. When anyone uses their priesthood in an unrighteous manner the condemnation goes against the unrighteous priesthood holder.
For anyone to think The Evolution Of Evil that continues to flourish in the Mormon Church today has any power to take away any eternal blessing Jesus Christ will Personally extend to anyone is a hilarious joke on the mindless-gerbil Mormons who still follow the Mormon Church leaders that Jesus Christ has Personally labeled as “hypocrites” (Mormon 8:38; Moroni 10:27).
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 11, 2015
A False Religion (Article #95)
Either the Mormon Church is a false religion for promoting The Book Of Mormons as true when it was false or it is a false religion now for denying The Book Of Mormon now.
The Mormon Church officially has declared “the Book of Mormon to be the word of God” (The Articles Of Faith #8).
The Mormon Church on the other hand has officially declared Mormon 8:38, that the “hypocrites…polluted the holy church of God,” has nothing to do with the Mormon Church or its leaders totally contrary to Proper English Grammar Rules, Mormon Church History and other official Mormon Church doctrines proving “the holy church of God” can only mean the Mormon Church.
The latter was set in stone with an official First Presidency letter affirming the Mormon Church Mock Trial where it was ordered I, Brother Jim Kelley, was never again to teach or suggest Mormon 8:38 has anything to do with the Mormon Church or its leaders.
This letter of affirmation was signed by President Thomas S. Monson, President Henry B. Eyring and President Deiter F. Uchtdorf.
This letter of affirmation obviously denies what The Book Of Mormon says and in reality is an official statement by The First Presidency The Book Of Mormon is NOT true.
Since The Book Of Mormon clearly claims Mormon 8:38 are the Words of Jesus Christ (Moroni 10:27) The First Presidency has officially denied Jesus Christ too, if The Book Of Mormon is true.
Now we have come full circle. If The Book Of Mormon is true The First Presidency is now denying what The Book Of Mormon plainly says as the Words of Jesus Christ. If The Book Of Mormon is not true the Mormon Church started out as a false religion anyway.
So it has become plain and obvious. Either the Mormon Church started out as a false religion in the beginning or it has ended up as a false religion in the end by official letter from a fallen prophet even President Thomas S. Monson.
By their official letter, according to official Mormon Church doctrine, President Monson, President Eyring and President Uchtdorf have all three officially denied The Book Of Mormon and unwittingly have and are still denying Jesus Christ.
Doesn’t this official action prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the Mormon Church First Presidency are all fallen prophets even if they were true prophets in the first place? No Mormon has a leg to stand on in any attempts to prove otherwise.
Sorry but the truth hurts sometimes when dealing with the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” who have selfishly “polluted the holy church of God” (Jesus’ Words, not mine. Mormon 8:38).
If any Mormon has a beef with these truths their beef is with the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” and not the messengers of the truth like me. “Awake to a sense of your awful situation” if you believe The Book Of Mormon to be true and write a letter to the Mormon Church First Presidency “hypocrites” and ask them why in the world would they “pollute the holy church of God?”
Use you God given commonsense and figure this out if you have the guts to face the truth?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 16, 2015
The Mormon Church Flat Earth Society (Article #96)
There are still societies out there that think and preach the earth is flat. They try their best to disprove all the evidence the earth is round to the point they believe in their own minds the earth is really flat.
The exact same situation exists in the Mormon Church with many of the Mormons who think and preach the Mormon Church leadership, especially the General Authorities, are men of God and lead the Mormon Church by direct revelation from God even though the evidence overwhelmingly proves differently.
Some of the evidence the Mormon Church leadership is not now inspired or led by The Holy Ghost is the Mormon Church leaders have been caught in many lies, acts of stealing, mismanagement or Church resources, many foolish interpretations of scripture, many foolish prophecies, many Church cover-ups, etc., etc. The best evidence in my opinion can be found in The Book Of Mormon in Mormon 8:33-41 where, IF The Book Of Mormon is scripture, The Lord identifies the Mormon Church leaders as “hypocrites” who have polluted the Mormon Church and describes to a “T” a lot of the pollutions.
Because of false teachings and perceptions we are going to always have the Flat Earth Societies among us. Likewise because of false teachings and perceptions the Mormon Church will always have those among its members who think and preach the Mormon Church leaders, especially the General Authorities, are men of God and are led by The Holy Ghost to lead the Mormon Church by direct revelations from God when the evidence is overwhelming the opposite is true.
