Common question:
According to some Internet communications the question, “Who is the trumpet blower in the picture?” has been asked often.
Answer: According to Mormon Tradition this is Moroni, the same Moroni that penned The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
Please forgive me for some things on this website being in a disorder. I am completely reorganizing this website. Brother Jim 8-9-14
General Legal Disclaimer
The general nature of “secret combinations” and “secret abominations” is in their secrecy. Obviously it is hard to prove secrets, lies and stealing. Sometimes the evil fruits of secrets, lies and stealing do surface but to present absolute proof is difficult unless someone from the inside comes forward as a witness or documentation from the inside can be produced. This is exactly why the Mormon Church is so secretive about its internal business, especially its financial business, unlike how the Mormon Church published their financial statements before 1957 and how most Christian churches make their financial statements public information now.
For these reasons what is on this website, unless presented with absolute proof, has to be “legally” considered to be Brother Jim’s “opinion.”
I hope this satisfies the lawyers of the world.
Brother Jim
Posted July 20, 2014
Special Note
There is a shorter version of this website at
Bro. Jim. Posted December 19, 2016.
Index For Home Page Articles
- Pre-Commentary And Pre-English Lesson Outline Of Information for The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning without commentary.
- Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning with commentary.
- The Name Of The Central Verse (Mormon 8:38) Is Easy To Remember.
- Overview for Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Summing Up Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- The Book Of Mormon “Another Testament Of Jesus Christ.” “You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don’t even know the strength of your own position.”
- “The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind.” Another bogus Church survey.
- Brother Jim Wants To Participate In The Mormon Church Survey.
- Another “Official” Gag Order.
- Letter To BYU Scholars, “Hypocrites” And Cowards.
- Mormon Responses. Empty.
- Dear Full-Time Missionaries And The Mormon Church Membership In General. Statement of truth.
- The Most Recent Articles To This Website. In order to help those who visit this website often to locate and read the most recent articles I will list the most recent for the past month or so. That way you don’t have to scan-search the whole site if you are just looking for the most recent articles.
The Exploding Boomerang Warning
Pre-Commentary And Pre-English Lesson Outline Of Information (Article #1)
In Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning the Mormon Church has “officially” given Christians a “slow pitch” ball that can be “hit out of the park” for the cause of Jesus Christ. Just read what The Book Of Mormon says about the Mormon Church of today and you will see what I mean.
Mormon Chapter Eight can be divided into four parts:
- Verses 1-13 are conditions Moroni finds himself in after a great battle with the enemy. Any phantom ghost writer with any imagination could have written this.
- Verses 14-25 are what the Mormon Church claims are predictions “The Book Of Mormon shall come forth by the power of God.” Here again any phantom ghost writer with any imagination could have written this.
- Verses 26-32 are what the Mormon Church claims predicts “[The Book Of Mormon] shall come forth in a day of wickedness, degeneracy, and apostasy” (Chapter commentary at the beginning of chapter). Actually the Mormon Church “officially” includes verses 33-41 in this commentary however, Proper English Grammar Rules prove differently. For the Mormon Church to lump verses 26 through 41 all together instead of separating them at verses 32 and 33 is a form of purposeful “transfiguring” and deception.
- Verses 33-41 are set apart as being different from all the previous verses because of the dramatic change of the pronouns used. The writer, whom ever this may be, starts to address the reader directly by using 1st and 2nd person, present tense pronouns and further identifies whom he is talking about by identifying the “hypocrites” as being the Mormon Church leaders of “the holy church of God.” That is IF The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church are “true.”
This is basically what can be learned by reading these 41 verses by themselves. A little additional insider information that can help identify “the holy church of God,” according to peculiar Mormon Church beliefs are:
- The Mormon Church “officially” claims all churches, other than the Mormon Church, are “all wrong” and can NOT in any way be of God so by official Mormon Church definition any church that is NOT Mormon cannot be a “holy church of God.” Compare the Mormon book of scripture, The Pearl Of Great Price, page 49, Joseph Smith-History 1:19.
- The Mormon Church “officially” claims to be “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” which qualifies the Mormon Church, according to peculiar Mormon Church “official” beliefs, to be the only church that could be “the holy church of God” spoken about in these nine Book Of Mormon verses. Compare the peculiar Mormon book of scripture, The Doctrine And Covenants 1:30.
Other things to consider are:
- It doesn’t make any difference IF The Book Of Mormon is true or false, fiction or non-fiction, fact or folly; what does matter is The Book Of Mormon is a published book, its dialogue set in stone by subsequent editions since 1830, and is claimed to be the “keystone” of the Mormon Religion by Official Mormon Doctrine.
- The Mormon Church “officially” claims The Book Of Mormon is the most correct book of scripture on earth and supersedes The Holy Bible which has some errors.
- The Mormon Church finds itself, “officially,” in a peculiar conundrum where they are caught in a fascinating trap of poetic justice either proving The Book Of Mormon NOT true and/or the Mormon Church NOT true or at the very least The Church is corrupted with “hypocrite” leaders that have “polluted” the Mormon Church beyond belief.
I have tried to present the evidence so the reader/visitor of this website can be the judge what is true or false, fiction or non-fiction, fact or folly pertaining to The Book Of Mormon and Jesus Christ’s Warning contained in The Book Of Mormon about the Mormon Church.
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 8, 2014
O.K. Many reading this right now have no idea what Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning contained in The Book Of Mormon is about. You are in a perfect position to now study the Warning out in the lesson material directly below and after you can see exactly what this Warning is about for yourself you will then wonder, “Why can’t Mormons figure this out too? It is so easy.”
Good advice: The Mormon Church and the N.S.A. share the same back yard and very well may be in bed with one another. For this cause it would be advisable to make a personal electronic copy of this website in case this website disappears in the future. To do this A. Left click and highlight this entire page from the bottom to the top. B. Right click and copy what you have highlighted. C. On an e-mail to yourself right click and paste what you highlighted and copied. D. Send this e-mail to yourself. You now have an electronic copy of the Home Page you can read, e-mail and/or print. E. Repeat this same process for Mission Statement Page, Testimony Page, Mock Trial Page, Title Of Liberty Page, Other Scriptures Page, SMP People page, Other Articles Page, Contact Information Page, and Mormon Follies Page (buttons at top of page) and you will have a complete electronic copy of this website in case this information disappears. Is this good common sense in today’s electronic world? Absolutely!
Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning is recorded and published as Mormon 8:33-41. The whole chapter can be Googled. Google “mormon chapter eight” for the whole chapter to read it for yourself if you do not have a copy of The Book Of Mormon. Also by Googling “mormon chapter eight” you can get some other informative material like the KBYU-TV video mentioned in the Letter To BYU Scholars posted at the end of this Home Page as well as some other websites that are saying similar things as this website although this website is the most informative, offensive and dangerous for the Mormon Church.
Now let’s go directly to The Book Of Mormon, Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA Exploding Boomerang Warning. I will give you these nine verses without commentary first and then my commentary will follow.
Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning Without Commentary (Article #2)
Verse 33
O ye wicked and perverse and stiffnecked people, why have ye built up churches unto yourselves to get gain? Why have ye transfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring damnation upon your souls? Behold, look ye unto the revelations of God; for behold, the time cometh at that day when all these things must be fulfilled.
Verse 34
Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.
Verse 35
Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.
Verse 36
And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.
Verse 37
For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.
Verse 38
O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?
Verse 39
Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?
Verse 40
Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?
Verse 41
Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer.
Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning With Commentary And Some Proper English Grammar Rules (Article #3)
Many will try to discredit my commentary as this is just my “opinion” and “interpretation.” Just read what my commentary is with the Proper English Grammar Rules and you can be the judge, without the help of the Thought Police in the Mormon Church, if my commentary is correct or false; right or wrong.
Note: In places my commentary is worded as IF The Book Of Mormon were true. This is because I am still trying to convince Mormons IF they believe The Book Of Mormon to be “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” then they need to follow what it says the same as Christians follow the Holy Bible because it is The Word of God. Unfortunately for most Mormons and all of the Mormon General Authorities their actions are proof positive they do not believe The Book Of Mormon is scripture anymore than a Superman comic book is. IF they did believe The Book Of Mormon they would take what is in The Book Of Mormon and on this website a lot more seriously. It doesn’t get any simplier than that for knowing where most Mormon’s testimony is about The Book Of Mormon.
Verse 33
O ye wicked and perverse and stiffnecked people, why have ye built up churches unto yourselves to get gain? Why have ye transfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring damnation upon your souls? Behold, look ye unto the revelations of God; for behold, the time cometh at that day when all these things must be fulfilled.
- The entire Chapter Eight uses mostly pronouns. There is a dramatic shift in pronoun usage starting with verse 33. The use of first person and second person, present tense pronouns are now used to show that the writer is starting to talk directly to the reader, about the reader’s own actions, if the reader is a Mormon and if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- The terms “wicked and perverse and stiffnecked” are self-explanatory and specifically applies to Mormons in general.
