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Mission Statement Of Brother Jim Kelley
1. To convince the Mormon Church of the serious need and the prudence for a working Mormon Church General Complaint Department.
2. To help rectify the wrongs, “pollutions,” “hypocrites,” etc in the Mormon Church and cause proper restitution to be awarded to the persons wronged.
3. To see the Mormon Church Single Adults and Program be recognized as equal to other members and programs in The Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
General Statement Of Truth
There is one reason, and one reason only, for the Mormon Church not having a General Complaint Department. It would cramp their style for “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” so prevalent in the Mormon Church today. The Mormon Church enjoys working in secrete even though this is contrary to Gospel Principles (Ether 8:19 compare verses 18-26) and the Natural Laws of right and wrong.
Elder Jonathan C. Roberts summed this up quite well a few years ago in a letter addressed to me after he viewed some legitimate Formal Complaints to The First Presidency that were included in my Appeals Documents for the First “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court. Elder Roberts writes:
“Dear Brother Jim,”
“Please be advised that no further action is needed on your part. As you might suppose, I kindly make you aware that follow-up by myself or the Brethren in any of the items you have brought to our attention will be attended to as we see fit in a confidential manner and will not be reported back to you.”
“Sincerely,” [Oh really, you are being sincere? Is this NOT proof positive Elder Roberts is a “hypocrite” that is “polluting the holy church of God?”]
“Jonathan C. Roberts”
“Area Seventy”
Can anyone believe a Representative of Jesus Christ would say such a thing? Where is the Gift Of The Holy Ghost in all of this?
This letter was in a large package which also contained the two appeals booklets so Elder Roberts obviously had access to my appeals documents and obviously has no excuse he did not have a chance to read them. In my opinion it is amazing anyone would read these appeals documents and not see all the red flags against President Thedell.
Just a side note: The package Elder Roberts sent had no return address and had “postage due” stamped all over it. I am not kidding.
As people read the articles on this website, is there any reasonable thinking person who thinks there is no need for a Mormon Church General Complaint Department? A complaint Department that will report back to the complainant with an inspired and truthful reply. Remember, according to Mormon scriptures anyway, “The Lord worketh not in secret combinations,” Ether 8:19. Apparently the Mormon Church doesn’t believe this Mormon scripture any more than they believe The Exploding Boomerang Warning. The Mormon Church and members have been Boomeranged again.
Elder Roberts plainly stated he and the Brethren would attend to complaints as they see fit (more probably not attend to them at all) and not report back to me (or anyone else I suppose). Is this not secret combinations Elder Roberts is describing? Did not Elder Roberts speak for all General Authorities and the whole Church? What does this plainly say about The Church and General Authorities today?
Originally posted April 26, 2013 on
Brother Jim Kelley
Reposted July 6, 2014 on the Mock Trial Page.
Posted here September 3, 2014
General Legal Disclaimer
The general nature of “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” is in their secrecy. Obviously it is hard to prove secrets, lies and stealing. Sometimes the fruits of secrets, lies and stealing do surface but to present absolute proof is difficult unless someone from the inside comes forward as a witness or documentation from the inside can be produced.
For these reasons what is on this website, unless presented with absolute proof, has to be considered to be Brother Jim’s “opinion.”
I hope this satisfies the lawyers of the world.
Brother Jim
Posted July 20, 2014
The contents of this website copyrighted 2013 and 2014.