The Mormon Church has their “faithful members” who will support “the brethren” no matter what the exact same way people in the flat earth societies support the earth is flat no matter what. This is the exact same difference except it is closer apart.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 17, 2015
It Just Doesn’t Seem To Register (Article #97)
Have you ever worked with someone or tried to teach someone something where the basic principles of a subject just don’t seem to register? There are people who just don’t get it on some subjects. Some may be good at math but fail in the language arts. Some may be good at mechanics but fail as an artist.
No matter how hard the learned person tries to teach others something for some it just doesn’t seem to register in their brains.
So it is with Mormon 8:33-41 in The Book Of Mormon. Some can get it by the Power of The Holy Ghost “the holy church of God” is the Mormon Church and some can’t get it obviously due to a lack of The Spirit of God. Others seem to be able to get it by applying Proper English Grammar Rules through diagraming, etc. and some just cannot get it at all and fail.
Apparently the Mormon Church leaders, especially the General Authorities, just can’t get it and it just doesn’t seem to register in their brains that right in The Book Of Mormon, Mormon 8:33-41 to be exact, the Words of Jesus Christ condemn the Mormon Church, the Mormon people and especially the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” (Jesus’ Word).
Either the Mormon Church members and leaders just don’t get it when it comes to Mormon 8:33-41 through some mental deficiency-disorder or they are liars who want to lie about the obvious meaning of Mormon 8:33-41.
So either way if the failure to understand the meaning of the Mormon scripture Mormon 8:33-41 is an inditement against the Mormon Church and people is due to some mental deficiency-disorder or just plain lies it makes no difference. What does make a difference is either way this is proof the Mormon Church and Mormon people in general are NOT led by the Power of The Holy Ghost. This is proof positive any Mormon Church leader is NOT called of God for God will not call His leaders from the mentally deficient and/or liars of the world.
I wonder how many people who read this will get it and this will register with them as true?
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 18, 2015
Ignorant/Stupid Mormons (Article #98)
Let’s get our definitions correct here. Ignorance is when a person has not been taught something. Stupid is after being taught the person still acts as if they are ignorant about something.
Many years back I can remember many massive car accidents in Utah and no one was seriously injured or killed. Amazing, right?
I can remember massive car crashes on the Point of the Mountain, between SLC and Orem, on I-15. The fog would be so thick cars going south could not see the cars going north. The Mormons would drive the speed limit (55-70 MPH) on those thick foggy days just as if the visibility was 10 miles instead of 10 feet until someone lost control and crashed into someone and then the chain reaction began until many dozens of cars, even hundreds of cars, were mangled together.
I was working in 1988 on the Word Perfect Corporation Office Complex during its construction in Orem and during lunch one such accident that happened the day before was being discussed. The Mormons acted amazed that no one was seriously injured or killed when these pileups occur.
I suggested there is no mystery here. The people involved in these accidents are Mormons and they have received priesthood blessings promising long life, wellness and happiness. Those blessing are not contingent upon intelligence or being smart but on a reasonable expectation of being “worthy” to receive the promises of the priesthood blessings.
I could see the wave of unrighteous indignation and pride swell up in that lunch room as I was asked, “What do you mean saying Mormons are stupid?” My response was that all the Mormons in that lunch room saw for themselves how stupidity contributed to a 150 car pileup on I-15 during thick fog and driving too fast. Every one of them acted amazed no one was seriously hurt or killed. The only explanation no one was seriously hurt or killed could be the priesthood blessings intervening when all those Mormons were acting stupidly.
Things have changed since then and those pileups at the Point of the Mountain now result in serious injuries and death. The Mormons still drive to fast but the difference now is more inactivity and unrighteousness among the Mormon population which has resulted in fewer priesthood blessings and among those unrighteous Mormons who have received priesthood blessings those blessings are not in full force because of personal unrighteousness.
The general Mormon population has changed significantly in the past several decades for the worst. The Mormon Church leadership “hypocrites” (Jesus’ Word) obviously have contributed to this degenerated moral condition by their own personal unrighteous examples.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 20, 2015
Thin Skin (Article #99)
I am not sure exactly what to make of this situation but my instincts seem to indicate the Mormon Church General Authority and lawyer has thin skin. If I am wrong I will print a retraction for Elder Sinclair and say I am sorry.
This story is too typical of Mormon Church General Authorities to let go or put aside now. Here is a link to one accounting. Read it and make up your own mind what you think. Hopefully there will be more articles with more light and knowledge so we can understand better what is actually happening here.