- The building of churches to get gain is an obvious indictment of the Mormon Church for building meeting houses, temples and other Church buildings that are not yet needed so inside-connected Mormons can make a lot of money doing the construction of the unneeded buildings (especially during a recession). Another element of building so many church buildings so fast is the implementation of a huge Facilities Management Department that wastes huge amounts of money by siphoning off money from the Church Treasury for special interests and favored people. Further explanations of this will be posted in the Other Articles Page of this website.
- Amazingly Jesus Christ warns, at the very beginning of His Warning, there would be Mormons who would “transfigure” His Warning. A perfect example of Mormon Church leaders doing this will follow on this page with commentary about verse 41. Further examples and explanations to follow on this website.
- “At that day” is a time reference to the time The Book Of Mormon would be published. Compare the phrase “it shall come in a day when” in verses 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 32 indicating the events described in those verses would be already happening leading up to the day, and also would be ongoing events happening at the time, The Book Of Mormon would be published. “At that day” is a different phrase and means a time frame starting with the printing of The Book Of Mormon, NOT before the printing of The Book Of Mormon.
Verse 34
Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.
- Again the use of first person and second person, present tense pronouns are used to show that the writer is talking directly to the reader, if the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Notice the phrase “great and marvelous things.” This doesn’t necessarily mean good things. Notice the exact same phrase is used in verse 7 and states, “great and marvelous is the destruction of my people.”
- Notice the phrase “at that day” is used again to indicate “when these things shall come forth among you” meaning the time period after The Book Of Mormon is published.
- Notice the writer states his source is that “the Lord hath shown unto me” that which he writes. Is there any greater source and authority than the Lord? Obviously the Lord is a greater authority than any mortal who ever lived, does now live and who will ever live on our earth. This would obviously include any man who has been called a prophet. Actually any legitimate prophet will never contradict the Lord. If any man who claims to be a legitimate prophet does contradict the words of the Lord as recorded in scripture has thus proven himself a false and/or a fallen prophet.
Verse 35
Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.
- Again the use of first person and second person, present tense pronouns to show the writer is talking directly to the reader, it the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- As if the use of first person and second person, present tense pronouns are not enough to make it perfectly clear the writer is talking directly to the reader, the writer, Moroni, more perfectly clarifies this principle by stating “I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not.” Is there anything the writer could have said differently to better reinforce he is speaking directly to the reader, who is holding The Book Of Mormon in their hands and reading from it, in these the latter-days? A person would have to be on some pretty heavy duty drugs not to understand this concept after reading this explanation.
- Now fast forward to Moroni 10:27, where the same writer, Moroni, exhorts the reader about Judgment Day and states “the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man, like as one crying from the dead?” Is there anything Jesus Christ could say differently to reinforce He will hold Mormons accountable for The Exploding Boomerang Warning which are the words of Jesus Christ, written by Moroni?
- Is Moroni 10:27 not a companion verse to “I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not?” as recorded in Mormon 8:35 of The Exploding Boomerang Warning? These two verses are tied together by these same companion phrases describing Moroni speaking from the dead and obviously need to be considered as companion verses and messages. Also compare Moroni 10:34. Oops, the Mormon General Authorities most probably never dreamed anyone would be able to figure this out. There is absolutely no excuse for Mormon General Authorities to not know this principle as well as to fully understand The Exploding Boomerang Warning. Brother Jim is a retired carpenter with no special training in languages, etc. If a retired carpenter can figure this out then a Mormon General Authority, with all their special training and high I.Q.s, priesthood keys to discern scripture, should be able to figure this all out. But then The Master and Brother Jim share something in common. We are both retired carpenters.
- The writer in both cases, according to the story dialogue in the books Mormon and Moroni, is Moroni. Could Moroni have written anything different to better reinforce what he is writing in The Exploding Boomerang Warning are the words of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will hold the Mormons accountable on Judgment Day for The Exploding Boomerang Warning, and Moroni shall be standing next to Jesus Christ as a witness too. No, I didn’t think so either.
- In all of the writings of Moroni, that we have record of, there is no mention of speaking from the dead like he wrote in Mormon 8:35 and Mormon 9:30 (yes this is true) as referenced in Moroni 10:27. No other verses at all and obviously no other possibilities except the one outlined here. Mormon General Authorities have been caught up in a sticky web of their own deceit where there is no escape.
- Here is the dirty little secret, IF The Book Of Mormon is true, that the Mormon General Authorities are scared to death will be discovered. In the original 1830 publication of The Book Of Mormon what is Chapters Eight and Nine were originally Chapter Five. Originally there were only five chapters where now there are nine. Obviously, if you take the time to study this out, The Exploding Boomerang Warning originally comprised of Mormon 8:33 to Mormon 9:37 which ends with an “Amen.” Obviously Moroni knew, because Jesus told him, the Mormons, especially Mormon General Authorities, would “transfigure” (verse 33) and alter The Exploding Boomerang Warning in a clear and obvious attempt by Mormon General Authorities to transfer blame from themselves to others.
- The only other explanation is a rascally phantom ghost writer made all of this up for the 1830 edition and got caught up in their usage of pronouns and inadvertently condemned the Mormon Church when they really intended to condemn all outside the Mormon Church later on. The Mormon Church General Authorities discovered this writer’s error and have tried to use “damage control” to lessen the damage for The Church. This is exactly why Chapter Five (in the 1830 edition) became Chapters Eight and Nine later so as to divert attention from the reality when a Mormon ignores the Words of Christ, as expressed in The Exploding Boomerang Warning, they in reality “do not believe in Christ” (Mormon 9:1) exactly the same as Brother Jim has said over and over again in his writings.
Verse 36
And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of very fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, it the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Considering the phrase “save a few only” is the reference to how many Mormons are not proud and what percentage of the total membership would that be? Maybe only 10%? Maybe only 5%? Or could it be only 1% of the total Mormon membership that is NOT proud? Judging how this is worded the 1% may be the best answer.
- Jesus Christ is saying most Mormons are prideful to the point of “envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities.” This is pretty self-explanatory but a dictionary can add extra meaning. I will expound on the word “envying.” This is a direct reference to Mormons worshiping Mormon Church leaders and following them instead of Jesus Christ, The Exploding Boomerang Warning and His Gospel Principles and His Commandments. I will expound more about this on the Other Articles Page on this website.
- The term “churches” is a direct reference to Mormon Church branches, wards and stakes and can NOT be any other church organization other than the Mormon Church. Compare D&C 51:10 (Google “d&c 51:10” and be sure to click onto the foot note “a”) and Revelation 1:4-11.
Verse 37
For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, if the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Just like General Authorities have rigged the system to reward their favorite Mormon friends in the building of unneeded Church buildings the exact same principle has been implemented in the maintenance and upkeep if these same Church building.
- It used to be that some of the poor in the branches and wards were hired to clean the meeting houses every week. This helped the poor among us to have some extra income. Then in about 2005, President Hinckley announced the janitors would be laid off and the money then being paid to janitors (almost always the poor among the Mormons) would be used to help build more temples.
- During this same time it was announced the cleaning of the local meeting houses would start to be done by the members who meet in that building.
- Ironically the cost of cleaning the inside of the buildings amounted to about $50 per week for a small meeting house to about $100 per week for a larger stake center meeting house. The cost for the contract mowing for the same buildings usually runs $250 or more for each building each week.
- The buildings were cleaned a lot better when that was done by the local hired poor among the Mormons than with the “pot-luck, hit and miss” policy of using the free labor by members. There are a lot of other problems using “pot-luck” labor in the cleaning of meeting houses that I will expound on in the Other Articles Page later.
- Obviously if the idea was to save money then more money would have been saved keeping the poor & needy members on staff and then having the local members who meet at the building, mow the yards. The Mormon Church use to do this and many other non-Mormon churches still do.
- The problem with canceling the mowing contracts is there are favored Mormons who make a lot of money mowing the Church lawns and the poor & needy are not favored Mormons. Some of the Mormon Church mowing contractors make six figures doing this contract work.
- This obvious and typical waste extends to every aspect of the Mormon Church building maintenance program. I have actual case examples of favored Mormon contractors routinely charging 2-3 times what a non-Mormon contractor would charge for the exact same work and materials. I will post this on the Other Articles Page on this website later.
Verse 38
O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, of the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- This is the center piece of The Exploding Boomerang Warning and absolutely with no doubt identifies the subjects of The Exploding Boomerang Warning as Mormons and the Church as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it can be no other church organization in the world, past, present or future.
- “Pollutions” and “hypocrites” are self-explanatory. What is incredibly interesting is the use of “ye teachers.” A search in The Book Of Mormon Index reveals that every time the term teacher is used in The Book Of Mormon it indicates a significant church leader that is at least the level of a Stake President and obviously includes without a doubt General Authorities.
- The way this is worded and bundled together, “O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers,” strongly indicated all three descriptions are what Jesus Christ thinks of all the Mormon General Authorities.
- Obviously, if the writer is talking directly to Mormons and specifically addresses “ye teachers” then the writer is specifically addressing Mormon General Authorities. And what have the Mormon General Authorities done? They have “polluted the holy church of God.” Low level Mormon members are incapable of polluting every branch, ward and stake of the Mormon Church. Only General Authorities are capable of that with their policies and procedures that are contrary to the good order of Gospel Principles and The Commandments of Jesus Christ.
- This term, “the holy church of God,” is incredibly interesting too. According to Mormon Church teaching, doctrine and history there can be no holy church of God in the latter-days except the Mormon Church.
- In 1820, during The First Vision, Joseph Smith records Jesus Christ told him all the churches then were “all wrong…all their creeds were an abomination…[their] professors were all corrupt” (Joseph Smith-History 1:19, Google joseph smith history 1:19). Does this description sound like, according to Mormon Church official doctrine, any other church than the Mormon Church could be “the holy church of God” to you? Obviously not and the Mormon Church was organized 10 years later and was not a part of that description according to Mormon Church History.
- November 1, 1831, Joseph Smith received this revelation from the Lord. Speaking about the Mormon Church the Lord declared it was “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30). Now that description, preserved in Mormon Scripture, sounds like “the holy church of God.” The Mormons can’t have it both ways. They can’t claim to be “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” and then deny they are the Church described in The Exploding Boomerang Warning as “the holy church of God” in the latter-days. To try to explain this is not so proves the deceivers as being “hypocrites.”
- The phrase and question, “Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ?” has convinced many Mormons, searching for any way out, that this Warning can NOT apply to Mormons since Mormons do everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Not so and one perfect example is The Letter With No Name, purposely and inappropriately leaving out the name of Jesus Christ, presented in a Church Court to punish and convict an honest Mormon of trumped up charges. This letter and circumstances will be posted on the Other Articles Page under the “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Court article.
- A perfect example of Mormons being “ashamed to take upon [themselves] the name of Christ,” is their denial of The Exploding Boomerang Warning. Here again it doesn’t matter IF The Book Of Mormon is true or false, fact of folly, what does matter is the Mormons claim The Book Of Mormon is true scripture even more reliable than The Holy Bible (AOF #8). What does matter is Mormon 8:33-41, no matter what the actual circumstances are how this came about and was included (inserted), by its very dialogue literally condemns most Mormons, all of the General Authorities and the entire Mormon Church organization. For any Mormon to deny The Exploding Boomerang Warning, whether true of false, fact or fiction, proves, because of their own actions, they are “ashamed to take upon [themselves] the name of Christ” according to their own public statements of faith and belief (AOF #8) and in reality are ashamed, because of themselves and their own guilt, of The Exploding Boomerang Warning, whether fact or fiction, and according to their own public statements of faith and belief in reality have denied Jesus Christ. For Mormons to make bold public statements of faith and belief and then to go against them also proves Mormons to be “hypocrites.” For Mormons to continue to be in denial about The Exploding Boomerang Warning, especially after shown the evidence this is a a literal and incredible indictment against them, also proves them to have some kind of a mental disorder too.
- There are other examples how the Mormon Church is “ashamed to take upon [themselves] the name of Jesus Christ” and these will be explained on the Other Articles Page later.
Verse 39
Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, if the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- My observation is many of the “proud” in the Mormon Church will travel to the holy temples in their fancy-expensive cars and drive right by the homes of the poor and needy Mormons who have a temple recommend, want to go to the temple and have no transportation or means to go. There is evidence these proud Mormons know about these poor and needy but choose to ignore them and pass them by. Obviously the fancy-expensive car has no life as well as their expensive and fancy clothes.
- I know specifically of proud Mormons who hold their head up high and ignore the poor and needy as described in item #2 above. I am sure there are many other ways the proud Mormons ignore the poor and needy in the Mormon Church I am not even aware of. I have observed if the poor and needy are Single Adults it is even worse for them in the Mormon Church.
- I wrote a 17 page letter to President Monson about this. It was ignored. I will post it on the Title Of Liberty Page of this website later.
Verse 40
Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, if the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- Notice the term “secret abominations.” This is different than secret combinations. Secret combinations are totally secret and most generally illegal where secret abominations are those devious acts that are legal but the inner working have to be kept secret or no one would participate.
- This is an obvious inditement how the Mormons and the Mormon Church specifically have taken advantage of the poor by selling them Whole Life Insurance Products.
- The Mormon Church has officially counciled its members to be adequately insured with life insurance and then does NOT teach its members the truth about Whole Life and Term Life Insurance products. Mormons are primed to be taken advantage of by buying the wrong kind and most expensive Whole Life Insurance Products.
- Whole Life Insurance Products have been dubbed confidentially in the Insurance Industry as “wealth robbers.”
- The Mormon Church was and still is heavily invested in life insurance companies that make excessive profits with Whole Life Products.
- There are two basic kinds of life insurance. Whole Life and Term. Normally the Term Life Insurance Policy gives many more times the life insurance coverage than the Whole Life Insurance Policy for the exact same premium price. For example if a $100,000.00 face value Whole Life Insurance Policy cost $100 per month normally for that same $100 per month premium a Term Life Insurance Policy with a face value of $500,000.00 could be purchased.
- The difference is should the insured person die, the Whole Life Policy would pay $100,000.00 and the Term Life Policy would pay $500,000.00. If you were a husband and/or a father which would you want to leave your family in the case of your death? If you were a wife or a dependent child which would you rather have to help support the family?
- There are some other big differences too. There is a lot more profit in Whole Life Insurance than Term Life Insurance. This means higher commissions for the insurance agent and more prophets for the insurance company. This is exactly why so much Whole Life Insurance is sold. It is a scam and unethical.
- The bottom line is when fathers and husbands die having Whole Life Insurance there is far less money to leave for their widows and children to live on then if they would have been smart enough to have bought Term Life Insurance.
- No doubt many Mormon temples have been built and Mormon missionaries sent out in the mission fields at the expense of widows and orphans because their husband and father had Whole Life Insurance sold to them by a Mormon insurance agent and/or a Mormon Church owned insurance company.
- Here is the problem. Many Whole Life Insurance agents are bishops and stake presidents who steer Mormon Church members into buying Whole Life Insurance just so they can make a big commission. These innocent Mormons trust their Church leaders and these Mormon Church leaders take advantage of members who don’t know any better.
- For an in depth explanation of this principle go to a Primerica meeting. Primerica will be listed in the phone book.
Verse 41
Behold, the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon cometh that he avengeth the blood of the saints upon you, for he will not suffer their cries any longer.
- First person and second person, present tense pronouns used again describing the reader, if the reader is a Mormon and, if the reader is guilty of the “pollutions” and hypocrisy outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
- This verse is self-explanatory for the most part.
- The term, “the blood of the saints,” is different than the term, “the blood of their fathers and their husbands” in verse 40, which means Mormons as well as non-Mormons too. This statement in verse 41, obviously means all the Mormons that have been harmed by the “pollutions,” “hypocrites,” and evil “teachers” in the Mormon Church. Another common name for Mormons collectively is Saints.
- Remember in verse 33 the warning-question, “Why have ye transfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring damnation upon your souls?” In verse 41 Mormon Church General Authorities (“teachers”) have “transfigured” what is said in verse 41.
- In The Book Of Mormon Index under Sword we find: “Morm. 8:41 s. of vengeance hangs over Nephites.” This is a clear attempt by Mormon General Authorities to transfer blame from themselves to the Nephites.
- In Mormon 8:13 (Google Mormon 8:13), the writer plainly states, “I make an end speaking concerning this people” meaning the Lamanites and Nephites. For the Mormon Church to officially attempt to transfer blame from themselves to the Nephites in this case is just poor scholarship and totally dishonest as well as a perfect example of “transfiguring” The Exploding Boomerang Warning as predicted by Jesus Christ in verse 33. Amazing! It is like Mormon General Authorities are totally clueless that someone will be able to catch them in their “pollutions” and hypocrisy. Apparently they did NOT figure on Brother Jim’s relationship with The Holy Ghost. Their mistake, NOT Brother Jim’s.
- Obviously anything between the covers of The Four Standard Works (complete Mormon set of scriptures) of the Mormon Church is the responsibility of The First Presidency. Shame on The First Presidency for doing this or allowing this to happen.
- Some may say, well this is just one silly mistake. I wish it were just one silly mistake. I have examples of many official “transfiguring” and brain washings of the Mormon Church. I will post some of them later on the Other Articles Page.
- Brother Jim has written Mormon Church H.Q. several times over the last several years about this mistake-“transfiguring” with negative results. The Mormon Church just ignores me. Obviously if the Mormon church were more honest they would have removed the error when the new 2013 Edition of the scriptures were printed. They didn’t.