One thing for sure is Elder Sinclair is reported to be a lawyer and Jesus seemed to also have a lot of problems with the lawyers too.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 27, 2015
My Challenge Was Heard !!! (Article # 100)
On August 10, 2015, in Article # 83 on this Page, I challenged The First Presidency with the following:
“Here is a good experiment to see if all of the 15 ever speak with one accord for the world to hear. Two Apostles passed away recently and there will be two replacement Apostles presented to the membership in the October, 2015, General Conference. Will any member of The First Presidency declare in that General Conference that Jesus Christ has Personally chosen and called these two brethren to be Apostles of Jesus Christ? This used to happen in General Conference but was discontinued about 100 years ago. Why the change? Doesn’t the membership, as well as the whole world, have a right to hear from the lips of the Prophet and President of The Church, a testimony that the current Apostles are personally called of God (Article of Faith #5).
“Here is my opinion why this no longer happens in General Conference or anywhere else in public. The top 15 know they no longer have the ability to receive revelation from God to administer in the affairs of The Church and this includes the calling of Apostles by revelation from God. The current Apostles were all called by the arm of flesh without the least hint of inspiration or revelation and all 15 of them know that.
“So with this knowledge the 15 would know it would be too risky to publicly proclaim any of the current Apostles were called of God because it is plainly pointed out in the temple endowment, ‘God will not be mocked.’”
“So if God will not be mocked and the 15 know they were not called of God then to publicly say and testify they were called of God may incur a lightning bolt from heaven, frying the Apostle speaking such blasphemy. Obviously if the whole world would witness a lightning bolt kill an Apostle right in General Conference what would that do to The Church’s reputation? What would that do for the member’s testimonies? What would that do to the tithing money stream The Church enjoys now?
“There is no doubt the Mormon Church leadership monitors this website very closely. So I will put out a challenge, I know they will be aware of, to the remaining 13 of the 15 for this next General Conference where two, that we know of now, new Apostles will be presented to the membership. Whoever does the presenting why not clearly and plainly declare to the world, these two brethren were called of God by direct revelation from God and all 13 of the remaining Apostles were involved in the revelation process to choose these two men to complete the Quorum of the Twelve and by direct revelation from God all 13 are unanimous in the declaration that God has chosen these two men and so it is, a-men.”
This is from an article on this Page entitled, Stay in a leaky boat? Why? Article # 83. Scroll up to this article to read the whole article if you wish.
On Saturday, October 3, 2015, the very first General Conference speaker was President Uchtdorf of The First Presidency. He mentioned the passing of three Apostles and mentioned, as a matter of fact, three new Apostles “who have been called of The Lord” will fill the vacancies.
Here are my observations and opinions:
- The First Presidency took a risk and The Lord has chosen to not strike President Uchtdorf with lightening.
- What President Uchtdorf said is proof positive The First Presidency does monitor this website very closely. It has been many decades since any First Presidency member has mentioned any newly called Apostle was called of the Lord. My challenge and what President Uchtdorf said is NOT a coincidence. No doubt President Uchtdorf’s statement, as minor as it was, is a direct result of my challenge.
- Now that we know The First Presidency monitors this website very closely we now have proof The First Presidency also has had a chance to read the detailed explanations for Mormon 8:33-41 and are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
- Actually The First Presidency had a chance to read a well written overview about Mormon 8:33-41 in my appeals documents so they were without excuse before this website was launched anyway.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 5, 2015
“Save A Few Only” (Article #101)
The Words of Jesus Christ (Mormon 8:36; Moroni 10:27) specifically say “that [Mormons] do walk in the pride of [their] hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts.”
What does “save a few only” mean? Compared to the boasted Mormon membership of 15 million how many would be “save a few only?”
We seem to have a significant homosexual population among us throughout the world. Estimates are about 3% of our total population is homosexual. Would anyone suggest that the earth’s population is straight save a few only that are homosexual? I doubt it.
So considering this comparison would it be safe to consider the righteous and the non-prideful in the Mormon Church would be far less than 3%? My observation would be that the righteous and non-prideful portion would be among the rank and file Mormons and NOT among the leadership.
So when a person is sitting in Sacrament meeting and looks around just know much less than 3% of everyone you see is righteous and non-proud and don’t look at the stand where the leadership is seated unless you want to gaze upon the exceedingly proud among the Mormons.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 6, 2015
“Who Swear By the Name Of The Lord” (Article #102)
What a timely revelation from The Lord when He revealed 1 Nephi 20:1 to me this morning. This is only two days after I posted Article #100.