- It is especially interesting to me the Index reference only goes one way. On the page of the scripture there is no hint of an Index reference leading to the “transfiguring” of the word “sword” in the Index. There is only a reference to the scripture, Mormon 8:41, in the Index. Is this not some kind of a cunning trick? Are the Mormon General Authorities lying in wait to use this to deceive the Mormon members at a future time in an effort to cover up the General Authorities own sins?
- Now consider Item #10 above and read Ephesians 4:14. “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” The Mormon Church General Authorities have taught this scripture describes all the other churches and not the Mormon Church. But doesn’t this sound like the Mormon Church where the Index “transfiguring” is taking place? Here again, Mormon General Authorities attempting to transfer blame from themselves to others. Now the dirty rats have been caught.
The Name Of The Central Verse Is Easy To Remember (Article #4)
The name of this website and the central verse of Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning are real easy to remember.
- Mormon is the name of the people and The Church.
- The Mormons and the Mormon Church are behind the 8 Ball on this one by their own irrational logic, doings and actions.
- It is as if, because of these Mormon’s own irrational logic, doings and actions, the Mormon people generally, and the Mormon Church specifically, are trying to commit suicide with a .38 caliber revolver.
By putting these three conditions together you can remember the name of the verse and the name of this website. Mormon 8:38 and A hyphen is used in the website name because a colon is disallowed in a website name. I do not know why. That is just the way it is.
Overview For Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning (Article #5)
You have had an opportunity to read The Exploding Boomerang Warning first in its entirety without commentary and then read this Warning with commentary. Now go back and read this Warning again in its entirety without the commentary. Does the Warning have more meaning for you now? What does The Holy Ghost tell you now?
IF Mormons believe The Book Of Mormon is true what do you think these Mormons should do about The Exploding Boomerang Warning? If Mormons ignore, or worse yet “transfigure,” The Exploding Boomerang Warning is this in your opinion evidence Mormons do not believe in The Book Of Mormon? IF a person believed in The Book Of Mormon as the Word of God then why would they ever ignore a warning like this from God directly to them? Answer: Mormons don’t believe in The Book Of Mormon and IF the Mormons don’t believe in it why should anyone else?
There can only be two explanations for why Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning is in The Book Of Mormon like it is:
1. The Book Of Mormon is true and holy scripture just like The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning is in reality the Words of Jesus Christ condemning the Mormon people in general and the whole Mormon Church organization universally. IF this is the case obviously Jesus Christ is really disappointed in and mad at the Mormons right now and this is pretty good evidence the Mormon Church is NOT true, IF it ever was, anymore. How can a “polluted” church be a true church? Even IF the Mormon Church was the “holy church of God” before, it sure isn’t anymore! “Pollutions” are not, can never be, the True Church or a “holy church of God.” “Polluted” churches run by “hypocrites” are churches of the Devil and IF The Book Of Mormon is true, Mormons obviously don’t believe it is or they would clean up The Church, then The Book Of Mormon has identified the Mormon Church as being the church of the Devil.
2. The Book Of Mormon is NOT true and is NOT holy scripture and the author, that rascally phantom ghost writer, of The Book Of Mormon got confused and carried away with their use of pronouns in Chapter Eight and inadvertently ended up condemning the Mormon Church when they really wanted to lay it on thick condemning all Christians and Christian Churches that would not be Mormon later, oops. This sometimes happens when someone wants to try to find fault with others and does NOT have the truth and/or The Holy Ghost on their side for companionship, guidance and help. They end up messing up and weaving a tangled web that ends up catching themselves. Unrighteous people who do this type of deception often end up outsmarting themselves and catch themselves in their own deceptions. This is similar to when an inexperienced person throws a boomerang and instead of hitting the target the boomerang comes back and hits the thrower sometimes right between the eyes. So it has now been proven IF The Book Of Mormon was written by a rascally ghost writer and they intended to write lies about the Christian churches; obviously what the ghost writer wrote came back and hit the Mormon Church like a boomerang right between the eyes. BOOMERANG!!!
Absolute Fact: IF The Book Of Mormon was written by a rascally phantom ghost writer they are either a real good plagiarizer or they are a real cleaver writer who only outsmarted themselves just a few times. Fortunately for Christians now one of those times was The Exploding Boomerang Warning.
Summing Up Jesus Christ’s Warning AKA The Exploding Boomerang Warning (Article #6)
There are three basic principles to remember and understand who The Exploding Boomerang Warning is directed to according to the Mormon Church’s own beliefs, Mormon Doctrine, Mormon History, Proper English Grammar Rules (which apply to Mormons too) and current events-news reports.
- The Proper English Grammar Rules prove the writer, Moroni, is speaking directly to the reader of The Book Of Mormon using first person and second person pronouns, present tense form, if the reader is a member of what use to be “the holy church of God.”
- According to well established Mormon Doctrine and Mormon History, most published in Mormon scripture form, as well as numerous vain public testimonies by millions of Mormons, the only modern-day church that could qualify as “the holy church of God” is the Mormon Church. But when it comes to The Exploding Boomerang Warning Mormons deny the Mormon Church could be “the holy church of God.” Apparently Mormons no longer believe their own Mormon scriptures, Mormon History, Mormon Doctrine or their own vain public testimonies.
- The evidence is becoming clearer and clearer, according to news reports and current events, the Mormon Church is currently fulfilling the prophecy of “pollutions” by the Mormon “hypocrites” that has “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church and no other church. This evidence does NOT prove anything about the validity of The Book Of Mormon and could be an incredible textbook example of “poetic justice.” Actually it can be expected a church and a people who would promote a book as scripture, when it was clearly not, would naturally be a polluted church and a polluted people with “hypocrites” everywhere. The only way the news reports about the Mormon Church’s real “pollutions” seemingly fulfills The Book Of Mormon prophecy would be IF The Book Of Mormon is true. According to the irresponsible actions of the Mormons, “transfiguring” The Book Of Mormon, The Book Of Mormon is not true. Actions speak much louder than words especially if the words come from known “hypocrites” and liars.
Three strikes and the Mormon Church is out on this one and no matter what they say and do they can’t get out of this quick sand pit. BOOMERANG!!! If you see a Mormon just give them the peace sign (also a sign for a forked tongue) and say “BOOMERANG!!!” If they don’t know what you are talking about then take that opportunity to teach them the correct principles of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ. This is your chance to take this “slow pitch” ball that can be “hit out of the park” for the cause of Jesus Christ and run with it for a run and a point for Jesus’ Team. A real win-win situation!
All Mormons should be thoroughly embarrassed because of all of this especially if they are personally involved with any cover-ups in The Church to any extent and especially if they are involved in any of the numerous Kangaroo, Mock Trial, Church courts. If Mormons are not embarrassed now just think of the embarrassment they will experience on Judgment Day when there will be many witnesses against them and Jesus Christ will ask them specifically about Jesus Christ’s Warning, “Did I not declare my words unto you?” (Moroni 10:27)
Other questions from The Lord may be: A. What was so hard that you could not understand My Words? B. What was so hard about the Proper English Grammar Rules that you could not understand? C. Why didn’t you believe The Book Of Mormon? You professed you believed it over the pulpit often enough. Are you a bold face lair?
Brother Jim is embarrassed for them if they are incapable of being embarrassed for themselves.
There is only two conditions that could cause a Mormon to NOT be embarrassed over all of this: A. Total ignorance because of a lack of study and understanding of the truth. This would be “low information” Mormons. Often the ignorant don’t know they are ignorant, they have to be told and educated. B. Incredible “pride” (ironically Mormon 8:36) to the point of denying Jesus Christ and His Warning that is IF The Book Of Mormon is true (doubtful according to the actions of Mormons). There are no other explanations possible.
Special Note: In an article published in the Salt Lake Tribune, October 28, 2014, Doctor William J. Hamblin, a top and longtime BYU professor, commented on a new “inspired” BYU core curriculum and challenged this new “inspired” BYU curriculum and his description was quoted as “appalling” that, “It will result in the further decay of scriptural literacy–already a significant problem among the [Mormon] Saints. Scripture study in the church has now become nothing more than completely decontextualized proof-texting. There is, practically speaking, no further institutional support by the church for the actual study of scriptures–as apposed to church doctrine, devotion and daily application.”
Does this sound like a top and longtime BYU professor may agree with Brother Jim’s assessment that many Mormons are “low information Mormons” when it comes to scriptural literacy? Obviously the Mormon Church is interesting in making matters worse by implementing uninspired core curriculum and calling it “inspired.” And how does this apply to most Mormons’, including General Authorities, understanding about The Exploding Boomerang Warning? No wonder they can’t understand it, in addition to being brainwashed, they have become scripturally illiterate at the direction of the Mormon Church “inspired” leadership and institutions.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted April 25, 2014
The Book Of Mormon “Another Testament Of Jesus Christ” (Article #7)
In the last several decades the Mormon Church has added “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” to the cover and/or a page next to the Title Page of The Book Of Mormon. These few words would seem very impressive until compared to the abundant actions of Mormons denying The Book Of Mormon and Jesus Christ according to their own peculiar religion and hypocritical religious beliefs.
- The Mormon Church officially claims The Book Of Mormon to be the most correct book of scripture that there is and a person will come closer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book including The Holy Bible.
- The Mormon Church claims/admits The Book Of Mormon is the keystone of the Mormon Religion and if The Book Of Mormon can be disproved the rest of Mormonism falls just as if the keystone of an arch is removed causing the arch to tumble to the ground.
- As we have just studied and observed The Exploding Boomerang Warning, Mormon 8:33-41, right in The Book Of Mormon, is a most serious Warning from Jesus Christ IF The Book Of Mormon is true. As expressed and proven elsewhere on this website that “IF” is a pretty big IF according to the well documented actions of the Mormon people and the Mormon Church officially.
- Right in The Exploding Boomerang Warning there are statements this Warning is from Jesus Christ. Obviously Mormons, and the Mormon Church officially, do not believe the Words of Jesus Christ in this Warning specifically to the Mormons. The proof is most Mormons ignore this Warning and worse yet many Mormons, and the Mormon Church officially, has “transfigured” (verse 33) Jesus Christ’s Warning as outlined in The Exploding Boomerang Warning on this website.
- In The Book Of Mormon narrative later on it is reinforced that what is stated in The Exploding Boomerang Warning are the Words of Jesus Christ. Seven verses from the very end of The Book Of Mormon Moroni declares he will be standing “at the bar of God; and the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man [Moroni], like as one crying from the dead, yea, even as one speaking out of the dust?” (Moroni 10:27, 34).
- Moroni gives two solid connecting verses in Mormon to show he is speaking the Words of Christ as one speaking from the dead. Towards the beginning of The Exploding Boomerang Warning Moroni states, “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not (Mormon 8:35). Towards the end of what is obviously an extension of The Exploding Boomerang Warning Moroni reinforces “Behold, I speak unto you as though I speak from the dead” (Mormon 9:30). There is nowhere in Moroni’s writings that he reinforces he is speaking from the dead like this. There are no references anywhere else at all like this to be found.
- The dirty little secret not taught in the Mormon Church is what is now Mormon Chapters Eight and Nine were originally Mormon Chapter Five in the 1830, original, edition of The Book Of Mormon. In an obvious attempt to “transfigure” the meaning of what is now Chapter Nine the Mormon Church officially separated it into its own chapter apart from Chapter Eight. The reality is Chapter Nine is an extension of Chapter Eight for the following reasons.
- Chapter Nine is a plea for those who “do not believe in Christ” (Mormon 9:1). Obviously Mormons, and the Mormon Church officially, who have denied the Words of Christ plainly given in The Exploding Boomerang Warning, right in The Book Of Mormon, have in reality, according to the Mormon Articles Of Faith and Mormon Scriptures, denied the Words of Christ, Jesus Christ Himself and The Book Of Mormon as a whole. Chapter Nine is an attempt to bring a Mormon’s attention back to The Exploding Boomerang Warning and for the Mormon to repent from the sin of denying Christ.
- Apparently there have been many sincere Christians who knew The Book Of Mormon was false and have tried to prove it was false. These sincere Christians have failed for the most part in their efforts because their efforts and proofs were not conclusive enough.
- What Christians have failed at in the past the Mormons, and the Mormon Church officially, have done to themselves and the Mormons have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with their own conclusive evidence and testimonies of actions that The Book Of Mormon is a book that can be officially trifled with and “transfigured” by the Mormon Church officially on its own without any perceived consequences from God. Is this not a testimony by actions that The Book Of Mormon is not true? Do actions speak louder than words?
- What the Mormon people, and the Mormon Church officially, have done to themselves and The Book Of Mormon could be considered a dynamic “negative-positive proof” The Book Of Mormon is true. Who could have ever predicted in 1830 the terrible “pollutions” and widespread “hypocrites” that would have “transfigured” the scriptures and be running the Mormon Church now except for God Himself?
- The only problem with this “negative-positive proof” is the Mormon people, and the Mormon Church officially, are denying this proof by denying The Exploding Boomerang Warning has anything to do with the Mormon Church even though all the evidence points to the Mormon Church and people.
- Obviously if The Book Of Mormon started out to be a fraud in 1830 then the people who promoted it are a fraud also. By extension The Church promoted by these same people in 1830 would also be a fraud too. There is a Natural Law that states things left on their own become more disorganized than before. By extension a corrupted and “polluted” church lead by “hypocrites” will only become more corrupted, “polluted,” and hypocritical as time goes on and this can fully explain why the Mormon Church is so corrupted, “polluted,” and run by so many more “hypocrites” now than ever before. This set of circumstances cancels out any “negative-positive proof” that may have been valid before.
- In the book, A Marvelous Work And A Wonder by Legrand Richards (I love Legrand Richards), there is an account (page 3) of a Catholic Church [leader] who “spoke from the stand of the Salt Lake Tabernacle” many years ago and was “a great scholar, with perhaps a dozen languages at his tongue’s end, he seemed to know all about theology, law, literature, science and philosophy. One day he said…’You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don’t even know the strength of your own position.” What an insightful man this Catholic was for the following reason.
- The Exploding Boomerang Warning is the basis for a dynamic “negative-positive proof” The Book Of Mormon and the Mormon Church are true IF the Mormon people, and the Mormon Church officially, would just admit they are the subject of The Exploding boomerang Warning and take serious measures to correct the corruptions, “pollutions,” and hypocrisy so prevalent in The Church for all to see anyway. It is no secret the Mormon Church is well corrupted today. This is exactly why I have suggested a General Complaint Department (see Mission Statement Page on this website). I was excommunicated for this suggestion. It is better to be right than to be a member. It would be better to be able to be right and to be a member too.
- The problem with the Mormon people, and the Mormon Church officially, not admitting the obvious about The Exploding Boomerang Warning is they are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt they are not lead by The Holy Ghost at all, if they ever were, and this is proof positive the Mormon Church is no longer “the holy church of God” IF they ever were The True Church. In reality the Mormon people, and the Mormon Church officially, are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt “You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don’t even know the strength of your own position.”
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted September 28, 2014
“The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind” (Article #8)
The Mormon Church has experienced a lot of negative PR (Public Relations) as a direct result of excommunicating members for “apostasy” who were only telling the truth. See Mock Trial Page of this website for my particular circumstances. See the Other Articles Page of this website for The Kate Kelly Story and some of her circumstances.
In a most unusual move by the Mormon Church they are going to survey 1,000 “select” members (out of 15,000,000) about Church policy and doctrine pertaining to “women, ordination, apostasy, PR and more.” This according to a Salt Lake Tribune article on July 14, 2014, the day after the Mormon Church announcement about this survey. Obviously the Mormon Church’s foundation has been shaken by their own inappropriate Church policy manuals, Church doctrine and as a result the Church’s own diabolical behavior pertaining to its own members they have labeled “apostates” and have punished with Church courts in attempts to control its membership and take away their “free agency.”
Apparently the Mormon “Prophets” no longer know what God wants for the Mormon Church and the Mormon “Prophets” know they no longer receive direct revelations from God, IF they ever did, for the administration of the Mormon Church so they have moistened their finger and are now holding their finger in the wind. Obviously the Mormon Prophet(s) are hoping “The answer Is Blowing In The Wind,” and they will receive revelation through their finger by way of the winds of public opinion and this will get them out of a jam. This is sad but true.
The SLT article quotes the Mormon Church as saying, “Such research in not unusual in the LDS Church” which to say this is a big lie. The proof this is a big lie is this is a big news article in the SLT and newspapers usually report the unusual! Unusual things get reported and the usual, mundane and everyday things don’t. The SLT article does report the survey is, “for internal use only” and “are not made public.” So even after The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind Test what ever comes out of this survey will be kept secret. Compare a Book Of Mormon scripture (IF The Book Of Mormon is scripture) Ether 8:19 (page 501), “The Lord worketh not in secret combinations.” If The Lord doesn’t work in secret then why would a church that claims to represent The Lord work in secret?
The SLT article opens with, “Feminist Kate Kelly’s excommunication from the LDS Church in June may have been a local decision [Like h@$# it was just local. SLC micromanaged this from the start.], but Mormon officials knew its impact, given all the media attention, would reach members across the nation, if not the globe.” The SLT was able to discern the real reason for this Church PR maneuver with the phantom (secret information) and bogus (the truth doesn’t matter) survey; the Mormon Church now finds itself in a hurry up defensive maneuver about damage control. Perhaps baptism, meeting attendance and tithing figures are down? That is a barometer reading even the Mormon Church proud leaders “hypocrites” can’t ignore for long. The Church HQ waiting for the trend on tithing donations would explain the 2 month lag time for this survey since The Kate Kelly Story (on Other Articles Page of this website) had settled down. Apparently tithing went down and did NOT rebound so The Church had to do something! The Church, exactly like the U.S. Federal Government, needs more money! Look for this special survey to be mentioned in the next Semi-Annual General Conference (October 2014) in such a way to give the appearance the Mormon Church “hypocrite” (Jesus’ Word, not mine) leadership is doing everything right and the membership backs the leadership 100%.