There are many examples in scripture where unrighteous men in The Church, even those in positions of being Prophets, will swear falsely by the Name of Jesus Christ “not in truth nor in righteousness.”
Even though President Uchtdorf did make a weak gesture on Saturday morning General Conference, October 3, 2015, that the three new Apostles “who have been called of The Lord,” will fill the vacancies created by the deaths of three Apostles that passed away in recent months, is still not enough.
Just because a General Authority, even The Prophet, says something in General Conference doesn’t make it so any more. There have been way too many corruptions and “pollutions” passed off as the truth in to many past General Conferences to make anything in General Conference believable now just because it was said in General Conference recently.
The First Presidency doesn’t have a very good track record when it comes to making good decisions for The Church for the last few decades. Just look at the City Center Creek Mall, just across the street from the Salt Lake Temple, for some evidence of that.
The physical evidence, especially the written scriptures, as well as the testimony of The Holy Ghost reveals the Mormon Church General Authorities are so far removed from The Holy Ghost it would be impossible for The Holy Ghost to work through them in any meaningful way when it comes to running the LD$ Corporate Church of today and that includes choosing new Apostles.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 8, 2015
Ponderize-A Three Ring Circus (Article #103)
A substandard talk on Sunday, October 4, 2015, in General Conference, by Devin G. Durrant, has turned into a Three Ring Circus because of the make-believe stupid word, “ponderize.”
Ring number one is the substandard talk itself where the Mormon Church officially has given its facilities to aid in the corruption of the English language with poor grammar, confusion and chaos in the introduction of the corrupted make-believe word “ponderize.”
Ring number two is the behind the scenes of Brother Durrant’s immediate family securing a website a week before the General Conference talk to promote for profit the Mission of Chaos with the make-believe word “ponderize” and sell T-shirts, etc. with the stupid make-believe word ponderize.
Ring number three is the prideful Mormon Church who apparently used their muscle (all brawn and no brains) and stopped the Durrant’s website on the grounds anything presented in their General Conference is their “Intellectual Property” and “cannot be used without written permission.”
It even gets better than a three ring circus with a fourth ring at the BYU store where what the Durrants thought of and were then denied of by The Church is now presented for sale for the Mormon Church profits. In other words, the Mormon Church claimed the Mission of Chaos and will not let anyone else participate. Wow!!!
IF, and that is a real big IF nowadays, what is presented in a Mormon Church General Conference is “scripture” then doesn’t what is presented belong to God? And if it belongs to God is it not as free as the air we breathe because the air we breathe belongs to God and He gives us air to breathe freely without written permission? Wouldn’t God want His scriptures to be given, distributed and used without restriction or some “written consent” requirement?
Even Forest Gump knew “Stupid is as stupid does.” Perhaps the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” will smarten up and be as intelligent as Forest Gump someday. “Would you believe” the Mormon Church H.Q. building looks like the TV show Get Smart Control H.Q. or “would you believe” it looks like the Chaos H.Q.
Perhaps someone should make up some T-shirts with the make-believe stupid chaotic word ponderize in quotation marks followed by Forest Gump’s statement, “Stupid is as stupid does?”
The Mormon Church has claimed as their own the make-believe corrupted chaotic stupid word ponderise so without having to mention The Church on the T-shirts it would be understood by most that are informed on this subject that the Mormon Church sure does some stupid things. The Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” (Jesus’s Word) need to “Get Smart” and actively fight Chaos!
Languages are an interesting subject. The General Conference was broadcast in many different languages. How did this stupid make-believe word ponderize come across in the other languages? Was this a three ring circus that was heard around the world causing chaos?
I was told by those who know more than I about foreign languages that the interpreters had to explain Devin G. Durrant was making up a make-believe word and go on from there. So all the world now knows Devin G. Grant was doing something stupid right under the nose of “The Prophet.” How inspired was that?
Here are three links to help all understand what has gone on here:
First the Conference talk itself.
Second the news article exposing some of the second ring and third ring part of the Mormon Church circus.
Third the photos on LDS FF where BYU is selling ponderize T-shirts for profit in the fourth ring of the Mormon Church circus. Scroll half way down the page to see the photos. While you are at LDS FF take a look at how many Mormons try to justify poor choices by Mormon Church leaders. Amazing.