One item not mentioned in the SLT article, and the Mormon Church would know this and no doubt want to keep it a secret, would be how many other Mormon Church courts have been held labeling others “apostates” when they in reality were not apostates and were only telling the truth about the “hypocrites” in the Mormon Church leadership positions that have “polluted the holy church of God” meaning the Mormon Church according to the proud Mormon traditions that the Mormon Church is the “one and only True Church.” What are Mormon Church leaders thinking about when they attack members who are only telling the truth?
About the survey question(s) about the term and definition for “apostasy.” Right in my appeals documents is all the information the silly and follish Mormon Church Prophet(s) needs to know about the absurd Mormon Church “official” definition of “apostasy.” I specifically and directly stated, “The Mormon Church’s peculiar definition of ‘apostasy’ and ‘apostate’ also categorizes Jesus Christ as an ‘apostate’ and The Book Of Mormon as an instrument of ‘apostasy’ for they both truly testify in a public venue against the Mormon Church and specifically the Mormon Church leaders as being ‘pollutions’ and ‘hypocrites’ that have ‘polluted the holy church of God’ meaning the Mormon Church. These are Jesus Christ’s words of Warning, not mine if The Book Of Mormon is to be believed.” Obviously the benefit of the doubt in the Mormon Church goes to their corrupted leaders and their corrupted policy manuals and what The Book Of Mormon says as well as what Jesus Christ says in any scripture gets no benefit of the doubt in a Mormon Church court. Is this NOT amazing for anything like this to happen in a church that claims to be Christian? So much for verbal testimonies about believing in Christ. Believe the actions and follow the money.
So the Mormon Church is now going to waste their time, money and resources, as well as the time (perhaps money and resources) of others participating in a bogus survey to prove what? To prove the Mormon Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, is so proud he would cut his own nose off to spite his own face. How much more evidence does anyone need to know the Mormon Church leadership is no longer inspired of God, IF they ever were, and are “reprobate concerning the faith” (2 Timothy 3:8) meaning the True Gospel Of Jesus Christ. This is not surprising because Mormon Church leaders routinely deny Jesus Christ and His Gospel. In my appeals documents I pointed out how two stake high councils, two stake presidencies, everyone in the food chain of Mormon priesthood right up to The First Presidency has denied Jesus Christ twice with two “Stomp On Jesus,” mock Trial, Church Courts.
Check this out yourself on the Mock Trial Page of this website and the SLT article at
Again, you read, you investigate and you pray if you like and you can be the judge.
Brother Jim Kelley
Posted August 14, 2014
Brother Jim Wants To Participate In The Mormon Church Survey (Articles #9)
August 14, 2014
Subject: Mormon Survey about “Apostasy”
Reference: I did NOT get my questionnaire
Dear Research Information Division of the Correlation Department of the Mormon Church,
Please forgive me for asking, perhaps my questionnaire got lost in the mail, where is my questionnaire for this survey?
Actually the Mormon Church doesn’t need any stupid survey to answer the questions of “apostasy,” etc.
The information is right in front of The First Presidency and there is NO need to waste any time and money on a stupid survey so the “hypocrite” Mormon Church leaders can continue to “pollute the holy church of God” some more. The First Presidency is pulling your chain and leading you on a wild goose chase. I gave them all the explanation they needed in my appeals documents and those documents can be found on on the Mock Trial Page. I outlined and proved The Church’s definition of “apostasy” would include Jesus Christ as an “apostate” and The Book Of Mormon as an instrument of “apostasy.” Stake President Dale Rodman assured me in a telephone conversation with me, he had discussed my appeals documents with The First Presidency, on the phone, several times during the weeks just before The First Presidency “affirmed” President Rodman’s decision to excommunicate me. This is proof positive The First Presidency had possession of and is without any excuse to not being able to read and understand those documents including my explanation and commentary about the Mormon Church’s false “official” definition of “apostasy” that makes Jesus Christ an “apostate” and The Book Of Mormon an instrument of “apostasy.”
When in H@$% did The First Presidency start doing surveys to determine “official” Church policy and doctrine? Answer: When The First Presidency realized they are NOT guided by The Holy Ghost any longer. That is probably the most truthful answer you will get the whole time you do this survey.
No matter what any spokesperson for The Church says or what the Mormon PR machine tries to promote about this survey being “not unusual” remember this, it made the news. Unusual things make the news. Like the old newspaper adage states, “A dog biting a man is not news but a man biting a dog is.”
How does it feel to be caught up in the “pollutions” of the Mormon Church just to be able to keep your job? That would be sickening for me.
Respectfully (as much as I can muster and stomach),
Brother Jim Kelley
Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake
Mailed on August 15, 2014, U.S. Mail, Postage prepaid.
Another “Official” Gag Order (Article #10)
Because at first I was directing all of my comments, both in letter and on this website, to Mormons I referred to Mormon 8:33-41 as Jesus Christ’s Warning because according to the Mormon Myth(s) Jesus Christ caused this to be written in The Book Of Mormon (Moroni 10:27). “When in Rome you do as the Romans do,” right? Because of the universal actions, reactions, of all Mormons so far (not one Mormon has come forward to support the words of Jesus Christ according to their own Myths), and because of all the follies the Mormons are currently involved in, in reference to Jesus Christ’s Warning as recorded in The Book Of Mormon, it seemed to be more appropriate to change the name to The Exploding Boomerang Warning so that is what I did.
Consider this concept; for Mormons to claim a personal testimony of Jesus Christ and The Book Of Mormon in any way, shape or form, and then end that testimony “in the name of Jesus Christ” and then to deny Jesus Christ’s Warning that is plainly written in their Book Of Mormon, is the same as blasphemy and taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Because Jesus Christ did cause many of His Warnings to be preserved in The Holy Bible scriptures that everyone can believe in that are directly applicable to the Mormon Church and the Mormon people right now The Jesus Christ’s Warning Project is still an applicable and appropriate name to use in reference to the Mormon people and the Mormon Church’s “official” conduct right now. I have had some stationary and matching envelopes printed for The Jesus Christ’s Warning Project and I have recently used this stationary and the envelopes in my communications with Mormon Church leaders and I got an “official” Mormon Church response to quit. No kidding.
Apparently the Mormon Church leaders are offended and ashamed by the Name of Jesus Christ on this stationary and the envelopes (Mormon 8:38). BOOMERANG!!!
See Other Articles Page for copies of these letters that will be posted by September, I hope. I am only a one man army against the powers of Satan in the Mormon Church and I can only do so much and this all takes time.
Brother Jim
Posted August 25, 2014
Letter To BYU Scholars, “Hypocrites” And Cowards (Article #11)
July 13, 2014
Subject: Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning]
Reference: Your discussions on The Book of Mormon Series, specifically Mormon 7-9 [Google “mormon chapter eight” to get a link to this video.]
To: The four professors at the BYU Department Of Ancient Scriptures.
Dear Keith J. Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley A. Johnson,
The reason I am writing you is because of a Discussions On The Book Of Mormon series apparently aired on KBYU-TV and I wish to particularly address your discussion on Mormon 7-9.
Your TV discussion on these three crucial chapters for the Mormon Church was uninspired, empty, wandered back and forth, and was milk toast totally ignoring (perhaps purposely avoiding) the meat of the matter which is Jesus Christ’s Warning [ The Exploding Boomerang Warning] directed specifically to, for and at the Mormon Church. You looked like four gerbils running on a tread mill, ever running but going nowhere. You seemed to be a perfect example of “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).
For your convenience I will attach a study guide of my commentary for Mormon 8:33-41. I suggest you swallow your pride (Mormon 8:36) and prayerfully study this guide and commentary out in your hearts and minds for it contains the truth and The True Church should never be afraid of the truth.
When you have gained a better knowledge of the meat perhaps you can go to my website,, and learn even more. Perhaps as LDS scriptural scholars, on an academic level, you can address the subject of Jesus Christ’s Warning [ The Exploding Boomerang Warning] to The First Presidency and advise them they have wrongfully persecuted members for only telling the truth about Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning]?
Please forgive me if I have been to direct with this letter. Like Mormon, Moroni and Jesus, I too am weary because of stupid Mormons who deny Christ and I am fearful and concerned for their well being on Judgment Day. According to Moroni, he will be standing as a witness against any Mormon who denies Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning]. Compare the words “like as one crying from the dead” in Moroni 10:27 to the words “I speak unto you as if ye are present, and yet ye are not” in Mormon 8:35. The words of Moroni in Moroni 10:27 are an obvious and a direct tie to Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning] (Mormon 8:33-41)and just as obvious is Jesus Christ will be asking Mormons about His Warning on Judgment Day. Could there be a more urgent message for all Mormons anywhere else in the whole Book Of Mormon?
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Jim Kelley, Bolivar Ward, Springfield, Mo. Stake
Enclosure: Brother Jim’s Commentary For Jesus Christ’s Warning [The Exploding Boomerang Warning], Mormon 8:33-41 [The same outline as on the Home Page of this website.]
[As of December 24, 2014, NOT one peep from these scholarly Mormon cowards and “hypocrites.” This is so typical of those who get their paycheck from the Mormon Church. ]
[On September 15, 2014, two months after I sent the letter, I received the letter I sent to Brother David Whitchurch back, marked by the Post Office, “INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS” and hand written on the envelope, “Return to Sender.” Obviously the address was just fine and the “good and faithful Brother” David Whitchurch read one of the other letters sent and decided to be a good Mormon “boy” and send his back perhaps hoping to hurt my feelings and make some brownie points with his “hypocrite” Mormon Church superiors. In reality all the boy David demonstrated and proved was he is the biggest coward and “hypocrite” of the four.
Is it not interesting all four letters were addressed identically and only one came back marked as “INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS?” I addressed each of the four letters to each of the four professors respectively with the exact same address, “Department of Ancient Scriptures, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602.”
Is it possible Brigham Young University has such incompetent personal, no doubt all Mormons, they couldn’t get this letter delivered to the Department of Ancient Scriptures? The Department of Ancient Scriptures was specifically noted in the KBYU-TV program specifically noted in the letters. Surely the U.S. Post Office in Provo, Utah knows where Brigham Young University is and is capable of delivering a letter addressed to Brigham Young University to Brigham Young University, unless the postal employees are Mormons too.
The incompetence of many of the Mormon people in Mormon Church positions, perhaps Mormons in the Post Office too, seems to be never ending. ]
Posted July 14, 2014
Mormon Responses (Article #12)
I have tried to be absolutely fair and give Mormons every opportunity to respond to this website. So far no one.
But then considering what the truth is what can Mormons say, what dare they say, side by side with the truth right on this website?
No doubt Mormons, especially Mormon Church leaders, will continue to speak their “apostate” hypocrisy rhetoric and “transfiguring” logic over and around the pulpits of the Mormon Church everywhere. Some of this will be posted on this website.
IF a Mormon were to respond to this website this is where I would post that response. So far empty. Yes I am sad about no responses.
Brother Jim
Posted May 7, 2014
Dear Full-Time Missionaries And The Mormon Church Membership In General (Article # 13)
This website contains the truth and the truth in and of itself is not offensive. The truth is only offensive when and if a person violates the principles of the truth.
Jesus Christ is a God of light and truth. If He were to cease to teach and to be in favor of light and truth He would cease to be God. So it is also with any disciples of Jesus Christ as well. When pretended disciples of Jesus Christ cease to honor and follow the truth they cease to be disciples of Jesus Christ. That is just the plain truth.
To claim to follow Jesus Christ as His disciple and then to deny the truth is not compatible behavior and makes that person a “hypocrite.” (They have “boomeranged” themselves!) This is exactly why I, Brother Jim, chose the truth at the peril of facing two “Stomp On Jesus,” Mock Trial, Church Courts and excommunication at the hands of dozens of “hypocrite” Mormon Church leaders. I didn’t want to be personally “boomeranged” for ignoring the truth and I wasn’t because I held fast to the truth as revealed by The Holy Ghost and the Holy Scriptures. Those who ignore The Holy Ghost and the Holy Scriptures will “boomerang” themselves.
May I suggest, IF you have “the Spirit and power of God” (Official Declaration-1) with you, you will do just fine in your missionary labors. If you don’t you will fall flat on your faces.
The bottom line here is don’t blame those who are NOT responsible for the irrational and imprudent actions of the Mormon Church leadership against the truth. Blame those who are responsible like President Thomas S. Monson on down including your mission president.
As a full-time missionary you are a part of an army of almost 90,000 souls. You did not go out intending to be defeated by the truth. IF you have “the Spirit and power of God” you will not be defeated by anything IF you are on the side of truth? If a full-time missionary, or member, is NOT on the side of the truth they will NOT have “the Spirit and power of God” with them. That is the absolute truth!
As a full-time missionary you are in a good position to ask your Church leaders questions pertaining to The Exploding Boomerang Warning and decide for yourself whether Mormon Church leaders are inspired of God or are “hypocrites.” It doesn’t get any simpler than this.
Obviously if the Mormon Church leaders find fault with you, or anyone else, for only asking questions about obvious statements contained in The Book Of Mormon then where is the Church leaders’ testimony pertaining to The Book Of Mormon? Why would you follow or stick with such a person as your leader? Most important, if you don’t ask questions about the obvious truths, contained in The Book Of Mormon, plainly stated against the Mormon Church (The Exploding Boomerang Warning for one example), then what does this say about you as a Mormon or a disciple of Jesus Christ? Are you the kind to shirk your duty?
The bottom line here is, if Brother Jim is right then the Mormon Church is wrong. If the Mormon Church is right then Brother Jim is wrong. There is no middle ground or gray areas on this one. Brother Jim has the Words of Jesus Christ (IF The Book Of Mormon is true) as recorded in Mormon 8:33-41, Proper English Grammar Rules, other collaborating scriptures, well known lies-deceptions of the Mormon Church leaders, Mormon History, Mormon testimonies, etc. to prove his case. The Mormon Church only has The Letter With No Name to substantiate its case in their weak and puerile intellectualities and unfortunately for the Mormon Church, The Letter With No Name proves part of The Exploding Boomerang Warning, the part perhaps hardest to prove,to be true.
For many righteous Mormons today they feel they did not leave The Church, The Church has left them. Another way of expressing this is, The Mormon Church has failed to be as good as its righteous members (as few as there seems to be) and this is serious enough to have to do something positive to correct it. That is exactly why this website was launched and for no other reason. Other Mormons will have to decide for themselves what, if anything, they will do to help right the wrongs the Mormon Church has purposely imposed upon them and others. As for Brother Jim, he chooses Jesus Christ and The Book Of Mormon. IF The Book Of Mormon is true, Jesus Christ did NOT put anything in it He did not want to be read, discerned and acted upon. Is this not a true statement? And what are true deciples of Jesus Christ supposed to do about-with the truth?
May God bless the full-time missionaries, the righteous Mormons and all of your righteous desires and efforts. I pray for you each and every day.
In the sacred and honorable name of Jesus Christ, A-men.
Brother Jim
Posted September 8, 2014
The Most Resent Articles To This Website Article # 14)
This feature added September 3, 2014.
In order to help those who visit this website often to locate and read the most resent articles I will list the most recent for the past several months or so. That way you don’t have to scan-search the whole site if you are just looking for the most recent articles.
1. Kate Kelly Loses Her Appeal. After months of her Stake President sitting on Kate’s Appeal Letter he finally revealed his decision (his decision was made months earlier when SLC told him to tell the Bishop to excommunicate Sister Kate) to deny the appeal. What a surprise . My article is forthcoming. It will be truthful but not very kind for The Church. After all The Church has not been very kind to Sister Kate Kelly and what The Church has done in many of these cases is the same as mental cruelty and abuse to their own members. In the meantime go to the Salt Lake Tribune ( and get an eye full of negative P.R. for The Church. It would seem “what goes around comes around.” Hundreds of responses to the article on line. Don’t be surprised if you can’t get through to this website and article. It has crashed several times. (11-2-14)
2. The Word Of Wisdom, A 20th Century Mormon Folly (Article #5 on the Mormon Follies Page). Includes a personal letter to Presdient Monson asking, for the 10th time perhaps (I have lost count), what is his “official” interpretation of “the holy church of God” found in Mormon 8:38. Posted November 17, 2014. As of December 19, 2014, not a peep. Is President Monson demonstrating he is a coward by not responding? No answer is in reality an answer and perhaps more damning than if he would actually make a reply. Questions: A. Would a true Prophet of God be afraid to answer an honest question about the scriptures? B. Would a true Prophet of God be so rude to a fellow disciple of Jesus Christ that he would ignore an honest question about the scriptures asked of him so many times?
3. As promised in item #5 above, my article, “True Grit” Verses True Stupidity, commentary for the ongoing Kate Kelly Story, is on the Other Articles Page as article #64. As predicted this article is not kind to The First Presidency cowards. Posted December 19, 2014.
4. A Well Oiled Machine Or Corporation. Commentary on how the Mormon General Authorities are incompetent compared to past Mormon generations. Article is on the Other Articles Page as Article #65.
5. Can The Mormon Church Borrow Pope Francis For A Season? Essay on how little manhood The First Presidency really has in their testimony for Jesus Christ. On Other Articles Page as Article #66. Posted Christmas Day. Merry Christmas Mormon Church General Authority “hypocrites.”
6. Priestcrafts And Iniquities In The Mormon Church. The Mormon Church Leadership Manuals represent modern day priestcrafts. Also Brother Jim’s, who has a pair big enough, letter to the First Presidency cowards asking why the Mormon Church Leadership Manuals contain secret policies against members the members are not allowed to read for themselves. On Other Articles Page as Article # 67. Posted Christmas Day, 2014. Again, Merry Christmas Mormon Church General Authority “hypocrites.”