As you read these articles one has to wonder how the Mormon Church can claim another man’s words in his talk as The Church’s own “Intellectual Property.” Obviously Brother Durrant must be getting a salary for being a Church leader and this is the basis for the claim. So much for preaching “not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind” (1 Peter 5:2).
And these people are to direct others in their spiritual lives? I don’t think so.
Obviously the Mormon Church leader “hypocrites” need to “Get Smart” and quit working for Chaos!
Having “a ready mind” would help.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 9, 2015
Bastardize (Article #104)
This is a follow up to Article #103, Ponderize-A Three Ring Circus, posted just above.
Brother Durrant pointed out he combined ponder and memorize to create the make believe word ponderize.
Unfortunately for Brother Durrant and the Mormon Church now bastardize also ends with ize so this made up word ponderize could reflect bastardization instead of memorization.
The first definition for bastardize is “corrupt or debase (something such as a language or art form), typically by adding new elements.”
Does this definition not perfectly fit what Brother Durrant did with ponderize? So the make believe word ponderize in the Conference talk more closely qualifies with bastardize than memorize. The English words ponder and memorize were corrupted in this Conference talk or in other words bastardized to form the make believe word ponderize.
Now the Mormon Church has claimed as their sole “Intellectual Property” the bastardized word ponderize. If the Mormon Church is not careful they may become a bastardized religion for adopting, even claiming as their sole “Intellectual Property,” bastardized elements into their religion.
Just amazing!
The truth is to ponder something is to give focused attention to something. Focused attention is a form of memorization so there is no need to incorporate memorize with the word ponder because to ponder means to think about something in a focused manner and the result is this will be put to memory. It is a redundancy to try to incorporate memorize with ponder.
Here is a link to many definitions of ponder on the Internet. See for yourself if ponder is not a form of memorization through concentrated attention which would automatically lead to remembering what you have seriously pondered.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 11, 2015
To Ponder; “that is the question.” (Article #105)
This is a follow-up article to Articles 103 and 104.
While Brother Durrant was preparing his infamous ponderize talk does anyone believe he pondered what might happen later if he gave the talk that he gave?
Does anyone believe Brother Durrant pondered what might happen when, with his full knowledge, his immediate family secured a website to sell ponderize T-shirts for profit?
Does anyone believe anyone in authority in the Mormon Church pondered about what might happen if they called the Durrant family on using the word ponderize on T-shirts for sale as The Church’s Intellectual Property?
Does anyone believe anyone in authority in the Mormon Church pondered what might happen if The Church offered T-shirts for sale with ponderize printed on them?
“Would you believe” the Durrant family and the Mormon Church leadership “hypocrites” (Jesus’s Word, Mormon 8:38) have no idea what ponder means and even less of an idea how to implement pondering in their personal lives?
This happens quite often in the Mormon Church these days that uninformed and uninspired Mormons give talks about subjects they have very little knowledge of, very little experience with and are even least qualified to talk about. This ponderized (emphasis on bastardize and not memorize) episode right in General Conference, right under the nose of The Prophet, is a perfect example of and proof just how little the G.A.s know about The Gospel Of Jesus Christ today.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 11, 2015
Pathological Personalities (Article #106)
“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” Frank Herbert, Dune
I am not familiar with Frank Herbert and his works but this quote seems to be self-evident enough. I also think this quote can apply to the Mormon Church too (D&C 121:39). Please remember D&C 121:34-46 is strictly about the Mormon Church Priesthood and not directed specifically to anyone else.
Do an Internet search for yourself and determine for yourself if you can identify the pathological personality disorders associated with the Mormon Church leaders that you know.
My personal experience is the higher up the Mormon Church leadership food chain one looks at the more prevalent are the personality disorders. It seems if a low level Mormon Church leader does not suffer from some sort of personality disorder they are weeded out of the selection process to advance up the priesthood food chain in The Church.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted October 12, 2015
General Legal Disclaimer
The general nature of “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” is in their secrecy. Obviously it is hard to prove secrets, lies and stealing. Sometimes the fruits of secrets, lies and stealing do surface but to present absolute proof is difficult unless someone from the inside comes forward as a witness or documentation from the inside can be produced.
For these reasons what is on this website, unless presented with absolute proof, has to be considered to be Brother Jim’s “opinion.”
I hope this satisfies the lawyers of the world.
Brother Jim
Posted July 20, 2014
The contents of this website copyrighted 2013 and 2014.