7. Two Honest Letters Of Inquiry That Are Being Ignored By The Mormon First Presidency. Here are two, among dozens of others, honest letters of inquiry Brother Jim has sent in the past to The Mormon Church First Presidency and The First Presidency has only showed rudeness (A Lamanite trait, 1 Nephi 18:9 and 2 Nephi 2:1) in return. May you read these honest letters of inquiry and then you be the judge if The Mormon Church First Presidency should be rude and just ignore these letters. On Other Articles Page as Article #68. Posted December 26, 2014.
8. The Goodness And Mercy Of God In Prayer. Brother Jim’s exchange with The Holy Ghost about the goodness and mercies of the principle of prayer. On Other Articles Page as Article #69. Posted January 8, 2015.
9. Commentary On All The Book Of Mormon Warnings. The Mormon Church has preached, perhaps since 1830, The Book Of Mormon is an abridgment specifically for the learning and profit of the Latter-day Saints. It has been taught in the Mormon Church that The Prophet Mormon knew exactly what Latter-day Saints needed to read and know in order to stay out of trouble and that is exactly why The Book Of Mormon was abridged the way it was. This Mormon preaching specifically mentions that Latter-day Saints can learn from the examples of The Book Of Mormon people and then have a chance to not make the same mistakes as they did if the Latter-day Saints will only pay attention. I believe this is a correct and true principle and concept. Unfortunately the Mormon General Authorities seem to pay a lot of lip service to this principle but refuse to recognize actual case examples how Latter-day Saints have fallen into the exact same traps of Satan as The Book Of Mormon people did that are specifically outlined and mentioned in The Book Of Mormon. This article, with commentary, will point out and explain those examples the Mormon Apostles and Prophets refuse to acknowledge at least in public. This is going to be an ongoing article from cover to cover. The Book Of Mormon has 531 pages and there is perhaps an average of one example on each page so this will take some time. I will try to be brief and only use the most obvious examples leaving out the lesser obvious examples. Started January 18, 2015 and will continue for a year or two. Other Scriptures Page as Article #6.
Another Testament of Jesus Christ (Example #1) included at the time of the original article.
The Title Page (Example #2) added Feb. 4, 2015.
Introduction (Example #3) added Feb. 4, 2015.
The Testimony Of Three Witnesses (Example #4) added Feb. 7, 2015.
The Testimony Of The Prophet Joseph Smith (Example #5) added Feb. 9, 2015.
1 Nephi Chapter 1 (Example #6) added Feb. 15, 2015.
10. First Presidency Messages. This will be an ongoing article demonstrating the “pollutions” and hypocrisy of The First Presidency of the Mormon Church in their monthly messages in the Ensign. Posted on the Other Articles Page as Article #71 and started on January 24, 2015.
11. 1 Thessalonians 5:21. “Prove all things; hold fast [to] that which is good.” Posted on the Other Scriptures Page as Article #5. Posted January 31, 2015.
12. People will be going to hell with “That is your interpretation” on their lips. (Article #72). Other Articles Page. Posted January 31, 2015.
13. Be Careful!!! A report on who should really be careful in the Mormon Church. Article #70 on the Other Articles Page. Posted Feb. 14, 2015, Valentine’s Day.
14. Thin Skinned Mormon Church Leader “Hypocrites.” They can dish it out but they can’t take it. Article #73 on the Other Articles Page. Posted Feb. 15, 2015.
16. Mormon Church General Authority Spiritual Pigmy “Hypocrites” Get Crammed. Article #74 on the Other Articles Page. Posted Feb. 16, 2015.
17. Was my article a “hot potato?” Article # 75 on the Other Articles Page. Posted Feb. 18, 2015. On Feb. 19, 2015 I received an e-mail my article was approved and posted. This website is very well done and well attended. I suggest all go there and if you like it participate and donate if you can.
18. Elder L. Tom Perry, a Mormon Apostle, says, “Moroni’s last words [Mormon 8:34-38] to the members [Mormons] of the Church [Mormon Church] are written as a warning.” This is proof positive The Stupid Letter With No Name, that wrongfully convicted me in Church Court, is a lie written by incompetent Mormon Church employees. Article # 76 on the other Articles Page. Posted Feb. 18, 2015.
19. The City Creek Center Mall Tithing Money Folly. Mormon Follies Page as Article #6. Also posted on February 21, 2015
20. The Man Makes His Priesthood. There is a saying in the U.S. Military that, “The uniform doesn’t make the man but the man makes his uniform.” Other Articles Page as Article # 77. Posted February 21, 2015.
21. I Had A Dream. How can we know Jesus Christ’s Warning is true? Posted on the Other Articles Page as Article # 78. February 27, 2015.
22. Kate Kelly Denied Her Appeal By The First Presidency. This is the article I intended to post on LDS Freedom Forum first but they are working on their server. On the Other Articles Page as Article #79. Posted Feb. 28, 2015
23. The Church pulled an Elder Poelman in 1984. I am giving you two links of an incredible story how Church officials changed Elder Poelman’s October 1984 General Conference talk, why they did it and how they did it in secret until the General Authorities got caught. Other Articles Page as Article # 80. Posted March 5, 2015.
24. There Are NO Flaws Or “False Doctrine”!!! Article was cut from the Home Page and pasted to the Other Articles Page as Article # 81. May 31, 2015.
25. Take The Confederate Flag Down! Could this be a cleaver way Satan has to take The Book Of Mormon out of the public? Other Articles Page, Article 82. Posted July 4, 2015.
26. Mormon “Tithing and Other Offerings” Folly . Just look at your tithing donation slip for the proof. Mormon Follies Page as Article #7. Posted July 19, 2015.
27. Stay in a leaky boat? Why? An article about the USS Good Ship Mormon Church and who is at the helm? Other Articles Page as Article # 83. Posted August 10, 2015.
28. The 21st Century Mormon Zoo & Circus. Article about some of the animals & clowns known as Mormons. Other Articles Page as Article # 84. Posted August 16, 2015.
29. The Kate Kelly Influence. How The First Presidency is caving to the winds of public opinion and political correctness pertaining to long standing policy in The Church. Other Articles Page as Article #85. Posted August 21, 2015.
30. Owning The Harm That You Cause. Will Mormon Church leaders ever give up their pride and admit they have purposely and wrongfully hurt others? Other Articles Page as Article #86. Posted August 26, 2015.
31. The Mormon Church Punishes Its Members For Telling The Truth! Other Articles Page as Article #87. Posted August 29, 2015.
32. When Revelation Is Blowing In The Wind. Other Articles Page as Article #88. Posted September 2, 2015.
33. Finding Fault With The Righteous. Other Articles Page as Article #89. Posted September 3, 2015.
34. The Mormon Church Is Stuck In The 16th Century. Other Articles Page as Article #90. Posted September 3, 2015.
35. Just How Stupid Can That Be? Other Articles Page as Article #91. Posted September 5, 2015.
36. Nobody Has An Obligation To Be A Victim Or A Chump! Other Articles Page as Article #92. Posted September 6, 2015.
37. The Mormon “You Can’t Buy Things On Sunday” Folly. Mormon Follies Page as Article #8. Posted September 8, 2015.
38. Three Planks Of The Democrat Party Platform . Other Articles Page as Article #93. posted September 10, 2015.
39. The Evolution Of Evil. Other Articles Page as Article #94. Posted September 11, 2015.
40. A False Religion. The proof is President Monson is a fallen prophet. Other Articles Page as Article #95. Posted September 16, 2015.
41. The Mormon Church Flat Earth Society. Other Articles page as Article #96. Posted September 17, 2015.
42. It Just Doesn’t Seem To Register. Other Articles Page as Article #97. Posted September 18, 2015.
43. Ignorant/Stupid Mormons. Other Articles Page as Article #98. Posted September 20, 2015.
44. Thin Skin. I am not sure exactly what to make of this situation but my instincts seem to indicate the Mormon Church General Authority and lawyer has thin skin. Other Articles Page as Article #99. Posted September 27, 2015.
45. My Challenge Was Heard !!! Other Articles Page as Article # 100. Posted October 5, 2015.
46. “Save A Few Only.” Other Articles Page as Article #101. Posted October 6, 2015.
47. “Who Swear By the Name Of The Lord.” Other Articles page as Article #102. Posted October 8, 2015.
48. Ponderize-A Three Ring Circus. Other Articles Page as Article #103. Posted October 9, 2015.
49. Bastardize. The result of ponderize. Other Articles Page as Article #104. Posted October 11, 2015.
50. To Ponder; “that is the question.” Other Articles Page as Article #105. Posted October 11, 2015.
51. Pathological Personalities. Other Articles page as Article #106. posted October 12, 2015.
The contents of this website copyrighted 2013, 2014 and 2015.